Powered By EPIC ON. Grow Daily Podcast focuses on sharing marketing strategies and experiments to enable consistent business growth. Hosted by Piyush Agarwal, founder of 91Growth.com, you will receive actionable Growth Marketing tips from founders and marketers across the globe. Develop a growth mindset and look beyond the vanity metrics. Learn to make datadriven decisions to supercharge your digital marketing efforts and increase your customer lifetime value.
Grow Daily Podcast is a brand new podcast focused on helping individuals take the right steps to grow consistently. In the first episode, the host Piyush Agarwal explains what does it mean to Grow Daily. Learn what the podcast is about and how you can be a part of itIn this episode we cover: Introduction to Podcast and Host What Growing daily meansIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Fear of Failure is one of the biggest roadblocks in ones journey towards success. In this episode Piyush talks about how one can embrace failure and have the right attitude to win over it Heres the sequence of whats covered in the episode: Biggest roadblock for growth Attitude towards Failure Kinds of attitude Fear or Being too Comfortable Ask yourself Whats the worst that can happen whats should change in your approach to avoid the same mistakesShare you feedback of the series with me via email hellopiyushagarwal.comDo leave a review and help more people discover the series if you like it Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Getting started on that idea of yours is generally the most difficult step in the journey of building businesses from start. Even before one can think about growing, they need to start something worth building. And thats the step this episode helps on sorting. Piyush tries to break down what deters us from starting and helps you give a much needed push to get started. Hope you find this episode motivating enough to get going. Listen now Heres the sequence of whats covered in the episode: The first step is to get started Do not chase perfection but rather action Ensure you have a rough plan/outline. Use bullet points Make a note of your Why based on Simon Sineks Ted TalkShare you feedback of the series with me via email hellopiyushagarwal.comDo leave a review and help more people discover the series if you like it Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
On the path of growing your business, you will always a zillion things that needs to be taken care of, some of them more burning than others. In order to ensure that you keep growing everyday, its important that you leverage the power of lists and learn ways to create it the right way. In this episode, Piyush walks you through how you can do and avoid the usual pitfalls that deter people from following lists.Heres the sequence of whats covered in the episode: Why building lists is important Popular list making mistakes Its not about completing more tasks but completing the most difficult ones first Eat The Frog Tools to use for making lists Notebook. Workflowy, EvernoteShare you feedback of the series with me via email hellopiyushagarwal.comDo leave a review and help more people discover the series if you like it Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Goal setting is easily one of the most recommended and most ignored topic in everyones business. Piyush believes that this is due to a long drawn process of setting goals in the wrong way. In this episode he talks about the best way of setting up goals that will get you excited about achieving them. Heres what will be covered in this episode: Theory of Goal Setting by Dr Edwin Locke Dr Gary Latham Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timeline How do SMART Lists Help Charles Duhiggs book Smarter, Faster Better Download SMART goals template Using templates on EvernoteShare you feedback of the series with me via email hellopiyushagarwal.comDo leave a review and help more people discover the series if you like it Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Social Media is a necessary evil for most businesses today. Its the fastest way of growing ones business and also the easiest to go wrong on. Its surprising to see how most businesses are struggling everyday to leverage this powerful medium when some others are laughing their way to the bank. In this episode, Piyush breaks down the process of how you can build your own Social Media marketing strategy and up your game leading to consistent growth and sales.He talks about the following in this episode: Social Media marketing strategy breakdown Choosing the right social media networks Consistency vs Frequency Have a Social Media Content Plan/ScheduleIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Business goals are important but it does not stop there. If you or your team is serious about Social Media Marketing, you need to set goals to hit on social media which are beyond follower count. Piyush breaks down the process of identifying these goals for your business in this episode. Must listen and followHeres what he covers in the episode: Why does your business use social media Setting your own Social Media Goals Improving Brand Awareness and tracking it Think beyond Follower count Use Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, etc Website Traffic, Lead Generation, Conversion Rate, Press MentionsIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Most businesses struggle with engaging with their audiences on social media. Even with regular posts, they feel they are not really connecting to their followers. A strong bond with customer leads to healthier businesses and faster growth. In this episode, Piyush gives you simple and effective tips on how you can really start engaging with your audiences. Applying the tips is super easy. So add them to your todo listIn this episode, the following gets knocked off: Building a Social Media following by Engaging Promotional Content vs Other content types Analyze and learn from old posts Using Google Input Tools for engaging in local languageIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Content