If you thought Affiliate Marketing is a flyby business after seeing all of those make money quick videos, then think again. The Affiliate Marketing Simplified Podcast is an attempt to change that perception and show you how affiliate marketing can be a long term and sustainable business model. Here I share simple affiliate marketing tips and advices to help you build a long term affiliate marketing based business.
Pinterest40Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp40SharesNote – This is a continuation to the last post where we discussed about Buyer Personas.Just go out there and publish a post every week..Isn’t that the advice you generally get, when you are just starting to blogIt isn’t a wrong advice but can you just go out there and publish a post without knowing who your audience isIn fact, this is a mistake a lot of us do, I am no different.When I started off blogging, that is just what I did.But over a period of time, I realized that I was missing the connect with my audience.WhyBecause I wasn’t really writing for my audience.In fact, I didn’t know my audience and so I was writing for some general audience. This wasn’t really something my audience was expecting.So, I lost that confidence and connect with my audience over a period of time. And I could see this in the decreasing email open rates and decreasing readership for the blog.After having spent a few weeks and after I put together a reader profile, my posts were extremely targeted and gradually the response rate started going up.But, the big question here is, how do I know who my audience is, when I am just starting offIt’s an absolutely valid question.And I am sure, that a lot of you guys starting off out there would have this question..So, in this episode, I am going to tell you about 3 simple steps in which you can create a reader profile for your blog.How to Create a Reader Profile in 3 Easy StepsWe will keep the entire process of creating a reader profile absolutely simple. That’s a promise. But keep in mind that “Simple things are at times the most difficult and the easiest to ignore”.So, you’ll need to promise that you will implement every single one of these steps.So, Let’s start out. Research your competitorsYour competitors are your biggest source of information and what you can learn from them is extremely valuable.We tend to often ignore them, just because they are our competitors.That’s one mindset that you need to change. Some of the best things I mean in terms of returns I have implemented, are things I learnt from my competitors.So, what exactly do I mean when I say “competitors”Competitors are the blogs that are operating in the same niche as yours and are targeting the same audience as yours.At this point, there could be 2 obvious questions What if I don’t have any competitors – Then you are in the wrong niche. If there is no competitor, then it esentially means that the niche is not something you would want to get in because it is very likely that there isn’t an audience in the niche. How do I know if they are my competitors – Just browse through their blog and check if the content they are publishing is something you too are planning to publish. That would mean that they are your competitors.Now that both of these obvious questions have been answered, let us look at the not so obvious question. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest665Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp665SharesHow to research Keyword for Blog PostsWelcome to another episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast. In continuation with what we discussed in the last episode, on long tail keyword research, in this episode we will be discussing “how to research keywords for blog posts”.I was so confused with this entire thing that, whenever I read a blog post on one of the well know blogs, I would often check on the keywords that they could have possibly used for that specific post.While 90 of the time, I ended up with just one conclusion – none of these posts targeted a specific keyword and there was no real keyword research on most of these posts.Most of these posts still ranked on the first page of google for a lot of the keywords related to the topic that the post was on. The one reason I could think of, could be the brand value that these blogs carried. They were authority sites and Google might just have felt that it made sense showing them on the first page of the search results for most keywords on that specific topic.Nevertheless, keyword research has its own advantages and I would always recommend doing thorough keyword research when you plan on writing your blog posts. Let us look at how to research keywords for blog posts.How to Research Keywords for Blog PostsIn this episode, I am going to show you a very simple way of researching keywords for blog posts. I would be using researching tools that are free to use.This concept follows a simple principle. We are going to pick up keywords that might not have a lot of search volume. Instead we will pick keywords that have moderate search volumes around 500 or, more per month. With these keywords you will be able to rank on the first page of Google pretty easily.And when you have many such articles targeting keywords that have 500 or, so searches per month, cumulatively you will get a lot of traffic to your blog.Here is what we will be discussing in this episode – How is researching keywords for blog posts different from that of keyword research in PPC campaigns 2 simple approaches on how to research keywords for blog posts The free tools that I use for the keyword research How to find blog post ideasResources mentioned in this episodeHere are the resources that we used in researching keywords, in this episode – KeywordTool.io Google Keyword Planner Long Tail Pro Paid ToolI have used only the first 2 tools in the steps that we saw in this episode. But if you want to cut the hard work and save a lot of time, you can go for the paid tool, Long Tail Pro. Though it is a little costly, it is worth the money.Thank You for JoiningI wanted to thank you all for joining me in today’s episode.What do you think about the tips that we spoke about in this episode If you are using a different keyword research ap... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest9Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp9SharesSo we are into the 3rd episode on Content Curation and in this episode we are going to discuss about the most common content curation mistakes.You can read the other episodes at the below links – Episode 1 – Tools in Curation Episode 2 – What is CurationContent Curation is a very simple method. And all that you need to do is follow the basics.The best part about content curation is that the content you are publishing is already proven to be of top quality and all that you need to do is provide a short insight into the context of the article. So you have your action plan laid straight out in front of you and all that you need to do is execute it.I often hear a lot of people saying that content curation doesn’t work. And in almost 90 of these cases, the reason why Content Curation did not work for people, is because they were doing it all wrong.And so in this episode we are going to discuss about the most common Content Curation mistakes to avoid in order to succeed in Content Curation.Most Common Content Curation Mistakes to AvoidMistakes often happen when you are not aware of how something works. But there are yet other mistakes that happen purely because of carelessness or, the unwillingness to follow a laid out process or, system.So if you are ready to learn how Content Curation works and also have the willingness to follow the system to the “T”, then there is no reason why you would make any of these mistakes that we are going to discuss today.But if you are making any of these mistakes, then it is time that you identify them and make corrections so that your overall content marketing strategy doesn’t get impacted.In this episode we are going to discuss the following: The single biggest mistake that most Curators make and which can prove fatal to your blog How do you ensure that your curation is different from all the others What is the ideal proportion of Curation Content to Original Content, in a blogHelpful Resources for CurationHere are some of the resources that can help you in your content curation strategy – Blog Curation Blueprint Curation Suite Feedly Content GemsWhile I recommend Curation Suite for aggregating and curating content, it is not necessary that you use this tool. You can curate content without any of these tools, though that might take slightly more time.Thank You for JoiningI wanted to thank you all for joining me on this episode today.I hope you enjoyed this episode and learnt a lot about content curation and the most common content curation mistakes to avoid. If you really liked this episode then don’t forget to do the following: Take a couple of minutes out and write a genuine review for the sh... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest59Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp59SharesHow to do SEO Yourself for your blogSEO or, search engine optimization is a big thing. Or, so it looks And videos and articles that talk about link building, Private blog networks, Google penalties etc. make it overwhelming for the average newbie.And we end up paying dollars to SEO experts who promise first page rankings for your websites.But do we really need an SEO expert for your blogNot reallySEO for your blog is all about following some very simple steps. And most of it is laid down in simple and understandable terms. If you are able to do these, then there is no reason why your blog posts will not rank on the first page of Google.How to do SEO Yourself for Your BlogThe objective of search engine optimization is to rank on search engines. In fact, I should put it as “ranking on the first page of Google”, because for a blogger, Google is synonymous with search engines.And that too, if you are not able to grab the first couple of slots on the first page of Google, then the effort is not worth it.And this is where all of it goes wrong.Because people start to tweak their websites and articles with everything that the SEO experts out there says in order to be picked up by the search bots.Search engine optimization is not about tweaking your websites for search engines.Instead, it is about letting the search engines know that you content is reader focused and that your readers are sure to find valuable information about a specific topic in the article.And, this is done by marking out certain points in your article. Following these guidelines is what goes into Onpage SEO.In this episode we will be discussing about SEO and how to do SEO yourself for your blog in 3 simple steps.Resources mentioned in this EpisodeHere are the resources that we spoke about in this episode – Adwords Keyword Planner Keywordtool.io Yoast SEO SEOPressor Cloudflare CDN Hostgator Hosting Bluehost Hosting WP Super Cache PR Buzz Fiverr Domain Hunter PlusThe following are some of the posts that we spoke about, with relevant information on backlinks building. Moz Quicksprout Ahrefs Backlinko – a slightly different variation to Broken Link buildingHere is the video on how to configure Yoast SEO.Thank you for joiningWhat’s your thought about SEO and how do you optimize your blog We would like to hear from you.I hope you enjoyed today’s episode and I would like to thank you all for joining me today.If you really liked this episode, Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest3Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp3Shares If you are wondering as to what push notifications for WordPress is, then you have not been reading some of the top blogs in the industry. Because it is unlikely that you would have missed that notification on the topmiddle of the blog as soon as you browse over to the blog. And these days, pretty much every blogger, rather I should say, website is implementing this.If you are still wondering as to what this is, then let me show something from a blog that I visit and read very frequently.That was Yaro Starak’s Entrepreneurs Journey.Do you see that small popup on top of the website, that is unobtrusive yet attention grabbing That is an example of push notifications.You will see this being used by pretty much every blogger today.So what are these and why are business owners using these push notificationsIn order for us to understand this, we will need to look at what happens after somebody clicks on that “YES” button you see in that popup. Here is an image of a sample notification.Just so that I brush up your memory, you would also have seen these notifications from Facebook, popping up at the bottom left corner of your computer. This is even if you do not have Facebook open on your computer.Now, that would have given you a fair idea of what these push notifications do and why is Facebook and a lot of the bloggers using them on their sites.Push Notifications for WordPress and Email MarketingThese push notifications are a good way to stay in touch with your readers and blog visitors. In fact you can send all kind of information to your subscribers as a notification.And because of their unobtrusive nature and the fact that it cannot go unnoticed, it is a perfect replacement for Email Marketing for obvious reasons.In this episode of the DKSPeaks Podcast we will be looking at push notifications for WordPress and an in depth analysis of their benefits. Here are some of the things that we will be discussing in this episode – How does Push Notifications work What are the advantages and disadvantages of Push Notifications What are its advantages over Email marketing and is it going to replace email marketing Is this the death of Email marketing What are the best push notification servicesResources Mentioned in this EpisodeWe spoke about some of the best push notification service providers and their pricing structures in this episode. The below are these service providers – Push Crew Push Engage Let Reach Almost all of these services come with Free trials and you can take them for a trial before deciding on the one that is right for you.Thank You for JoiningI hope you liked this week’s episode and want to thank you all for joining me.If you liked this episode you can help me build the buzz around this show by – Taking a couple of minutes out and posting a genuine review for the show on iTunes Rating us on iTunes as that would help in the rankings for the show.Don’t forget to subscribe to the show to download an exclusive guide on “How to find Content ideas for your next blog post” and an exclusive episode of the show that is not available elsewhere.You can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links:Click here to Subscribe via iTunesClick here to Subscribe via RSS no... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesAlmost 90 of people who get into affiliate marketing never make a single dollar from itThat might sound demotivating and alarming but let me put that in slightly clearer terms. 90 of the people do not make any money with affiliate marketing because – They take a lot of training but never follow everything that is being taught They are looking for a shortcut to making money They prefer skipping the basics in affiliate marketing and quickly move over to the advanced part. Consequently their foundation is very weak and they fail. They do not take action. Procrastination doesn’t helpTo put that into perspective “If you take action and follow the steps that you learn, there is no way you will fail“.We are into part5 of our series on “Building an affiliate marketing business”. If you haven’t listened to the earlier episodes and if you want to guarantee your success with affiliate marketing, I will recommend that you start from the beginning ad not jump the line. It will be easier for your to understand and you will have clear cut actionables that you can straight away start working on.One of the most difficult part in affiliate marketing is researching your keywords. And in this episode that is what we are primarily going to cover.How to Research Keywords in Affiliate MarketingWe are going to follow the FREE method to building our affiliate marketing business. Since there is little money that in involved in terms of the investment, there will be a lot more work and efforts required from your end.“Keyword Research” is easily one of the biggest things that people skip ahead. While they might quote a 100 different reasons for it, the actual reason is that it is very difficult. Rather, it is portrayed as very difficult.But you don’t have to be overwhelmed with Keyword research. There are simple methods to do it and that too without any expensive software. You can do that with Google Adwords Keyword Planner tool.If you want to partially automate the entire process, then I would recommend “Long Tail Keyword Pro” which is handy and cool software to have in your arsenal.Here is what we are going to cover in today’s episode: How to research keywords using Keyword Planner tool Finding long tail keyword to get your article written How to find seed keywords Why there is no need to evaluate the sales page of the product that you are promoting.Resources discussed in the showHere are the resources that we discussed in today’s show: Mario Brown’s Video Ads Formula Long Tail Pro Keyword Research Tool Google Keyword PlannerDisclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links and if you choose to buy any of these products from these links, then I might earn a commission at no extra cost to you.Thank You for JoiningI wanted to thank you all for joining today’s show and I sincerely appreciate it. In case you liked today’s episode, I would recommend that you subscribe to the show so that you are informed about our latest episodes and you stay updated.Do rate the show at iTunes and Stitcher and do t... