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Feeding 10 Billion

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Powered By EPIC ON. By the year 2050 we will have 10 billion people on our planet a sixth of whom will be in India. If we want to feed all 10 billion of us in a sustainable, healthy and just way, we need to reimagine how we source our food. Feeding ourselves cannot come at the cost of global health, worsening greenhouse gas emissions, excessive land, water and resource use, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and needless suffering. Last season, we brought you a ringside view of the next food revolution that is rethinking the future of protein. Companies like Memphis Meats, Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat and JUST Egg had a blockbuster year making meat, eggs, and other animalsourced foods from plants, or cells, or other ingredients that are delicious and nutritious for us, and vastly better for the planet. The Covid19 pandemic has only made the importance of protein diversification evident. If you want to be part of the future of food and work on solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time, join the Good Food Institute’s Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy on Season 2 of Feeding 10 Billion

  • Ep. 00: Introducing The Feeding 10 Billion Podcast
    1 min 16 sec

    By the year 2050, we will have 10 billion people on our planet. If we want to feed all 10 billion in a sustainable, healthy and just way, it’s time to reimagine our food systems. Making food that’s better for the planet and for us, has to come without negative consequences like climate change, excessive land and water use, zoonotic diseases and antibiotic resistance. Thankfully, the next food revolution is here, and it involves rethinking the future of protein. Companies like Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, and Memphis Meats are doing just that, and delivering handsome returns while they do it. On Feeding 10 Billion, the Good Food Institute’s Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy dive deep into the new food revolution

  • Kate Krueger on Cultivating a Better Protein Supply
    41 min 28 sec

    Cultivated meat brings to mind different associations for everyone, but one thing is clear: it isn’t science fiction anymore. It’s here, it’s now. At the close of 2020, after a year ravaged by one of the worst zoonotic disease outbreaks we’ve ever seen, Singapore became the first country in the world to approve the commercial sale of cultivated chicken bites. But we still have a long way to go when it comes to increasing investment in RD and driving down the cost of producing cultivated meat. Luckily, competitions like the XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion are designed to do exactly that. If you’ve been listening to previous episodes, you will recall that the prize offers 15 million to finalists who come up with innovative solutions to combat challenges within the smart protein ecosystem..To go a step beyond and understand what exactly we need from a technological standpoint when it comes to building a viable future for cultivated meat, our host, Varun Deshpande, sits down with Dr. Kate Krueger. The founder of Helikon Consulting and a technical expert for XPRIZE, Kate tells us about her pioneering work around advancing cellular agriculture, making smart protein accessible — particularly in the developing world — and her hopes for the impact that the XPRIZE’s diverse participants can have on our food systems. Resources for further reading:XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion and the competition’s semifinalists Just’s mission to serve up cultivated chicken in Singapore science behind cultivated meat and the impact it has on the environment,and20farm20animals20for20food.’s report on cultivated meat, highlighting consumer insights and industry concerns Kate:Twitter: can connect with Varun Deshpande:LinkedIn TwitterFind GFI on Social Media:Website Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn YouTubeYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

  • Bernhard Kowatsch on Transformative Food Innovation
    40 min 8 sec

    When we think of the future of food, transformative technology, or gamechanging innovations, we assume that advancements will arise out of traditional tech hubs in the Global North. This isn’t necessarily true. The Global South holds tremendous potential and competitions like the XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion — discussed in the previous episode — are proving exactly that. With multiple semifinalists from APAC and South Asia, it’s clear that innovative solutions can come from anyone, anywhere.. In this episode of Feeding 10 Billion, we’re joined by Bernhard Kowatsch, who champions this notion through his work at the Innovation Accelerator at the United Nations World Food Programme WFP. As head of the accelerator, Bernhard is on a mission to identify, support, and scale startups working towards eradicating hunger and his work is closely aligned with our Mission for Smart Protein. Join our host, Varun Deshpande, and listen to Bernhard deftly join the dots between climate change, poverty, hunger, and nutrition.Resources for further reading:The World Food Programme’s Nobel Peace Prize: What does hunger have to do with peace,as20a20weapon20of20war22.XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion and the competition’s semifinalists importance of innovation in fighting world hunger innovation can emerge from resourceconstrained markets smart protein can create leapfrog economics Bernard on Social Media:Twitter: can connect with Varun Deshpande:LinkedIn TwitterFind GFI on Social Media:Website Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn YouTubeYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

  • Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh on Re-Imagine-ing Our Relationship with Meat
    19 min 22 sec

    You know them from all your favorite Bollywood movies, but Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh’s latest venture is part of a different world altogether: the smart protein ecosystem. Over the last few years, the Bollywoodsuperstarsslashentrepreneurs have been working with GFI India to cook up something big. Their startup — Imagine Meats — is set to change the way we eat. They, along with the host of Indian smart protein companies that have been cropping up recently, are bringing alternatives to animal protein to market, tailormade for the Indian palate. In this lightning episode of Season 2.5, Riteish, Genelia, and our host Varun Deshpande delve into India’s meat eating habits, chat about serving up plantbased meat with an Indian spin on it, and discuss how the smart protein ecosystem can support local flavors, farmers, and food supply.Riteish and Genelia also share their own experiences with making the switch to a plantbased diet, their cravings for ‘meat on a Mangalvar’, and their appreciation for the diversity found within India’s food and culture. Tune in to catch the conversation Resources for further reading:Building the plantbased meat category in India with a splash:Coverage by the Indian Express on Imagine Meats Twitter thread explaining the importance of bigsplash category creation by the Indian Express on Domino’s India launching their own plantbased meat pizza implications of plantbased meat, collating international data of launched companies globally, from The Good Food Institute consumers’ receptivity to smart protein, from Penn State University and The Good Food Institute India Ritesh Geneila:Twitter: You can connect with Varun Deshpande:LinkedIn TwitterFind GFI on Social Media:Website Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn YouTubeYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

  • Indra Nooyi on Smart Protein’s Breakout Moment
    27 min 48 sec

    Indra Nooyi needs no introduction. But what does she think about smart protein If you’re following along, you know that by investing in plantbased, fermentationderived, and cultivated alternatives to animalsourced meat, eggs, seafood, and dairy products — what we call smart protein — we stand a chance to vastly transform the future of food for the better. And Indra agrees with us. In this first episode of Season 2.5, The Good Food Institute’s Varun Deshpande sits down with Indra Nooyi as they put their heads together to deliberate the massive benefits that smart protein brings to personal and planetary health. They discuss how we can improve our food supply, change our relationship with livestock, and prevent future pandemics. Indra also emphasizes the need for smart protein to be accessible, ubiquitous, and affordable. Tune in to listen about how she thinks we’ll get there, what her thoughts on conscious capitalism are, and who she thinks the champions of the future might be. Resources for further reading:Corporate partnerships in smart protein, emerging out of PepsiCo and Unilever momentum in smart protein, covered by BCG and Bloomberg,by20Bloomberg20Intelligence20BIPlanetary health imperatives, covered by the World Economic Forum, Observer Research Foundation, The Lancet, and The Hindu Indra Nooyi onTwitter LinkedIn InstagramYou can connect with Varun Deshpande:LinkedIn TwitterFind GFI on Social Media:Website Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn YouTubeYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

  • Smart Protein’s Breakout Year?
    23 min 4 sec

    Alongside transitioning our energy supply, transitioning to smart protein and away from animalderived agriculture is the most important thing we can do to preserve our link with our heritage, and safeguard our future put differently, to have our meat and our planet too. In the face of climate change brought on by excessive land, water, and energy use, a world scrambling for food security, and global health crises like antibiotic resistance and future pandemics, can we build back better We’re here to discuss exactly that in Season 2.5 of Feeding 10 Billion.In this introductory episode, GFI India Managing Director Varun Deshpande and GFI India Communication Associate Ayesha Marfatia sit down to discuss the incredible growth the smart protein sector has seen over the last 18 months, even during the depths of a pandemic. They also lay out what this fastpaced, miniseason 2.5 has to hold with episodes featuring Indra Nooyi, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, Lisa Sweet, Bernhard Kowatsch, and Kate Kruger.Resources for further learning:Explore GFI India’s resources videos from the Smart Protein Summit 2021 for a deep understanding of the business, science, and policy behind smart protein and its impacts on public and planetary health. can connect with Varun Deshpande:LinkedIn Twitter Find GFI on Social Media:Website Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn YouTubeYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

