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Say NO To Drama with Chetna

U • Education • Health & Fitness • Fiction

Healer and Coach, Chetna takes us through the AZ of Positive Action on the Positively Unlimited Podcast. In each episode she talks of a mindset, a way of being, that can help us reflect and discover our potential to the fullest.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: can check out our website at in to the new episodes every Monday and Wednesday.

  • Introduction

    Healer and Coach, Chetna takes us through the AZ of Positive Action on the Positively Unlimited Podcast. In each episode she talks of a mindset, a way of being, that can help us reflect and discover our potential to the fullest. Learn more about the...

  • A for Align
    9 min 56 sec

    What do you want What are you chasing If you are immediately thinking about what you dont want and cant seem to have clarity to express what you want, how will you know what you need to do to get what you want Confused Well, this is why being...

  • B for Be Still
    6 min 39 sec

    The second card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is B for Be still. What is it about being still... Why is it important It is in moments of stillness that we absorb, we experience and we live. So, when was the last time you just paused all the...

  • C for Clear the Clutter
    6 min 39 sec

    You know that feeling you get when you clean your cupboard or your office drawer There is an instant sense of order and clarity. Simply because now, you can find exactly what you are looking for. Its just the same with clearing the emotional clutter...

  • D for Drop the Judgement
    5 min 47 sec

    The fourth card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is D for Drop the Judgement. There is a constant sense of spewing and absorbing judgement. Wouldnt you agree Whatever words you choose to judge yourself or others around you, it all comes down...

  • E for Embrace the Change
    6 min 38 sec

    The fifth card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is E for Embrace the Change. How do you react to any sort of change in your life Do you struggle or do you welcome it with open arms Is it hard for you to let go Maybe you should try looking at...

  • F for Forgive
    8 min 38 sec

    The sixth card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is F for Forgive. What do you feel about forgiveness Do you think it comes easy to you Or is it way too hard to let go of the pain and anger Give it a thought. Maybe you will be able to see how...

  • G for Give Thanks
    7 min 42 sec

    The seventh card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is G for Give Thanks. Count your blessings. Show some gratitude. Be thankful. These are things we hear all the time. But what is it that we make of such phrases Give it a thought, how...

  • H for Heal
    9 min 37 sec

    The eight card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is H for Heal. Does talking about healing, make you uncomfortable Healing those wounds, be it physical, mental or emotional. Letting those scars fade and accepting the beauty of the marks left...

  • I for Invest in Yourself
    6 min 30 sec

    The ninth card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is I for Invest in Yourself. Have you really tried figuring out your inner potential Would you like to live this potential Inner potential evolves with time and and it lets you grow mentally and...

  • J for Jump at that Chance
    7 min 12 sec

    The tenth card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is J for Jump at that Chance. Life is full of chances and new opportunities, second chances and sometimes a third and fourth too. But if we dont respond to life appropriately you wont even know...

  • K for Know When to Speak Up
    7 min 13 sec

    The eleventh card from the A to Z of PositiveAction is K for know... Know when to speak up and when to hold your peace. What kind of a communicator are you Are you loud or softspoken Or are you the silent types Learn more about the Circle of...

  • L for Let Go
    6 min 48 sec

    The twelveth card from the A to Z of PositiveAction is L for Let go of limiting beliefs. What are these limiting beliefs They are things we tell ourselves which arent entirely true. There are stories we tell ourselves. But the truth is that we...

  • M is for Making Conscious Choices
    7 min 31 sec

    We pull out the 13th card in the deck M which stands for Making Conscious Choices. We make endless choices and decisions everyday, but do they all come from a conscious space Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show...

  • N for Name The Emotion
    7 min 25 sec

    As we cross the halfway mark with the 14th card in the deck, we give a shoutout to some of our listeners. N stands for Name the emotion. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your own emotions It might be time to address all your feelings and give them...

  • O for Open Your Mind
    7 min 36 sec

    The 15th card in the deck is O which calls you to open you mind and heart. Do you feel that your current way of functioning does not suit you anymore It might be time to improvise. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this...

  • P for Pray
    5 min 34 sec

    The 16th card in the deck is P for Pray. Sometimes all one needs to keep going is faith. Faith that you are where youre supposed to be, faith that theres a right time and place for everything. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here...

  • Q for Question Everything
    7 min 5 sec

    The 17th card in the deck is Q for Question Everything. So, what made you tune into todays episode Whats going on in your life and what is the answer your heart seeks Todays episode is all about learning to have a constructive conversation with...

  • R for Raise Your Vibrations
    13 min 4 sec

    The 18th card in the deck is R for Raise Your Vibrations. Imagine the universe is a gigantic radio station with limitless channels, each frequency playing a different vibration Which one would you want to tune into today Find yourself a comfortable...

  • S for See Perspectives
    5 min 30 sec

    The 19th card in the deck is S for See Perspectives Every situation you are going through, every challenge that you are facing has another perspective to it. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh look to get the much needed clarity. Learn more about the...

  • T for Tell Your Story
    7 min 19 sec

    The 20th card in the deck is T for Tell Your Story. Sometimes telling your story could help you understand that there are people out there dealing with something similar. Telling your story is about owning your journey, embracing it and inspiring...

  • U for Understand Yourself Better
    7 min 9 sec

    The 21st card in the deck is U for Understand Yourself Better. This is the episode to know why you want something so bad or to make sense of why you react the way you do in that particular situation its time we become our own best friend and truly...

  • V for Visualize Your Life
    7 min 31 sec

    The 22nd card in the deck is V for Visualize Your Life. A vision for life is important. Its all about tapping into your subconscious to clearly see your deepest desires and aligning yourself appropriately. So, grab that paper and pen to put down...

  • W for Work Hard Consistently
    5 min 50 sec

    Every week, we pull out a card to help you harness the true potential in your life. The 23rd card in the deck is about conviction and the making the best of every opportunity in every waking moment. This episode comes with a bonus exercise to help you...

