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Positively Unlimited Podcast

U/A 13+ • Health & Fitness

Powered By EPIC ON. Healer and Coach, Chetna takes us through the AZ of Positive Action on the Positively Unlimited Podcast. In each episode she talks of a mindset, a way of being, that can help us reflect and discover our potential to the fullest.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: can check out our website at in to the new episodes every Monday and Wednesday.

  • Ep. 07: G for Give Thanks
    7 min 42 sec

    The seventh card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is G for Give Thanks. Count your blessings. Show some gratitude. Be thankful. These are things we hear all the time. But what is it that we make of such phrases Give it a thought, how important is it to spare a few moments in a day and just be thankful for everything we have. You cal also go back to the sixth card F for Forgive, to understand how the act of forgiving can take you to a positive path in your journey. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 39: (Rebroadcast) Love Yourself: The Truth and The Hype
    9 min 51 sec

    Whats the one change you want to make in 2020 Chetna talks about how to place ourselves first and maintain a balance between our needs and other peoples needs. Remember, placing your needs first is NOT selfish. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 09: I for Invest in Yourself
    6 min 30 sec

    The ninth card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is I for Invest in Yourself. Have you really tried figuring out your inner potential Would you like to live this potential Inner potential evolves with time and and it lets you grow mentally and emotionally. Well, what do you need for this to happen Keep some time aside for yourself and you would never regret this investment. Evolving also has much to do with embracing the various changes in life. Understand this critical factor, here. Evolving, also requires you to step back and align your thoughts. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 34: Growth vs Greed
    5 min 23 sec

    There are two kinds of people ones with fixed mindset and those with growth mindset. Which one are you This week Chetna talks about the difference between the two and how to live a content life. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 16: P for Pray
    5 min 34 sec

    The 16th card in the deck is P for Pray. Sometimes all one needs to keep going is faith. Faith that you are where youre supposed to be, faith that theres a right time and place for everything. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 11: K for Know When to Speak Up
    7 min 13 sec

    The eleventh card from the A to Z of PositiveAction is K for know... Know when to speak up and when to hold your peace. What kind of a communicator are you Are you loud or softspoken Or are you the silent types Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 15: O for Open Your Mind
    7 min 36 sec

    The 15th card in the deck is O which calls you to open you mind and heart. Do you feel that your current way of functioning does not suit you anymore It might be time to improvise. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 12: L for Let Go
    6 min 48 sec

    The twelveth card from the A to Z of PositiveAction is L for Let go of limiting beliefs. What are these limiting beliefs They are things we tell ourselves which arent entirely true. There are stories we tell ourselves. But the truth is that we arent incapable of anything. To think of it, is it a limiting belief due to the fear of failure Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 98: Social Media Pressure
    10 min 55 sec

    This week on Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about the social media pressure and overuse of technology. She shares some insightful tips on how to handle social media pressure and how you can optimize your technology usage to keep your mental health in a better way.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here in touch with our host Chetna on Instagram: positivityangel can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 94: Make Peace With Your Choice
    11 min 16 sec

    Life is a series of important and unimportant choices and every choice that we make takes us down to a certain path. All choices may not be the right one or the most logical one.On Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about simple ways to be at peace with making choices.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 93: Power of Choice
    7 min 57 sec

    Life is full of choices. We make choices everyday, right from the time we get up to the time we hit our bed. Choosing between what you should do, and what you want to do is a difficult task.In this episode, host Chetna talks about power of choice.

  • Ep. 33: For Now vs Forever
    6 min 6 sec

    On this episode, Chetna drops a bunch of truth bombs. She talks about the problem of fairytaleesque Forever and how we can consciously choose For Now over that. Listen in to this insightful episode Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 25: Y for Yes To Life!
    8 min 2 sec

    The 25th card in the deck is Y for saying Yes to all that life offers us today. Everytime we say no to something because we think we arent good enough or we dont deserve that opportunity we are losing a chance. So how do you learn to say yes to life... to all those chances Listen in. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 18: R for Raise Your Vibrations
    13 min 4 sec

    The 18th card in the deck is R for Raise Your Vibrations. Imagine the universe is a gigantic radio station with limitless channels, each frequency playing a different vibration Which one would you want to tune into today Find yourself a comfortable spot, because this episode comes packed with a bonus PositivelyUnlimited Exercise. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 102: Do
    8 min 5 sec

    Do as much as you can. That is how you do your best. When you chase perfection or you try to please everyone, you end up overdoing things and you feel drained. Do what you can with what you have. This is how you learn to improvise and adapt.You stay in action energy and hence in control of the situation by doing things. Living in the head only causes more anxiousness. So be a doer instead of just a thinker.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here in touch with our host Chetna on Instagram: positivityangel can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 101: Communicate
    9 min 46 sec