  • S02 E09: Building the Bio Revolution
    41 min 56 sec

    We tend to focus on the fact that in the year 2050 we will have to feed 10 billion human beings on this planet but we won’t be the only species we have to worry about. We are currently witnessing an unprecedented loss of biodiversity as climate change makes this planet inhospitable for all species. We need to find a way to feed not just ourselves but also ensure other species thrive on Earth without being too extractive from nature. It is clear that biotech is going to be key to this transformation, and will rule the world just as software did for the last few decades. And there are a few people building the future of food at the vanguard of this development.Our guest this week is one of the most prolific investors, and early stage funders of numerous biotech companies in the alternative protein space. Ryan Bethencourt is the CEO of Wild Earth that makes pet food from fermentationbased protein. He is also a partner at Babel Ventures, an early stage consumer biotech venture capital fund. As the cofounder, and CEO of incubators, and seed funds like IndieBio an SOS Ventures backed accelerator, and early stage seed fund, Berkeley Bio Labs, a startup incubator, and sector builder, as well as the head of life sciences at the XPRIZE foundation, Ryan has funded well over a 100 companies. The list includes notable alternative protein companies like Shiok Meats, Memphis Meats, New Wave Foods, Clara Foods, Finless Foods as well as Mumbai’s plantbased egg company, Evo Foods. Ryan’s aim overlaps with ours at GFI India we want to positively impact the lives of billions of people, and animalsNOTES:Companies Mentioned:Wild EarthIndieBioBabel VenturesBerkeley Bio LabsXPrize FoundationBibliography:Why Wild Earth Cofounder Ryan Bethencourt Is Applying The Science Of Vegan Biohacking To Pet Food, Forbes.Eat For The Planet 71 Ryan Bethencourt: Reinventing Pet Food and Building the PostAnimal Bio Economy, EFTP.This biotech startup is growing proteinrich vegan pet food in a lab, FastCompanyShiok Meats takes the cultured meat revolution to the seafood aisle with plans for cultured shrimp, TechCrunch.Tour the San Francisco lab that’s growing meat in a petri dish, CNBCA foodtech EVOlution: this startup is set to disrupt India’s plantbased food market with its ‘clean’ egg substitute, YourStoryFor Further Reading:Ryan Bethencourt’s writing on Medium.Ryan’s videos on the Singularity University page.What does it take to create a conducive environment for scaleup of new protein companies Future of Protein Summit, YouTube Channel.

  • S02 E07: Tackling Malnutrition with Smart Protein: A Glimpse of the Future
    53 min 41 sec

    Smart protein, if done right, can be a big win for the planet. By now, hopefully, it is clear that foods that replace animalsourced meat, eggs, and dairy tend to use fewer resources, do not contribute to rising greenhouse gas emissions, and diminish the risk of zoonotic diseases and antibiotic resistance. But equally exciting is the sector’s potential to tackle issues that we grapple with and mention on Feeding 10 Billion all the time like malnutrition. India faces the tremendous challenge of being home to a third of the world’s total stunted children, and half of all under5 child mortality in the country is due to undernutrition. Poor nutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life is crucial to tackling this issue, as is a young mother’s health. Irrespective of whether they feed their kids breastmilk or formula, and face guilt over whatever they choose, if mothers are grappling with anemia or poor nutrition, their kids do not have access to the nutrients they so badly need. Meanwhile, over 10 of cow’s milk production globally is actually absorbed by the infant nutrition market. Our guests this week, which is timed perfectly with World Breastfeeding Week, have a solution that could allow mothers to feed their children actual human breast milk without worrying about a baby’s ability to latch, their own nutrition, or supplementing inadequate feed with formula made from animalsourced milk. All while giving their babies the nutrients they desperately need. Michelle Egger is the CEO, and CoFounder of BioMilq, while Leila Strickland is the CSO, and CoFounder. They are a womenowned, scienceled, and parentcentered infant nutrition company producing breast milk cultivated from cellsNOTES:Companies Mentioned:BiomilqTurtle Tree LabsScientific Definitions:Cellular Physiology: Cellular physiology is concerned with the mechanism of transport of nutrients, ions, and water into and out of the cell, as well as how cells communicate with each other through signaling pathways, or respond to external cues.Epithelial/ Epithelium Intestinal, Kidney, Corneal, Mammary: Membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs.Human milk oligosaccharides HMO, also known as human milk glycans: Sugar molecules that are part of the oligosaccharides group and can be found in high concentrations exclusively in human breast milk.Bibliography:Bill Gates’ climatechange investment firm bets on labproduced breast milk, CNBCBIOMILQ Could Be The Next Major Food Disruptor: Getting Real About Entrepreneurship With Co Founder And CEO Michelle Egger, ForbesBreakthrough: Two women producing breast milk outside the body, MediumThe Business Case for Investment in Nutrition, Chatham House WHO and UNICEF warn of a decline in vaccinations during COVID19, WHOOverview of Malnutrition in IndiaWHO on Nutrition and BreastfeedingFor Further Reading:Feeding Lessons to tackle malnutrition, FrontlineUnfolding the Human Milk Microbiome Landscape in the Omics Era, Frontiers in Food MicrobiologyBreastfed Right: How Shrirampur’s Babies Escape Malnutrition: IndiaSpend

  • S02 E06: Building a Food Innovation Ecosystem
    54 min 16 sec

    The Beyond Meat IPO in 2019 marked an inflection point not just for the global alternative protein ecosystem but the fledgling Indian innovation ecosystem as well. Calls to offer capital, RD and entrepreneurial talent started pouring in. But the best things take time, and building something entirely new takes much more. An innovation ecosystem takes patient capital, collaborative partners, supportive incubators, and years of developmental research being translated from the university to the market via entrepreneurs collaborating with researchers. While these components exist in every market, in India, the ecosystem is still embryonic. Each of these elements research, incubation, capital infusion, product development, industry collaboration, and finally market launch takes enormous effort and has to be built from scratch. Connections between these players have to be forged, and we’ve played matchmaker for technology transfer, talent pool development and connecting catalytic capital or corporations to the right companies. Today’s guest Shardul Dabir is GFI India’s Innovation Specialist. Shardul has been thinking of food systems since his teenage years, and offers some innovative answers for how we can grow the early stage Indian ecosystem in smart protein.NOTES:Organisations mentioned:NIFTEMICTCFTRIIIFPTIITKGPIITDelhiCCMBMOFPIICARBIRACCSIRDBTDSTRISECompanies Mentioned:Impossible FoodsMosa MeatMemphis MeatsBeyond MeatJUSTGood DotGood MylkBibliography:Shardul’s Blog: The India Smart Protein Innovation Challenge: Unlocking talent bottlenecksThe India Smart Protein Innovation ChallengeGFIdeas India Smart Protein Innovation CommunityFood Pathshala Essay Competition 2016. Blog by ShardulFor Further Reading:Innovators Lightning Showcase: Hear from the most promising Indian entrepreneurs in new protein at the Future of Protein Summit 2019.For more on our GFIdeas India Webinars check out our YouTube page.

  • S02 E10: Plagues, Pestilence, Smart Protein: Our Resilient Food Future
    51 min 29 sec

    In the final episode of Feeding 10 Billion Season 2, we contend with some of our enduring questions what will humans eat in a world that is rapidly warming and exposed to the worst effects of climate change And how do we preserve our links to tradition and the foods we love to eat in this new world A dystopian future threatening those traditions is already rearing its head in a multitude of ways. Alternating extreme weather cycles like drought caused by water scarcity or floods caused by sudden storms are already stripping the soil of its ability to sustain us. While we stay in to fend off the worst pandemic our generation has seen, we’ve also witnessed biblical proportions of pestilence ravaging our crops. This year, parts of East Africa, Iran, and India witnessed their most disruptive locust swarms in decades, while the UK’s unprecedented weather reduced wheat yields to their lowest levels in 40 years, threatening to convert it from an exporter to a net importer. If we want to prioritise food security, we will need all the answers we can find all technologies, communities, and platforms that can help us build a more resilient food supply. Today’s guest is an entrepreneur working on exactly the kind of foods that can enable us to reverse or, at the very least, withstand the ravages of climate change and public health crises. Thomas Jonas is CEO and cofounder of Nature’s Fynd, a company whose story is as fascinating as any science fiction you’ve ever read it involves NASA, space exploration, and the world’s largest supervolcano. Nature’s Fynd has big plans for fueling the planet sustainably with complete protein from fungi learn more on the season finale of F10B.NOTES:Companies Mentioned:Nature’s FyndBibliographyBiblical, on steroids, and across generations: The coming food and nutrition crash can be averted if we act now to counter the COVID19 crisis, IFPRI BlogClimate crisis: Extreme weather means UK faces worst wheat yields in 40 years, farmers’ union says, IndependentBeyond vegan burgers: nextgeneration protein could come from air, methane, volcanic springs, ReutersDo These Tiny Organisms Hold the Key to LabGrown Food BloombergFood Startup Takes Microbes From the Volcano to the Table, The Wall Street JournalNatures Fynd formerly Sustainable Bioproducts raises 80m to grow food from microbes, Food Navigator USANASA’s Small Investments in Small Businesses Pay Big Dividends, NASAFor Further Reading:Sustainable Bioproducts Makes AnimalFree Meat with Volcano Microorganisms, GFI BlogBeyond Plants: Using Fermentation, Fungi, Algae, and Bacteria to Create Novel Proteins and Ingredients, The Good Food Conference, 2019