  • X for Xpect No More
    7 min 39 sec

    The 24th card in the deck is about expectations and the mindset to practice this week is how to drop our expectations and consciously focus on our actions. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on...

  • Y for Yes To Life!
    8 min 2 sec

    The 25th card in the deck is Y for saying Yes to all that life offers us today. Everytime we say no to something because we think we arent good enough or we dont deserve that opportunity we are losing a chance. So how do you learn to say yes to...

  • Z for Zone In
    8 min 16 sec

    We are on our final letter Z. This is episode 26th of the Positively Unlimited Podcast and no, this is not the end. It is just a completion of a cycle of change. Be sure to check in next Monday for a bonus meditation before we kick off our next circle...

  • Bonus Meditation
    11 min 36 sec

    Before we move on to a new cycle of change, heres a bonus meditation for our dear listeners. Make sure to bookmark this episode and well see you next week with new tips for a positive mindset. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here ...

  • Assertive not Argumentative
    6 min 40 sec

    We are back with an all new cycle of change. This cycle has a lot more than just mindsets or habits to build. In this episode, we discuss the difference between being assertive and being argumentative. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of...

  • Break it down to build it up
    6 min 9 sec

    How often do you find yourself getting overwhelmed How often does your day or life feel like too much On this episode, Chetna talks about having a system in place to help prioritize things. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here ...

  • Commitment vs Convenience
    5 min 26 sec

    In this episode, Chetna breaks down the ideas C for convenience or C for commitment When you are convinced, when you have conviction in your idea, then comes commitment. And when you believe, the notion of commitment can come easily. Learn more...

  • Determined not Desperate
    6 min 31 sec

    And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Paulo Coelhlo In this episode, Chetna throws light over the difference between Determination and Desperation. No matter what you desire, as long as you re...

  • Empowered Not Entitled
    5 min 18 sec

    Positive Action is taking conscious action towards life. Todays positive action is about calling ourselves out and understanding the difference between being empowered and being entitled. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • For Now vs Forever
    6 min 6 sec

    On this episode, Chetna drops a bunch of truth bombs. She talks about the problem of fairytaleesque Forever and how we can consciously choose For Now over that. Listen in to this insightful episode Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Growth vs Greed
    5 min 23 sec

    There are two kinds of people ones with fixed mindset and those with growth mindset. Which one are you This week Chetna talks about the difference between the two and how to live a content life. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Hold On vs Holding On
    4 min 42 sec

    This episode gives us a reality check about the difference between Hold On and Holding onto something. She talks about how these two different mindsets can help you be patient and let go of things. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here ...

  • I Am Who I Say I Am
    4 min 33 sec

    Positive action is about focusing on what you can do, instead of getting caught in what you cannot. This episode features a simple exercise to help understand yourself better and to not be defined by labels. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Jump The Gun vs Just Breathe
    5 min 15 sec

    We all have certain fixed notions of how things should be. Its like this complicated metal frame that we are standing inside. But, who built this frame How do we break out of this How do we just breathe Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Keep It Simple Silly
    5 min 28 sec

    K.I.S.S Keep it simple silly. Easier said than done How do we keep it simple How do we stop overcomplicating things and overthinking Tune in as Chetna dwells into all this and more in this episode of The Positively Unlimited Podcast. Learn more...

  • Love Yourself: The Truth and The Hype
    7 min 46 sec

    Whats the one change you want to make in 2019 Chetna talks about how to place ourselves first and maintain a balance between our needs and other peoples needs. Remember, placing your needs first is NOT selfish. Listen in Learn more about the...

  • Money Minded vs. Money Mindset
    5 min 25 sec

    What are your money goals this year Chetna talks about the difference between being money minded versus having a money mindset. Listen in to to learn more about how to tell the universe about your money goals. Learn more about the Circle of...

  • Negative Thinking - The Default Setting?
    5 min 59 sec

    Is Negative Thinking our default setting Why is looking at the brighter side of things not as easy On this episode, Chetna takes us through tips on how to put our negative thoughts to rest. Also includes a special exercise that you can do to let go...

  • Overthinking vs. Organised Thinking
    7 min 22 sec

    Do you tend to overthink On this episode, Chetna breaks down the difference between Overthinking and Organised Thinking. Listen in to learn how to break through this downward spiral to stay in the present. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Procrastination vs. Productivity
    6 min 56 sec

    On this episode, Chetna talks about a major obstacle we all face almost everyday Procrastination Listen in to learn how to get up and strike things off that pending list. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here You can listen to this...

  • Quality vs. Quantity
    6 min 56 sec

    Quantity with a purpose will lead to Quality of experience. On this episode, Chetna answers the question Why Quality over Quantity. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here You can listen to this show and other awesome shows...

  • Resentful vs Resourceful
    8 min 35 sec

    On this episode, Chetna guides you through a todo list which will help you move on over the past for a more resourceful tomorrow. So, step out of resentfulness and step into your resourceful self. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here...

  • Selfish vs Selfless
    6 min 54 sec

    Doing something for myself considered being selfish Well on this episode Chetna answers as to why maintaining a balance between being selfless being selfish is important in order to survive in this world. Learn more about the Circle of...

  • Truth be Told
    8 min 10 sec

    The Truth is about having the courage to honestly admit or speak up about what is really going on. Listen to the episode to know more. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new...

  • Unleash vs Unravel Your Potential
    7 min 37 sec

    Tap into the limitless potential that you are capable of Listen to the episode to know more about the importance of unraveling instead of unleashing our potential. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here You can listen to this show and...

  • Victor Spirit over Victim Energy
    8 min 18 sec

    Both Victim and Victor reside within us and its a conscious choice we need to make. Snap out of your lethargic victim energy and listen to the podcast which will help you inch closer to your victor self. You can listen to this show and other...

