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Hey Cloudy Story Time

U • Kids

Powered By EPIC ON. HeyCloudy is Indias first Audio Story learning App for little children. Join now and enter the wondrous land of Stories, Music, Riddles and more. But STOP Be prepared You might bump into cunning foxes, wild boars, pirates who never sleep or even naughty witches who will change your hair blue. Come on in Log on to to know more.

  • Stories, Music, Riddles and more...

    Listen to stories, music, riddles and more only at

  • The Glowing Housefly
    5 min 55 sec

    A long time ago, a housefly wanted to “glow”, just like a firefly would. And what happens when her prayers come true You can listen to more fun stories at

  • Riddles
    4 min 24 sec

    Ready for some riddles You can listen to more riddles that tickle your brain and jokes that make you laugh out loud at

  • Hello from HeyCloudy

    Join HeyCloudy, the fluffy blue cloud to listen to stories, music, riddles and more at

  • Music for Children
    4 min 56 sec

    I love music Do you love it too You can listen to so much more here. Not just that, There are games based on sounds to turn ON your listening ears at

  • Where do I sleep?
    7 min 35 sec

    In today’s story, A duckling finds a treasure map to find the coziest place to sleep. She crosses bridges, finds her way through mazes and does she find the coziest place Listen to more bedtime stories at

  • Little Krishna - Makhanchor
    3 min 44 sec

    In today’s story, Makhan chor Krishna is a dear friend to a lot of children like you. Want to know what he did one day to eat his favorite butter Also listen to stories of Indian gods and goddesses like Hanuman, Durga, Ganesha, Brahma and more such stories from Indian Mythology at

  • The Enormous Turnip
    5 min 3 sec

    In today’s story, A man grew an enormous turnip in his garden. But he couldn’t pull it out however hard he tried. Will you help him pull the enormous turnip out Come on, ‘TyanutPotyanut’. Listen to more such classic stories like The three little pigs,  Elves and the shoemaker, Gingerbread man only at

  • Rapunzel
    10 min 46 sec

    Do you like fairy tales Here is the famous story of Rapunzel and how she was trapped in a long tower with no doors by a witch. You can also listen to more fairy tales like Cinderella, Snow white, Goldilocks, Little red riding hood at

  • Hello from HeyCloudy

    Join HeyCloudy, the fluffy blue cloud to listen to stories, music, riddles and more at

  • The Lion and the mouse
    6 min 50 sec

    In today’s story, The king of the jungle, the lion, lived in a cave. One day, when the lion was resting, a little playful mouse made a lot of noise that disturbed the lion. What will happen when the lion wakes up You can listen to more such stories from Panchatantra, Aesop fables, Akbar birbal, Tenali rama and folktales from around the world only at