  • S02 E04: Paving the Way for Plant-Based Dairy in India
    37 min 58 sec

    In 2019, Dean Foods, America’s largest dairy producer filed for bankruptcy prompting analogies of the proverbial canary in the coal mine as the 94year old company’s struggles narrowed down to one undeniable fact: conventional milk sales have declined for the last 4 years in the U.S. Alternatives like plantbased dairy products have meanwhile soared to a 17.4 billion industry, staking claim to 13 of dairy sales by value. During Covid19, plantbased milk sales have gained further with brands like Oatly becoming predominant. Technology think tank RethinkX predicts that this is just the beginning, and within a decade, the U.S. dairy and cattle industry will collapse and a slew of technologies will satisfy consumer demand, effectively rendering the cow obsolete as a food producer. What does this trend mean for India where the cow is holy, dairy products are not just on our plates but also used for worship and dairy brands like Amul have a storied legacy in our economic development GFI India’s SciTech Specialist Siddharth Bhide joins us for this special episode to talk about pathways to growth for plantbased dairy in India with the gains made by companies like pioneering plantbased dairy company, Good Mylk and yoghurt brand Epigamia, which recently launched its first coconutmilk based yoghurt. Siddarth explains how food technology is key to the 2.0 version of plantbased dairy products.NOTES:COMPANIES MENTIONED:OatlyGoodMylkChobaniPerfect DayRippleTurtle Tree LabsBiomilqBibliography:The RethinkX report5 charts that show how milk sales changed and made it tough for Dean Foods to avert bankruptcy, CNBCDairy farmers forced to dump milk as demand drops amid coronavirus closures, NBC NewsAmul aims to achieve a business turnover of Rs 50,000 crore by 2021, The Economic TimesIs the milk you are having safe Heres what you need to know, The Economic TimesFeeding 10 Billion, S1Ep.04, The Business of Food with Mark KahnClimate change: Which vegan milk is best BBCFor Further Reading:The GFI India PlantBased Dairy Webinar by Siddarth Bhide, Miranda Grizio and MJ Kinney will be uploaded soon on our website.GFIs Plantbased State of the Industry Report, 2020Contact Us:You can write to us at or connect with GFI India on LinkedIn Twitter Instagram YouTube or join our GFIdeas India Smart Protein Innovation Community on LinkedIn.

  • Season 2: Announcement
    1 min 46 sec

    By the year 2050 we will have 10 billion people on our planet a sixth of whom will be in India. If we want to feed all 10 billion of us in a sustainable, healthy and just way, we need to reimagine how we source our food. Feeding ourselves cannot come at the cost of global health, worsening greenhouse gas emissions, excessive land, water and resource use, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and needless suffering. Last season, we brought you a ringside view of the next food revolution that is rethinking the future of protein. Companies like Memphis Meats, Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat and JUST Egg had a blockbuster year making meat, eggs, and other animalsourced foods from plants, or cells, or other ingredients that are delicious and nutritious for us, and vastly better for the planet. The Covid19 pandemic has only made the importance of protein diversification evident. If you want to be part of the future of food and work on solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time, join the Good Food Institute’s Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy on Season 2 of Feeding 10 Billion.

  • S02 E02: Big Ideas, Big Investments
    51 min 11 sec

    Last year was groundbreaking for plantbased food, and we’re also on the cusp of making secure, sustainable, and cultivated meat a reality. Despite Covid19, this year’s been no pushover either. The amount of money raised in Q1 2020 930 million was more than what was invested in the smart protein sector in all of 2019 824 million. But much of this progress is centred in the U.S. While the Indian and larger Asian market has gained momentum, we still have some catching up to do. On the second episode of Season 2 of Feeding 10 Billion, we are talking to Andrew Ive, Managing General Partner, and Founder of Big Idea Ventures BIV, a venture capital firm supporting entrepreneurs to solve the worlds biggest challenges. Mumbaibased plantbased egg company Evo Foods was chosen to be a part of their accelerator in their recent cohort. Swiss food processing giant Bühler and BIV also announced a partnership to accelerate plantbased startups’ journeys to deliver animalfree protein alternatives. In this episode, find out why investors like BIV are bullish about India’s role in the global smart protein sector.NOTES:Companies Mentioned:Big Idea VenturesEvo FoodsBühler GroupTyson VenturesBibliography:Asia’s First: India PlantBased Egg Startup Evo Foods Announces Angel Investment, Green Queen Media Also covered by YourStoryBühler Big Idea Ventures Partner To Champion Asia PlantBased Protein Revolution, Green Queen MediaAAK collaborates with the Good Food Institute India driving innovation within plantbased foods, AAKFurther Reading Material:GFI’s State of the Industry Reports for PlantBased Meat, Eggs, and Dairy Cultivated Meat. Coming soon: Fermentation.BIV is featured in the list of 100 of Asia’s top protein disruptors launched by GFI APAC: Asia ALT100If you are an innovator interested in joining the smart protein sector, connect with our GFIdeas India Smart Protein Innovation Community on LinkedIn.

  • S02 E08: Conquering the Valley of Death
    47 min 13 sec

    What seemed like science fiction just a few decades back, is increasingly becoming a reality. Early research pioneered by NASA on how to feed astronauts in long haul missions to planets like Mars brought closed loop systems and fermented ingredients to the spotlight. These systems don’t rely on limited natural resources, and could potentially be key to feeding 10 billion sustainably by 2050. And those fermentation machines They’re none other than microorganisms like bacteria, yeast, and microalgae, which can make nutritious protein from little more than air, CO2, and water Our guests this week are both accomplished PhD’s one is from the investment side of the equation while the other is a biotech scientist who has turned entrepreneur. Ritu Verma is cofounder and managing partner at Ankur Capital, a firm that is funding ideas for the next billion, while Ezhil Subbian is CEO and CoFounder of String, a synthetic biology company which makes microbial protein from methane. Ritu has backed Ezhil’s vision with the catalytic capital we keep talking about on this show. In developed startup ecosystems like Silicon Valley, academia partners with investors and entrepreneurs to leverage technology transfer and fuel innovation. In India, those pathways are still being built out but before that happens, we need focussed intervention in the form of grants, funding and other incentives from the government to create those cradles of scientific enterprise within universities and other players. Ezhil and Ritu are the perfect guests to tell us more. Listen to find out what it really takes to scale biotech innovation in emerging markets.NOTES:Companies Mentioned:Ankur CapitalString BioAir ProteinSolar FoodsGevoCCAMPBIRACBibliography:The Bio Revolution: Innovations transforming economies, societies, and our lives, McKinseyWhy Software is Eating the World, Marc Andresssen, Wall Street JournalFSSAI manpower shortage: Govt sanctions nearly 500 additional posts for food regulator, FirstPostFor Further Reading:Bridging the Valley of Death between Innovation Funding and Market Adoption: Forbes

  • S02 E05: Beyond the Burger - Decoding what Consumers Want
    52 min 23 sec

    Understanding what consumers want has been the holy grail for innovators across industries for decades. In the U.S. and other countries, products like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods demonstrated that a huge and viable market exists for burgers made from plants for people who love their meat. In the U.S. consumers love their burgers and eat three a week, but in India could a similar case be made for our biryanis which we consume at the rate of 1.6 every second as per Swiggy data from 2019 The key in India to understanding consumer behaviour is to look at what they buy and how they act rather than what they profess to do in market research. This is because the large swathe of flexitarians in India are guilty nonvegetarians and so far we have not had concrete data points about this cohort to help formulate precise products for them. Indians are not a homogenous consumer group either our cuisine varies every 100 kilometres. On this episode of Feeding 10 Billion, GFI India’s Corporate Engagement Specialist Dhruvi Narsaria and our Market Consumer Insights Specialist Rajyalakshmi G, tell us about the important cues for consumer insight and what needstates innovators need to cater to, when they develop alternative protein products in India.NOTESCompanies Mentioned:Beyond MeatImpossible FoodsNXFoodBibliography:Study from Penn State University that confirms the first wave of products are meant for meateatersEAT Lancet Report on how we can feed a future population of 10 billion people a healthy diet within planetary boundaries Our annual per capita meat consumption as per the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD73 Percent of Urban Rich Indians are Protein Deficient: 11 HighProtein Foods, NDTVIn 2019, Indians ordered 95 biryanis per minute from Swiggy: Report: LivemintFrom meat and fish to vegetables: These 9 charts show how India eats, Hindustan TimesMintel: Tackling the sedentary lifestyle: 64 of Indians say they dont exercise. A Survey of Consumer Perceptions of PlantBased and Clean Meat in the USA, India, and China in the Frontiers Sustainability in Food Systems JournalIPSOS study on todays views that will shape tomorrows foodBCG Turn the Tide Consumer ReportLoknitiCSDSKAS Survey: Mind of the youth, Indian ExpressFor Further Reading:Plant Protein: An Indian Consumer Perspective by Dhruvi Narsaria at the Future of Protein Summit 2019Feeding 10 Billion, Season 1 Episode 1: Inside the RevolutionYou can follow Dhruvi Narsaria dhruvi.narsaria on Instagram and dhruvinarsaria on Linkedin Rajyalakshmi G on Linkedin 