  • Waiting vs Waiting
    6 min 38 sec

    And we are on the 50th episode Are you waiting for something Is it worth waiting for Listen to the episode for more. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can...

  • The X Factor
    8 min 37 sec

    On the 51st episode of the Positively Unlimited Podcast, Chetna talks about the toughest letters around X. Yes, talking about the past relationships. Listen to the episode to know more about the importance of your exes and what they have taught you...

  • You vs You
    6 min 7 sec

    Today it is letter Y in this second series of AZ of Positive Action series and it is all about You. This episode will help you identify and combat the lack of selfrespect. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved...

  • Zipping Through Life
    11 min 53 sec

    And it is the last letter of the English alphabet. Its the letter Z and on this episode, Chetna runs you through a meditation routine. You can follow more of her meditation routines on episodesand. You can listen to this show and...

  • Overcoming Anxiety
    11 min 9 sec

    Have you ever felt so anxious that it feels like the end of the world Well, it isnt if you have tuned into this episode. Todays episode is about overcoming anxiety by cultivating small habits like making a todo list, taking breaks and reminding...

  • Healing Chronic Pain
    9 min 37 sec

    Chronic pain is not merely a physical aspect of the body but also emotional, intellectual and spiritual as Chetna explains. It is a bodys way to communicate unrest and express nonalignment in all these aspects. Tune into this episode to understand...

  • Divine Timing - Myth or Fact
    6 min 9 sec

    Divine Timing is all about you evolving into who you need to be in order to live your dream. In this episode, Chetna breaks down facts and dispels myths that hover around in our belief systems. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here:...

  • The Truth About Toxic Relationships
    8 min 47 sec

    Are the negatives of your relationship outweighing the positives Its time to STOP and rethink Tune into this episode of The Positively Unlimited Podcast to know about the signs and symptoms of a toxic relationship, and how to get out of it. Learn...

  • Breaking Out Of Toxic Relationships
    8 min 10 sec

    You choose a relationship to build. When building becomes begging or chasing, its time to let go. Take the first step to choosing YOU To know more tune into The Positively Unlimited Podcast today. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Unrequited Love
    8 min 55 sec

    Heartbreaks are a part and parcel of life. Not every person we fall in love with is meant to stay in our lives. A relationship requires a lot more than just a connection. Life has a lot of love to offer to us, if only we give it a chance. On this...

  • Juggling Life
    10 min 26 sec

    What is the one thing that really matters to you and you want to achieve it What is the one thing that makes you feel content Do you prioritize things in your life and make a rough chart of an ideal day On this episode, our host Chetna talks about...

  • Raise Low Self-Esteem
    10 min 1 sec

    Selfbelief is very important in all aspects of life. Nobody is born with incredible selfconfidence. If someone seems to have it, its only because theyve worked on it for many years. On this episode, Chetna talks about countering fears and...

  • Bullying
    12 min

    The one thing that can defeat a bully is the right knowledge used in the right manner. On this episode, host Chetna talks about bullying and toxic people, different kinds of bullying emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual. Learn more about...

  • Fitting in
    9 min 1 sec

    On this episode, host Chetna talks about need to fit in. She talks about how one puts in a lot of effort and struggles to fit in. She questions, What is the one unique quality that sets you apart from the people at work or in your life Learn more...

  • Self Belief & Conviction
    8 min 47 sec

    Why is it that we dont believe in ourselves How do we make spaces for ourselves by building our own self belief and conviction. On this weeks episode, host Chetna talks about validation, self belief and conviction. Learn more about the Circle of...

  • Unconditional Love
    9 min 10 sec

    People will love you, only when you do something for them. Dont you want somebody to accept you the way you are Dont you want somebody to treat you with love and care On this weeks episode, our host Chetna talks about unconditional love and...

  • Travelling Anxiety
    10 min 56 sec

    Do anxiety stop you from traveling Do paperwork or going fo a visa makes you feel anxious Do you freak out when your visa gets rejected On this episode, host Chetna talks about traveling anxiety and ways to manage with traveling anxiety. Learn more...

  • Balancing Friendships
    9 min 47 sec

    Think about the people that you are surrounded with do they pull you down or they lift you up. In friendship, give and take is sometimes a difficult concept to maintain. The balance of who is doing more will go back and forth, and over time it...

  • Stay Focused
    8 min 43 sec

    Our goals are meant to fulfill in a certain way. It is important for us to identify what it will fulfill. Once you know what it will fulfill it becomes easier to stay on track. On the latest episode of Positively Unlimited, host Chetna talks about...

  • Drawing Boundaries
    11 min 33 sec

    One must accept the change and deal with problems because drawing boundaries involves going through chaos On the latest episode of Positively Unlimited, host Chetna tells us how to deal with drama and conflict by drawing boundaries for yourself. She...

  • Being Responsible
    12 min 29 sec

    If you have made a choice, you must learn to live that choice. When you choose to do nothing you are responsible for your choice because doing nothing is also a choice. What being responsible means to you in your life Are you overdoing it or waking...

  • Self-loathing
    7 min 4 sec

    Accept and acknowledge what you are feeling, and choose to love yourself This week on Positively Unlimited hosts Chetna talks about: SelfLoading and Hatred Acceptance Love and Forgiveness Feelings and Emotions Learn more about the Circle of...

  • Grief and Being There
    6 min 2 sec

    Dont stop crying, express whatever you are feeling through your tears, and be strong. On this episode, host Chetna talks about grief and how to be there for someone. She also discusses of expressing yourself and how one should be strong in a tough...

  • Travel Light
    8 min 23 sec

    If life was a trip, how much luggage will you check in before you board the flight Are you, someone who is going to constantly end up paying excess baggage for your emotional stuff, or someone who loves to travel light This week on Positively...