creation for Social Media can become quite a headache for most people, specially if you have to do way too frequently for your business. In this episode, Piyush helps you reduce the pain to some extent. You do not really need to generate new content everyday to keep your audience happy. Listen to this episode to find out how.In this episode we cover 5 different ways to generate social media traffic: Repurposing evergreen content for various social media networks/channels Run Polls, Ask Questions and share usergenerated content Monitor Social Mentions and reshare/retweet Find Guests for interviews and blogs Share content around ongoing trends and target audience interestsIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Time is something that all of us take for granted and I do not mean this in a philosophical way. When it comes to getting working done, how we choose to spend our spend will decide what we will achieve. And thats why Time Management becomes a very important tool for your business to stay on the path of growth. In this episode, Piyush talks about the importance of managing and monitoring your time spent along with how you can ensure you work in a focused way. Hopefully, you will find the episode worth your time :Heres a breakdown what gets covered in the episode: Are you just busy or busy doing something productive Treating time as a limited currency Track how you spend your time with Toggl Working with focus using Pomodoro TechniquePomodoro Technique steps from wikipedia: Decide on the task to be done. Set the pomodoro timer traditionally to 25 minutes. Work on the task. End work when the timer rings and put a checkmark on a piece of paper. If you have fewer than four checkmarks, take a short break 3–5 minutes, then go to step 2. After four pomodoros, take a longer break 15–30 minutes, reset your checkmark count to zero, then go to step 1.If you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
While saving time requires you to work through the clutter and ensure you are only doing tasks that are important for your growth, there are a lot of timeconsuming and mundane tasks which can be automated. In todays episode, Piyush will walk you through 4 different tools to help you get more done by doing less. They will not only automate your everyday workflow but give you a lot more control over your life.So, heres what gets covered on todays episode: Schedule all posts on your Calendar using Buffer or Hootsuite Find small automation opportunities using IFTTT Automate workflows across Apps using Zapier Automation using Workflow Siri on your phones and tabs iOS Automate on AndroidIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
A lot of you may disagree but we are our own roadblock on the path of success specially during the growth phase. In this episode, Piyush speaks about everything we do wrong which in result makes it difficult for us to grow,In this episode we talk about the following: Doing everything on our own use freelancers, VAs, interns Not spending money on tools, books and workshops How we can say NO to GrowIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Learning has to be an everyday process that you consistent undergo to keep growing both your business and as an individual. Whether you have an online business or work for a major corporation, its important to perform a self evaluation and acquire the skills you need. In this episode Piyush help you build you own plan.The following is covered as part of the episode: Evaluate and change your mindset Perform a personal SWOT analysis Selfreflection and SelfAuditing Use SMART goals to create your personal learning plan Join communities, seeks experts, join meetups Overcoming Barriers lack of Time, Over confidence, Under confidenceIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Kevin Kelly in his 2008 article 1000 True Fans talks and explains the importance of having few True Fans than having a huge audience. In this episode, Piyush talks about how you can convert your customers into your fans.He covers the following in this episode: What does growth mean for a business Dont get customers, create true fans Engaging with customers and surpassing expectationsIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Businesses exists because of their offerings product or service and its important to follow some steps in order to ensure you are creating something that can become a potential winner. Adding winning offerings is one of the key ways to continue growing and being relevant. Piyush shares his experience of creating a theatre playwriting workshop from scratch to watch the audience through the journey.In this episode he covers the following: Identifying and qualifying your product theme Identifying the target audience and their asks Stringing your product component togetherIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Growth Hacking has become the buzzword in the online marketing space. A lot of people are claiming to be Growth Hackers who can help grow your business in a very short time. Piyush uncovers what growth hacking is all about and what is the right way to leverage it. We cover the following in this episode: What is Growth Hacking and why is it different that Growth marketing When should you use Growth Hacking Is growth hacking good for businessIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Rebranding is one of the ways brands try to showcase their changing direction and evolving story. It can also be a great Growth driver if done right. Piyush talks about the reasons of undergoing a rebranding excercise and helps you identify if your brand needs to undergo the process.In this episode, the following is covered: Whats rebranding and how can it help Proactive vs Reactive When to rebrand Determine the catalyst How can rebranding help your brand grow Learn to tell your brand story All Marketers are Liars by Seth GodinIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Piyush continues the discussion on rebranding from the last episode and talks about the steps you need