Powered By EPIC ON. Welcome to the podcast where all stories are welcome. This is a podcast with no agenda. Hidden or otherwise. In a freewheeling conversation over coffee, Sheba gently nudges people to shake off their masks and share their real selves. Hear what keeps people ticking, what helps them make sense of the world, and what is the inner, most private conversation people have with themselves. Hear people being, well….human. Expect to hear from the quiet introverts, because Sheba has a soft corner for them.
Presenting a special soul conversation over coffee with Yash Kumar. Fun, Quirky, Driventodogood How do you describe a 19yearold who has grown up battling a number of issues and is already on his path to helping others Affected by a mix of ADHD, Dyslexia, and some other challenges since he was a child, Yash has been pushing on to spread awareness about syndromes and special needs in an effort to create a more inclusive and supportive world. Not fazed by medical setbacks caused by an AutoImmune disorder and a heart surgery as well, all before the age of 14, Yash has completed his diploma in Business Administration from PSB Academy in Singapore. He has also just completed 2 months of Basic Military Training and he is now engaged in National Service for the next 2 years in Singapore.A friendly, social, and helpful person, Yash can often be found conversing with people he meets in their own language. With his nevergiveup attitude, his heartfelt desire to do something for people with special needs, and his eagerness and dedication to do something about it, he is a gift to the world.
Sarat is a senior global business leader with experience in client delivery, product commercialization, gotomarket, large complex program execution, business transformation at companies like Standard Chartered Bank, Adidas AG, Black and Decker, Levi Strauss and Co across the Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe region. Sarat is an active keynote speaker in reputed industry events, forums, specializing in digital disruption, digital supply chain and digital supply chain financing. More about Sarat is on his https://www.linkedin.com/in/saratmohanty Linkedin profile.
Presenting a soul conversation over coffee with Sapna Sondhi Dutt, founder of ‘Yoga With Sapna. Sapna is a longtime practitioner and teacher of yoga. She teaches from her studio in Gurgaon and believes in teaching yoga as a wholesome experience, incorporating asanas, vinyasas, pranayama, relaxation techniques, meditation, mudras, and other yogic ‘kriyas’ and drills within her regular classes. Sapna has created choreographed several of her own unique yoga vinyasa sequences which are available to all, free of charge, on YouTube or via her website, to use as doalong exercise modules. Besides these, there are videos on pranayama and other yogic topics.Sapna conducts customdesigned workshops for corporate and other groups held either at her studio or the preferred location of her patrons. These would cover a range of topics, the popular ones being...yoga for senior executives gentle yogayoga for stress reliefyoga for a strong respiratory systemoffice yoga yoga for back ailments yoga for diabetes yoga for heart ailmentsyoga for cancer patients pregnancy yogaand others such as yoga and understanding the Elements and yoga and a healthy diet.
Sheba Maini converses with Dhruv Bogra, Country Manager IndiaForever New Clothing. Dhruv is the author of Grit, Gravel and Gear, and Away. He is also an accomplished speaker and talks about the Power of Grit. More about him is on his https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhruvbogra2293091/ Linkedin.
Sheba Maini shares a coffee with Shilpa Ajwani, Founder and CEO unomantra. Shilpa is a Business Consultant, Leadership Growth Catalyst, Startup Advisor, and a Proponent of Purpose. More about her is on her https://www.linkedin.com/in/shilpaajwaniunomantra/originalSubdomainin LinkedIn.
In this episode Sheba converses with Siddhartha Prakash.Apart from being the FounderDirector of Daily Wage Worker, an NGO he runs, Siddhartha also the Director at Shawview Consulting, based in Geneva. More about him is on his https://www.linkedin.com/in/siddharthaprakash9aba5a4/ Linkedin.
Presenting a conversation over coffee with Dr. Pradnya Parasher. Dr. Parasher is Founder and CEO of ThreeFish Consulting. ThreeFish is a talent and organisation development consulting firm and represents Hogan Assessments in India. More on her is on her https://www.linkedin.com/in/pradnyaparasher/ Linkedin.
Presenting a conversation over coffee with Manjula Narayan.Manjula is the National Books Editor at Hindustan Times. Apart from what she does as her day job is also a reader, writer, rager, rider.More about her is on her https://www.linkedin.com/in/manjulanarayan444075206/ LinkedIn.
Presenting a conversation over coffee with Sanjay Gupta. Sanjay is the Global CEO of EnglishHelper. In his previous avatar, he was the Head of the India Leadership Team at American Express India.More about him is on his https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjayguptaenglishhelper/ LinkedIn.
Presenting a soul conversation over coffee with Manbir Kaur. Manbir is a Team Coach and she helps Tech leaders unleash HUMAN potential, boost performance and lead a happy life. More about Manbir is on her https://www.linkedin.com/in/manbirkaur/ Linkedin.
Presenting a soul conversation over coffee with Priya Sehgal. She is a Political Talk Show Host and Senior Executive Editor, ITV Network. More about her is on her https://twitter.com/priyascorner Twitter and https://www.instagram.com/priyascorner/ Instagram.
Presenting a soul conversation over coffee with Anu Prasad. Anu is the Founder and CEO of India Leaders for Social Sector ILSS, a Delhibased nonprofit that works to strengthen the leadership talent pool in the social sector. Prior to setting up ILSS in 2017, among other things, Anu was a founding member of Ashoka University, India’s first liberal arts university. She has also held leadership roles at multinational companies such as American Express and TNT. Anu is an avid reader, an active volunteer in civic causes, and a passionate believer in lifelong learning, all of which she incorporates into the ILSS proposition of learning and valuesbased leadership. Anu also mentors young professionals and senior leaders and sits on the Board of two nonprofit organizations. Anu graduated from HR College, Mumbai, and received her MBA from IMI, New Delhi.More about her is on her https://www.linkedin.com/in/anuprasad29904563/ LinkedIn.
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