  • Move On
    7 min 20 sec

    Learn to take some form of criticisms, learn to listen to others without getting affected by and do not take things personally. This week on Positively Unlimited, host Chetna talks about Moving On in life and why giving your 100 percent all the time...

  • But What If
    7 min

    What is the first thing that comes in your mind when you say, But What If Do you say all negative things like But what if Im not capable enough, but what if i cant do this or do you prefer to think positive like But what if I can do this, but...

  • Trust Yourself
    11 min 53 sec

    What makes it too hard to trust yourself Is it a sense of failure making you believe that you are not good enough or lack of faith or you are incapable of making good choices This week on Positively Unlimited, host Chetna talks about trust, holding...

  • Social Anxiety
    10 min 7 sec

    What is the persona you want to project What do you want people to think of you Are you afraid to ask questions Lower the noise of judgement on social settings. This week on Positively Unlimited, host Chetna shares a simple way how to deal with...

  • (Rebroadcast) Love Yourself: The Truth and The Hype
    9 min 51 sec

    Whats the one change you want to make in 2020 Chetna talks about how to place ourselves first and maintain a balance between our needs and other peoples needs. Remember, placing your needs first is NOT selfish. Listen in Learn more about the...

  • Delusive Decision
    9 min 57 sec

    On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, host chetna talks about delusive decision, decisions made on certain believes. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast...

  • Work Life Balance
    10 min 41 sec

    Anything in excess is unhealthy and will affect your body and health. This week on Positively Unlimited Podcast, host Chetna talks about the topic which a lot of people believe and follow that is, Working Extra. A lot of people believe that if we...

  • Back to Work
    9 min 42 sec

    Have you ever taken a long break from work and now finding it difficult to join another place in a different position/designation Are you afraid to join a new place because you might not get the same salary Are you afraid that to maintain balance at...

  • Feeling Home Sick
    9 min 44 sec

    Are you one of those who didnt get the chance to go home this festive season and does that make you feel homesick If yes, then this episode is for you. This week, host Chetna talks about what we can do to fill that void, how we can utilize our time,...

  • Respect Your body
    12 min 15 sec

    Are you making the right choice about your body Are you taking your body for granted Do you skip meals at the office to finish your work first Are you making the right choice for your body This week, host Chetna talks about why it is too hard to...

  • Sticking To A Routine
    10 min 4 sec

    Are you eating the right kind of food at the right time Want to create healthy new habits that stick around While sometimes we accomplish them, and sometimes we encounter unforeseen obstacles. In order to avoid obstacles and achieve our goals, we...

  • Empty Words
    11 min 9 sec

    What is the first thing comes in your mind when you hear words like, empathy, selflove and compassion This week Chetna talks about compassion, empathy, and selflove. Tune in to know more about empty words and emotions. You can listen to this show...

  • Labels
    8 min 6 sec

    We all have desires and goals in our lives and in order to succeed and live that goal, we need to pull out certain kinds of qualities. In this episode host, Chetna talks about the certain kinds of labels and adjectives that we give to ourselves and...

  • Living Your Potential
    11 min 16 sec

    Living your potential is about taking actions towards your desire. Are you someone who wants to live a simple life and doesnt think about passion and goals Or are you someone who consciously seeking purpose and passion in your life. This week,...

  • Finding Your Purpose
    7 min 55 sec

    Are you someone who is struggling to discover your purpose. Are you earning by living your dreams and passion or are you earning to live your dreams and passion This week, Chetna talks about the importance of purpose in life and what are the...

  • Measuring Success
    9 min 10 sec

    Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what exactly success means to you We all want to be successful in our lives and for each one of us, the definition of success is different. For some, having an expensive car makes them successful or for some...

  • Sit With Yourself
    10 min 47 sec

    How do you deal with negative emotions This week, host Chetna talks about the importance of self reflection. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out...

  • Learning to Forgive
    11 min 36 sec

    What does forgiveness mean to you Do you think it is easy to forgive someone or is it way too hard to let go of the pain and anger Give it a thought, and let go of the things which are stopping you. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity...

  • Embrace Yourself
    8 min 22 sec

    On Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about unconditional acceptance. Learning to embrace yourself is not an easy task, its a journey that can hold many challenges, especially if youve had to face criticism. Tune in to the episode, to know about differe

  • (Rebroadcast) Selfish vs Selfless
    8 min 25 sec

    Doing something for myself considered being selfishWell on this episode Chetna answers as to why maintaining a balance between being selfless being selfish is important in order to survive in this world.

  • Chasing your Desires
    9 min 10 sec

    In life, some of our desires come true, some become ongoing pursuits in our lives, while others just fall through and come to no form of fruition. Certain desires, however, require a certain version of you, as sometimes things take time to fall into plac

  • Power of Choice
    7 min 57 sec

    Life is full of choices. We make choices everyday, right from the time we get up to the time we hit our bed. Choosing between what you should do, and what you want to do is a difficult task.In this episode, host Chetna talks about power of choice.

  • Make Peace With Your Choice
    11 min 16 sec

    Life is a series of important and unimportant choices and every choice that we make takes us down to a certain path. All choices may not be the right one or the most logical one.

  • Trusting The Process
    8 min 24 sec

    You know what is the secret ingredient to reach to your goals Do you always doubt yourself, your work or wait for the conclusion.Trusting the process means having the faith that everything is unfolding no matter how difficul

  • Self-Doubt
    7 min 43 sec

    Selfdoubt is a powerful tool that lead to conviction.This week on Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about self doubt and how it help us to move forward in our life.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here

  • Respond Appropriately
    6 min 15 sec

    This week on Positively Unlimited, host Chetna talks about how one should react instead of responding inappropriately. She also shares some tips on how one should work on their anger and not get impatient.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here ht

  • Social Media Pressure
    10 min 55 sec

    This week on Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about the social media pressure and overuse of technology. She shares some insightful tips on how to handle social media pressure and how you can optimize your technology usage to keep your mental heal

  • A for Appreciate
    7 min 7 sec

    We all want to be appreciated. But do we know how to appreciate Its not the same as being thankful. To appreciate someone means to give someone a compliment. In these times of lockdown, give a compliment to every single person you speak to and make t

  • Beware
    8 min 3 sec

    Beware of the thoughts you entertain, the feelings you indulge. Beware of how you are reacting and what you are choosing to believe.