    Gentle reminders and perspectives on how we can communicate better in these times of lockdown. Simple tools that change what you say and how you say it which in turn changes the outcome of that conversation.What are you feeling vs What happenedWatching your mood and not displacing reactions onto other things and peopleResponding instead of reactingAgreeing to disagreeListening to understandListening to taking it at face value and clarifying if needed instead of misinterpreting words.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here in touch with our host Chetna on Instagram: positivityangel can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 10: J for Jump at that Chance
    7 min 12 sec

    The tenth card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is J for Jump at that Chance. Life is full of chances and new opportunities, second chances and sometimes a third and fourth too. But if we dont respond to life appropriately you wont even know when the chance came and passed you by. So, when do you think it is the right time to grab an oppotunity Or how do you evaluate, a situation to make it work for you Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 99: A for Appreciate
    7 min 7 sec

    We all want to be appreciated. But do we know how to appreciate Its not the same as being thankful. To appreciate someone means to give someone a compliment. In these times of lockdown, give a compliment to every single person you speak to and make them smile. It will make you smile too.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here in touch with our host Chetna on Instagram: positivityangel can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 100: Beware
    8 min 3 sec

    Beware of the thoughts you entertain, the feelings you indulge. Beware of how you are reacting and what you are choosing to believe.Whether youll have a good day or bad depends on you. So choose what you are consuming, allowing and how you are responding very consciously.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here in touch with our host Chetna on Instagram: positivityangel can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 05: E for Embrace the Change
    6 min 38 sec

    The fifth card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is E for Embrace the Change. How do you react to any sort of change in your life Do you struggle or do you welcome it with open arms Is it hard for you to let go Maybe you should try looking at this way: this change can turn things around for you, it can build you as a person. So, embrace it Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 97: Respond Appropriately
    6 min 15 sec

    This week on Positively Unlimited, host Chetna talks about how one should react instead of responding inappropriately. She also shares some tips on how one should work on their anger and not get impatient.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 92: Chasing your Desires
    9 min 10 sec

    In life, some of our desires come true, some become ongoing pursuits in our lives, while others just fall through and come to no form of fruition. Certain desires, however, require a certain version of you, as sometimes things take time to fall into place.On this episode, Chetna talks about how to aim towards your desires, and how envisioning them with clarity and conviction can be extremely helpful in realizing them.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 96: Self-Doubt
    7 min 43 sec

    Selfdoubt is a powerful tool that lead to conviction.This week on Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about self doubt and how it help us to move forward in our life.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 26: Z for Zone In!
    8 min 16 sec

    We are on our final letter Z. This is episode 26th of the Positively Unlimited Podcast and no, this is not the end. It is just a completion of a cycle of change. Be sure to check in next Monday for a bonus meditation before we kick off our next circle of change. This episode is all about zoning in and taking the time to understand what is most important to you right now. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 31: Determined not Desperate
    6 min 31 sec

    And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Paulo Coelhlo In this episode, Chetna throws light over the difference between Determination and Desperation. No matter what you desire, as long as you re determined and not desperate, you will find your way to it. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 91: Embrace Yourself
    8 min 22 sec

    On Positively Unlimited, Chetna talks about unconditional acceptance. Learning to embrace yourself is not an easy task, its a journey that can hold many challenges, especially if youve had to face criticism. Tune in to the episode, to know about different ways in which one can accept and value themselves.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 95 - Trusting The Process
    8 min 24 sec

    You know what is the secret ingredient to reach to your goals Do you always doubt yourself, your work or wait for the conclusion.Trusting the process means having the faith that everything is unfolding no matter how difficult it may be. In this episode, Chetna talks about patience, persistence, and desire.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 30: Commitment vs Convenience
    5 min 26 sec

    In this episode, Chetna breaks down the ideas C for convenience or C for commitment When you are convinced, when you have conviction in your idea, then comes commitment. And when you believe, the notion of commitment can come easily. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 22: V for Visualize Your Life
    7 min 31 sec

    The 22nd card in the deck is V for Visualize Your Life. A vision for life is important. Its all about tapping into your subconscious to clearly see your deepest desires and aligning yourself appropriately. So, grab that paper and pen to put down your desires and see the magic happen. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 20: T for Tell Your Story
    7 min 19 sec

    The 20th card in the deck is T for Tell Your Story. Sometimes telling your story could help you understand that there are people out there dealing with something similar. Telling your story is about owning your journey, embracing it and inspiring someone along the way. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 14: N for Name The Emotion
    7 min 25 sec