to follow to get it right.The following is covered in this episode: Know the vision and backstory develop brands core idea Ask, research and analyze Hire right for the project. Do not haste Test on all mediums, in all colors have a toolkit Seek feedback from a focus groupIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Rebranding as we found out is a long and time consuming process but a lot of times people go wrong in launching the new brand. If not done well, all the work put into the rebranding can go waste. Piyush lists down the things one needs to keep in mind when planning a launch of the new brand.In this episode, he covers the following: Give yourself enough time prepare all brand touchpoints Identify all audiences and prioritize create communication plan Create a detailed Launch Calendar with Rollout plan Develop and Publish your Rebrand story Cover all mediums Online and Offline Market the brand influencers, podcasters, across the globeIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Whether one is building a technology startup or a nontechnical one, every entrepreneur faces the dilemma of whether their lack of technical knowledge is posing a threat for their business. There is a lot of time spent in bridging this gap than focusing on doing things that would really help your business grow. Piyush talks about how you can still continue to grow your business without being a technical whiz kid and tries to put all your worries at rest.So, heres what gets covered on todays episode: Knowing your technical limitations and biz mandates Embrace Your NonTechnical Side Finding the right team Cofound, Outsource or Hire Identify areas you need to care about in terms of tech SEO, MailClient, Website/App Include people with technical acumen Customers, Friends and Online communitiesIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Idea generation is a constant need for any business to be relevant and have a consistent growth. But that creates a lot of pressure on solopreneurs and businessmen As some says the best ideas come at the most unexpected time from completely unheard sources. In this episode Piyush talks about simple but effective ways you can enable idea generation for your business growth.Here are the five ways he covered in the episode: Maintain a Journal/Idea Book use mind maps Meet new people conference, workshops, events and friends Keep an eye on competition and copassengers Browse online for latest trends medium, podcasts, communities Start or join a mastermind groupIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
How often do you sit back and recall your most important business milestones. Having identified important events for your business can give you a sense of achievement and growth. It also excites you to grow and continue setting new milestones. Piyush discusses the importance of celebrating wins, meeting your goals and adding milestones.Here is what gets covered in todays episode: Keep yourself and your team motivated Create rituals that everyone can follow Have treats on hitting goals small or bigIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Jerry Seinfeld came up with the concept of Dont Break The Chain in order to ensure he is motivated to finish a task everyday. In his case, it was writing 1 new joke. This simple method is what has helped several people in achieving their goals and grow on a consistent basis. Piyush breaks down the reasons that leads to a break in his chain of publishing new episodes for the Grow Daily Podcast with the hope that this will help find gaps in your own process and helps motivate you to do more.In this episode we cover, Jerry Seinfields motivation method Why did the chain break for Grow Daily Podcast Changes to be employed to avoiding these pitfallsIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Emails are often mistakenly considered as ineffective by businesses and marketers. With the advent of Social Media, there is a lot of stress on acquiring customers via other channels including Ads. But contrary to the belief email marketing is still the most impactful and costeffective way of reaching out to your customers. In order to ensure that your email list helps you grow, you need to follow certain customerfirst principles. Piyush breaks down Email Marketing and why one should be including it their business stack. This is the 1st episode of a 5part series that will help you get started with your own email list.The following is covered in this episode: Why email marketing What is an email list and how can it help your business Setting goals for your email list Using an Email Marketing service provider.Piyush recommends MailChimp as the best SMB Email Marketing tool for you to get started. Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
A Email list is only worthy if it has engaged subscribers. In this 2nd episode of the Getting Started with Email Marketing series, Piyush goes over multiple strategies that can help you grow your subscriber count. The following is covered in this episode: Using personalized CTAs to encourage subscriptions Website Optin landing pages, hello bar and popups Offline Email Subscriptions Social Media and Email Signatures Running contests and Giveaways A/B Testing of Design and Message Sumo.com List builderJoin the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Today ones Inbox is crowded with a zillion email from various brands. In this ocean of emails it important that your email campaign stands out enough to warrant attention from the readers. Everyone struggles to get a healthy openrate. Whether you have been sending mailers for a while or just starting over, Piyush walks through the various elements that makes your mailer a winnerIn this episode, he covers the following: Write Persuasive Email Messages Using Templates for designing your mailer Use image brand specific or royaltyfree Unsplash, Pixabay Craft your email subject carefully Preview and Test emailJoin the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