  • Communicate
    9 min 46 sec

    Gentle reminders and perspectives on how we can communicate better in these times of lockdown. Simple tools that change what you say and how you say it which in turn changes the outcome of that conversation.

  • Do
    8 min 5 sec

    Do as much as you can. That is how you do your best. When you chase perfection or you try to please everyone, you end up overdoing things and you feel drained. Do what you can with what you have. This is how you learn to improvise and adapt.

  • Enthusiasm
    7 min 26 sec

    The energy we are going to need the most this year is enthusiasm. Given our current reality, this is my gentle reminder to everyone listening to hold on to hope and live everyday with an eagerness to take this current scenario and all the dread it brings

  • #FOMO
    14 min 2 sec

    Fear of missing out, fear of losing out and making conscious choices from a space of knowing what you want.

  • Grace
    8 min 48 sec

    Grace is a quality all of us should imbibe. Its about compassion and gratitude In todays episode Chetna breaks this beautiful quality down for us to practice in these times of lockdown.

  • Home Alone
    8 min 46 sec

    No, we are not talking about the film. But this lockdown has taken this choice some of us made to live alone in different cities,

  • Improvise
    8 min

    Improvise and adapt, thats the energy we need to be tapping into. Yes, we all have this superpower, but most of us dont even realize it. In this episode I share a key perspective to help us all improvise. Happy listening

  • Jargon
    9 min 31 sec

    Jargon big words that we use to disguise what we really want to say or sometimes words we loosely throw around to fit in. Ever wondered how these words could be complicating the way we think, feel and communicate.

  • Kickstart
    10 min 40 sec

    Kickstart literally means a mechanism that can start a specific process quickly. Well, whats the emotion you need to tap into to kickstart your life as we inch towards a new normal

  • Love Hard
    9 min 18 sec

    When we talk about love and relationships, we always talk about what we are looking for and want from our partner.

  • Mindfulness
    7 min 58 sec

    Mindfulness is not another trend or spiritual fad. It is also more than just about focusing more or not overthinking or being present.

  • Negotiate
    12 min 35 sec

    My way or the highway is a bad habit. Time to drop it. Learn to negotiate in relationships instead of compromising, settling, or then feeling stuck.

  • Overreact
    11 min 45 sec

    Are you reacting, responding appropriately or then just overreacting. In this episode, Chetna explain the reasons why certain situations trigger certain reactions and how to identify and change them.

  • Pause
    12 min 7 sec

    Practice the pause. Its in these moments of stillness that the universe works its magic.Tune in to find out more on PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast with Chetna Chakravarthy.

  • Quest
    8 min 47 sec

    Right now we all need to keep our sense of adventure alive and we all need to be on sone kind of a quest. But what does this word mean Well... Happy listening

  • Reminders
    7 min 18 sec

    We all need to be reminded of some truths every now and then. This is that episode. Happy listening

  • Self-sabotage
    8 min 56 sec

    What is selfsabotage In this Chetna shares a quick and powerful life hack to stop selfsabotaging yourself and your dreams. Its a mindset shift but one that can turn these unhealthy behaviours around for you within minutes.

  • Thrive Today
    11 min 44 sec

    In this episode Chetna talks about a powerful truth We are built to survive, but we are born to thrive.

  • Utilize
    8 min 48 sec

    Use what you have one of the biggest lessons from this pandemic. Chetna talks about utilizing your resources efficiently and optimally in this episode.

  • Values
    8 min

    IVMPodcast, PositivelyUnlimited, ChetnaChakravarthy, Pandemic, COVID, Anxiety, Depression, Positivity, Stress, Relief, Mindful, Podcasts, Value, Valuable, HumanBeing

  • Woke AF
    10 min 43 sec

    What does it mean to be Woke AF and what do we need to know about being rebels with many causes.

  • Xtend Yourself
    9 min 42 sec

    Do what you can on some days... But on most days learn to extend yourself just a little bit each time. Thats how you end up doing what you want.

  • Year Long
    8 min 17 sec

    Change often takes a year to manifest and sometimes it takes us a whole year to settle into change. What will happen if you accept this kind of a timeline Time and our definitions of it, thats what this episode is about.

  • Zig Zag
    7 min 45 sec

    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Unfortunately life does not follow this rule and it usually sets us off on winding paths with crazy hairpin bends.

  • Acceptance
    12 min 44 sec

    A whole new cycle of AZ and this time its going to be all about relationships and love. First up A for Acceptance. Love is a verb and acceptance is one of its expressions.

  • Boundaries
    12 min 18 sec

    Boundaries something we all struggle with in our relationships. Placing healthy boundaries is an act of self love accepting the foundations your partner has placed, respecting them is an act of love.

  • Consideration Box
    14 min 35 sec

    Consideration Box a magic spot in our mind where we place that person who we fancy, who we have a crush on or who we wish and hope becomes our partner for life.

  • Drama
    12 min 50 sec

    This is a cracker of an episode where Chetna throws light on how our internal dramas are causing the external conflicts. Tune in to understand the subconscious narratives that if changed can change your relationship.

  • Expectations
    13 min 3 sec

    We all have expectations from our partners. But is it right or wrong And what about all the disappointments Chetna peels the layers of expectations in this episode and she shares an interesting tool as well.

  • Fighting Fair
    9 min 31 sec

    Every relationship has its share of conflicts. But what makes all the difference is how two people communicate or fight in those situations. Chetna shares a few dos and donts to change the way fights in your relationship end.