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesAre you on PeriscopeIt has become so common these days. Social Media channels get launched and suddenly there is a rush from marketers to make use of the latest thing in the market. Some work and yet others do not. We saw it with Ello and we also saw it with a lot others.The latest one now is Periscope and all of a sudden people are flocking to Periscope. Some of the big marketers found some advantage of using Periscope in their business and the word spread. Everyone is now trying their hands on it now.When Twitter and Facebook launched, we saw that the early adopters got an advantage above all the others. More than anything else, it was because of their relaxed policies. People abused it to an extent where the networks kept amending their policies and put a more stringent one in place, making it difficult for the latecomers to the party, to make anything obvious out of these networks.This is common with most social media channels and probably that is why there is so much of hype around Periscope, these days.What is PeriscopePeriscope was a live broadcasting platform launched by Twitter, some time back. There were a lot of similar platforms that were available even before Periscope was launched. In fact Twitch was amongst the first ones in this segment. Then came Meerkat. And it was then that Periscope was launched even thought Twitter had acquired the app much before Meerkat was launched.All of these are solely phone based apps, meaning that the live broadcasting features are only available to a compatible phone. So if you plan to use Periscope or, Meerkat on your computer, you might just not be able to do that.And probably this is the USP about all these platforms. With mobile phones and tablets redefining mobility, a live broadcasting tool on your mobile phone was just the right thing to engage with your audience even while on the move.Twitter realized it on time and acquired Periscope, though they were a little late in launching.But, whatever the date that they were launched, the hype has suddenly shifted to Periscope, probably because of it being a part of Twitter. Both Periscope and Meerkat uses Twitter, so obviously the advantage had to shift to the former one.Ways to Use Periscope for BusinessLive broadcasting tends to do really well in sales and marketing. We have seen that with the numerous webinars that the big guys in marketing run. Most of these webinars pitch highend digital products and they sell well.The reason is obvious – live webinars helps in engaging your audience. The live interaction that the viewers have with the presenters also helps in building confidence and that is why these highvalue products get easily sold on these live webinars.Periscope gives you a similar opportunity because you are able to interact live with your audience.The below 5 ways to use periscope for business will help you build a marketing plan around Periscope so that you are able to make the most out of the platform. Run general interactive sessions Run informative training sessions Q A sessions were you take questions from your audience and answer them. Behind the scene sessions Product Review, Unboxing and Demo sessionsRunning these live broadcasting sessions on Periscope will help you build authority for your brand and for yourselves. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHello and welcome to episode 16 of the DK speaks podcast. This is part three and the final episode in building a successful solo ad business. In the last couple of episodes we discussed about some of the technical aspects of a solo ad business and what you need to do to build a successful solo selling business.One of the aspects that you might want to keep in mind is the fact that in order for you to run a successful solo ad business and to generate income from it every day you need a huge, responsive and interactive mailing list. Some of the strategies that we discussed in our last couple of episodes should help you build your email list.In this episode we will be discussing a few aspects that will help you scale your business.We will also be discussing some very important aspects of ensuring that you do not fail in your solo ad business. These are some tips that most people will starting out with a solo ad business tend to ignore and hence they end up on the losing side.Also keep in mind that building a successful solo ad business requires a lot of patience, perseverance, and hard work. If your aim is to make money without putting in some hard work then this business is just not for you. In fact most business might not be for you. Because all businesses require a lot of hard work and time to set up. But the beauty of an online business is that you can set it up and once it takes an autopilot mode you can forget about it and start making passive income from it.So on to the tips to building a successful solo at business.Tips to Building a Successful Solo Ads Business1. Email subject lines – one of the most critical aspects in a solo ad business is the click through rate. If your click through rates are not good you might end up burning your list because you will send a lot of emails in order to generate the required amount of clicks.So how do you better your click through rates In order to improve your click through rates, it is important that your open rates are good. And open rates can only be good if your emails have a compelling subject line. Your readers should be compelled to open an email and only then will they even attempt to click on the links in your email.And in order to compel people to open your emails, your subject line has to have the power to make them do that. Hence it is critical that you write compelling subject lines.So what does compelling subject lines meanIt means that the subject line has to be something that generates inquisitiveness, doubt, scarcity etc. In short it means that the subject line has to be something that picks on the emotions of your readers.Subject lines like “This is Scary”, “What surprise..”, “You are not going to believe this..”, “What can you do with 10” as just some sample headlines. If you have understood the essence behind this, then you should be able to write headlines like these that do really well.Something that I have noticed is the fact that subject lines that have the word “FREE” in it, also tend to do well. But my recommendation will be to not overuse it. Because it will then lose the effectiveness and also program people to that specific term who will then only click on your emails if it has that word in it.2. Email Body – Now that you have a good subject line, people will open your emails. But it does not end here. Once they have opened your email, you email body should be persuasive enough to make them click on the link.Here again the tip is in maintaining the element of inquisitiveness. You email body should be short, not more than 56 lines. Build curiosity in these lines. Continue your email body from your subject line. And don’t reveal everything and solve it. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHello and welcome to episode 13 of the DKSPeaks Podcast. IN todays episode we are going to discuss about SOLO ads – how to generate traffic with solo ads and what is the key to success with SOLO ads.SOLO ads is one of the best forms of driving traffic to your websites, to your blogs and to your offers. While there is a lot of debate on whether SOLO ads is a good source of traffic, it is important that you understand that solo ads is a guaranteed form of traffic just like any other paid traffic source.There are a lot of advertising options like PPC, banner ads to drive traffic to your offers and to your websites. The same set of risk that you run with running any of these paid ads is what you will run with SOLO ads. But the only difference is that with solo ads it is easier to build a list. While you have no guarantee as to what is the amount of clicks that you will get for a set amount that you will be spending with most of these ads till the time you don’t go about refining it, analyzing it and setting it up the right way, solo ads stand to be a traffic source that is guaranteed to get you traffic, and to get you clicks and to get you optins.I had sold solo ads a lot until about a year and a half back after which I decided that I will only be promoting offers to my list, but during that one year as a solo ad seller, I witnessed a lot of scams. A lot of people who were scamming people by taking the money and not sending them the clicks and I also saw a lot of people sending junk traffic for amount that you pay but in all of this something that you need to keep in mind is that if you do your due diligence, do the analysis that is required, evaluate each of these solo sellers, go by the review that people post on most of these forums and Facebook groups, then you cannot go wrong.Buy from people who have credibility in the solo market, buy from people who have sold good quality solo ads, and you will not get scammed and you will not get crappy traffic for the amount that you spend. And considering the fact that you can get 100 clicks solo ads for just about 40, it is probably one of the cheapest traffic form of traffic that you can generate instantly to any of your offers. There are a lot of people who sell solo ads for about 30 per 100 clicks or, 35 per 100 clicks, I am not saying that these are not quality clicks.But you need to spend your time to go and evaluate what is the quality of clicks that these people send you. SO spend some time evaluating the sellers, reading through the review, and doing your due diligence and I am sure you will get a lot of good quality solo sellers who can send instant traffic to your offer and to your squeeze pages.Okay, so how to go about getting people to click on your ads and how to go about building your optin list using solo adsIn this episode we are going to discuss about a few simple little tricks you need to keep in mind in order to get the best solo ads buys that you do in order to drive traffic.Solo Ads Buying StrategiesWhat we are going to discuss about first is how to go about buying solo ads and ensuring that you get the best ROI.Okay so the first prerequisite for an offer to be run through a solo ad is that you need a high converting or a good quality squeeze page. Now you know that with a squeeze page, you need to put forward an offer where people will have to enter their email address to get this freebie or, get this free offer. So it is important that the freebie that you are going to give in return for somebody adding their email address to the optin box has to be good quality. That offer need to entice your visitor to drop their email into the squeeze page optin box. How do you build such a productIt is pretty easy because of you are not a product creator, Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest333Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp333SharesWondering what is Content Curation and how you could make it a part of your content marketing strategyThere was a lot of feedback that I got about the last episode and some of readers even asked me to do a series on content curation. The most questions were around understanding what is content curation and what are the different types of content curation that you can use as a part of your content marketing strategy.Welcome to episode 46 of the DKSpeaks Podcast. Continuing on from where we left in the last episode where we discussed about the different tools that we use in our curation, in this episode we will discuss in detail about what is content curation and what are the different types of content curation that you can use in your content marketing.What is Content Curation Types of Content CurationLet me first put it the way Wikipedia explains it –Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest. Services or people that implement content curation are called curators. Curation services can be used by businesses as well as end users.Two points are relevant in this definition. Process of gathering information Relevant to a particular topicSo, content curation is all about aggregating content and that too, about specific topics.Content Curation was a phenomenon that always existed. If you are a fan of art and have visited art galleries, then you would be able to connect with this term.Art galleries curate art forms from different artists and presents them at one place for you.The benefit – You get to see best art forms, hand picked for you, all at one place.And this is the exact same benefit that your readers get, when they read your curated blog posts.People prefer curated posts because they can avoid wasting time on the internet looking for good content. Instead they would be able to find all of it at one place, on your blog.We discuss this and a lot more in this episode of the show.Here are some of the things that we would be discussing in this episode. What is content curation in detail What are the different types of content curation How to make your Content Curation even more effective How to make sure that your content curation stands out in the crowdWhat form of content curation you would like to choose will entirely depend upon your content marketing strategy.Resources discussed in this EpisodeHere are some of the resources that we discussed in this episode – Blog Curation Blueprint Curation SuiteBlog Curation Blueprint is a course that teaches you everything about Content Curation. It will show you how to curate content without struggling and how to make money with content curation.I will be launching Version 2.0 of Blog Curation Blueprint by midApril and all subscribers who join in now will get instantly upgraded to Version 2.0 free of cost.So join Blog Curation Blueprint todayThank You for Joining inSo, on a scale of 15 1 being the lowest, where would you rate content curation as compared to other forms of content generationWhat part of content curation do you think is the most difficult, if anyComment below and let me know your thoughts and ... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest16Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp16SharesWhat is a Curation Commentary and what is the right approach to an effective commentaryThis is the 4 part in a series on Content Curation. You can find the other posts at the below links: Episode 44 – Content Curation Tools Episode 45 – Content Curation Types and Strategy Episode 46 – Common Content Curation MistakesBy now I am sure you would have understood what curation is all about and also about the importance of commentary in an effective content curation strategy.Curation is all about engaging your readers by providing them all the content that they are looking for, at one place and in one simple readable format.And commentary is the value add that you do to the content that you are presenting to your readers.What is an effective method of writing a curation commentaryIn this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast, we will be discussing about the different types of curation commentary.Effective Curation Commentary StylesCuration is content aggregation. You are finding the best content from around the web and posting it at a single place for your readers. This is not a very difficult thing to do and there could be many others who will be doing the same thing.So how do you stand out from the crowdAnother aspect is about adding value to the content that you have curated. Your readers are not coming to your site just to read a bunch of links that you might have added to a post.They would be interested in knowing what is so special about that link and what is your thought about the information in the post that the link leads to.This is what commentary does in curation.Commentary is about adding your thoughts about the content that you have just curated. And in this episode that is what we are discussing.Here are some of things that we will be discussing in today’s episode – 4 different commentary styles for effective content curation Adding value and standing out from the content curation crowd How to ensure your commentary is effectiveResources mentioned in the episodeWe did not discuss a lot about tools and resources in this episode. But there are some tools that we already discussed in our earlier episodes which are essentials for content curation.Here are some of those tools – Blog Curation Blueprint Feedly Content Gems Rightrelevance Drumup.io Scoop.it Paper.li Workflowy Evernote Onenote CurationSuiteThank you for JoiningThank you for joining today’s show and I hope you all enjoyed the show today.Here are 3 things to do, Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest57Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp57SharesHow to Market on InstagramI am sure this is one question that anybody who has not seen the potential of Instagram and has never used it for marketing would have. A few others would have tried marketing on Instagram and finally given up because they couldn’t figure out how to market on Instagram.In fact, I too had wondered as to how could you even think of marketing on a platform that is totally unlike any other social media site. A platform with so many limitations like – you can only post images and videos and no text content you cannot post any links in your post descriptions most of the users are selfie takers, who like sharing their photographs with their circles and keep liking and commenting on photographs and most importantly, can only be managed through a mobile phone.Now, that’s so many of them especially if you are a marketer.It took me almost a month to understand how to market on Instagram. And it took me another couple of months to get a very critical question answered – how do you drive traffic to your websites, from your Instagram posts especially when you cannot even post a link in your post descriptionsHow to Market on InstagramIn this episode we will be looking at every single step involved in marketing on Instagram. In fact we will be looking at every activity possible on Instagram and how to market on Instagram using these activities.Here are some of the things that we will be discussing in this episode – What are the four things that you can do on Instagram Should you use filters and what are the filters that will generate engagement How to find content for your posts What is the right time and frequency to post What tools to use to automate your Instagram accountIn some of the future episodes we will also be discussing strategies that will generate traffic to your websites, from Instagram.Resources mentioned in the EpisodeAll social media strategy has to have automation as a key ingredient. Else you will end up spending a lot of time managing your social media accounts.We spoke about some tools that could automate Instagram management and some other tools that could help you with creating content for Instagram. If you want to know more about all the Instagram Marketing tools, you can check out Episode 36.Here are the resources that we spoke about in this episode – Instagress – Instagram Automation Tool Stencil – Image designing tool Canva – Image designing tool Buffer – Instagram Posting tool Hooper – Instagram Posting tool Grum – Instagram Posting toolThank You for JoiningI would like to thank you all for joining me in today’s episode and I hope you all liked it.If you liked it, please take a few minutes to rate the show on iTunes and also write a genuine review for the show. Your ratings help in the rankings of the show and will help others find the show on iTunes.Don’t forget to subscribe to the show. I have a special guide on “how to find content for your next blog post” and an exclusive episode for everyone who subscribes to the show.You can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links:Click here to Subscribe via iTunesClick here to Subscribe ... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest47Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp47SharesHow to Secure Your WordPress BlogsThis is one thing that every blogger on the World’s largest blogging Platform – WordPress, is worried about.WhyBecause WordPress is the world’s favorite CMS platform sarcasm intended.According to a study by the security firm Sucuri, 4 out of 5 hacked websites that they investigated were running WordPress as their content management platform.More precisely, Sucuri reveals that 78 percent of the total number of hacked websites it investigated were WordPress sites, with Joomla in a distant second, taking up only 14 percent of the data sample. Further, six percent were noCMS websites, 5 percent were running Magento, and 2 percent were using Drupal.If you are still wondering as to what was the “sarcasm” in that earlier comment above, then let me explain. WordPress is indeed the favorite platform of everyone – both bloggers and hackers alike.And hackers don’t have to work hard to break into a WordPress Installation and take the site down. Sucuri, in its investigation found that the primary reason for WordPress sites getting hacked was outdated plugins and not the Core files itself.As for a breakdown of hacked WordPress sites, Sucuri says that a large part can be attributed to outdated plugins. There were minimal attempts to use vulnerabilities in the WordPress core itself, and crooks relied on WordPress’ popularity and its large plugins and themes ecosystem to inflict their damage.If that wasn’t horrifying enough, then let us look at some more reasons why WordPress is the favorite platform of hackers and how to secure your WordPress blogs.How to Secure Your WordPress BlogsHave you ever woken up to a Blank homepage on your WordPress blogOr, you might have seen a page with a disastrous formatting that left you wondering as to what happened to your WordPress blog overnight. If yes, then welcome to the world of WordPress bloggers.I went through both of the above.Now, imagine if this happens to a blog with over 400 posts and you don’t even have a backup of the files and the databaseI am sure you would agree that it is not the best situation to be in.And, I was in that situation too. It was after all of this that I realized how important securing your WordPress blog is. And since then I started spending a lot of time to ensure that I ringfence my blog enough to prevent this from happening.In this episode we are going to look at why a WordPress Blog gets hacked and how to secure your WordPress blogs from hackers and spammers.Here are some of the things that we are discussing in this episode – Why is the single most important reason for a blog getting hacked 2 things that you should avoid to ensure that your blog is protected A simple plugin to update all your blogs in a single click A readily available firewall that is free to useResources Mentioned in this EpisodeThese are the resources that we spoke about in this episode – Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest29Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp29SharesWhen should you start off with your list building And what goes into putting together a fool proof list building plan in placeNow that we know how to create a lead magnet we discussed this in the last post, let us look at the stepbystep process to start capturing email addresses on our blog.If you would like to skip this post and go to the Show Notes and Resources, you can do so by clicking here.One proven fact is that email is by far the most effective medium to reach your fans today. In fact it is even more effective than social media.But the biggest challenge is on how to build your list fast. I am sure you don’t want to take years to build a list of 1000 subscribers.So in this post we will look at a few strategies on how to build a list fast and also how to get the most out of your list even if it is small.Before we do that, let me reiterate the principle that I follow. This is something I learnt from Andre Chaperon. Your profitability doesn’t depend upon the size of the list. Instead it depends upon how engaged your list is.So even if your list is small, you could very well be making a lot more money than people who have a huge list.If you are thinking as to why we are talking about list building even before we have put out our first piece of content, then you might want to write this on a piece of paper and paste it somewhere that you can always see it – “The Money is in the List”.That’s right. If you are ever going to make decent income income that can substitute your 95 job, then it is going to be from your list.It is personal experience that is speaking here. I will keep that rambling and the story for some time later. But at this point, keep in mind that your list is the most important thing for you.So, if your list is going to be the most important thing for you, then shouldn’t that be the first thing you should think aboutAbsolutelyLet us assume you have installed your blog and you post your first article. You then share it on social media sites and a few visitors come over to your site. Imagine if you don’t have a lead magnet on your blog.What happens thenThose visitors will read your article and then leave. Isn’t that a loss, even if it was just one visitorYou lost a prospective subscriber.It is hence that I suggest that you put together your lead magnet or, optin bribe as we call it, the first.On that note let us get straight into the strategies.StepbyStep Process to Setup a List Building SystemThis is a simple 6 step process and is the prerequisite to start capturing email addressesFirst things first. There are 3 important things that you need to keep in mind even before we start.Make the process Simple – Everybody is short of time today and we do not want to put in too much of efforts to achieve som... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest4Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp4SharesHow does page load times affect your websitesThe other day I was searching for a specific recipe that I had bookmarked some time back. I was on my mobile phone and I had to quickly access the recipe blog.I clicked on the link and waited for the page to open. The wait went on for a few seconds and the page was still loading. Out of desperation, I closed the site and quickly switched to my laptop.I went to my bookmarks and clicked on the link again. The site started loading. After some preliminary stuff had loaded the site was still loading. I waited because I was not able to do anything. My browser was stuck, the page wouldn’t scroll, nothing would click and nothing would move.Guess what would have been my reaction – Frustration.And out of frustration I closed the site and searched for other places where I could get hold of that recipe. I even deleted the bookmark because keeping that there was of no use.Now, this is a situation where I knew about the blog and I was willing to give it a few minutes. Imagine if you are browsing to find something and you stumble upon such a site.You are seeing the site for the first time.What will be your reactionThis is not an uncommon scenario. There are thousands of blogs and websites out there which take ages to load. Wise men say that a user will wait only for about 10 seconds before browsing off.And if your site takes more than 10 seconds to load, the result is obvious – a lost reader.So, what do you do about itLet us look at 9 Simple ways to speed up your blog’s page load times.How to Speed up Your Page Load TimesImproving your page load time, is not as difficult as it sounds. There are a few simple tweaks that you can do which can speed up your blog load times considerably.So you need to first assess your site load speed, which you can do by going to tools.pingdom.com to understand the amount of tweaking you will do.Check out the below image to see a snapshot for my blog.Now that you have assessed your site load speed, let us look at some simple tips to improve your site load speeds.Selecting a Reliable Hosting ProviderStart with your hosting provider and your hosting plan. If you are using a shared host and they run a lot of websites on the same server, then there is no way your site is going to load fast.Cheap hosting providers often do this and that is one of the primary reasons for a poor loading website.Ensure that you are hosting your blog with a reliable hosting provider. Bluehost, Hostgator and iPage are some of the best hosting providers as per our experience. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat’s Your Biggest reason to HATE Instagram, if at all you areI seem to have started loving this picture sharing social media site. If you had asked me the above question about 6 months back, I would have had at least 12 different reasons for hating Instagram.And most of the reasons would have been around the flexibility to use the tool, the usability, lack of automation, dearth of content to post etc. I am sure, your reason for hating them would also be something similar to these.Then one day I came across this tool, that solved one of my biggest problems with Instagram – Automation. And that was the day when everything changed.socialquote duplicate”no” align”default”If you hate doing something and you know the reason why, then you are sure to find a tool or, service that solves that problem./socialquoteIt is true. It is just a matter of searching online and you are sure to find a lot many people who have the same problem. And where there are a lot of people who have the same problem, there is bound to be a tool, a way, a method or, a service that will simplify it or, provide a resolution to it.20 Instagram Marketing Tools to Fall in Love WithWith Instagram gaining on popularity both because of the high levels on engagement and the many options available to market and with Instagram introducing Business Profiles, it was just a matter of time that you started seeing marketing tools that could simplify marketing on Instagram.There are hundreds of services that can automate or, simplify most of the activities that we do on Instagram. But most have a similar limitation. And this limitation has nothing to do with how they operate. In fact these limitations are driven by the way Instagram works, more so because of the fact that Instagram is an apponly social media site.It is here that my quest started to find tools that did not require a lot of intervention and could work on autopilot to some extent. And for that to happen, these tools needed to be a PC based tool.And you would see that most of the Instagram Marketing tools that we are going to discuss today are Computer based tools. I am sure you would fall in love with them, at least some of them for sure, if not all.If you have any other Instagram marketing tools that you would like to recommend, feel free to let us know about it by commenting below.Resources Mentioned in this EpisodeWe discussed a lot of tools in this episode. You will find links to all of those below. While some of these are paid tools, some have a basic version that is available for FREE. So if you are an individual marketer, you can always use the basic version and if you like the tool enough to want to upgrade, then you can take up that option.So here are the 20 Instagram Marketing Tools we discussed in today’s episode. Grum Simply Measured Iconosquare Instagress Repost for Instagram Crowdfire Social Insight Stencil – The guys at Appsumo keeps running promotions on this tool. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest549Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp549SharesHow do you do Long tail keyword ResearchKeyword Research is one of the most misguided aspects in internet marketing. There are a hundred different methods and theories out there that tells you how to do keyword research.But most guides and theories out there complicate keyword research to such an extent that it is highly unlikely that you wouldn’t get confused with the entire thing.In fact, Keyword research used to be extremely overwhelming for me as well and I would spend hours researching keywords with no real results. I had also spent a lot of money on the latest keyword research tool, all of which would be marketed as the next best thing, but would eventually turn out to be nothing more than crap.Of everything in keyword research, long tail keyword research used to be the most misinterpreted and consequently the most confusing concept.And if you are to do a long tail keyword research for the next post you are going to write, then you are sure to spend the next few hours trying to figure it out and end up losing all the time that you could otherwise have used on writing your blog post.So how do you do long tail keyword researchIn this episode, I am going to show you a simple step by step method that I follow to research long tail keywords so that you don’t spend hours doing something that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.How to do Long Tail Keyword ResearchI follow a very simple technique to research long tail keywords. And this technique doesn’t take more than 30 minutes. This might not be a technique that a lot of the experts might be using, but this technique yields results.And since it follows the basic concepts, there is no reason why it would go wrong.In this episode we will be discussing – Why long tail keyword research is important What are “seed keywords” and where is it used Why you wouldn’t need expensive software to research your keywords A few simple techniques to generate proven long tail keywords with high search volume and low competition How does Google’s autocomplete feature help you in your keyword researchResources mentioned in this episodeHere are the resources mentioned in this episode – KeywordTool.io Google Keyword Planner Long Tail ProWhile I do not recommend buying any expensive softwares for keyword research, Long Tail Pro is something that you would want to go with, if you want to save some time.The method that I discuss in the episode is a manual process and takes about 30 minutes. But this very same process takes less than 5 minutes on Long Tail Pro.Thank You for JoiningSo how do you do your long tail keyword researchDid you find the steps that I mentioned in this episode, easier that all the other methods that you have heard offWe would like to hear from you. Please comment below and let us know your thoughts.I hoped you enjoyed this episode. If you really liked it, Do provide us with a rating on iTunes Subscribe to the podcast to stay updated and also to receive an exclusive episode that is not published elsewhere Do share this episode with your friendsYou can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links: Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest18Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp18SharesIn the last post we discussed about creating a reader profile for your blog. A reader profile primarily identifies your readers so that you can write for them.At the same time, the reader profile also gives you another very critical information which is one of the prerequisite to creating a lead magnet.In this post we will discuss about how to create a lead magnet for your blog.If you would like to skip this post and go to the Show Notes and Resources, you can do so by clicking the below links. Show Notes ResourcesBefore we dive into that specific critical information that the reader profile provides, which can help us in creating our lead magnets, let us first understand what a lead magnet is. This is what Digital Marketer says about a “Lead Magnet” – Lead Magnet — noun — an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information.In simple terms, a lead magnet refers to a specific thing, tangible or, intangible that you are offering anybody who enters their contact information email address, to be specific on your website or, blog.If you have browsed through the internet, I am sure you would have come across some or, the other type of a lead magnet. Because pretty much every website out there welcomes you with a popup asking you to enter your email address.And in return, they will offer you something like an ebook, a discount coupon, a trial access etc.Since the topic of our discussion is our blog, the lead magnets that we will be talking about in this post will be very specific to our blog and the niche that we are covering.Also it will be about something that your audience is seeking more information about.And this is the critical information that your reader profile will give you and which I was talking about a little while back..Now another thing that we need to keep in mind is that something like a discount coupon will not and in fact, will never work as a lead magnet on a blog.WhyBecause your blog is not about selling something.And the people coming over to your blog is not there to buy something.They are there on your blog for information.That makes the obvious point on what is it that they would be enticed with and for which they would be ready to give away their email address – that is “information”.Let us look at what are the best lead magnets to offer your blog readers.The Best Lead Magnets for a BlogBlogging is all about providing information. Hence it is obvious that people coming over to your blog is coming for information.Now imagine, if they read about some specific topic that they were struggling with, on your blog and are satisfied with what they saw, would it make sense to offer them a report with additional information about the same topicWill they be ready to enter their email address in order to download that informationAbsolutely. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest137Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp137SharesAre You spending a lot of time writing Clickbait Headlines like BuzzfeedThen you might just be doing the worst thing you could ever do for your blog..A Clickable headline is what every blogger wants to write because his ultimate objective is to get readers to click on that link and come over to his blog to read his blog post.There are 2 noteworthy points in the above statement. First, readers clicking on the link because of your headline. Second, they come over to your blog and read your post.Does a Clickbait headline satisfy both these pointsIt will not, because it is meant to take care of only the first part. The second part is to be taken care of by your content. You need to ensure that your content ties really well into the headline that the reader clicked on.And it is here that the problem lies.I remember how the headlines formula changed after sites like Buzzfeed and Viralnova emerged on the blogging horizon. All of a sudden it was all about traffic from social media and, Buzzfeed like posts were all over your social media feeds, especially Facebook feeds.The inquisitiveness that the headline created made people click on those and a multimillion dollar business named Buzzfeed was born.But this trend did a lot of harm than good to blogging and content marketing in general.There are so many instances where you would have clicked over a headline to be taken to a post that sucked from the beginning till the end.Why You Shouldn’t Focus too much on Clickbait HeadlinesSomething that a site like Buzzfeed destroyed was genuine content generation and the use of genuine headlines – headlines that conveyed the essence of a post.While a lot of bloggers adopt this style of writing headlines, this might just not be the right thing to do.Let us see why it is not the right thing to do and why writing Clickbait headlines could prove disastrous for your blog.The Unnecessary HypeThe Buzzfeed like headlines generate inquisitiveness by creating an unnecessary hype.I still remember one of those headlines that I saw in my Facebook news feed, that read – “8 Horrible places in the World that You would never want to visit – the 6th is the most Frightening”.While the headline in itself was interesting, the last few words generated an inquisitiveness to find out what that 6th place was and hence I clicked over to go to the post.And what did I find..Absolutely nothing different from the rest of the 7 places that were quoted there. All of them were equally frightening and the 6th one was no different from the rest. Though the post was interesting, I felt I was cheated by the headline.In spite of an experience like this, I still clicked on many more such headlines that I saw in my Facebook newsfeed and most of them turned out to be just the same – an unnecessary hype.Something that you need to keep in mind is that such headlines generate a lot of hype and it is almost always, very difficult to live upto that hype that you have created which eventually means you are going to upset your readers, if your content doesn’t live up to the expectations generated by the hyped headline.Clickbait Headlines are a Fading Trend Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHow much money did you make on Instagram, in the last monthI know that is a slightly tricky question to ask and if you are anything like me, then the answer would be – “ZERO”.But with the growing popularity of Instagram check out some of these Instagram statistics at expanded ramblings, if you are not using it then you are leaving a lot of money on the table.Instagram is still an unsolved puzzle for quite a lot of people. The fact that this is a phone only app make it even worse and if you are not a mobile phone whiz, then Instagram is going to be the most difficult thing you would have ever dealt with.It was the same with me until about a month back and while it is still too early for me to call myself a success on Instagram, I still wanted to share these Instagram tips with you.What do people do on Instagram, according to you The answer is, “Share photos”.So the obvious question is, “How do you make money by sharing photos and what photos would you share”Instagram was one of the most difficult social media tools for me because of the way it worked – It was a phone only app and you had to share photos using your phone. So if I had a photograph on my computer that I wanted to share, then I had to first transfer it to my phone. I do not click a lot of photos and even if I do click some, they are primarily my private family photos which I do not like sharing on social media sites, especially if it is a business account. Instagram only allows a single link and that is in your profile. You cannot add a link to the caption for your photographs.So how do I build my Instagram account and more importantly use it to build my business2 Simple Ways to Make Money with InstagramIn this episode we will be discussing about 2 simple ways you could be making money with Instagram even if you do not have a real business.I have seen a lot of people who run online stores posting pictures of their products and also using Instagram to sell them. There are a few apps that help you do it. But what if you do not have a storeI spent a lot of time trying to find out how to make money with Instagram. And it was by sheer coincidence that I came across a profile where I saw the person mentioning, “for a shoutout and pricing for shoutouts, please send me a message“.I quickly browsed through the photographs that she had posted and found a lot of photos, where she had given a shoutout to another Instagram user. I realized that these were paid shoutouts and that the user was charging money for this shoutout. I reached out to her for a shoutout to see how much she was charging.I was shocked to see her response. She was charging around 200 for a shoutout. She would send one post out, everyday for a week. And guess the number of followers she had. It was about 8,000.You would by now have realized the potential of Instagram and how you could make money with Instagram.Here are the things you will learn in this episode – Why you should be on Instagram today 2 ways in which you could make money with Instagram How to use Instagram on a PC Tools that will help you build you Instagram Business.Resources mentioned in this EpisodeManaging Instagram is slightly difficult in comparison to a lot of the other social media channels. You require some handy tools in order to ensure that you are leveraging time and automating some of the tasks. Here are some of the Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest2Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0Shares Single Optin Vs Double OptinIts the question of “To be or, not to be”.When I first started with SOLO ads, the first seller gave me a piece of advice – “If you want good conversions, then keep your optin settings to a single optin”.I was skeptical at first, because I was always told that optin settings should be at “double optin”. I never questioned the logic and blindly followed the guidance.In due course I figured out the reason why you would choose “double optin” reduce spam complaints and prevent your autoresponder company from banning you.So when this friend of mine asked me to use “Single optin”, I was a little surprised. But I followed his advice and since that date I never went back to double optin except for running a few tests on what worked well – single optin or, double optin.Single Optin Vs Double Optin – Which oneWhile a lot of people would recommend going with the obvious, i.e double optin for your list settings, I recommend otherwise. And in this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast, that is precisely what we will be discussing.Some of the things that we will be discussing in this episode are – What are the reasons for selecting “double optin” for your list settings Single Optin Vs Double Optin – the pros and cons of both How to solve for the negatives in “Single Optin” How to carry forward the positives of double optin to single optin as well Which one to select and whyIf you are buying SOLO ads, then it is always single optin that you should choose.WhyBecause you are buying cold traffic and that too from an email that is offering something free. They have no clue of who you are and what you do. They were not expecting an email from you.They clicked on the link in the email on impulse and was taken to a page where they saw something free being offered. They entered their email address in the flow. And then they forget you, your offer and everything.This is what happens in SOLO ads.Imagine, if you put a “double optin” to this entire funnel. Only a very less of people who entered their details in the optin forms, will click on the confirmation link in their emails to verify.And this essentially means, reduced conversions for you which in turn means a lower ROI.This is not something you would want to do, especially when you are paying for clicks.So your next question is – what happens with other forms of traffic What option to selectListen to the episode for more details and some handy tips.Resources Mentioned in this EpisodeThe below are some of the recommended resources to build your list. Autoresponder – Aweber Landing Page Builder – Thrive Content Builder Optin Form Builder – Thrive LeadsOver to YouThank you everyone for joining me on this week’s podcast. I am hoping you liked this episode of the podcast.If you liked it, please do post a genuine review of the show on iTunes and also do rate the show. Your ratings and reviews will help in the rankings of the show on iTunes and will help others who are looking for similar information find the show. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesThe Facebook Advertising WormholeIt’s something you can really get sucked into. And funnier is the fact that you will not even realize that you have just been sucked into a Worm hole.Facebook advertising is huge and it is becoming bigger and bigger each day. There are numerous products that are being launched all of which helps with advertising, rather marketing on Facebook. Most of these products deal with a certain element in Facebook marketing like some products help you create engaging images, some helps you write the ad copy, yet others help you manage all of this from one single dashboard.One such product that was launched recently was a web based application called Social Video Spark. Social Video Spark deals with video marketing on Facebook. We had discussed about video advertising in our last episode and how you can use it to your benefit. Native videos on Facebook is getting a lot of engagement and attention. But the biggest problem most marketers face is in not knowing how to upload videos to Facebook and optimize it so that it shows up on top of their Newsfeed. And Social Video Spark, helps you do that. A simple and easy to use formula in the application helps in uploading and optimizing videos on Facebook.You can order Social Video Spark at the launch discount from the link in the resources section below.If you are new to the entire Facebook marketing and advertising thing, then you might want to check out my free eCourse on Facebook Marketing Basics.In this Episode – 10 Common Facebook Advertising MistakesWe will continue with our discussion on Facebook advertising from our last episode and in this episode we are going to discuss the 10 most common facebook advertising mistakes that most people make and how to avoid them.Somewhere in the discussion you will realize that I too made these same mistakes and if you happened to do it yourself, then you need not be embarrassed. Because these are common mistakes that all of us make. What we will be trying to do in this episode is to find a solution to this and also looking at a better way of dealing with these mistakes.The Facebook advertising mistakes that we will be discussing in this episode are – Not Building a Fanbase and running ads for Cold Customers Targeting everybody and their DOG with the same ad Not split testing Image Picking the wrong objectives and then measuring it with the wrong Metrics. Not creating Multiple Ads Not reviewing the performance of the ads Not testing with different targeting Not organizing the ads, ad sets and Campaigns Creating Poor Landing Pages Not tweaking their ad copies for better conversionsYou would realize that most of these are mistakes that you too would have done at some point in time, if you have ever run a Facebook ad. Some of the tips that we discuss in this episode will help you overcome these.Resources from this EpisodeHere are some of the resources that we discussed in today’s episode: Thrive Content Builder WP Profit Builder Optimizepress 2 Social Video SparkThank You for JoiningI hope you enjoyed today’s episode and liked some of the tips that we spoke about. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat is your Optin Form Conversion ratesIf you have been into any form of online business, I am sure you know the importance of capturing your visitor’s email address. The single biggest reason for most internet marketers’ failing is not capturing emails.Visitor memory is short and if you are pitching something to a visitor who is not in a “buying” frame of mind, then you need to understand that the chances of them buying in the first instance itself is less than 5. And the chances of them coming back to your website or, blog is even lesser.WhyBecause there are thousands of other websites similar to that of yours who are doing the exact same thing that you are doing – pitching the exact same product or, service.It is not until you knock a door at least 3 times that they buy something from you. And in order to do this “knocking” in an online business, you need to capture email addresses.But the problem question is – why would somebody give you your email address And it is this question that ultimately leads to the metric called as “Conversion rates“, meaning the number of visitors out of all of who came to your website, who gave you their email address.7 Factors Impacting Optin Form Conversion RatesIn this episode, we will be discussing about 7 such factors that impact your optin form conversion rates to a great extent. It is important that you keep each of these in mind and optimize your optin forms, in order to get the best conversions.Here are some of the things that we will discuss in this episode: How to find a good link bait for your Optin form Why you might just be driving away you visitors forever The 4 types of optin forms that work the best How some optin forms play better on human psychology A technique that almost always gives you a confirmed optinSome of the factors are dependent on the amount of flexibility you have in testing your optin forms. Most optin form generator plugins limit the amount of things you can do to your optin forms.It is important that you use a good optin form builder plugin that you have enough flexibility and features to experiment and find the aspects that works best when it comes to conversions.And it is hence that we recommend Thrive Leads, which is the most feature rich optin form generator plugin, but with an absolutely light weight code.In order to deliver your freebie to your visitors, store their email address and to continuously market to them, you will need a reliable autoresponder. We recommend aweber which is the best autoresponder amongst all the ones that we have used. And the latest “Campaigns” feature in aweber, helps you automate a lot of the things that you need to use with your email marketing.Resources from this EpisodeHere are some of the resources from this episode: Thrive Leads Thrive Content Builder Popup Domination Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat is the best business model for 2016The year 2015 is gone and it is time to look back at the year that went and evaluate all the goods and the bads. At the same time it is also the right time to put some concrete plans in place for 2016.For us, it was a mixed year with some accomplishments and some failures. The failures have given us the learnings to build a better plan for the next year and the successes have prompted us to attempt to better it in the coming year. And in all of this we will ensure that we provide better and practical business tips and advices to you, so that you too can build a better business and make money online with it.Once of the questions that I very frequently get from a lot of my readers is, “If I am starting off with internet marketing and I want to make money online, then where should I start and what is the best business to start off with“.So in this first episode in the new year, I will be answering this question. In face we will be discussing about the best business for making money online in 2016.Making Money Online in 2016 – The Business ModelOne very important thing to keep in mind when you enter the internet marketing business is to change your perspective. If you get onto the internet with the sole intention of making money, then you might just not be able to take off. Instead think of how you would setup your business and expand it – the business mindset.There are a lot of different business models in internet marketing. But which one would suit you will depend upon a lot of things. Some of these are – the amount of time you can put into the business the amount of money you are ready to invest your level of expertise etc.In this episode we will be discussing about the various online business models, how they function and some of the aspects which will tell you if that specific model is the right one for you or, not.Here is what we will be discussing in today’s episode – Types of Online Business Models Who does each of these models suit the most How to know if one of these business models is suitable for you What factors should decide the best business model for you.Resources discussed in this episodeWe didn’t discuss a lot of resources in this episode. But some of the resources, especially the freelancing sites are as below: Freelancer Elance Design Crowd Upwork Fiverr Amazon ClickbankYou can listen to our earlier episodes in the affiliate marketing series to learn more about affiliate marketing.Thank You for JoiningThank you all for joining me in today’s episode. I hope you liked the episode. If you did, then please do not forget to leave a genuine review for the show and also rate the show. It helps in the rankings of the show and will help people find it.Do share it with your social media circles using the share buttons below. Subscribe to the show to stay updated with the latest.In case you have any questions that you want me to answer in our show, then you can send it to me using the contact button or, the recording option on the right hand sidebar.You can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links:Click here to Subscribe via iTunesClick here to Subscribe via RSS noniTunes Feed Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest18Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp18Shares“How to Make Money Online without investment”90 of the people coming onto the internet to make money, come in with this question. In fact I was not any different. I still remember the first time I searched the internet on how to make money online. I ensured that I add “without investment” to the end of the search query. As a matter of fact, I did not have any money to invest and that was why I came to the internet.But, after about 10 years of being online, I now realize that it was never a business with “no investment”.I found it a little strange when I first read this email from one of subscribers, who asked me how I could help him make money without investing any money. On speaking with him, I realized that he was well versed with pretty much everything about internet marketing and he had already spent a lot of money on books, courses and pretty much everything. And since he was living on social security he was almost on the verge of giving up. He had no more money to invest and that is why the question.On second thought, I felt he had a genuine problem. In fact nobody really teaches you how to make money online. They just show you how they make money. It is entirely upto you to follow what they do and replicate the success or, be left out. And in all of this, call it inaction or, not.. more people get left out than the ones who really are able to replicate the success of the mentors.But, yes.. he had a genuine problem and there could be many other who might have a similar problem. In fact, a similar question.So in this episode today, I will be discussing a simple strategy that helps you make money without really investing a lot of money. Keep in mind that there are some bare essentials that you need to start an online business like a domain name, a hosting account and an autoresponder. And all of these shouldn’t cost you more than about 50.00.Here are some of the things that we will be discussing in the episode – A simple strategy to start making money online without investing a lot of money. In fact the investment is about 20.00 How to drive traffic for FREE to your offer. How to ensure profitability and scale the plan up. How to use FREE autoresponder service to capture your subscriber emails. Where to get cheap hostingResources mentioned in the EpisodeThese are the resources that we spoke about in this episode: Hosting – Bluehost and iPage Domain Name – Bluehost Autoresponder – Aweber Landing page builder – Thrive Content Builder, Optimizepress, Profit Builder, Captifire PLR Products – PLR Assasin, IDPLR, Resell Rights Week... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHow to setup a WordPress BlogThis is one of the most common tutorials that you will find on Blogging. Search Google and you will find hundreds of tutorials that will teach you how to setup a wordpress blog. But the biggest problem with most of these tutorials is that these are generic tutorials. When it comes to building WordPress websites for affiliate marketing, you need to follow a slightly different method.You don’t want to spend hours doing things that would otherwise take only a few minutes.In fact websites that are specifically created for affiliate marketing has its set of requirements. Inserting affiliate links, easy link cloaking, inserting banner ads are just some of the things in addition to an easy to access site structure.In this episode of “The DKSpeaks Podcast”, we will be discussing “How to Setup a WordPress Blog”, especially focused on Affiliate Marketing. This is part6 of our series on “How to make money with affiliate marketing”.How to Setup a WordPress Blog for Affiliate MarketingTill about 4 years back, you could create a one pager website promoting a product and easily get it ranked on the first page of Google. I still remember this one page review website that I had setup in the “Tattoo” niche, which was ranked in less than 15 days and kept making money every month for about 10 months before it dropped off the rankings.Affiliate marketing has since changed. It is no more just a matter of putting up a one page review website and making money. These day you need to have enough information in your arsenal to convince a visitor of why a specific product is good and why it is the exact same thing that he was looking for.It is hence that the WordPress Blog that we will be setting up for our affiliate marketing business has some very specific needs.There are some important plugins that simplify the work involved in managing your affiliate marketing website. Similarly even the theme that you are using is very critical in order for your website to function correctly.You need a theme that is SEO optimized, loads fast, is mobile friendly and is as per Google’s requirements. Because you don’t want to end up in a situation where your blog is not ranking just because it does not have an search engine optimized theme.Here are the things we will be discussing in this episode: How to Choose the right Domain for your website A nice tip to rank your website with little effort Common metrics that you need to keep in mind when choosing a domain name The best WordPress theme when it comes to affiliate marketing 7 absolutely essential plugins for your affiliate marketing websiteWe will be discussing the above and some handy little tips that can help you in your efforts to get your website ranked on Google.Resources mentioned in this EpisodeWe spoke about a good image creation application in this episode. The featured image that you are seeing here is also created using this particular software. This is called “Youzign” and people are already calling it the “Photoshop Killer”.Here are some of the other tools and resources that we spoke about in this episode: Youzign image creator Socrates theme for Affiliate Marketers Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat is your single biggest worry about online assets – your blog, your websites and your moneysitesIf your response was anything other than “Security”, then you need to rethink. But if you answered in “Security”, then let me tell you that you are in the same league as thousands of other website owners.But the worst part in all of this is the fact that there is no real solution to it. You can use one of the many security solutions like Sucuri, Wordfence etc. to secure your websites, but you still need to be aware that these tools can only protect you to a certain extent. The rest is onto you to ensure that you are prepared to deal with a dire situation.You might have noticed that my last post was almost about 2 and a half months back and also that I have never taken such an extended break from blogging. As for my podcasts, I had always ensured that I maintain consistency. But all that went for a toss over the last couple of months. And all this thanks to a hacker.This was not the first time that my sites were hacked. In fact, after the last time this happened I had ensured that I secure my sites with some of the best plugins I could find, but I still couldn’t prevent another attack.And the reason was an old WordPress installation that I forgot to delete from my hosting. Since most of the files in this installation was outdated, it was easy for the hacker to get into the files and then use them to get into the other WordPress sites.To sum it all up, I spent almost a month and a half restoring all my websites, about 40 of them and 3 of my niche blogs. While it should have been a couple of week’s job, it was only because of some of my mistakes that it took me so long.Nevertheless, all of my sites are back up and the experience I gained following this hacking instance has made me a little more wiser and given me some extra knowledge.I am putting together a complete guide on how to save your WordPress sites, in which I will be detailing everything about prevent hacker attacks and tips on restoring your WordPress installations.You might see a slight inconsistency in my posts and podcasts for some time until things stabilize, but I should be back up and running in another couple of weeks.Ways to Generate Free Traffic to Your BlogsIn this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast, I will be discussing about 2 simple methods using which you can drive FREE traffic to your blogs. These traffic methods have helped me through the situations that we discussed a little while back, when you sites get hacked.Since these are FREE traffic generation methods, I am not impacted financially with the loss of traffic. Also the traffic just doesn’t get impacted unless the website is down for a long time.You need to keep one thing in mind, when you include these traffic generation methods in your strategy. These methods are long term methods and will help you in the long run. You will have to be patient and consistent with these methods. Do it the right way and don’t let it go in between.It also means that if you are looking for immediate traffic, then these methods will simply not help you. You will have to look at paid traffic generation methods like PPC.In this episode, we will be looking at the following – How to use your existing content to generate traffic How to establish yourself as an authority in your niche A strategy that generates traffic and also helps build your listResources mentioned in this EpisodeThe below are some of the resources that were mentioned in this episode – Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHow do you analyze your affiliate marketing competitionAffiliate marketing is extremely competitive. And with more and more people jumping into the affiliate marketing bandwagon, it will only increase further. The success of an affiliate marketer lies in evaluating and analyzing the competition and then planning your strategy according to that.In this episode of The DKSpeaks Podcast, as part of the Affiliate Marketing Training series, that is precisely what we will be discussing about.How to Analyze Your Affiliate Marketing CompetitionAnalysis doesn’t always need to be too statistical. It can be deriving a conclusion based on a simple number that was otherwise easily ignored because it was something that was obvious.When it comes to analyzing your affiliate marketing competition, you don’t actually need a lot of tools to do your analysis. In fact most affiliate networks would already have done most part of it. You can use some of the basic and freely available tools and do the rest.For me, I don’t really need anything other than Google for most of my analysis.And that is precisely what I will be sharing in today’s episode.From this episode onward we will be getting into the practical aspect of affiliate marketing. So you might see some detailed actionables in this episode and the ones to come. If you have been following the series, you would already have done some of the homework that we had discussed about finding the best affiliate offers.So here is what we will be discussing in detail in this episode: The 2 different strategies that we will be following The 3 absolutely essential things you need before you start The one thing that a lot of affiliate marketers miss on A tip for immediate success Analyzing the competitionResources and NotesHere are some of the resources that we discussed about in today’s episode. Bluehost iPage Stores4Domains – Don’t forget to use the coupon code I told you in the episode to claim your discounted domain name. Pretty Link Thirsty Affiliate GocodesIf you prefer using the “refresh and redirect” page that I spoke about in the show, then you can download it from the below link.sociallocker id”8437″ Click here to Download /sociallockerThank You for JoiningThank you all for joining me in this episode. I hope you enjoyed this episode on affiliate marketing. If you did, then do rate us on iTunes and Stitcher. Also do leave us a genuine review.Please don’t forget to share it with your friends on social media using one of the social media buttons below.In order to stay updated, I would recommend that you subscribe to the show.You can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links:Click here to Subscribe via iTunesClick here to Subscribe via RSS noniTunes FeedClick here to Subscribe via StitcherPinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0Shares Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesDid you get rejected yet againAffiliate Marketing is all about finding the best affiliate networks and picking the best affiliate programs and offers. You might already know that but then all of this depends upon the best affiliate networks and the best affiliate programs approving your application.Continuing with our discussion on Affiliate marketing tips, in this episode which is part2 we will primarily be discussing about things you need to keep in mind so that your application is approved and you are accepted into the top affiliate networks.How to get accepted into affiliate networksIf you are new to affiliate marketing, this would be your question especially if you have already applied to some of the top affiliate marketing networks. There is a 90 chance that you might have received a rejection from the network. WhyAffiliate networks have a lot at stake. They thrive on the trust and confidence of their vendors and partners. And vendors like to do business with affiliate networks who can guarantee them that there will be no fraud and that their interests are protected.In order to do so, affiliate networks have to ensure that they are recruiting and onboarding only the best affiliates. So if you are new, it is natural for networks to reject your application. The reasons are simple – You don’t have enough sales to show your credibility They do not have the confidence that you really know about affiliate marketing and generating traffic. They don’t even know if you are real person and if you are joining the program to making moneyThe bottomline is that your applications are usually rejected because you are unable to prove your credibility.How to Get Accepted into Affiliate NetworksNow that we have understood the reasons behind an affiliate network rejecting your application, we know what our course of action should be.So in order to understand how to get accepted into affiliate networks, you need to know how to build credibility in your applications. And that is what we will be discussing in this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast.Here are just some of the things that we will be covering in this episode. What are the 2 reasons why affiliate networks reject your application What are the things you need to keep in mind when you apply to an affiliate network What are the 3 most important things to do in order to ensure you get accepted into affiliate networks The one thing that can be the difference between acceptance and rejection into an affiliate program.While we will be covering most of the aspects related to getting accepted into affiliate networks in detail in this episode, we might still have missed some of the things that you would have wanted to know. You can write to me using the contact button on this website and I will record an episode to cover those aspects as well.Resources from this EpisodeThese are the resources that we discussed about in this episode: Save My List iwriter Constant Content Textbroker Upwork ElanceI recommend iWriter for your article writing needs because they are an amazing service ... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat’s the difference between CPA and PPLNow that is a question that I get often in the emails that I get. In fact when I started off with affiliate marketing, this was the term that I was confused about the most.I didn’t too much time into researching it and probably that is why I never really got into the CPA networks. It was only after I had established myself as an affiliate marketer that I tried learning about CPA and even applied to the first CPA network.There are many more such things that newbie affiliate marketers are confused about. They struggle with things like which products to promote, what channels to choose, how to promote etc.Affiliate marketing is one of the most preferred and fastest way to start making money online. At the same time, if you do not have a plan in place, you might just end up amongst all the frustrated internet marketers who never make a single penny out of affiliate marketing.A couple of days back I received this email from one of my listeners.There could be many more like Chang who are still trying to make money with affiliate marketing and are not able to succeed because they are missing on some of the basics.So starting this episode, I will be producing a series on making money with affiliate marketing. And in each episode we will cover a specific aspect of affiliate marketing. We will also have actionable steps in each episode so that you are able to start off with your affiliate marketing business as you listen to each episode in this series.Types of Affiliate MarketingOne of the biggest confusions that most newbies have is on the different types of affiliate marketing networks and which one to start off with. And with so many products pitching to teach you affiliate marketing and all of the free information available online with all of those affiliate marketing jargons, it is not surprising that most people starting off with affiliate marketing get lost in their first step itself.Overwhelmed by all the jargons, they pick the wrong option and very soon get frustrated because they do not know what to do get some sales.So in this episode we will be discussing about the different types of affiliate marketing networks and which one is the right one, when you are just beginning.Keep in mind that all affiliate network are not equal. While a network like Commission Junction is quick to deactivate any affiliate who has not made any money for a period of x days, there are other networks like Clickbank with whom you can be for the lifetime, not generate a single penny in commissions and still stay.Similarly some of the networks can be quite confusing when you first join them, whereas Networks like Peerfly and Clickbank is very easy to learn, navigate around and pick products that you want to promote.In this episode we will be discussing all of these. We will also be covering: PPC payperclick and PPS paypersale programs CPA Costperaction or, costperacquisition programs CPS Costpersale programs Getting accepted into various networks Which networks to go with when you starting off Things to keep in mind when you are joining affiliate programsResources mentioned in this EpisodeThese are some of the resources that we spoke about in this episode – MintsApp Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat was the one thing that you noticed about the videos that you see in your Facebook NewsfeedLet me tell youFacebook Videos in the Newsfeed autoplays but without sound. If you have not noticed it until now, you might want to go to your Newsfeed and check it out.With native videos turning out to be a huge opportunity for people advertising on Facebook, this is a very important development. Because if your videos do not have the capability of attracting your visitors without really playing sound, then your have lost the battle. And hence it has become even more important to understand every aspect of video marketing on Facebook, so that you don’t lose your money.This is what we will be discussing in today’s episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast.How to Use Facebook Video Ads EffectivelyThe last week we discussed about YouTube advertising and things that you should know about advertising on Youtube. I hope you tried your hands on YouTube ads after going through everything that we discussed about YouTube ads in the last episode.Before we get onto today’s episode, just a couple of things. I posted my latest review on eCover Authority which is a cool ecover creation application that is webbased. You can find more about it on my blog.If you are writing a book or, are planning to write one, then you need to check out Scrivener. Scrivener is a cool application that let’s you organize your thoughts and put them together into a book. Most established authors use Scrivener. It was available for a discounted price at stack social. You might want to check it out if you haven’t already bought it.In the last episode we said that we will discuss about Facebook video ads this week. So let’s get straight onto today’s episode on Facebook video ads.Facebook introduced native videos a few months back. In fact Facebook is now competing with Youtube so far as videos are concerned. You can upload video to Facebook and host it there.There is some talk that FB is giving preference to native videos more than Youtube videos that are being shared on Facebook. While there is no concrete evidence that this is happening, there are quite a lot of people who are saying that they have experienced this. I will not be surprised if they are doing that and why wouldn’t they do that. They would in fact prefer that the videos that are hosted on their servers be shown ahead of anything that is being shared from YouTube. It is in the former case that they benefit but in the latter case it is Youtube who will benefit. And Mr.Zuckerberg is smart enough to understand that the money is in hosting videos on his server and playing that on Facebook rather than sending all the traffic to Youtube.Videos are huge and from the success of Youtube and the millions that people are making on Youtube, it is very much evident that videos are source of money. So nothing surprising on Facebook deciding to host videos on their servers.Find what video to target for your ads, in a few Clicks. Click hereSo, when Youtube was making all the money from hosting videos on their servers and running ads on them, it is just a matter of time that Facebook follows suit.In fact Facebook started video ads some time back and advertisers had an option of advertising videos with the objective of generating video views in addition to all the other normal objectives like driving traffic to your websites, increase page engagement, promoting posts etc. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWelcome to Episode 15 of The DKSpeaks Podcast. This is DK. In this episode we will be continuing with our discussion on Building a SOLO ad business.I am assuming, you have completed the actionables that we discussed in the last episode and you are ready with selling SOLO ads.One of the minimum requirements that you need in order to sell SOLO ads is to have a list. And some of the strategies that we will be discussing today will help you in building you list while you sell SOLO ads.Understanding the Basics of a SOLO Ads BusinessClickbanking – Clickbanking basically involves trading clicks. In clickbanking what you do is, you reach out to others who are interested in trading clicks. Basis what ever you agree upon, either you send them the clicks first or, they will send it to you. Once the first person has sent you the clicks, you start sending them the click in return.In a way, Clickbanking helps you build your list without actually paying in cash for the clicks that you are ordering. If you have a small list and can send over about 50 clicks, I will recommend that you start clickbanking and build your list. You will find a lot of people who might want to clickbank with you and it will not be difficult to start one.Gradually over a period of time, you will see that your list is growing and once you have a list size that can comfortably send about 100 clicks, you can start selling small solos.While clickbanking ensure that you are doing it with people who are reliable and have some credibility in the SOLO ads market. Else you might just end up sending your side of the clicks and not getting anything in return.Funnel Clicks – Funnel clicks are the clicks that you get as people go through the different points in a funnel. To put that into perspective let me give you an example.Let’s assume you are a subscriber on a list and you get an email which is a SOLO ad. You click on the link in the email and are taken to a squeeze page. There are 2 things that can happen. You either enter your email address into the optin box or, browse away from the page. If you browse away from the page, you are presented with an alternative option which is another squeeze page. Let us call this squeeze page 2.Now, If you opted into the squeeze page, you will be taken to a frontend offer which will be a paid offer which you can choose to buy. But let us assume that you exit the offer. You might then be taken to a thankyou page where you will be given the instructions on how to download the product that you opted in for.On this page, you might also see some banner ads or, even text ads.Similarly, once you have opted in you will receive an email with a link from where you can download the free product that you opted in for. When you click on that link you will be taken to a download page where again you will find banner ads and text ads.The 3 offers that we saw in this entire funnel – the Squeeze page 2, Banner ads on thank you page and Banner ads on Download page, all of these will be offers from others. These are all called Funnel Clicks.These clicks are sold at a different price, lesser than the normal SOLO clicks. There are people who even clickbank funnel clicks. Funnel clicks are not bad and if you get a chance to trade such clicks or, buy these clicks, I would recommend that you go ahead. These also help you build your list pretty fast at an extremely low cost.And if you are able to create a nice banner that then talks to your squeeze page, you can see some massive conversions from these funnel clicks. Whenever I find someone selling these funnel clicks, I ensure that I grab them. I have seen conversions upto 48 from these clicks and that is pretty good as far as I am concerned. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0Shares What was the last internet marketing course that you boughtThere is an 80 chance that it was a course to do with some social media advertising – most probably Facebook ads, and which promised you that you will make a ton of money, running these ads.Where did it end upDid you actually make any moneyHello and welcome to Episode 17 of The DKSpeaks Podcast. I am back after a gap of a week. The last few days were extremely hectic and I desperately wanted to take some time out with my family. And I just decided to set off. You know this is one of the flexibility with this business. You don’t really have to rely on your BOSS to approve your leaves. I spent a few days away from the hustle and bustle of the city in a nice hill station named Coorg. Coorg is known for its coffee plantations and if you ever get a chance to visit India, then you should surely visit Coorg once.When I came back I saw that my inbox was full of mails from marketers promoting the latest launches. And while most of them were on software launches, there were a few that was promoting some of the latest courses. And some of them were courses that taught you how to run ads on Social Media sites and build your list using it.Social Media Advertising – What You Need to KnowSocial Media ads are the most talked about topic these days. And every course promises you to help build your business with social media ads. It is true to a great extent that today social media ads can help you build your business. The traffic is cheap, it is targetted and it converts well. But all of this only if you understand how to do it the right way. Else even social media traffic is the same as that of Google Adwords or, just about any other paid traffic source. You will get burnt. Your investments will drain out faster you would have added them to your account.But what is the right wayIt is this right way that every other course promises to teach you. But do they really do it What is the difference in each of these courses that are released pretty much on the same topic. Let’s take an example – Facebook ads. There are numerous courses out there that talks about teaching you a secret sauce that you could use with Facebook ads and then make money or, build your list. But is there really a secret sauceThe Secret Sauce in running Social Media AdsLet us get this straight. There is no secret sauce in internet marketing or, for that matter any business. You need to do the basics and then test. Keep testing until you find what works. Or, follow what works and just do it repeatedly. But do you really think that someone who has discovered “What works” will share it with you for free They will not. In fact it is this “What works” that these courses promise to teach you by charging you. But they will never share that winning campaign of theirs unless they know that it doesn’t work anymore.Do you really think that there will be a different “What works” in each of these courses There isn’t. Because what works is plain and simple. It depends upon you, the time you spend, the money you put in and how you test your market. The process to do is all the same – it is the basics.So wouldn’t it be better if you just spent some time learning the basics and then invest time to analyze the results and pick the one that works for you.I ran ads in the bodybuilding niche on Facebook some 10 months back. I started off with a crude ad and spent about 5.00 to test the market. There was a product on Clickbank that I was promoting. The ad didn’t generate any worthy traffic. I refined the ad and I kept doing it until I found people clicking on it. Then I started refining the landing page. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesDid you try YouTube video ads yetYoutube ads have become one of the most sought after form of advertising these days, thanks to all the promotions from the GURUs. Everybody is talking about Youtube ads and making money with it. But how many of you are really making money with Youtube adsYoutube ads today is where Google Adwords used to be about 6 years back. You could get a lot of cheap traffic and clicks for pennies. That is more than enough for any newbie to jump into advertising on Youtube. But before you take the plunge, it is important that you learn about all the different Youtube ads formats and how they work, so that you are able to identify the ones that will work the best for you. If you don’t do that, you might just end up burning your pocket and before even you could realize, you would have spent your entire budget with no real returns.Understanding Youtube AdsHi, this is DK and welcome to episode 18 of the DK speaks Podcast.Video advertising is hot right now and everybody wants to take advantage of the recent developments in YouTube advertising and Facebook video views. Every other Internet marketing guru is coming out with a course that teaches video advertising and how to make money with it.Just like it was when Facebook advertising was the talk of the town, everybody is flocking to YouTube and Facebook and spending all their hard earned money on these video ads. But the million dollar question is how many of them are really getting a positive ROI from their investment and how many of them are really making money with these video ads.In this episode of the DK speaks podcast we will be discussing about video ads and what you need to know about all the hype in video advertising.Let’s first discuss about YouTube. I am A video advertiser and I have made a lot of money doing simple videos and putting them up on YouTube. Until about a couple of years back, there were all these blackhat methods that would generate and drive a lot of traffic to the YouTube videos, like buying video views, stuffing your description with all the keywords that you want to target, buying a ton of back links from social bookmarking profiles etc. but things have changed a lot in the last year or so. YouTube has become stricter and more intelligent and can now differentiate between black hat and white hat methods.It is hence that buying video views and stuffing keywords no more work. Driving traffic to your videos and getting them the rank on the first page of Google has become even more difficult. Internet marketers now have to discover new tactics and methods to get video views.It is here that YouTube jumped in with their video ads. In order to understand YouTube video advertising we need to first look at the different type of media ads that you can run on YouTube.These are – display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, nonskippable video ads.The most preferred out of these are the last two type of ads and it is these ads that most courses keep talking about. But is it really the ones that are the best for you Do these ads fulfill your advertisement objectivesThese are just some of the questions that nobody really cares to look at before advising you for a specific type of ad.In this episode we will be looking at these different type of ads and when should you use each of these.What Youtube Ad is Right for YouLet’s start with the display ads. These are just like any other media ads or, Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest122Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp122SharesHello and welcome to episode 44 of the DKSpeaks Podcast.Have you read some of the best weekly roundup on some of the top blogs around the web. Problogger does one for blogging and you will find many other blogs like Social Media Examiner doing the same thing. Have you ever wondered why would a blog as successful as Problogger would curate content.There is a lot of noise on the internet and abundance of information suppressed in all this noise. For an average visitor on the internet, finding information that is relevant is going to be a lot of hard work, considering the amount of noise that he will have to browse through before he reaches the information that he is searching for.If such a visitor comes to your blog and finds a collection of all relevant and best content on your blog, would he be disappointed and click away from your blog.No.He wouldn’t.Rather, he would be happy about the fact that he doesn’t have to dig through the loads of pile to find what he is looking for.Tools for an Effective Content Curation StrategyContent Curation is a nice addition to your content marketing strategy. And if done well, it can not only increase your audience retention but also reduce bounce rate.I am a fan of Content Curation and I simply love its sheer power in holding a reader in his spot.You would have seen my weekly link roundups. This is just one form of content curation. There are various other forms of curation which we will be discussing in the coming weeks.In case you are interested in learning more about content curation and how you could make money with a curated blog, you can check out my course at Blog Curation Blueprint. PS: Blog Curation Blueprint Version 2.0 is in the works and should be launched shortly. All members would be upgraded to V2.0 by defaultContent curation is a winwin for both the content marketer and the reader, because the content marketer gets ready made content and the reader gets a collection of the best content at one place, that way saving him a lot of time he would otherwise have spent trying to find that information.The success of content curation lies in an effective commentary. We will be discussing about these points in the next few episodes.In this episode we will be discussing about the tools for an effective content curation strategy. Here is what we have covered in this episode – How to improve the effectiveness of content curation Why is content curation an effective content marketing strategy The essential tools for an effective content curation strategyResources mentioned in this episodeHere are the resource we mentioned in this episode – Blog Curation Blueprint Feedly Content Gems Rightrelevance Drumup.io Scoop.it Paper.li Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0Shares“I am Back”T850 Terminator – Rise of the MachinesRemember that famous dialogue from “Terminator 3 – Rise of the Machines” It’s that one dialogue that has become synonymous with Arnold Schwarzenegger, now. In fact nobody does it better than he does. And when he says it, you can see the joy and conviction in that statement.It is clear that he means business and no nonsense business. And that he is back to beat the heck out of all his enemies.I am no Arnold Schwarzenegger. And I do not have any enemies that I want to beat the “heck out of”.But, I mean business and nononsense business. So “I am Back“.Buy Why a Comeback, You AskIf you have been a regular reader of my blog here, then you would have realized the reduced frequency of posts on the blog for almost the last complete year.And when I am talking about readership, it is important that I also mention the fact that I lost quite a lot of readers in the past year or, so just because of the irregular publishing pattern.Sad, Isn’t itMy podcast had also gone into hibernation since almost the last year and a half. And that too was a deliberate decision albeit at the wrong time.Just when the listens had gone up, I withdrew and today I find that the listens are almost negligible.But why did I do all thisYou know, one of the best things about internet marketing is that when you strike gold, you just go on and things fall into place one after the other. But at the same time, if you fail then there is a high possibility that things take a downward spiral, unless you know how to control it.While the fear of such failures can deter you from trying new things, the experience and the learnings that you get from such failures are immense and can help you for your future.There were quite a few experiments that I tried in the last 18 months or, so which included launching a new course, attempting selling on Amazon, book writing, public speaking etc.Some of these were utter failures like trying to sell on Amazon, some were partial success like the product launch and some others were a success like public speaking.There are yet others that are workinprogress like my book writing venture.Failure or, success, there was something that I learnt from each of the experiments. And since these weren’t small experiments, these learnings will play a considerable part in my future endeavor.Remember the tagline that Pat Flynn used on his blog, smartpassiveincome.comI am Your Crash Test Dummy. Let’s See What WorksPat FlynnEvery experiment in Internet Marketing is a “Crash Test”. And if somebody hasn’t done it already, then you need to do it on your own.What I learnt from my experiments are pure gold that I will retain for my future experiments. And I am sure it will make me a better marketer.What You can Expect from the DKSpeaks Podcast in its new AvatarWhen I started the DKSpeaks podcast, I was already listening to a lot of podcasts. In fact, there were a few that I was regularly following and really enjoyed l... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest19Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp19SharesStruggling with how to create a buyer persona for your blog or, website Then you might want to read on for some simple tips to create one.But before that, let me ask you a few questions.Are you marketing to the right people Do you know your audience well and are you pitching your content to the right personIn my last post I had spoken about some of the experiments that I did in the last 18 months or, so.One of them involved this product that I and one of my friends had created. We were actually bitten by the product creation bug. So we set out to create this product. When the product was ready, we were so excited with the result that we jumped straight into selling it hoping that we were going to make millions out of it.We had confidence in the product. We knew it was of great quality and that it was an information that was sought by a lot of people.We launched the product and waited for the dollars to come in..But that did not happen.The wait continued but the results did not change. We got a few sales here and there. But it certainly wasn’t enough..After spending a lot of time and wasting a lot of money in promotions, we finally decided that it was enough and so called the entire thing off.But why did this product launch flopWe got the answer when we looked into our promotions and the audience type that we were promoting the product to.The one line answer was that we didn’t target the right audience.There is this course from Andre Chaperon – Auto Responder Madness. If you haven’t gone through it, I would recommend you to do it at the earliest because it is one course you shouldn’t miss.In one of the chapters in this course he talks about customer avatars. If you wish to know more about it, you can visit frankvsmatt.comCustomer avatar is another name for Buyer Persona.What is Buyer PersonaThe definition of “Buyer Persona” goes like this.A buyer persona is a fictional character that represents a segment of your customers that you are planning to target with your product and services. Though we refer to it as Buyer Persona or Customer Avatar, it need not necessarily mean only buyers or, customer. It can represent anything from the audience you intend to reach with your content if you are a blogger, the market that you plan to target with your products and services, the type of customers that you wish to market to, etc.Andre is an advocate of relationship marketing. His style of marketing is different. He builds relationships with his prospects and the relationship is so strong that his audience trusts his recommendations and buys whatever he recommends. That is how he promotes his products. And because of the style of promotion that he uses, his conversion rates are extremely high.Auto Responder Madness and Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest80Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp80SharesIf you are struggling with low engagement in your Instagram posts then these Instagram Hashtags Best Practices can help you improve the engagement.One of