  • S02 E01: Building the Foundation of Alternative Protein
    1 min 43 sec

    Season 1 of Feeding 10 Billion launched in a banner year for altprotein. In 2019, Beyond Meat had its recordsetting IPO, Impossible Foods raised 300 million in its Series E and overall, more than 800 million was invested globally in companies making meat, eggs, and dairy from plants, cells and fermented ingredients. We witnessed the spark that fuels the food revolution play out in realtime, as we were airing Season 1. On the first episode of Season 2, we are talking to someone, who was essential in laying the groundwork for the sector, whose vision helped fuel important scientific conversations, essential policy frameworks and tectonic industry shifts that have led us to where we are in the global altprotein sector. Join hosts Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy of the Good Food Institute India as they talk to GFI U.S. Executive Director and cofounder Bruce Friedrich about why we do what we do, and how food can fix some of the biggest problems of the world.Additional Reading:NOTES:Companies Mentioned:Plantbased food companies:Beyond Meat Impossible FoodsJUSTCultivated meat companies:Memphis MeatsBibliography:Future of Food, Bill GatesBeyond Meat’s Chicken Strips Came First, CNBCCan a burger help solve Climate Change New YorkerAmid rising demand for Beyond Meat burgers, US farmers can’t solve this supply problem, MarketWatchBuilt on MU Professors research into high moisture extrusion of fibrous meat analog, Beyond Meat’s meatless burger sells out. University of MissouriNew Brazilian Startup Fazenda Future Announces PlantBased Burger, GFI BlogMemphis Meats 169 Million Series B is a Turning Point for the Meat Industry, GFI BlogBeyond Meat Goes Public, Raises 241 Million, GFI BlogGFI Goes to Court for First Amendment, GFI BlogTED Talks:The next global agricultural revolution Bruce FriedrichMeat Without Animals: The Future Of Food Bruce Friedrich TEDxGateway Market Forces and Food Technology Will Save the World Bruce Friedrich TEDxSonomaCountyFrom Agitator to Innovator: Why I Swapped Activism for Food Tech Bruce Friedrich TEDxBethesdaMeat is the New Mobile Leapfrogging our Way to the Future of Food Varun Deshpande TEDxKITCoEK

  • S02 E03: Connecting the Dots for Catalytic Capital
    50 min 19 sec

    Agriculture forms a significant bulk of the Indian workforce, with over half of our workforce dependent on the sector. Relentless urbanization notwithstanding, low and middleincome countries like India will have to nurture their rural populations’ agricultural contribution in the coming years to feed all of us sustainably. The potential to leverage agricultural output and biodiversity for new, exciting sectors like alternative protein is immense. But without the necessary infrastructure or investment, entrepreneurs can find themselves face to face with a valley of death between product innovation and commercialization. This just ends up crippling momentum and blunts opportunities in emerging sectors. Today’s guest on Feeding 10 Billion, Hemendra Mathur, is a Venture Partner at Bharat Innovation Fund and CoFounder of corporate innovation platform ThinkAg. Hemendra has successfully built pathways among what he calls the pancha tatva five essential ingredients of any ecosystem of government, industry, RD, investors or incubation, and entrepreneurs to forge patient, ecosystemenabling, “catalytic capital” for vital sectors like agritechnology. We talk to Hemendra about how we can replicate this success with ecosystem building for alternative protein.NOTES:Companies Organisations Mentioned:ThinkAgBharat Innovation FundIndian Council of Agriculture Research ICAR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIRJUST EggDefinition:Catalytic Capital falls on the impact investing end of the spectrum of investment, just shy of philanthropic grants and is often used to fill gaps for impact enterprises and facilitate additional investment. From Tidelines Catalytic Capital: Unlocking More Investment and Impact. Adapted from Barby, C. Pederson, M. 2014Bibliography:Several states amend the Mandi and APMC Act during lockdown to enable farmers to sell 46 fruits and vegetables directly without the Mandi. Source: Business Standard2017 the inflection year for Indian Agtech, by Hemendra Mathur, YourStory Patient capital a must for deeptech funds and startups: Hemendra Mathur, Bharat Innovation Fund, TechCircle How Zomatoisation will impact Indian food supply chain by Hemendra Mathur, Inc42 How Indian agritech can help address climate risks by Hemendra Mathur, AgFunderNews Indian Agritech: Accelerate the Adoption of Agritech Innovations By Enabling the Ecosystem, by Hemendra Mathur, AgFunderNewsIndians are protein deficient, and it needs immediate attention, Forbes India Further Reading Material:The Future of Protein Summit 2019, Panel on “What does it take to create a conducive environment for scaleup of new protein companies” Featuring Hemendra Mathur, YouTube

  • Lisa Sweet on Future-Proofing Food Systems
    47 min 25 sec

    We have a long way to go when it comes to fixing our food systems. That’s why challenges like the XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion competition exist. With a 15 million prize — and the chance to safeguard planetary health — on the table, the competition’s innovative solutions are aimed at meeting the growing global demand for protein in a just, sustainable way. And this episode’s guest, Lisa Sweet, is a driving force behind the challenge, paving the way for the future of food. In conversation with our host, Varun Deshpande, Lisa lays out what it will take to feed 10 billion and how we can get this right. While there are no silver bullets when it comes to solving our public health crises, environmental degradation, and climate change, Lisa emphasizes the immense potential that smart protein holds. Listen in to learn about how diversifying our protein supply can impact livelihoods, health, environment, and more. Resources for further reading:XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion, and the competition’s semifinalists Great Reset and insights on building back better with smart protein Economic Forum’s Meat: The Future report, highlighting smart protein momentum in smart protein, covered by BCG and Bloomberg,by20Bloomberg20Intelligence20BIA public health and food systems perspective on plantbased and cultivated meat Lisa on LinkedIn can connect with Varun Deshpande:LinkedIn TwitterFind GFI on Social Media:Website Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn YouTubeYou can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

  • Ep. 01: Inside the Revolution
    38 min 30 sec

    It is time for a major food revolution. The way we source animal protein has remained the same for thousands of years. We grow crops to feed to animals and rear those animals to eat their meat. But this system is broken in terms of resource use and greenhouse gas emissions. Add to that antibiotic resistance and zoonotic diseases and it’s clear that protein is no longer healthy for humans or this planet. But, as companies like Beyond Meat, Memphis Meats, and Impossible Foods are showing, a new way is possible. With meat made from plants or cultivated from cells, we could finally shift away from animal rearing as a platform and make the jump to a postscarcity vision of protein. Join hosts Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy of the Good Food Institute India as they set the stage with their colleagues Dhruvi Narsaria, Aishorjyo Ghosh and Siddharth Bhide, and talk about how they are driving this food revolution. Here is everything you wanted to know about plantbased and cellbased meat, eggs and dairy but didn’t know where to look: GFI Library of Essential Reading:  DEFINITIONS: PLANTBASED MEAT Plantbased food refers to meat, eggs and dairy made from plants. They use a biomimicry approach to replicate the taste and texture of meat while some plantforward products like seitan, tofu and tempeh, serve as functional meat replacements. Although not biologically classified as plants, fungi and algae based products are also included in plantbased foods.  CELLBASED MEAT Cellbased meat also referred to as cultivated meat or clean meat is genuine animal meat that can replicate the sensory and nutritional profile of conventionally produced meat. It is actual meat grown from cells outside of an animal. It is comprised of the same cell types and arranged in the same 3D structure as animal tissue.  DEFINITIONS: Scientific terminology used on the show: Gellation: Gelation may be theoretically defined as a protein aggregation phenomenon in which polymerpolymer and polymersolvent interactions and in which attractive and repulsive forces are so balanced that a well ordered tertiary network or matrix is formed. This matrix is capable of immobilizing or trapping extremely large amounts of water. Source: SCHMIDT, R. H. 1981. Gelation and Coagulation. Protein Functionality in Foods, 131–147. doi:10.1021/bk19810147.ch007 Retorting: The retort processing of food is a process of terminal thermal sterilization of pouched packed ready to eat food. Food is prepared by conventional method and then it is packed in the retort pouch available for different types of food. Finally these pouches are sterilized by using “Retort Process Sterilizers”. Maru A. and Musyuni P. Advancement in Food Technology through retort processing and food safety guidelines. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. Volume: 2: Issue3: JulySept 2011.  Homogenization: Homogenization of dispersed systems suspensions and emulsions refers to the reduction of the size of the dispersed particles by applying some sort of shearing process. Several homogenization methods are in use and they differ in the mechanism of applying shear to the fluid. Zeki Berk, Chapter 8 Production of singlestrength citrus juices, Editors: Zeki Berk, Citrus Fruit Processing, Academic Press, 2016, Pages 127185, ISBN 9780128031339, LINKS: If you want to know more about the companies and products discussed on the show, do check out these profiles: Impossible Foods Beyond Meat GFI Founder Bruce Friedrich’s Wired Article: Nerds over cattle, how food technology will save the world. GFI Founder Bruce Friedrich’s TED Talk on the next global agricultural revolution.  3D Meat Printing Jo’s 2050 dream of 3D printing meat may not be that far off. Bioprinting has so far been used to build 3D tissues and organ structures for regenerative medicine but this technology can be adapted to build meat products for consumption. Companies like Nova Meat and Redefine Meat are working right now to bring 3D meat to market.   For more, please read: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcasts App on Android: or iOS:

  • Ep. 02: Cultivating our Meat
    44 min 42 sec

    It may sound like science fiction, but it’s coming to your plate in the near future Cultivating our meat using just a small sample of animal cells is now a reality. Companies like Memphis Meats and scientists like Dr. Mark Post have pioneered this technology to develop products spanning the gamut of chicken, fish, pork, and other meats. Closer to home, companies like Shiok Meats are also cultivating seafood from cells. The future looks bright, but challenges remain. While in India we can leverage our expertise in the biopharma and manufacturing sectors to crossover to this new exciting field, there are barriers to entry and distribution in the form of high costs, regulation, and scientific knowhow. In this episode of Feeding 10 Billion, Varun and Ramya talk to Dr. Sandhya Sriram of Shiok Meats to find out how she is working on breaking through these barriers to bring cellbased shrimp, lobster, and crab to our plates NOTES ORGANIZATIONS, INSTITUTES AND CELLBASED MEAT COMPANIES MENTIONED: MEMPHIS MEATS : Memphis Meats is the world’s first cellbased meat company. Cofounded by Dr. Uma Valeti, a Mayo Clinic trained cardiologist originally from Vijayawada, Memphis Meats mission is to bring delicious and healthy meats to consumers by harvesting it from cells, instead of animals. Memphis Meats makes its food by sourcing highquality cells from animals and cultivating them into meat think of a farm at a tiny scale. They cut some steps from the current process like raising and processing animals and bring tasty nutritious meat to consumers keeping the benefits of conventional meat but thats also better for animals and at scale uses significantly less land, water, energy and food inputs. Their process also produces less waste and dramatically fewer greenhouse gas emissions. MOSA MEAT : Dr Mark Post ate the 330,000 cellbased hamburger created in a research project funded by Google cofounder, Sergey Brin during a press conference in London in 2013, and two years later, he cofounded Mosa Meat to bring cultivated meat products to market. Mosa Meat intends to commercialise cultured meat also known as clean meat and bring it to plates everywhere. Thanks to significant scientific breakthroughs, Mosa Meat has scaled up their production process and brought the price of their meat down and intends to have their first products in the market in the next four years. SHIOK MEATS : Shiok in Singapore and Malay slang means fantastic and delicious. Shiok Meats is the first cellbased clean meat company in Singapore and SouthEast Asia. Their mission is to bring delicious, clean and healthy seafood like crustacean meats including shrimp, crab and lobster by harvesting meat from cells instead of animals. Their meats are animal, health and environmentfriendly with the same taste, texture, more nutrients and no cruelty. INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY ICT: The Institute of Chemical Technology or ICT formerly UDCT is chemical technology research institute located in Mumbai, India. ICT partnered with the Good Food Institute, India, to set up the world’s first government research centre for the development of clean meat. Read more about the partnership here  CENTRE FOR CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CCMB: The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology or CCMB is an Indian biotechnology research establishment located in Hyderabad that operates under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. In April 2019, The Government of India’s Department of Biotechnology granted 640,000 Rs 4.5 crores to CCMB and National Research Centre on Meat NRCMeat — the largest ever government investment for cellbased meat research. Read more here  What is cellbased meat Cellbased meat often referred to as clean meat or cultivated meat or even cultured meat is genuine animal meat that can replicate the sensory and nutritional profile of conventionally produced meat because it’s comprised of the same cell types and arranged in the same threedimensional structure as animal tissue. It isn’t imitation or synthetic meat it’s actual meat that is grown from cells outside of an animal. Dr Mark Post’s Ted Talk at TedX Haarlem in 2013: Meet the new meat  What is Cellular Aquaculture Cellular agriculture is defined as the production of agricultural products from cell cultures rather than from whole plants or animals. With growing interest in cellular agriculture as a means to address public health, environmental, and animal welfare challenges of animal agriculture, the concept of producing seafood from fish cell and tissuecultures is emerging as an approach to address similar challenges with industrial aquaculture systems and marine capture. Cellbased seafood—as opposed to animalbased seafood—can combine developments in biomedical engineering with modern aquaculture techniques. Biomedical engineering developments such as closedsystem bioreactor production of land animal cells create a basis for the large scale production of marine animal cells. Aquaculture techniques such as genetic modification and closed system aquaculture have achieved significant gains in production that can pave the way for innovations in cellbased seafood production. Source: Cellbased Fish  : A Novel Approach to Seafood Production and an Opportunity for Cellular Agriculture, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. SANDHYAS BLOG Curvaceous Women in Fashion: If you want to read Sandhya’s blog on fashion, click here  DID YOU KNOW World Firsts in Cellbased Meat: a In 2013 Professor Mark Post created the worlds first cellbased burger patty b In 2016, Memphis Meats created the worlds first cellbased meatball c In 2017 Finless Foods created the worlds first cellbased fish d In 2017, Memphis Meats created the worlds first cellbased chicken and duck RESOURCES: Read more about cultivated meat on GFI’s website : Dr Liz Specht’s Article on Food Technology: Is the future of meat animalfree  Learn more about cultivated meat by taking our free online course If you would like to read more about these companies mentioned in the podcast: Techcrunch: Shiok Meats takes the cultured meat revolution to the seafood aisle with plans for cultured shrimp  Forbes: Michael Pellman Rowland on Shiok Meats  Rolling Stone: Would you eat a labgrown duck breast Inside the alternate meat industry  Inc, Why This Cardiologist Is Betting That His LabGrown Meat Startup Can Solve the Global Food Crisis  CNBC, Inside the San Francisco lab that’s growing meat in a petri dish 

  • Ep. 03: The Power of Plant-Protein
    1 hr 8 min 35 sec

    The world agrees we need to eat less meat and eat more plants if we want to save the planet from disastrous climate crises. But that’s easier said than done. In fact, our meat consumption is only set to rise. It was the highest in the U.S. this past year at 100 kilos per capita and by 2030, continents like Africa and Asia Pacific will see tremendous growth in the appetite for protein. But it doesn’t have to come from animal sources. Companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods as well as JUST are paving the way for meat made from plants, that taste, smell and even bleed like meat. And in India, companies like Good Dot and Only Great Foods / Supplant are pioneering the plantbased protein space. In this episode of The Power of Plant Protein, we talk to Abhishek Sinha of Good Dot and Chirag Sabunani of Only Great Foods to find out how they are growing the plantbased foods ecosystem in India and approaching it from the polar opposite perspectives of an animal lover and a meat eater. ORGANIZATIONS, INSTITUTES AND CELLBASED MEAT COMPANIES MENTIONED: Impossible Foods : Impossible Foods is an American company headquartered in California that makes plantbased meat substitutes. Made from a blend of soy and potato protein, their meat’s characteristic flavour comes from soy leghemoglobin, which makes their burgers cook, taste, smell and bleed like real beef. Impossible Foods have recently partnered with fast food companies in the US, including Burger King and White Castle, to offer the Impossible Burger to consumers all over the country. In September 2019, they partnered with grocery chains to sell a raw version of their ground beef in select stores in Southern California. Learn more here.  Beyond Meat : Beyond Meat’s mission is to engineer the future of protein by moving beyond traditional and antiquated animal agriculture to create meat made from plants. In doing so, they aim to address climate change, food security, animal welfare and human health. Their plantbased burgers, crumbles and sausages are made primarily from pea protein. After going public in May 2019, Beyond had one of the year’s best IPOs, with a postIPO surge of over 700 percent. McDonald’s recently started offering a “PLT” plant, lettuce and tomato burger made with Beyond Meat patties in Canada, the first significant step the fast food giant has taken towards offering more plantbased options on its menu. Learn more here and here. JUST : JUST is an American company based in California that makes plantbased mayonnaise and mayonnaisebased salad dressings and eggs, made from yellow split peas and mung beans, respectively. Their products are retailed across the US in grocery stores such as Whole Foods and Walmart. They can also be found on menus in USbased chains Bareburger, Veggie Grill and Silver Diner as well as Canadian chain Tim Horton’s. They recently sold their 10 millionth egg. Learn more here. Good Dot : Good Dot is an Indian company manufacturing plantbased meat products that appeal to both vegetarians and nonvegetarians. They use food technology to produce meat that is good for all — the animals, the planet and human health. Their CEO, Abhishek Sinha, a devoted animal lover, was a former Deputy Commissioner of Income tax before he quit to oversee Good Dot’s RD and manufacturing. Their products include Veg Bytz, Proteiz and Proteiz Plus. They recently rolled out their QSR initiative called GoodDo in major cities across India. Learn more here. Only Great Foods: Only Great Foods is a research, development and manufacturing firm that develops ingredients for glutenfree bakery with its primary customers in the US and Canada. Given Chirag Sabunanis passion to feed the world in better ways, and the movement of RD heads from glutenfree towards plantbased companies over the last year, Only Great Foods launched a sister entity, Supplant Foods, with a focus on developing and producing vegan ingredients for the readysnacks and plantbased sector. The new firm has a range of hydrocolloids specifically designed for the plantbased industry, is now starting production of its patentpending flavorless and functional chickpea flour, and is in the final stages of developing flavorless functional proteins from inexpensive and abundant feedstocks. The goal: supply these ingredients to plantbased companies in the West and help them improve quality while lowering costs AND eventually develop a range of plantbased eggs, dairy and meat for us in India   SCIENTIFIC DEFINITIONS: Plant based meat: Plantbased food refers to meat, eggs and dairy made from plants. They use a biomimicry approach to replicate the taste and texture of meat while some plantforward products like seitan, tofu and tempeh, serve as functional meat replacements. Although not biologically classified as plants, fungi and algae based products are also included in plantbased foods. Hydrocolloids: A hydrocolloid is any substance that forms a gel in the presence of water. In food, hydrocolloids are functional carbohydrates used in foods to enhance their shelflife and quality. These additives are used to modify the viscosity and texture of food products like ice cream, salad dressings, gravies, processed meats, and beverages. Some examples of hydrocolloids used in food include xanthan gum, gum arabic and agar. Learn more here. ADDITIONAL READING AND RESOURCES: Think fake burgers are just for vegetarians 95 of Impossible’s customers are meateaters. Read more here. Watch Bruce Friedrich, Executive Director of The Good Food Institute, throw away eight plates of pasta to explain how market forces and food technology will save the world here. If you’d like to learn more about what consumers think of plantbased and cultured meat — including how open they are to trying them — check out this report by Frontiers Journal here. Still not convinced plantbased meat tastes like the real thing Here’s an article by two beef farmers on how realistic Burger King’s Impossible Whopper really is. Want to learn more about the rapidly evolving plantbased and cultured meat industries Check out the Good Food Institutes State of the Industry reports here.