What you cannot measure, you cannot improve is a saying that one needs to always keep in mind when it comes to Growth Marketing. Its true for Email Marketing as well. In this episode, Piyush walks you over the various metrics you should be measuring and tracking as part of your efforts. Think beyond the subscribers as he goes on to say. In this episode, the following gets covered: Think beyond subscriber count Metrics to track: Open Rate, Clickthrough rate, Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate, Unsubscribe rate Measure using MailChimp and Google Analytics Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgX If you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.com Do subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Email lists take a lot of time and effort to build. However, a large email list does not really mean your marketing efforts are really working. Its more important to have a small healthy email list over just a large one. Marketing efforts reap most benefits when it has less guesswork involved and having a healthy list helps in that process. In this episode, Piyush breaks down the ways in maintaining a healthy email list. The following gets covered: Ensuring your email subscribers want your email List Hygiene Remove inactive recipients to keep healthy levels Provide value to ensure stickiness Customer Reengagement and Segmentation Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgX If you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.com Do subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
All of do business for our customers and ensure that they are always happy. But life does throws us in unexpected situations and we can never be prepared enough when that happens. In this episode, Piyush shares his experience in working with team on Business Continuity plans and why you should have one in place too.The following is what gets covered today: Can your business be disrupted How easy is it Identifying the points of failure What is Business Continuity Planning How is it different from Business Resumption Planning and Disaster Recovery planning, Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Every business needs to take stock of how its been performing across set periods. In order to keep growing your business, you need to evaluate the areas that have been working and also the ones that have not been working. In this episode, Piyush breaks down the progress of Grow Daily Podcast and shares an inside view of how the show has been performing on various aspects. Heres the break down of how he approaches this topic: Whats Working Whats not working too well Areas of focus going forward Revenue Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgX If you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.com Do subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Looking Back is something that we all know is key to improve any aspect of business or even individual but still we dont do it as often as we should. Piyush introduces Retrospective Meetings and how you can ensure your team contributes towards your business growth.Here is what gets covered in this episode: IWhat are retrospective meetings Retrospective Prime Directive Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. Requirements for a RetrospectiveJoin the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
As discussed in the last episode, Retrospective meetings can be extremely helpful for growth and change in your organization. But it needs to be conducted properly to ensure that your team is engaged and excited about the changes. Piyush explains the different formats that you can use to run an effective retrospective along with some important guidelines to follow.Here is what gets covered in this episode: Some dos and dont for conducting effective retrospectives Retrospective Formats Best Practices to be followed in a Retrospective Faciliators/Scrum Masters job Tools available for retrospective meeting Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Ads for businesses have become one of those things you cannot do without and you would rather not indulge in. They are sucking a lot of money and with things changing everyday, it can be quite a task in figuring out if ads are working for your business. In this episode, Piyush goes over strategies that will help you boost your business without relying on ads. Afterall its all about finding your true fansThe following are the 5 ways covered in this episode: Generate website/blog content and optimize for SEO Use the power of Social Media content types across platforms Run a Social Media Giveaway/Contest Partner with other brand and crosssell Be a Peoples Brand Email List, InPerson Meetings, Speaker engagementsJoin the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Just some Sunday advice to help you think beyond your comfort level. If you have a sidehustle or a hobby that you dream to make it big in someday, you need to start changing your approach. In this episode, Piyush gives some quick tips on how you can do that: Treat your side hustle as a legit business Think like a businessman Take stock of resources Have a growth plan and a vision Join the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
Delegation is not just a skill that can be acquired but an art that needs to be mastered to ensure that as a entrepreneur we are able to grow our business many times. Piyush talks about various ways you can master this art and get better at assigning tasks without being a micro manager.Here are the topics covered in this episode: Why delegation is important for growth Delegate tasks that are not strategic but workflow based Hire right delegate tasks prioritizing their careers Be a teacher and not the employer Trust and have faithJoin the Grow Daily Podcast mailing list here http://bit.ly/2BdfDgXIf you have any feedback or comments, please drop a mail to hellopiyushagarwal.comDo subscribe to the channel, share among your friends and add your review to help us keep growing. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/growdailypod/message
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