  • Goals
    9 min 24 sec

    RelationshipGoals maybe just another hashtag on Instagram tagged on pretty pictures that create an illusion of the good life. But in this episode Chetna shares a perspective on setting goals to build a life together.

  • Higher Love
    11 min 8 sec

    The rules of love and relationships have changed. The roles have changed too. And the universe is demanding more from us.

  • Insecurities
    11 min 2 sec

    Insecurities like all negative emotions have a purpose and function they are either showing you a limitation you need to overcome or they are protecting you.

  • Jealousy
    9 min 50 sec

    Jealousy refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and lack of trust that often destroys the relationship. In this episode, Chetna shares a tool on how to tackle this negative emotion and build a better relationship.

  • Kindness
    9 min 43 sec

    Kindness is an act of consideration with the little things in any relationship. Kindness and compassion for each other are very important in any relationship. Remember that you accepted them with their scars,

  • Lust
    10 min 40 sec

    Lust is pure, unadulterated desire of the body minus the mishmash and burden of emotions. Its the sacred fire needed to strip one of all illusions which mask love. In this episode, Chetna talks about the importance of lust in love life and how it

  • Mirroring
    11 min 15 sec

    Youre in tune with one another and matching your partners gait thats mirroring. In this episode, Chetna talks about the behavior of mirroring where we reflect various things that are present in our partners behavior.

  • No Means No
    9 min 31 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna talks about the phrase No means No. She shares a fresh perspective where she addresses two stereotype statements, ways to tackle it and a lot more.

  • On and Off
    11 min 55 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna shares about the cycle of On and Off where two people keep breaking up only to reconcile afterward thus repeating a cycle.

  • Permission Granted
    9 min 17 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna talks about Permission in any relationship. She addresses various relationship problems when it comes to the permission of selfexpression on certain decisions.

  • Quest (for love)
    7 min 15 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna Chakravarthy talks to all the singles on Quest for Love. She shares her perspective on the fear of being left alone.

  • Romance
    9 min 53 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna Chakravarthy talks about Romance in any relationship. She simplifies the concept and shares an exercise that can help a person to figure out the level of romance in their

  • Step Up
    11 min 43 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna Chakravarthy shares a fresh perspective on the action of Step Up. She demystifies the common myths and statements we go through while leveling up the relationship. Do listen to this

  • Time Out
    7 min 2 sec

    In this episode of PositivelyUnlimitedPodcast, Host Chetna Chakravarthy shares a mindset about Calling a time out. She explains the concept of timeout and what is the need for it in the relationship and much more on this episode of Positively Unlim

  • Ultimatums
    10 min 8 sec

    Marry me or else... Quit smoking or else... In this weeks episode, Chetna talks to us about having Ultimatums and why its never a good idea.

  • Validation
    10 min 57 sec

    We all seek validation, but is it a good thing or bad Should we seek validation from our partners Does seeking validation mean we are weak or unworthy Chetna shares a perspective and a life hack on validation in this episode.

  • Work on Yourself
    8 min 6 sec

    If you want to fix your relationship or your love life, you need to fix yourself. Change begins with you and not your partner says Chetna in this episode.Tune in to find out more on PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast with Chetna Chakravarthy.

  • eXes
    12 min 41 sec

    Is it okay to be friends with your Ex Chetna shares some ground rules of breaking up and moving on in this episode

  • Yearning
    10 min 17 sec

    We need love, we all want love but what happens when we yearn for it Chetna talks about longing for love and pitfalls of stepping into an energy of lack.Tune in to find out more on PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast with Chetna Chakravarthy.

  • Zen in Love
    9 min 7 sec

    Love is a fluid state and in order to experience it fully, we need to embrace the light and the shadows of the emotion itself.Tune in to find out more and explore this emotion on PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast

  • Align
    10 min 35 sec

    A whole new series of AZ begins as Chetna shares life hacks, mindset tools and bust some myths about finding our life purpose. This episode has the single, most important habit you need to find and live your purpose.

  • Believe
    9 min 49 sec

    In this episode Chetna shares three powerful mindsets you need to find your life purpose.Tune in to find out more on PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast with Chetna Chakravarthy.

  • Calling
    7 min 27 sec

    You want to be sitting when you tune into Chetnas words in this episode because shes dropping some truthbombs and putting the word of our generation into perspective.

  • (I) Don't Know
    6 min 14 sec

    Embracing the unknown in our quest to find our life purpose. In this episode Chetna talks about our relationship with our favourite response I dont know.

  • Explore
    7 min 26 sec

    E for Explore a mindset, a state of being, a choice that is extremely important for anyone who wants to find their life purpose. In this episode, Chetna shares a simple but powerful tool of selfdiscovery.

  • (Living in the) Future
    8 min 35 sec

    In this episode, Chetna talks about the When Then syndrome we all seem to suffer from. This is a change we need to make if we want to discover and live our lifes purpose.

  • (No) Guarantees
    8 min 32 sec

    Life doesnt give us guarantees it only gives us chances. This is way more than an Instagram post. You have to break through your bad habit of seeking guarantees you have to build your appetite for risk to be able to discover live your purpose.

  • Heart-istic
    7 min 54 sec

    Its a word Chetna has coined for living in and from the heart. After all, the doorway to your life purpose is in your heart. Tune in to the episode for a simple and powerful way to reconnect with your heart this week.

  • Imagination
    10 min 48 sec

    You want to find your life purpose Tune into todays episode everyday and do this powerful visualization Chetna guides you through. To tune into a frequency you need to tap into an emotion.

  • Join the Dots
    11 min 45 sec

    Remember those join the dots puzzles Finding your life purpose is kind of like that you have to find and join the right dots for the full picture to be revealed.