  • Ep. 04: The Business of Food
    50 min 18 sec

    Feeding a billion plus Indians is big business the Indian food and grocery market is the sixth largest in the world. Food processing in the country is worth over 250 billion and contributes 14 of Indias GDP through manufacturing. So what does this prophesize for the growth of alternatives to meat, eggs, and dairy Pegging the sector accurately and charting its expected growth curve is imperative to mapping how new protein can transform the food system in India. To help us do that, this episode of Feeding 10 Billion features Mark Kahn, the Managing Partner of Omnivore, an impact venture fund that invests in Indian startups developing breakthrough technologies for food, agriculture, and the rural economy. Mark’s background in agribusiness companies like Godrej Agrovet and Syngenta and his current investments in food and agritechnology startups make him uniquely wellpositioned to tell us how analogous new protein could be to agritech and what the ecosystem needs to spawn a billion dollar plantbased or cultivated meat company. Show Notes VENTURE FUNDS: Omnivore : Omnivore is an impact venture fund that invests in Indian startups developing breakthrough technologies for food, agriculture, and the rural economy. Omnivore believes the key to transforming rural India lies in increasing the profitability, improving the sustainability, and reducing the uncertainty faced by smallholder farmers.   Big Idea Ventures : Big Idea Ventures is solving the Worlds greatest challenges by supporting the Worlds best entrepreneurs. They are a Venture Capital Accelerator Fund undertaking deeper due diligence in the worlds best seed growth stage companies using acceleration and investing in top performers. New Protein Fund I is their first fund and they are raising USD50M to invest in the best companies in the plantbased foods, ingredients and alternative protein ecosystem. They combine capital and partnership to support and grow the world’s most compelling plantbased food and alternative protein companies.   New Crop Capital : New Crop Capital is a specialized private venture fund that primarily provides Angel, Seed and Series A funding, with investments ranging from 50,000 to 1,000,000. They view conventional animal agriculture as an antiquated and inefficient food products system with serious vulnerabilities that is ripe for innovation and large scale disruption. They invest in companies developing meat, dairy, eggs and seafood with plantbased ingredients or through cellular agriculture, as well as companies that promote and distribute these products. They are an evergreen fund managed by Unovis Partners, a global investment firm focused on companies developing replacements to animal protein products. Unovis’ mission is to transform the global food system by investing in solutions that facilitate sustained behavioral change and eliminate the production and consumption of animal protein products. Post investment, Unovis supports founders by sharing their culinary knowledge, understanding of consumer habits, experience in food manufacturing, and network of industry experts to derisk investments and build strong, resilient brands.     COMPANIES MENTIONED: TYSON FOODS: Fortune: Tyson is the latest player to enter the hot plantbased meat market Quartz: The CEO of Americas biggest processor of meat is betting on a meatless future GFI: Tyson Announces AnimalFree Products Coming in 2019 CARGILL: Protein Innovation: Cargill invests in cultured meats Cargill invests in cultured meat company Aleph Farms The Wall Street Journal: Cargill invests in startup that grows clean meat from cells GFI: Worlds third largest meat producer Cargill invests in Aleph Farms cellbased steak BIBLIOGRAPHY: GFI’s State of the Industry Reports AgFunderNews: Why technology could make animals obsolete CK Prahalad and the Fortune at the Base of the Pyramid Size of the BOP population in India Impact of food processing on the fight against malnutrition

  • Ep. 05: Serving up the Future
    44 min 22 sec

    If you want to make a fortune in food, forget about reading the future in coffee grounds and follow the big trends in the food service or the HoReCa Hotels, Restaurants and Café sector. This sector is traditionally the make or break point for any food innovation and it is often the first point of contact for exciting new products. We don’t just mean cloud eggs, cronuts or Instagram friendly rainbow coloured food but also foods that are techforward flavor bombs like plantbased food and in the near future, cultivated meat. In the US, iconic chefs like David Chang of Momofuku fame have heralded the charge of products from companies like Impossible Foods in their restaurants. In a matter of a couple of years, these products went from being exclusively served in upscale restaurants to becoming ubiquitous in fast food chains. In India, will we see a similar trickle down effect from restaurants to our grocery stores and finally our homes We pose this and many other questions about the food service world to Gauri Devidayal, the cofounder of exemplary Mumbai restaurants like The Table, Miss T and the industrial kitchen, Magazine Street Kitchen. SHOW NOTES: Food Matters India: Gauri Devidayal is the cofounder of the iconic Mumbai restaurants like the The Table and Miss T and the industrial kitchen, Magazine St Kitchen, under the umbrella of her company Food Matters India. A law graduate from University College London and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, England and Wales, she worked as a tax consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers in London and Mumbai before turning restaurateur and founding The Table. The Table: The Table, a celebrated restaurants in iconic Colaba neighbourhood in South Mumbai, offers globally inspired cuisine and hospitality since opening in 2011. From introducing the concept of small and large plates to providing a true farm to table experience with produce from its own farm, The Table continues to be at the forefront of Indian hospitality. With an ingredientdriven focus, global accents and nuances, the menu is a commitment to simplicity and purity of flavour, a philosophy inherited from San Francisco. Miss T: A restaurant and cocktail lounge located behind The Taj Palace, Colaba, Miss T features cuisine inspired by the food from the Asian Golden Triangle. Launched in 2018, it is a collaboration between two of the cities premier restaurant groups Gauri and her partner Jay Yousuf who run the The Table and Magazine St Kitchen, and Abhishek Honawar, Pankil Shah and Sumit Gambhir, the team that pioneered the casual dining space with Woodside Inn, The Pantry Café and Bombay Vintage – Café Bar. Magazine St Kitchen: Founded in 2016, this is a culinary playground for intimate dinners, cooking workshops and more housed in a restored heritage structure in Byculla. The Kitchen is also the base for the wholesale and retail bakery Mag St. Bread Co and the group’s catering arm, Dining Table. This 2500 sq. ft space features a fully air conditioned kitchen outfitted with custom built cooking suites of the highest caliber. It also includes a private dining area, fully operational bakery, climatecontrolled butchery suite, and walkin cold storage and deep freezer. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Eater: Achieving the Impossible: How David Chang, Michael Symon, and Chris Cosentino helped sell foodie types on the Impossible Burger The Economic Times: Keto to low carb diets get a leg up at 5 stars Food Navigator Asia: Tackling the tastehealth paradox: Indian snack manufacturers advised to focus on health, nutrition and Indianness Quartz: For Indian consumers living a healthy life trumps travelling the world or making better friends  

  • Ep. 06: A Brief History Our Future
    1 hr 3 min 5 sec

    The famous writer and philosopher George Santayana’s quote says ‘those who cannot remember their past are condemned to repeat it’ but perhaps the more pertinent iteration of that question for our times would be “to know your future, you must know your past”. If you examine some of the biggest technology shifts that occurred in food systems in the holocene era, as the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science did in 2012, these have typically meant selective breeding of strains of crops to fermentation, pasteurization and even refrigeration. What do these innovations portend for the big shifts underway in sourcing our food more ethically and sustainably In this freewheeling episode of Feeding 10 Billion, we speak to Kurush Dalal, an assistant professor of archaeology at the University of Mumbai, Centre for Extra Mural Studies, who also runs Katy’s Kitchen, one of Mumbai’s foremost Parsi catering companies. As a trained archaeologist, historian and culinary anthropologist, Kurush has some fascinating answers for the question: where did our food come from and how will that inform how we source it in the future BIBLIOGRAPHY : The Atlantic: The 20 most significant inventions in the history of food and drink Firspost: How potatoes and chillies conquered Indian cuisine IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science: History of Tomato: The poor man’s apple Archaeologist caterer Kurush Dalal dissects the evolution of modern foods Kurush Dalal’s research project at the Western Ghats in Maharashtra examining the excavations and structures from 1800 CE at Chandore Land use for Agriculture: FAO