    As we cross the halfway mark with the 14th card in the deck, we give a shoutout to some of our listeners. N stands for Name the emotion. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your own emotions It might be time to address all your feelings and give them a release. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at     Attachments

  • Ep. 24: X for Xpect No More
    7 min 39 sec

    The 24th card in the deck is about expectations and the mindset to practice this week is how to drop our expectations and consciously focus on our actions. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 27: Bonus Meditation
    11 min 36 sec

    Before we move on to a new cycle of change, heres a bonus meditation for our dear listeners. Make sure to bookmark this episode and well see you next week with new tips for a positive mindset. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 29: Break it down to build it up
    6 min 9 sec

    How often do you find yourself getting overwhelmed How often does your day or life feel like too much On this episode, Chetna talks about having a system in place to help prioritize things. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep 23: W for Work Hard Consistently
    5 min 50 sec

    Every week, we pull out a card to help you harness the true potential in your life. The 23rd card in the deck is about conviction and the making the best of every opportunity in every waking moment. This episode comes with a bonus exercise to help you work hard consistently. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 06: F for Forgive
    8 min 38 sec

    The sixth card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is F for Forgive. What do you feel about forgiveness Do you think it comes easy to you Or is it way too hard to let go of the pain and anger Give it a thought. Maybe you will be able to see how this mindset is holding you back and yet somewhere you are not willing to move forward. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 19: S for See Perspectives
    5 min 30 sec

    The 19th card in the deck is S for See Perspectives Every situation you are going through, every challenge that you are facing has another perspective to it. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh look to get the much needed clarity. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 46: (Rebroadcast) Selfish vs Selfless
    8 min 25 sec

    Doing something for myself considered being selfishWell on this episode Chetna answers as to why maintaining a balance between being selfless being selfish is important in order to survive in this world.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 28: Assertive not Argumentative
    6 min 40 sec

    We are back with an all new cycle of change. This cycle has a lot more than just mindsets or habits to build. In this episode, we discuss the difference between being assertive and being argumentative. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 32: Empowered Not Entitled
    5 min 18 sec

    Positive Action is taking conscious action towards life. Todays positive action is about calling ourselves out and understanding the difference between being empowered and being entitled. Listen in Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 13: M is for Making Conscious Choices
    7 min 31 sec

    We pull out the 13th card in the deck M which stands for Making Conscious Choices. We make endless choices and decisions everyday, but do they all come from a conscious space Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 103: Enthusiasm
    7 min 26 sec

    The energy we are going to need the most this year is enthusiasm. Given our current reality, this is my gentle reminder to everyone listening to hold on to hope and live everyday with an eagerness to take this current scenario and all the dread it brings and, turn it on its head to make the most of every single day.Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here in touch with our host Chetna on Instagram: positivityangel can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: iOS: can check out our website at

  • Ep. 08: H for Heal
    9 min 37 sec

    The eight card from the AZ of PositiveAction deck is H for Heal. Does talking about healing, make you uncomfortable Healing those wounds, be it physical, mental or emotional. Letting those scars fade and accepting the beauty of the marks left behind. How important do you think healing form your past wounds, is to your personal growth Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 04: D for Drop the Judgement
    5 min 47 sec

    The fourth card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is D for Drop the Judgement. There is a constant sense of spewing and absorbing judgement. Wouldnt you agree Whatever words you choose to judge yourself or others around you, it all comes down to I am not good enough or she or he is not good enough. This mindset always leaves you with limiting beliefs. Why put yourself through that Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 00: Introduction

    Healer and Coach, Chetna takes us through the AZ of Positive Action on the Positively Unlimited Podcast. In each episode she talks of a mindset, a way of being, that can help us reflect and discover our potential to the fullest. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 01: A for Align
    9 min 56 sec

    What do you want What are you chasing If you are immediately thinking about what you dont want and cant seem to have clarity to express what you want, how will you know what you need to do to get what you want Confused Well, this is why being aligned is important. Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 02: B for Be Still
    6 min 39 sec

    The second card from the deck of AZ of PositiveAction is B for Be still. What is it about being still... Why is it important It is in moments of stillness that we absorb, we experience and we live. So, when was the last time you just paused all the chaos around you and had your moment of stillness Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 03: C for Clear the Clutter
    6 min 39 sec

    You know that feeling you get when you clean your cupboard or your office drawer There is an instant sense of order and clarity. Simply because now, you can find exactly what you are looking for. Its just the same with clearing the emotional clutter in your mind. How do you manage to clear your head of all the emotional mess Learn more about the Circle of Positivity here Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android: or iOS: You can check out our website at




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