  • Kindly Be Honest
    8 min 54 sec

    Are you an honest person Do you tell white lies Is your response to how are you always Im good or fine Do you know your truth and can you accept this truth unconditionally

  • Legacy
    7 min 10 sec

    When you are no more, what do you want to be known for how do you want to be remembered Chetna nudges you to think about the legacy you want to build and how that is connected to your life purpose.

  • Money
    10 min 8 sec

    Money makes the world go round but only if we let it. In this episode Chetna talks about how money can be the reason why you arent able to figure out your life purpose.

  • Not All About You
    10 min 26 sec

    Finding your life purpose goes beyond just how it serves you. In todays episode Chetna throws light on two massive obstacles sense of entitlement and using your privilege.

  • Over & Above
    8 min 44 sec

    In this episode Chetna, shares an important mindset you will need once youve discovered your life purpose and are living it.Tune in to PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast with Chetna Chakravarthy for more.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here

  • Present & Presence
    7 min 29 sec

    On todays episode we have the letter p in the AZ series finding your lifes purpose. The door that leads to your way of life can only be opened in the present, and so Chetna tells us how to practise being in the present and now.

  • Quell the Noise
    7 min 59 sec

    The chatter in our mind is nonstop the negative selftalk, words of judgement and that looming feeling of selfdoubt an endless loop. On this episode, Chetna tells us how to hit stop not just to pause all the noise in our minds, but to quell the noi

  • Recognition
    10 min 7 sec

    Recognition is a result of living your life purpose dont make it the reason. Chetna shares the perils of chasing fame in this episode.

  • Stumbling Blocks
    7 min 49 sec

    Imagine all the times that your life made you fall down, the times you thought you failed and thought you werent good enough. On this episode, Chetna tells us to accept those failures and watch those stumbling blocks transform into the path we are seeki

  • Truth About Privilege
    9 min 28 sec

    Consider yourself lucky that you can go on this quest to find your life purpose. Not everyone can afford this privilege right now. Tune in for a hack on how to acknowledge abd make the most of your privilege to find your life purpose.

  • Unlimited Chances
    8 min 37 sec

    The universe gives us unlimited opportunities to find and live our lifes purpose. Nobody is running out of time. On this episode, Chetna tells us to accept the importance of our life, being present and to believe that what is meant for us shall not pass

  • Vehicles
    8 min 42 sec

    Your life purpose is more than just your career and if youve been tuning into this series of AZ, episode 151 onwards, you would have heard Chetna say this over and over again.

  • What (Do You) Want (It To Be)
    11 min 1 sec

    A lot of times there is always a question in our head what should my life purpose be and what can my life purpose be. In this episode Chetna asks us this one question: what would you like your purpose to be and what would you do with the potential that

  • Xactly the Point
    8 min 16 sec

    What exactly is the point of our lives Chetna answers this question in the most straightforward and simple way possible. Question is, can you accept a simple answer to a question many of us have complicated with our personal narratives beliefs.

  • Yellow
    12 min 11 sec

    Tune into a powerful Solar Plexus Chakra Healing with Chetna as you press play on this latest episode in our AZ series of Finding Your Life Purpose.

  • Zest for Life
    7 min 16 sec

    You need to learn to live each day with a certain zest, and you need to do this on purpose. In this episode of Positively unlimited Chetna us tells not to chase something out of fear but to go after it and discover your life purpose.

  • Ambition
    12 min 10 sec

    For many of us, our definition of success is tied only to work or you can say our identity is tied only to our career. In this episode of Positively Unlimited, Chetna explains the word ambition and why we need to redefine it.

  • Beliefs
    9 min 32 sec

    On this episode of Positively Unlimited podcast Chetna shares a powerful way to understand how our beliefs are dictating our worklife balance.

  • Conscious Choices
    8 min 58 sec

    Chetna tells us to think about how making default choices impact us and to make conscious choices.

  • Demands of the Job
    8 min 49 sec

    Our job takes most of our time from us, are we overdoing it In this episode, Chetna tells us to think about relationships in our personal life. Just like the job demands something from you, your relationships are also your responsibility

  • Efficiency
    8 min 14 sec

    If you aint leaving work on time, you aint being efficient.

  • Financial Freedom
    9 min 28 sec

    In this episode, Chetna explains to us what financial freedom is all about and how to realign our interpretations of it.

  • Goals
    11 min 8 sec

    Treat a job as a job even if you are running your own business.

  • (Ask for) Help
    14 min 8 sec

    In this episode Chetna talks about asking for help at work

  • Initiative
    9 min 58 sec

    n this episode of Positively Unlimited Chetna tells us how to be seen the right way and also shares an idea for an initiative to help through the havoc wrecked by Covid.

  • Just for Fun
    11 min 59 sec

    Chetna tells us to laugh and avoid a burnt out.

  • Knives Out
    12 min 3 sec

    Chetna tells you how to ensure you dont get caught in a war of words

  • Leadership
    10 min 36 sec

    Ever manager or CEO is not a good leader.

  • Major Missing
    14 min 2 sec

    Chetna shares all the things she and so many of her listeners miss about going to office.

  • No Means No
    9 min 6 sec

    If you are going to do everyone elses work, when are you going to complete the tasks on your plate

  • Overtime
    10 min 54 sec

    Chetna gives us a realistic perspective about certain processes at work and not to overburden your time with working late

  • Project Pile Up
    9 min 10 sec

    Your task depends on someone elses and someone elses depends on yours.

  • (When to) Quit
    10 min 27 sec

    Chetna put the letter Q into perspective.

  • Responsibilities
    10 min 45 sec

    In this episode, gives you 3 perspectives about this word that will lighten up the weight on yourshoulders.

  • Satisfaction is overrated
    9 min 17 sec

    Job satisfaction heard of it Ever craved for it Ever quit a job or taken one because of it Tune in to this episode because Chetna tells us exactly why satisfaction is overrated.