  • Ep. 07: Dining in the Age of Data Mining
    39 min 53 sec

    Food makes the world go round with apologies to Shakespeare And what makes food so irresistible are ingredients which can be broken down into the flavour components that build the dish. A simple tempering of spices in our home kitchens inform the flavour bombs of a dish. This process is researched and replicated on an industrial scale by flavour companies across the world, who have to get the recipe exactly right to create the perfect food product. In the alternative protein sector, as companies seek to biomimic meat with plant based or cultivated meat, flavours and fragrances are a crucial piece of the puzzle. On this episode of Feeding 10 Billion, we talk to Dr Ganesh Bagler, associate professor at IIIT Delhi and a pioneer in the exciting field of computational gastronomy. His work applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to culinary data on flavours, has created a wealth of insights on food including a recipe index with more than 118,000 thousand recipes from across the world Tune in for insights about what makes Indian food so unique, why seafood is an open frontier, and the work still needed to unlock the science of food. SHOW NOTES: If you want to hear from speakers like Ganesh Bagler, register for our Future of Protein Summit being held in New Delhi on November 11 12th IIIT DELHI : The Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, is researchoriented state university focused on computer science and related areas. FlavorDB : This is a database created by the complex systems lab at IIIT Delhi. It comprises of 25,595 flavor molecules representing an array of tastes and odors. It is intended to facilitate an exploration of flavor molecules for divergent applications, including finding molecules matching a desired flavour or structure, discovering novel food pairings and finding the molecular essence of food ingredients.Datadriven studies based on FlavorDB can pave the way for an improved understanding of flavor mechanisms. RecipeDB : RecipeDB is a structured compilation of recipes, ingredients, and nutrition profiles interlinked with flavor profiles and health associations. The repertoire comprises of meticulous integration of over 1,18,000 recipes from cuisines across the globe 6 continents, 26 geocultural regions, and 74 countries, cooked using 268 processes heat, cook, boil, simmer, bake, etc., by blending over 23,500 ingredients from diverse categories, which are further linked to their flavor molecules FlavorDB, nutritional profiles USDA and empirical records of disease associations obtained from Medline DietRx. DietRx : DietRx provides a platform for exploring health impacts of dietary ingredients by integrating interrelationships among food and key molecular agents. The resource assimilates dietary factors food and chemicals, their health consequences diseases and genetic mechanisms to facilitate queries for investigating associations among these entities. Also see BitterSweet INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS AND FRAGRANCES IIF is a global leader in the development of scents, tastes, experiences and ingredients for a variety of different products. Headquartered in New York, it has over 110 manufacturing facilities and 100 RD centers across the world. FIRMENICH Firmenich is the largest privatelyowned perfume and taste company, founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1895. GIVAUDAN Headquartered in Switzerland with local presence in over 145 locations, Givaudan is a global leader in the creation of flavours and fragrances. SHIOK MEATS  Shiok in Singapore and Malay slang means fantastic and delicious. Shiok Meats is the first cellbased clean meat company in Singapore and SouthEast Asia. Their mission is to bring delicious, clean and healthy seafood like crustacean meats including shrimp, crab and lobster by harvesting meat from cells instead of animals. Their meats are animal, health and environmentfriendly with the same taste, texture, more nutrients and no cruelty. ALEPH FARMS Aleph Farms is the foodtech startup specializing in highquality sustainable cellgrown meat. Aleph’s proprietary 3D technology uses the four core cell types of farmed beef to recreate a real food experience. It grows slaughterfree steak without the need for devoting vast tracts of land, water, antibiotics usage and other resources to raise cattle for meat. Aleph Farms recently became the first company to grow meat in space. Bühler Group Bühler is a Swissbased family owned company that is a global, industrial solution provider for processing foods and for manufacturing advanced materials, contributing to food security and high energy efficiency. SCIENTIFIC DEFINITIONS Computational gastronomy as defined by Dr Ganesh Bagler: Cooking forms the core of our cultural identity other than being the basis of nutrition and health. Starting with a seemingly simple question, ‘Why do we eat what we eat’, datadriven research conducted in our lab has led to interesting explorations of patterns in traditional recipes, their flavor composition, and health associations. Our investigations have revealed ‘culinary fingerprints’ of regional cuisines across the world, starting with the case study of Indian cuisine. The increasing availability of culinary data and the advent of computational methods for their scrutiny is dramatically changing the artistic outlook towards gastronomy. Application of datadriven strategies for investigating the gastronomic data such as traditional recipes, molecular constituents of ingredients, percepts of flavor compounds, and health associations of food has opened up exciting avenues giving rise to an allnew field of ‘Computational Gastronomy’. This emerging interdisciplinary science asks questions of culinary origin to seek their answers via the compilation of culinary data and their analysis using methods of statistics, machine learning, natural language processing, pattern mining, and chemoinformatics. Backed with complementary experimental studies, it has the potential to transform the food landscape by effectively leveraging datadriven food innovations for better health and nutrition. Bibliography: The Weizmann Institute continuously monitored post prandial blood sugar levels in 800 people for a week and found that bodily response to all foods was highly individual. So we need more data to understand how diet prescriptions can work as medicine, especially in the case of lifestyle diseases like Type 2 Diabetes Data driven approaches to leveraging food for better health Dr. Ganesh Bagler  TEDxDAIICT The digital way forward for Indian Cuisine by Dr Ganesh Bagler

  • Ep. 08: Dispatch from the Frontier of Food
    54 min 39 sec

    Through this season of Feeding 10 Billion, two names that have cropped up in nearly every episode are the pioneers of plantbased meats: Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. Beyond Meat had the biggest IPO in North America in the last two decades this year. Impossible Foods was first served in Michelin starred restaurants in 2016 and is now making waves at chains like Burger King thanks to its plantbased beef burger being served as the Impossible Whopper leading to BK’s best quarter in the last four years. On this special episode of Feeding 10 Billion, we feature a conversation between senior executives of these companies Seth Goldman Executive Chairman at Beyond Meat, and David Lipman Chief Scientific Officer at Impossible Foods and representatives of organisations like FAIRR, Centre for Biological Diversity and Institute for the Future’s Future Food Lab, along with Varun Deshpande, Managing Director at the Good Food Institute India. The conversation took place at a panel during the blockbuster second iteration of the Good Food Conference in San Francisco. With 900 people in attendance, the session focused on some of the weightiest issues surrounding plantbased and cultivated meat’s potential to address antibiotic resistance, global malnutrition and poverty, climate change and natural resource utilization. Of course, this is a massive undertaking that needs to balance business with issues such as biodiversity as well as global access to good food. The government, investors, companies, and even themselves these panelists pull punches for nobody Show Notes This episode features panelists from the panel: The “Why”: Mitigating Environmental and Public Health Risks at the Good Food Conference held in San Francisco this year. If you would like to look up the other panel discussions held at the event, you can find them on the GFC website. If you want to learn more about how India fits into the puzzle of the global alternative protein’s dizzying growth, or are keen to collaborate and build this new protein sector as an entrepreneur, investor, food corporation or scientist, please do visit the Future of Protein website and register to attend. The event is on from Nov 11 to 12 in New Delhi and entry is free COMPANIES MENTIONED: Beyond Meat is a tenyearold company that had the biggest IPO in North America in the last two decades this year. Beyond makes meat directly from plants and its revolutionary foodtech products made out of proteins like peas, mung or fava beans, brown rice and sunflower and fas like cocoa butter, and coconut, sunflower or canola oil that replace burgers, sausages, mince or ground meat can be found in 58000 grocery stores in the US. Impossible Foods which was formed in 2011 and was the first plantbased meat to be offered by Michelin restaurants in 2016 and soon made it to the menus of White Castle followed by Burger King last year. Impossible Burgers are made with 96 less land, 87 less water and 89 fewer green house gas emissions than burgers made from cows. FAIRR  Established by the Jeremy Coller Foundation, the FAIRR Initiative is a collaborative investor network that raises awareness of the material ESG Environmental, Social or Governance risks and opportunities caused by intensive animal production. FAIRR helps investors to identify and prioritise these factors through cuttingedge research that investors can then integrate into their investment decisionmaking and active stewardship processes. Centre for Biological Diversity : Based in Tucson, Arizona, is a nonprofit membership, this is an organization with approximately 1.1 million members and online activists, known for its work protecting endangered species through legal action, scientific petitions, creative media and grassroots activism Institute for the Futures Future Food Labs: The Institute for the Future is a California, US–based notforprofit think tank that was established, in 1968, to help organizations plan for the longterm future, a subject known as futures studies. IFTF’s Food Futures Lab identifies and catalyzes the innovations that have the potential to reinvent our global food system. We help stakeholders—multinational food companies, farmers, chefs, entrepreneurs, and more—make sense of emerging technologies, social behaviors, and scientific breakthroughs and take action toward a more resilient, equitable, and delicious future of food. Honest Tea  a product mentioned in the podcast by Seth Goldman is the top selling organic bottled tea brand in the US and was founded by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff in 1998. It was sold to Coca Cola in 2011 and sales have been reported in the 100 million dollar range post acquisition. BIBLIOGRAPHY Max Elder writes about the opportunities driving the future of affordable nutrition in the report titled Good Food is Good Business Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index analyzes companies like Hormel and the Brazilian meat firm JBS, finding that many of the 60 largest in the sector aren’t taking the necessary steps to reduce their environmental impacts. Amara’s Law by Roy Amara, the former president of the Institute for the Future, states that: We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.