the lifelines of Instagram is Hashtags. That is the pivot around which content marketing on Instagram works.Hashtags for Instagram is what Keywords are for SEO. Just as keywords get your content found on search engines, Hashtags get your content found on Instagram.The fact that, not a lot of marketers are using hashtags on Instagram proves that the awareness of the importance of hashtags amongst marketers who are wanting their piece of the Instagram pie, is very low.On surveying some of these marketers and asking them as to why they are not using hashtags, their response was something common – that they were not aware of researching and finding the best hashtags for their content and that they did not feel that the commonly used hashtags were doing any good.You should be able to understand the importance of hashtag from a simple example the use of a hashtag “followforfollow” or, its variants can get you a lot of followers on Instagram. It means that people are using hashtags to search for content on Instagram.Researching and finding the best keywords for your content requires a planned approach and it is the same for Hashtags as well.And in this episode of the dkspeaks podcast, we will be discussing about Instagram hashtags best practices.Instagram Hashtags Best PracticesFirst things first.If you want to make the most of using Hashtags, it is important that you maintain a list of hashtags for your content, that you will be using in each of your posts on Instagram.So it is important to be prepared. And preparation primarily means researching hashtags, identifying the best ones that can help your content be found and keeping this handy in a notepad so that you can just copy and paste it into your Instagram posts.Researching and finding Hashtags is not as difficult as it is for Keywords. A simple 4 step method can help you do it and these 4 are more or, less the only ways of finding hashtags as of now.How to find the Best Instagram HashtagsLet us look at these 4 steps to finding hashtags for Instagram.Branding HashtagsFirstly decide on a branding hashtag that you would like to use. Branding hashtags help create a brand around your business and also helps your business stand out from the crowd. Let us check out some example of how big brands are using branding hashtags.Nike uses their branding hashtags justdoit in almost all their posts. You can see this while browsing their posts on Instagram.Kitkat is another brand that uses a branding hashtag very nicely. They use a branding hashtag HaveaBreak in all their posts.Branding hashtags are very powerful in establishing yourself as a brand and in starting a campaign around your brand. For marketers who are starting out, a branding hashtag might not be of a lot of relevance right away. But in due course when you build a following on Instagram, you will realize the importance of a branding hashtag.A branding hashtag necessarily need not be a single hashtag. It can be multiple hashtags as well. Spend time to brainstorm and decide on what your branding hashtag will be.A Friendly Google SearchThe next method is as simple as heading over to google and doing a quick search to find relevant hashtags.Here are some of the results when I searched for “best hashtags in blogging”. You will see hundreds of resources including blog posts which will hand over a list of the best hashtags in the blogging niche.You could use this search term in any niche and get a list of readymade hashtags. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest23Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp23SharesWhat are the different ways to use Content Curation as part of your Blogging StrategyOne of the questions I am asked the most, by people coming across my Content Curation course is the above. Most of them have never used content curation and they are absolutely unsure of how to and when to start using Content Curation as part of their blogging strategy.In this episode I will be talking to you about 5 different ways to use Content Curation in your blogs. This is the fifth and the last part in a series on Content Curation.You can find the other posts at the below links: Episode 44 – Content Curation Tools Episode 45 – Content Curation Types and Strategy Episode 46 – Common Content Curation Mistakes Episode 47 – Effective Curation Commentary StylesWe will be closing off this series by discussing about how you can incorporate Content Curation into your content strategy and derive the maximum benefit out of it.If you wish to learn more about Content Curation, you can check out my course at http://blogcurationblueprint.com5 Ways to use Content Curation in BloggingContent Curation not only helps in getting readymade content for your blogs, but also helps build relationship with influencers in your industry.If you can incorporate Curation in your overall blogging strategy and build it into your overall plan, you will be able to build an influencer tag for yourself and at the same time generate a lot of traffic by ways of referrals.But, how you would use content curation is something that you need to plan and decide.Here are some of the things that we discuss in this episode – 5 Ways I use Content Curation in my blog A Curation technique that will help you build a relationship with influencers in your industry An effortless content generation technique How to get the most benefit out of Content CurationResources mentioned in this EpisodeWe didn’t discuss a lot of resources in this episode. But if you have been following me on this series you would know about the essential tools and resources for content curation.Here are those – Blog Curation Blueprint Feedly Content Gems Rightrelevance Drumup.io Scoop.it Paper.li Workflowy Evernote Onenote CurationSuiteThank you for JoiningA sincere thanks to everyone who joined me on this episode today and for following me throughout this series. I am sure you would have learnt a lot about content curation and how... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat about your theme do you like the mostIf you answer was “look and feel”, then let me tell you that about 95 of the blog owners are with you. They also chose the theme for that exact same reason.But is that the only thing that you should look for in a themeToday, WordPress is the most used content management platform. In addition to the fact that WordPress is an open source, this popularity can also be attributed to many other reasons like the flexibility of the platform, the options to enhance it using one of the many plugins, the availability of thousands of themes to customize the look and feel of the website etc.But the fact is that all of these options and features comes with a caveat – the fact that anybody can break into the code and hack a website in minutes. This answers the question on why there are so many regular updates that we see to this platform.Now imagine you have a WordPress installation that is up to date, but you are running a theme that has an outdated code which can easily be hacked into. It will not take more than a few seconds for a hacker to hack into your website and all you hard work can be gone in minutes.socialquote duplicate”yes” align”default”There are many more aspects to consider, than just the “look and feel” in a theme when you are selecting a WordPress theme for your blog./socialquoteSelecting a WordPress Theme – What to look forIn this episode, we will be discussing some of the basic things that you need to keep in mind when you are selecting a WordPress theme.Keep in mind that themes are more than just designs or, frontend for your website. In fact a lot of other things depend upon the theme of your website. The loading speed of your site, the functionalities, the aesthetics etc.socialquote duplicate”no” align”default”A theme that is not updated is the single biggest reason for so many WordPress Blogs getting hacked every day/socialquoteWe will discuss about 14 such aspects that you need to look for in the minute prints that accompany with a WordPress theme. Some of the things that we will be discussing are – How does a theme impact the site load speed What is the one thing that you absolutely need, when you buy a theme Why I don’t recommend the themes that are sold on a “SALE” at warrior forum Why you shouldn’t be spending all the dollars on hiring a developer to design a themeThe points that we discussed today should help you decide on a theme for your WordPress blog.Resources discussed in this EpisodeHere are some of the resources that we discussed in the episode today. Thrive themes – Our most recommended theme Genesis from Studiopress – This is a framework and you will need a skin for this one Thesis themes – This is also a framework and you will need a skin for this one Profit Builder theme – This is more of a sales page and landing page builder but also comes with a blog theme Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesIs there a Secret Formula to Succeeding at Selling SOLO adsThat was a question that I received from one of my listeners after the series that I did on SOLO ads sometime back. And I think, it was very normal for him to ask this question, at least after what he went through.He had started his solo ads business in late October. He had a list of about 5700 subscribers. He had listened to the episodes on SOLO ads that I had done a little while back and also read a few of my blog posts.For all of November he struggled posting ads on every Facebook group that he could. He had even joined about 8 or, 9 odd Skype groups and he was posting ads there as well. He could only get about 4 or, 5 odd orders of an average of about 100 clicks. That’s it. And finally by the beginning of December he had given up.He spoke to a few folks on some of these Facebook groups who told him that the SOLO ads market was saturated and that he should get out of it. Which is what he finally did.And then he wrote to me asking if there was a secret formula to selling solo ads.The Formula to Succeeding at Selling SOLO adsIf you ask me, if there really is a formula to succeeding at selling solo ads, then there isn’t any. Just like in any other market, the competition in the SOLO ads industry have multiplied manifold. But if you do the right things and in the right way, you will be able to succeed in this industry as well, just as in any other industry.Now, since the competition has multiplied manifold, you obviously cannot go the disorganized way. Remember about 67 years back, how you could pick any keywords and get them ranked on Google. Or, for that matter Google Adwords. How easy it was to run an adwords campaign and you could get clicks for pennies.All of that has changed over the last few years. You now need to be more organized, calculated and planned if you want to achieve even 10 of what you could do 5 years back, without any of these.So in this episode I will be discussing all of those aspects which are the real problems in the SOLO ads industry. These are things that are ignored the most and it is hence that most people struggle.And then I will be discussing how to go about addressing each of these problems, so that you stand out from the rest of the competition. Keep in mind that this is the only way to succeed.Resources Mentioned in this EpisodeThese are some of the resources that we spoke about in this episode. Thrive Leads – Optin form creator Thrive Content Builder Profit Builder Theme Skype Bluehost – Hosting Service iPage – Our preferred and affordable hosting Service AweberDisclaimer: Some of the above links are affiliate links. If you choose to buy any of these recommended products from the above links, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you.Thanks for Joining MeI want to thank you all for joining me in this episode. I hope you liked it and if you did, Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesWhat affiliate product that you are promoting is the most profitableIn fact, the most common approach in affiliate marketing is to pick any random product that fits you interests or, plans and to start promoting it.And hardly do we notice the fact that this specific product is not converting and that it is not making any money.Imagine if you could spend the same time and effort in promoting a product that had a track record of excellent conversions. For the same amount of time, effort and money that had put in, you could have a lot more money.Hence, in this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast which is part 3 of our series on Affiliate Marketing Basics, we will be discussing on this very same topic – How to find profitable affiliate products to promote. So that you start on the right foot and don’t waste to time and energy on promoting some products that don’t convert.How to find profitable affiliate products to promoteAffiliate networks have different ways of measuring the conversions of a product. And since helping affiliate marketers find good products to promote, in turn helps the networks themselves in making more money, they put everything that is relevant in identifying good and high converting products, across to their affiliates. As as affiliate, for you it then becomes just a matter of knowing what to look for.There are some basic metrics that can give you a fair idea of the profitability of a specific product or, offer and it is these metrics that we are going to discuss in this episode. While there are about 3 primary metrics that most affiliate network commonly use in measuring the profitability, there are some other metrics that are very specific to some of the affiliate networks.Here is what we will be discussing in this episode: EPC or, Earning per Click Commission Refund rates – This applies only to PPS offers and is basically the of refunds Sales Volume Conversion Gravity – Specific metric to ClickbankResources and NotesThese are the resources that we spoke about in this episode: Commission Gorilla Clickbank JVZoo Warrior Plus CJ.com Shareasale.comThank You for JoiningThank you all for joining me in today’s episode. I hope you liked todays episode. If you liked it, don’t forget to rate us at iTunes and Stitcher and also take out a few minutes to post a genuine review for the show. I would appreciate it because it really helps in the rankings of the show.You can share it with your social media circles using the share buttons below.Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast to know when there is a new episode.You can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links:Click here to Subscribe via iTunesClick here to Subscribe via RSS noniTunes FeedClick here to Subscribe via StitcherPinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0Shares Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesIf you have signed up to email newsletters from any of the big internet marketers, I am sure you would have heard about the launch and the discounted offers on Long Tail Pro – a keyword research tool. There were a ton of emails floating around and pretty much everyone recommended this tool. In fact a lot of marketers use this tool.A few days before Long Tail Pro was relaunched, there was another keyword research tool that was launched – Niche Genetics, which pretty much did the same job as that of Long Tail Pro – but with a difference that Niche Genetics helped you find profitable Niche and Long Tail Pro helped you find long tail keywords. How is this differentI still remember buying the “Keyword Elite” software from Brad Callen for about 197, when it was released about 8 years back. Then I found Market Samurai and then Micro Niche Finder. I bought both of these and if you are asking why, then the answer is plain and simple. I was confused, overwhelmed and struggled with the entire activity of researching keywords with the first 2 softwares. While I got a refund for Market Samurai, I couldn’t do it for Keyword Elite because by the time I tested it, I was already out of the MoneyBack guarantee period.Market Samurai is a great tool and a lot of marketers use it, but somehow I felt it was just not for me. I was really overwhelmed with the many filters and options in there.Finally I found Micro Niche Finder and this is the tool that I am using until today.Almost all of these softwares use the same source for their data – Google’s Keyword Tool. The only difference lies in how they present it with some analytics of their own, so that you know which keyword or, niche to go after.Over the years, as Google changed their Keywords tools to the Keyword Planner and restricted the data that was available, these softwares also changed. But still their source remains the same.So, the question is – Do you really need a paid software when Google Keyword Planner is FREELet’s take a closer look at Long Tail Pro – This software adds a few aspects to the research. The source of the data for Long Tail Pro is also the same. But it uses a confidence score to tell you how hard or, easy it will be to rank on the search engines for that specific keyword.In addition to that it also gives you some additional data in the form of Domain Authority, Page Authority, Moz Rank, Domain age, of backlinks etc. all of which will help you evaluate and analyze your competition. If you were to do all of these individually, you would have spent a lot of time doing it.Same is the case with Micro Niche Finder. It uses a competitive measure called as SOC or, Strength of Competition to evaluate the competition.So, what these tools basically does, is that they speeden up the process of keyword research. You can save a lot of time if you use these tools. But do you really need them – You might not.If you know the basics of what to look for while researching a keyword or, a niche and you are ready to spend time doing that, then you can do that with the help of the Google Keyword Planner tool.Doing Keyword Research the Right WayWhat is keyword research and how does it differ from niche research These are 2 terms that are used as synonyms, a lot of times but in reality they differ. In fact keyword research is just one part of niche research. While keyword research involved researching keywords that people use to search for something, Niche research involves a lot of other things like profitability of the niche, demographics, ad costs, content research, market research etc.Niche research is the first thing you need to do as you plan for your business. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHello and welcome to Episode 12 of the DKspeaks Podcast.The last week was a happening one in Technology, thanks to the launch of the much awaited Windows 10. Microsoft was offering it as a free upgrade to all the windows 7, 8 and 8.1 users and considering that it was the first time that any version of Windows was being given away of free, it was more than news for everyone. In the first 24 hours itself there were close to 64 million downloads as per the stats on a windows central blog post. That is massive and this is just the beginning as per Microsoft. Will Windows 10 change the fortunes for Microsoft and what is the idea behind giving away the OS These are questions that you will get answers to, only in the few months or, maybe years.In our last episode we discussed about email marketing best practices. I got a lot of questions from people asking me to record an episode on how to build your email list. There were a lot of people who said that they were struggling to build an email list and that this was their biggest pain point.So I thought why not do it right away as a follow up to the last episode because it was good to continue on the conversation rather than breaking it right now and coming back after a few episodes by which we would have lost the continuity.So in today’s episode we are going to discuss about 7 ways to build your email list from 0 to 10000 in the next 90 days. Don’t forget to take notes. You can also download this episode in case you want to listen to it at a later time.Before we get onto building an email list, there are a few things that you might want to keep in mind. Let us start with some of the metrics first. These are extremely critical in measuring your success rate and also in ensuring that you get a good ROI return on investment. Conversion rate : The numbers of visitors who enter their email address into your optin page. This metric is simple to calculate. It is the number of email address captured divided by the total number of visitors. CTR – Click through rate : How many people are clicking on your ads and going to the optin page. Cost per click: This is amount of money that you are paying for every click to your optin page.All of these metrics might not be relevant for all of the aspects that we are going to discuss today but more or, less these are the ones that you will need to measure the effectiveness of your list building campaigns.You need to also keep in mind a few other aspects: It is important that your conversion rates are good, else you might be losing a lot of money. You might not actually be spending real money on buying traffic but still, every visitor who comes to your landing page or, optin page has a cost attached to it. Assume that you conversion rate is only 15, meaning only 15 out of the total 100 people who visited your page actually entered their email address into the optin box. Compare it with a 30 optin rate. Which is better Of course, it is 30. For the same amount of traffic you are getting 15 additional subscribers. One of the factors that impact conversion rates is the quality of your landing page and the freebie that you are giving away. Hence you might want to pickup a good offer that you want to give away for free and use a nice landing page builder to build your optin forms and landing pages. Leadpages is one of the best landing page builder but is a little expensive. If you don’t want to spend so much money you can use one of the many good wordpress plugins that are available. Check some of these out in the resources sections. I personally recommend and use Thrive Content Builder and Thrive leads.Okay so onto the tips now.10 Methods to Build Your Email List Fast Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0Shares“The Money is in the List” is something that you hear the moment you jump into internet marketing and it follows you whenever and wherever you go.And the fact that every experienced internet marketer tells you that the money is indeed in the list, goes to establish the fact that your list is your biggest asset and that it is the most important thing in your business.When I started my business, I never really cared about a list. Traffic generation was simple and Google Adwords and other ads networks were also very cheap. I built a lot of micro niche websites and I was able to generate huge amounts of traffic to these sites. I made and these sites did extremely well. But the biggest mistake that I did was – not build and email list. I never really cared about the “Money is in the list” thing because I was making money and that was all I cared. The next couple of years saw a lot of things change on the internet. The traffic to my sites dropped because they were not optimized and some of them did not even follow the guidelines from Google. Some got penalized and yet others dropped of the rankings. As traffic dropped, the money went down. And finally one day, by the time I could realize what was happening, pretty much all my sites were down.I am sure you don’t want to be in that situation.With the changing internet marketing world and the difficulty in generating traffic and visitors to your content and offers, the efforts that you are putting into generating every single visitor is huge. At the same time, the value of every single visitor coming to your website has increased. If you are not able to capture this visitor in the form of an email address, then you are losing a lot of money.If you haven’t yet started building your list, then start right away. Don’t waste time on planning and designing. Just launch it.Keep in mind that you will need some good and reliable tools in your list building efforts. I recommend using Aweber for your autoresponder. If you are looking for a selfhosted solution, you can use IMSC rapid mailer and use Amazon SES services to send your email. For building beautiful and high converting optin pages and landing pages, I recommend, Thrive Content Builder and Thrive leads. They are costeffective and has a lot of features as well.Now, you have built your list. What nextEmail Marketing Best PracticesBuilding your list is important. It is equally important to manage it as well. One of the biggest mistakes that most people do is to ignore the list after you have built it.You don’t want a dead list where your subscribers don’t respond at all. Neither do you want to be building a list where your subscribers are unsubscribing faster than the rate at which they are subscribing.These 4 email marketing best practices that we are going to discuss today will help you build and manage an email list that is responsive and at the same time profitable.The Confirmation pages –I see a lot of people using the default subscription confirmation pages, which we also call the “thankyou” page, for the optin forms. These pages are hosted by the autoresponder services and have nothing but a message to the subscribers to confirm their email. This is sheer waste of a chance to better interact with you new subscribers. Build a custom thankyou page and give it your branding. You might want to personalize it while telling them who you are are. You might want to add a photograph of yours so that they know who you are. I prefer using this same photograph in almost all of my emails.People digest things better if presented visually. Rather than remembering my name, it will be easier for them to relate to my photograph. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesBefore we get onto today’s episode, I wanted to let you all know about a few changes that I am making to this show here. As per all the requests and suggestions that I received, we are moving to a weekly frequency from the next episode onwards. We are also changing the day on which we telecast the show from a Sunday to a Wednesday. So The DKSpeaks Podcast will now be available on all Wednesdays.This would mean that the next episode will be telecast on the Wednesday of the next week.I hope you all like these changes. Feel free to write to me about your thoughts, comments, suggestions and feedbacks.With that said, let us get onto today’s Episode of THE DKSpeaks Podcast.Today’s topic is – Making Money with Fiverr: Why FIVERR Could Be Your Best Option to Start Making Money OnlineFIVERR has had its share of controversies with a lot of people complaining about the quality of services being offered there. You can call it the 5 value and would proudly justify it with the quote, “what you get is what you pay for”. But if that trueWith markets becoming more of a buyers market and every Tom, Dick and Harry opening up an online service, the buyer always has an option of deciding where to buy from. And if you really think, 5.00 is not enough to get value for then you might just want to look for a better place for a better service.But FIVERR is not all that bad. Just as in the case of any other product or, service you are bound to find some bad ones and have some bad experiences as well. But you will be able to avoid all of this if you can spend some time and do your due diligence. There are tons of reviews for most of the sellers on FIVERR. And FIVERR sellers thrive on this reputation. Also keep in mind that these reviews and feedback are from genuine buyers. So there is no reason why it will be biased or, ingenuine.FIVERR has a lot of extremely good quality sellers and if you are ready to spend some time finding them, you can get some nice services done for a fraction of what it would cost you elsewhere.A couple of years ago, I first recommended FIVERR as a seller to my young brother. He was battling with unemployment. What worse could somebody go through than losing a job that was paying extremely well and that too unexpectedly. A dearth of good jobs, thanks to the IT recession added to his woes. His expertise was in graphics designing. He had a nice eye for colors and designs and was exceptionally talented.I found that designers were doing very good on FIVERR and there was a lot of demand for infographics. I recommended him to start a gig there for infographic creation. Until then I used FIVERR as a buyer only. He took my advice and setup a gig for infographic creation. He did not have to wait long. He got his first order on the 2nd day. And that was just the beginning. In just about 15 days he was buried deep into orders. There were more than 30 orders pending. The first month he earned about 600. That was big money for somebody who had just lost his job. He continued with his FIVERR gig for about 4 months. And by then he had realized the power of freelancing and being selfemployed.Today he does freelancing for multiple high value clients and runs his own business.Why am I telling you this storyIf you are struggling with making money, then FIVERR could just be the place which can help you with the push required. Making Money with Fiverr is not that difficult and it could help you get started with your Internet Marketing business.There are numerous sellers on FIVERR who rely solely on the income they generate from FIVERR. And that should be enough to tell you the kind of money you can make selling 5 gigs.So how you do start and How will you be able to stand out from the cro... Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest0Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp0SharesHello and welcome to Episode 14 of The DKSpeaks Podcast.In the last week’s Podcast, we discussed about buying traffic especially using SOLO ads. There are a lot more strategies in SOLO ad buying which can help you get better ROI, build a huge list and at the same time get clicks for FREE. We will discuss these in some of the future episodes.In this episode we are going to be discussing about the SOLO ad business model and how to make money selling SOLO ads.Solo ads have been one of my favorite business model, primarily because of the fact that it is the easiest to setup and the fastest method to start making money online. And since good quality SOLO ads is something that a lot of people are after, you have a readymade market with a lot of buyers in it.I was a full time solo seller until a few months back after which I shifted my focus to product creation and coaching. Did I quit selling solos No, I didn’t. I sell SOLOs even now but at a much lesser magnitude.But for the time I sold SOLOs I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. And so far as the money is concerned, in 12 days of starting to sell SOLO ads I was making money. First week was at 225, second week went upto 380, and by the third week I was making about 75 per day.A lot of people start off in internet marketing with that goal but never really reach that. And so in this episode you will learn how to achieve your goal with SOLO ads.Understanding the SOLO Ads Business ModelOne of the minimum requirements for running a SOLO ads business is to have a list. While building a list is not difficult if you use SOLO ads and some of the strategies that we discussed in our last episode, this is one of the biggest hurdle where people quit this business model.But, building your list will take some time. So how do you start a SOLO ad business immediatelyI personally do not recommend running a SOLO ad business without a real list of yours but at the same time do recommend this strategy for beginners who do not have a huge list of their own.This method involves SOLO ad brokering. And what you do in this method is, you buy solo ads from people and sell it to others for a margin. Another tip that you want to keep in mind is to buy large and sell small. So you can buy about 500 clicks from a solo seller and sell 100 clicks each to 5 people. The benefit here is that since you are buying large you will get clicks at a much lower price which you can then resell at a higher price.If you are just starting off and are not very confident about getting customers, you can take the normal route of ordering clicks only when you have a customer who is ready to buy clicks from you.Whichever the method you follow, you stand to gain. You can sell the clicks that you buy at a margin of about 5.00 per 100 clicks and if you are able to sell about 1000 clicks a week, you earn about 50. I agree that is very small but it is a good starting point.Another tip here is to use these clicks to also build your list. Here is how it works. Whenever you send clicks to a link, there are people who will click on the links multiple times. But these multiple clicks don’t count towards the overall clicks that the seller is to deliver because you are actually paying for unique clicks. At the same time, these multiple clicks doesn’t benefit the buyer as well because more often than not these duplicate clicks don’t result in conversions due to the fact that these clicks are going to the same landing page that they have browsed away from earlier.You can make use of these clicks to build your list. You can use a rotator script to rotate the links. So all first clicks will go to the buyer’s links and all duplicate clicks will go to your link. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest20Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp20SharesHave you ever seen a “Not Secured” notification in front of a website URL on the address barWhat was your first thought when you saw thatIf you are anything like me, you would have asked yourselves if you really want to click through to the website. Isn’t itNow imagine if it was your website.A little while back, Google came out with an update that emphasized the need to provide a clean and secure experience to users. That was the first notification to websites to start looking at options to enhance the security of their website.Then in 2014, they announced HTTPS as a ranking signal.And then began the race. Who doesn’t want their Search engine rankings and that too on Google, to stay intact There started the frenzy to get SSL Certificates for their websites and marketers quickly went onto get their websites HTTPS compliant.But was it really necessaryDoes HTTPS help in Search Engine RankingsOne of the common questions that most bloggers have is “does SSL Certificates help in search engine rankings”.Neil patel did a study and gathered some data that indeed proved that installing an SSL certificate could help you in your search engine results, albeit in a minor way.His study was done a little while back.And since that time there has been a few more significant changes. Browsers like Chrome and Firefox started shaming websites that were not HTTPS, by showing a “Not Secure” tag in the address bar.In this time, the impact that HTTPS has on search engine rankings have also increased.Some studies have indeed shownSo what is this HTTPS thing all aboutWhat is HTTPSHTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and its main benefit is that it provides a secure connection to users on those pages where they share personal data.And in order for this to happen, you need to install an SSL certificate Secure Socket Layer certificate. Its a protocol that HTTPS uses.In layman’s terms, it means that HTTPS encrpts the secured information that is exchanged between a web server and a browser, thereby keeping such information safe.This means that you website will be considered as a trustworthy one by people using it.Once you have installed an SSL certificate, browsers like Firefox and Chrome will show a security padlock in green, which basically proves that your website is trustworthy and secure.But what are the benefits of an SSL CertificateBenefits of installing an SSL CertificateIf you are an internet marketer or, Blogger, I am sure your business depends on your trustworthiness. If your subscribers, Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
Pinterest70Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp70SharesInstagram marketing is huge and the fact that a lot of big brands are making a lot of money from Instagram, stamps its authority and makes it all the more important for internet marketers to check out the social media platform.Considering that Instagram is a simple platform where you are to share images and that too using your mobile phone, it should be a cake walk for an average marketer.But then, why is it that a lot of marketers are failing in their Instagram Marketing strategyIt is because of some very common Instagram mistakes that most internet marketers make.And in this episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast we will be discussing these common Instagram mistakes and how to avoid them so that you get better results out of your strategy.11 Common Instagram mistakes to avoidIf you have been an Instagrammer and you are not getting the kind of results that you were expecting, then you would surely making one or, more of these mistakes that we are going to talk about.In fact, I have noticed a lot of marketers making these mistakes. And the fact that these are some of the basics makes it a crime to make these mistakes.So let us discuss each of these and understand how to ensure that we are avoiding these Instagram mistakes.Here is what we will be discussing in this episode – The most common Instagram mistakes that people make An Instagram mistake that is almost always the reason for driving low traffic to your websites 2 tips to make your Instagram content even more effective A simple tip for a better profile descriptionResources mentioned in this episodeWe did not discuss a lot of tools and resources in this episode. But if you are keen on knowing about some of the best tools for Instagram marketing, then you might want to listen to the following episode – Instagram Marketing toolsWe have a few other interesting episode on Instagram marketing which you might want to listen to – how to make money with Instagram how to build your followers on Instagram how to market on InstagramThank You for Joining inI would like to thank you all for joining in today for this episode on Instagram mistakes.I hope you enjoyed this episode and also learnt some tips on how not to make the same Instagram mistakes that a lot of the other marketers are making.In order to stay updated with the latest episode you might want to subscribe to the podcast.You can subscribe to the podcast using any of the below links:Click here to Subscribe via iTunesClick here to Subscribe via RSS noniTunes FeedClick here to Subscribe via StitcherPinterest70Facebook 0Twitter 0LinkedInWhatsApp70Shares Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dkspeaks/message
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