Powered By EPIC ON. Lets face it, we all need to up our game from time to time and your coach this season is none other than Siddharth Deshmukh, also know as The Travelling Professor. Back with a fresh take on the good old brain fuel from Season 1, check out Smarter with Sid.This season we focus on snackable 10 minute nuggets that will give you the little booster shots you need to take your game to the next level.Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday to get Smarter with Sid.
The Travelling Professors Diary as the name suggests is a show about a curious human being with an eagerness for travel and observations. He visits colleges such as MICA, SP Jain, Symbiosis, FLAME, upGrad, Talent age and spreads the digital gospel
On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh looks at small businesses and the reason why they arent going digital and why and how they should. These Covid 19 times, dire as they may be, might just be the tipping point fo
This episode of Smarter with Sid explores how, why and when Blackberry failed, and potential dangers that Apple might face soon, especially with their smartphones. He also talks about how the entire smartphone industry faces the perils of Metaverse.
So what CAN we learn from stand up comedians Ummm no, its not on how to keep it light and crack jokes. Theres a lot more that goes into making a stand up comedy set and delivering it just right. Check out this episode of Smarter With Sid to know more.
What are the differences between an awareness building campaign and a brand building campaign In this episode of Smarter With Sid, we explore about both of these types of campaigns and the pros and cons of each and also check out why and when they work.
Have you also heard that Left brained people are logical right brained people creative This episode of Smarter With Sid explores the theory and reality of this popular concept focuses on how we could use our brains better instead of labelling them.
Sometimes, we dont understand the privilege we come from and often miss out on being inclusive of others and being politically correct. But what does being politically correct and being inclusive mean in todays day and age Lets find out.
We all remember when YouTube was producing some original content and offering it with YouTube premium. But in recent times, their original production has come to a halt. Lets find out why YouTube stopped it if it was a good decision for YouTube or not.