  • Ep. 09: Fishing for a Fix
    35 min 13 sec

    It’s no secret our oceans are in trouble. Climate change and bad policy continue to contribute to major shifts in one of the most complex ecosystems on the planet. Among the most pressing challenges are ocean acidification the ocean today is, on average, 25 more acidic than in preindustrial times, overfishing a staggering 93 of all fisheries are being fished at or beyond capacity, while demand for seafood continues to rise the world over and plastic pollution about half of which is a direct result of fishing and seafood consumption more than 640,000 tons of “ghost gear” — discarded fishing equipment — ends up in oceans every year. And while efforts to address these issues have ramped up in recent years, they have often focused on the wrong things. In this episode of Feeding 10 Billion, Varun and Ramya sit down with Jen Lamy, manager of the Sustainable Seafood Initiative at the Good Food Institute, to discuss the problems facing our oceans, the complex and opaque seafood supply chain and why plantbased and cultivated seafood are the best way forward. SHOW NOTES: What is plantbased meat and seafood Plantbased products are direct replacements for animalbased products, such as plantbased meat, seafood, eggs and dairy. These include products that use the biomimicry approach to replicate the taste and texture of meat, as well as plantforward products like jackfruit, seitan, tofu and tempeh that serve as functional meat replacements. Source What is cultivated meat and seafood Cultivated meat often referred to as cellbased meat or clean meat is genuine animal meat that can replicate the sensory and nutritional profile of conventionally produced meat because it’s comprised of the same cell types and arranged in the same threedimensional structure as animal tissue. It isn’t imitation or synthetic meat it’s actual meat that is grown from cells outside of an animal. Source Dr Mark Post’s Ted Talk at TedX Haarlem in 2013: Meet the new meat What is aquaculture The term aquaculture broadly refers to the cultivation of aquatic organisms in controlled aquatic environments for any commercial, recreational or public purpose. The breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and animals takes place in all types of water environments including ponds, rivers, lakes, the ocean and manmade “closed” systems on land. Source What is ocean acidification Ocean acidification refers to a reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period of time, caused primarily by uptake of carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere. Source Organizations, Institutes, Cultivated, and PlantBased Companies: The Good Food Institute’s Sustainable Seafood Initiative  Developing and commercializing plantbased and cellbased seafood is the most tractable path for ensuring seafood sustainability and improving the health of our oceans. GFI’s Sustainable Seafood Initiative provides targeted research and support with a laser focus on accelerating this sector.   FAO The Food and Agriculture Organization FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to tackle food insecurity, world hunger, and food sustainability.   IPCC The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.   Shiok Meats Shiok in Singapore and Malay slang means fantastic and delicious. Shiok Meats is the first cellbased clean meat company in Singapore and SouthEast Asia. Their mission is to bring delicious, clean and healthy seafood like crustacean meats including shrimp, crab and lobster by harvesting meat from cells instead of animals. Their meats are animal, health and environmentfriendly with the same taste, texture, more nutrients and no cruelty.   Avant Meats Avant Meats Company Limited is a startup that focuses on RD of cellbased agriculture. They strive to bring down the product costs of cellbased meat by researches sic and collaboration with companies of tangential technologies.   BlueNalu, Inc BlueNalus mission is to be the global leader in cellular aquaculture™, providing consumers with great tasting, healthy, safe, and trusted seafood products that support the sustainability and diversity of our oceans. Their aim is to supplement current industry practice, in which fish are farmed or wildcaught in our ocean and seas, by producing real seafood products directly from fish cells, that are as delicious and nutritious as products that have been grown conventionally, in a way that is healthy for people, humane for animals, and sustainable for our planet.   WIld Type  Wild Type’s mission is to create the cleanest, most sustainable seafood on the planet. They use cellular agriculture technologies to address the most pressing challenges of our generation: climate change, food security, and health.   Finless Food Finless Foods is a food startup working toward a world where everyone has access to healthy, delectable seafood, without the environmental devastation or the health hazards of traditional fishing and aquatic farming. Starting with bluefin tuna, they use cuttingedge cellularagriculture technologies to grow marineanimal cells, creating fish and seafood products enjoyed around the world.   Good Catch The Good Catch team are passionate culinary rebels with a cause—seafood without sacrifice. They bring you the rich flavors and flaky textures of fine seafood—from fishfree tuna and burgers to crabfree cakes—made with nutritious, sustainable ingredients. Their mission is to “preserve the ocean’s natural resources while introducing awesomely delicious “seafood” choices that benefit you and the world. Nothing fishy about it.”   Ocean Hugger Ocean Hugger Foods offers healthy, delicious and sustainable plantbased alternatives to your favorite seafood proteins. Created by one of Americas top chefs, Certified Master Chef James Corwell. Their flagship product, Ahimi™, is the worlds first plantbased alternative to raw tuna, perfect for use in sushi, poke, tartare, ceviche and more.   ADDITIONAL READING: Find more information about Maharashtras ban on singleuse plastics here Read about Indian Prime Minister Narandra Modi’s pledge to ban singleuse plastic here Read why the push to ban plastic straws — when fishing accounts for 46 of all ocean plastic — is well intentioned but misguided here More information about the dire state of our oceans and why plantbased and cultivated seafood are the best way forward can be found here Read more about Canada’s seafood traceability issue here  Read IPCC’s “The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate” report here More information about the rising levels of microplastic in our oceans can be found here Read more about the Van Cleve Seafood Company’s first plantbased seafood launch, Wild.Skinny.Clean, here Here’s an article about Northern Harvest’s salmon dieoff and cleanup efforts.

  • Ep. 10: No Food to Good Food
    46 min 19 sec

    In the season finale of our 10 part series Feeding 10 Billion, we focus on one word that has come to dominate our discourse and perfectly captures our theory of change leapfrog. The themes in our podcast this season have given you an inkling of the range of work happening in the new protein sector from cultivated and sustainable seafood to plantbased protein enriched foods. We hope it has also underlined the fact that however you approach this be it through the lens of climate change, public health, malnutrition, farmer incomes, water shortage, land use, species extinction or animal welfare we need to leapfrog over the industrial animal agriculture that has led to a broken food system. The analogue to mobile telephony or digital payments exist but to create new pathways in food which is also socioculturally loaded in our country we need all the insight we can get. This episode we speak to Michelle Adelman, the CEO and Founder of Infinite Foods, who also heads the companies, Go Fresh and Accite Holdings. Michelle works in South Africa, Botswana and beyond to bring the most exciting plantbased foods like Beyond Meat, JUST egg and Miyoko’s cheese as well as Oatly milk to these developing markets. Her lessons from this continent have tremendous import for the work to be done in India. And with that, it’s a wrap on this season of Feeding 10 Billion. We hope you enjoyed this season, and we will catch up with you again in the new year in 2020 Organizations, Institutes and Companies: MPesa MPesa is Africas most successful mobile money service. It provides access to financial services to the millions of people who have a mobile phone, but do not have or have only limited access to a bank account. MPesa provides people with a safe, secure and affordable way to send and receive money, topup airtime, make bill payments, receive salaries, get a shortterm loan and much more. Accite Holdings Accite is a boutique project development and impact investment firm that focuses on technologyled, sustainable commercial agriculture projects that spur economic diversification and employment of youth and women. Accite’s investment philosophy marries proven western technologies with localized business models to create pioneering businesses. Accite believes that technologyled, sustainable agriculture is a viable growth sector for Africa’s transformation. Infinite Foods Infinite Foods is a gotomarket platform for the best tasting plantbased food brands to reach Africa and emerging markets faster, with low risk. Infinite provides a turnkey capability to manage the regulatory environment, educate consumers, create markets, amplify brands, sell, distribute, source ingredients and enable manufacturing while being responsible corporate citizens. Go Fresh Botswana Go Fresh Botswana’s vision is to improve the quality of life for people and the environment by growing Grade 1 fresh vegetables yearround. Using hydroponics and controlledenvironment greenhouses, Go Fresh Botswana uses a fraction of both the land and water used in traditional irrigated farming to provide people with the freshest locallygrown produce. Additional Reading Read more about Infinite Food’s mission in this article in Vegconomist and read more about Michelle Adelman’s work in this article about helping Africa leapfrog to plantbased foods in Forbes. Watch Michelle Adelman’s interview about plantbased burgers on CNBC Africa here A quarter of US millennials claim to be vegan or vegetarian. Read more about that here Why India is a priority for plantbased and cultivated meat innovation: GFI Blog Meat is the new mobile Leapfrogging our way to the future of food Varun Deshpande, TEDxKITCoEK




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