  • Time Managment
    10 min 59 sec

    Have you ever wondered Why am I always procrastinating Why am I always running out of time Why am I always last minute, Well then grab a pen and paper because this episode is for you.

  • Unplug
    11 min 5 sec

    Unplug Can we STOP glorifying working 20 hours a day and START understanding healthy boundaries of time

  • Visibility
    9 min 45 sec

    In this Episode, Chetna throws light on visibility at the workspace.

  • Work Hard,Work Smart
    10 min 6 sec

    Should you work hard or should you work smart Tune into the episode with Chetna to find out.

  • (E)Xit Clause
    10 min 42 sec

    What if I End up being unemployed What if I fail What If I dont get paid as much as I should be Are you constantly battling between these What Ifs then grab a cup a coffee, sit back and listen to this episode with Chetna about Exit Clause.

  • Young Ones
    9 min 32 sec

    Hey, Young ones Are you a newbie struggling to maintain WorkLife balance

  • Zoom Past
    11 min 18 sec

    Tune into todays episode with Chetna to learn how not zoom past the opportunities.

  • Anxious Living
    7 min 8 sec

    Tune in to Chetnas take on your emotional language when it comes to feeling anxious.

  • Is your Self-Talk burning you out ?
    7 min 59 sec

    Stop saying these words to stop the burn out

  • Is Spiritual Anxiety a real thing ?
    9 min 33 sec

    Spiritual AnxietyHearing it for the very first timeWondering is it even a real thing

  • Three ways to Bounce Back
    8 min 55 sec

    Every problem has a solution and a way to stop it from recurring.

  • Getting Comfy without Pain
    7 min 41 sec

    Tune in to the episode Getting Comfy without Pain as Chetna is here to slice the drama around becoming comfortable in pain.

  • HDFC Investverse | Financial Wellness with a Wellness Entrepreneur
    8 min 19 sec

    In the finale of the Investverse Podcast, an investor education initiative by HDFC MF, we will delve into the connection between emotional wellness and financial wellness with Chetna Chakravarthy, a wellness entrepreneur, life coach, and health practitioner, as well as the host of the podcast Say No To Drama. We will be covering a range of topics, including exploring your personal relationship with money, the benefits of hybrid funds, and much more. So tune in for one last time and join us for insightful conversation on achieving financial and emotional well-being.

  • Say NO To Drama with Chetna - Announcement
    1 min 32 sec

    Drama Drama Drama Are you tired of all the Drama around youCraving for some NO Drama in your lifeWe heard you, Now hear us

  • Swipe Right To Date
    11 min 27 sec

    Are you looking for a casual Date Night or are you on a quest to find the Mr/Mrs. Right

  • Follow Your Passion #MayBeNot
    8 min 53 sec

    In a world full of people preaching you to Follow your Passion, Chetna has an alternate perspective to share.

  • Picture Perfect #Instalie
    9 min 43 sec

    Those instapics that make you feel like your life isnt good enough, do you really want to live those moments Or then are you just throwing a tantrum because thats the easier thing to do

  • The Hustle Drama
    10 min 26 sec

    Next time when you casually use the word Hustle, pause and rethink are you really hustling or just using your privilege

  • Your Heart Broke? For Real?
    8 min 40 sec

    Tune into the new episode Your Heart Broke For Real And guess the alternate word Chetna has for Heartbreak.

  • Compared to. . Who? What ?
    8 min 51 sec

    From comparing grades and good marks to comparing likes and comments, have you figured out whats the point of it all

  • Smells Like Teen Spirit
    10 min 17 sec

    Are you a teenager or a chirpy kid about to step into their teens or then maybe you already graduated into your 20s

  • Friends Forever
    10 min 53 sec

    Friendships are the easiest relationships to have because friends are your chosen family. But we can create a lot of drama in our friendships and quite unnecessarily too.

  • Critics Award
    7 min 51 sec

    Can you deal with criticism Or do you feel so judged that your ego rises up to fight Just so you know theres a difference between feedback and criticism. But can you tell the difference

  • Why So Serious?
    14 min 4 sec

    Are you someone who is bold enough to laugh at yourself or have you forgotten to laugh There is so much in life to laugh about so, why so serious Is there nothing in life that you find funny

  • Working Weekends
    9 min 30 sec

    Did you enjoy the long weekend Do you use your weekend the right way or are you a glorified overworker

  • Happily Single
    10 min 29 sec

    Is ones life considered incomplete without being in a relationship What is the big deal about being single We get influenced by societys opinion in our choices, but shouldnt we be the one who is deciding for ourselves.

  • (Not) Running Out of Time
    8 min 45 sec

    How often do you feel you are running out of time Are you using your time working on your goals or just wasting it by complaining and comparing them with others success

  • Not Good Enough
    8 min 11 sec

    Whos approval are you seeking Do you feel you are not good enough what do you do when you feel you are not good enough Can someone help you identify why you are not good enough

  • Last Minute Ninjas
    11 min 22 sec

    Are you a lastminute Ninja How often do you miss your deadline and then regret your time management skills What is the belief that makes you not plan and do things on time

  • Bad Boss Karma
    9 min 5 sec

    Are you stuck with a horrible boss Is your boss mean and unkind to you How often do you quit jobs because of your boss

  • Bad Bosses...Behave!
    10 min 56 sec

    Any boss or a team leader out there Are you bossy or perhaps a boss with bad boss behavior Well, you defiantly need to work on your leadership skills.

  • Leap of Faith
    8 min 38 sec

    Taking a leap of faith is not that simple. Overthinking, selfdoubts, fear of failure are some of the challenges that come along. But is it really a leap you need to take

  • Law of Attraction
    10 min 21 sec

    Is the law of attraction real Is it true Did you know that law of attraction was actually a set of lawsTune in to the episode, Law of Attraction . as Chetna is here to peel off drama around spirituality and the law of attraction.