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Whack with Freishia is the official podcast of Freishia B, where no topic is off bounds. Having travelled the world as one of India’s awardwinning emcees, and as a travel show host, her curiosity led to starting her own Youtube channel, Whack, which has over 17 million views.Through Whack, she asks questions that will spark your curiosity and expand your mind one megabyte at a time. If there’s something you always wondered about, it’s probably already answered on Whack. Come join the tribe 

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  • A Korean Wave That is Taking Over the World: Hallyu 2.0
    10 min

    What if we told you that BTS and so many other bands KPop, TV shows KDramas, and movies were all an intentional plan by the Korean government In this next episode, Freishia discusses the Korean wave taking over the world: Hallyu.Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BOr the YouTube video of this episode here.

  • How to Fix Your Communication Mistakes
    6 min 48 sec

    Often we find ourselves in a situation where we cant get our point across or simply feel misunderstood. More often than not, this can be attributed to a few common communication mistakes we all make. Explore what these are and how you can fix this in this next episode of Whack 

  • Five Books That Changed My Life
    12 min 49 sec

    For Freishia, words have played a central role through her career — whether it was theatre, as a TV presenter, through her YouTube channel, or this podcast. And books have been her companion through this journey. In this next episode of Whack, Freishia gives us an audio sneak peek into her bookshelf and the 5 books — plus two bonus recommendations — that have changed her life. She also shares a cardinal rule for all readers: never lend your books. Listen to know more.

  • Why Are Sex Toys Banned in India?
    13 min 49 sec

    We have had a complicated relationship with sex toys. Archaic laws govern the rules around sex toys in India. Is it legal Is it illegal In this weeks episode lets understand what the problem is and why sex toys are banned. Freishia speaks with a lawyer and the owner of a sex toy company to understand what exactly does the law say and how companies are trying to work their way around it. Disclaimer: Do not listen to this episode with your family, this episode is not sponsored by any sex toys company. Keep your headphones on and buckle up Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BOr the YouTube video of this episode here

  • A Way To Know Yourself
    15 min 4 sec

    Do you want to understand yourself better The OCEAN test may help. OCEAN is a personality test that breaks up human behaviour into these five personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. We all possess these traits albeit to different degrees. In this next episode, Freishia breaks down OCEAN. And, as she mentions in the episode, below in the show notes you can find the link to the test. Show Notes:OCEAN test PaidOCEAN test FreeJordan Petersons lectures: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos Preview2017 Maps of Meaning 01: Context and BackgroundFind Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BAnd the YouTube video of this episode here 

  • India's Food Dilemma
    12 min 9 sec

    India has slid down the Global Hunger Index GHI to 101 among 116 countries this year. Khana Khana Everywhere and not a bite to eat. What do you think about the Global Hunger Index that recently came out and what are your thoughts about this dichotomy that we are seeing around us 

  • Whack: The Podcast
    1 min 11 sec

    Welcome to Whack, a podcast hosted by Freishia B, where no topic is off bounds. Having travelled the world as one of India’s awardwinning emcees, and as a travel show host, her curiosity led to her own Youtube channel, Whack, which has over 17 million views. Through Whack she asks questions that will spark your curiosity and expand your mind one megabyte at a time. If there’s something you always wondered about, it’s probably already answered on Whack.Come join the tribe 

  • Freedom Fighters You've Never Heard Of
    8 min 32 sec

    In this opening episode, Freishia tells you about 3 fearless, badass women freedom fighters because your history books didnt. This Independence Day, listen in to the intriguing stories of 3 very serious femme fatale from Indias independence movement. Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BOr her YouTube channel here

  • How to Convince Anyone Anywhere
    11 min 54 sec

    In this episode, Freishia takes you through the basics of NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming. Whether it’s an interview, sales pitch, presentation, or a simple conversation with a friend, the world of NLP offers a way for you to apply these techniques to become a more effective and confident communicator.  Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BOr her YouTube channel here

  • The Porndemic
    14 min 2 sec

    The pandemic gave rise to many things, including an explosion in the porn industry. In this episode, Freishia shares a few facts about the porn industry in India, and globally. She shares insights on how the way we consume porn is changing and so is the amount, and the effect of these consumption patterns on our society. Tune in for an episode that’s going to definitely leave you with insights you weren’t aware of in this next episode of Whack: The Porndemic.Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BAnd the YouTube video of this episode here

  • Who Are The Parsis?
    12 min 45 sec

    Who are the Parsis of India In this episode, Freishia goes beyond stereotypes to delve into the rich history of the Parsi community in India. From their contributions to the architecture of Mumbai to their hand in the first riot of Mumbai, you’re sure to leave this episode with a renewed understanding of the Parsi community. Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia B

  • Hidden Secrets & Facts in Indian Currency
    9 min 8 sec

    What are those dots on our currency notes Where do old notes go How much does it cost to mint coins and notes In this next episode, Freishia uncovers all the hidden facts of Indian currency. Find Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BOr the YouTube video of this episode here 

  • Freemasons of India: Part I
    12 min 53 sec

    Freemasons have been around since the 1500s and today in India there are close to 25,000 of them. How are they What is their history And, what does this society do Freishia looks for these answers in this next episode which is the first part in a twopart series on Freemasons of India.  

  • Freemasons of India: Part II
    14 min 22 sec

    In part 2 of this series, Freishia dives into the conspiracy theories behind the Freemasons, New World Order, and the Illuminati. Are they really Satanic And what are the different theories that people have about them More so what are the roots behind these theories. Join Freishia as she explores old religions and turns back the clock to 300AD in this next episode of Whack. Article on The Eye Of The ProvidenceFind Freishia on:Instagram at freishiaTwitter at freishiabFacebook at Freishia BOr the YouTube video of this episode here




Society & Culture
