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Smarter with Sid

U • Education • Society & Culture • Arts

Powered By EPIC ON. Lets face it, we all need to up our game from time to time and your coach this season is none other than Siddharth Deshmukh, also know as The Travelling Professor. Back with a fresh take on the good old brain fuel from Season 1, check out Smarter with Sid.This season we focus on snackable 10 minute nuggets that will give you the little booster shots you need to take your game to the next level.Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday to get Smarter with Sid.

  • Introduction to The Travelling Professor's Diary
    1 min 31 sec

    The Travelling Professors Diary as the name suggests is a show about a curious human being with an eagerness for travel and observations. He visits colleges such as MICA, SP Jain, Symbiosis, FLAME, upGrad, Talent age and spreads the digital gospel

  • Meditate on this
    5 min 56 sec

    Think meditation is really boring The travelling professor thought so too, until he found a hack around it. Tune in to this episode to find out how you can make seemingly mundane stuff interesting.

  • Music to my ears
    4 min 29 sec

    What is music Be it Jazz, Rap, Hindustani Classical or Punk Rock, it is so strangely beautiful, that we humans like to listen to beats and words just in a different manner than we talk. Music has been around from ages, and is all around us from rituals,

  • Talking to Strangers
    6 min 11 sec

    A lot of times when we see new people, we tend to try and read whats on their faces instead of gaining the actual picture.On this episode of The Travelling Professors Diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh speaks about Malcolm Gladwells book Talking to Stran

  • Best Ways to Learn
    6 min 23 sec

    As a student out of most of the subjects one has, they tend to like only a few. Whereas a teacher would seem interested in a subject as it is their area of expertise. On this episode of The Travelling Professors Diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh tells us ho

  • Drive to a Campus
    6 min 28 sec

    The drive to a campus is very interesting, it tells us how a student or faculty actually feels on their way there.On this episode of The Travelling Professors Diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh shares observations and insights from the trips he makes to th

  • The Joe Rogan Experience
    5 min 36 sec

    Through the continuous learning process that is host Siddharth Deshmukhs life, he has bumped into many things that have given him fruitful experiences. One of such experiences is The Joe Rogan Experience.

  • To Study Or Not To Study
    6 min 54 sec

    A question that haunts every student is whether to study further or get work experience.On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh sheds some light on the various options that open up for students.

  • How to Beat Toxicity with Science
    6 min 23 sec

    Everyone has that situation in their lives when they feel the need to dissociate with toxic people.On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh talks about how science can help you identify and dissociate from toxic peopl

  • Language no barrier
    6 min 2 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh visits Bangkok and shares his observations about the citys culture, cuisine, and celebratory spirit

  • The Politics Beyond Our Social Media Bubbles
    7 min 2 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh highlights the disadvantages of living in our social media bubbles while verbalizing our political opinions and also worshipping our politicians like heroes.

  • What makes a great podcast?
    8 min 1 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh the essential elements of a great podcast and how a host can refine the content of the show.

  • Design your Entertainment
    5 min 31 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh talks about two documentaries on Netflix that left an indelible mark on his mind. He highlights the importance of doing your own research before believing what is presented to yo

  • Should you stick to it?
    6 min 11 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh talks about the critical choice between sticktoitiveness and giving up on something to realign ones goals.You can reach out to us on social media. Were iv

  • The Hidden Problem for Startup's
    6 min 45 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh talks about the hidden problems for startups and the reality of how they function.You can reach out to us on social media. Were ivmpodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Faceb

  • My kids, the influencers
    7 min 24 sec

    This week on The Travelling Professors Diary, Siddharth talks about the things he has learned from his two daughters. His daughters are social media influencers and Siddharth marvels at the dedication and conscientious work they put into the medium which

  • The Joy of a Great Murder Mystery
    5 min 49 sec

    This week on The Travelling Professors Diary, Siddharth shares his love for the genre of murder mysteries and recommends a film that helped him reconnect with the genre and moved him with its brilliance

  • B2B Marketing= Tribal Marketing?
    6 min 42 sec

    This week on The Travelling Professors Diary, Siddharth explains how B2B Marketing shapes our choices as part of a larger company or tribe, its impact on our individual behaviours and even invents a new name for this type of marketing based on his theo

  • Switch off
    6 min 9 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh a few shows that soothed him in the middle of his hectic schedule. Shows that help him switch off his mind and relax after a hard day and even inspired him to start gardening.

  • What's AI really upto?
    7 min 5 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh discusses the future of AI and how we can observe its predictions about our behavior. Will it bring the doomsday closer or will it lead to development Listen to this episode an

  • Does money buy culture?
    6 min 11 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth talks about how culture is propagated until it percolates into the fabric of society and the role that aspiration and materialism play in the process.

  • Designing Education for this Decade
    7 min 39 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh discusses the trends in education like the increase in student debts and decreasing emphasis on industryfocused skills to prepare students for the future.You can reach

  • How students game the system
    7 min 7 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh talks about the ways in which students game the system. From proxies, electives, attendance he outlines what goes in a professors mind throughout this gaming proc

  • The Distributed MBA
    7 min 44 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh introduces us to a concept called The Distributed MBA that can tackle most of the challenges students face when it comes to pursuing this degree.

  • Talking to a machine
    5 min 50 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth shares his experience of learning Python and the importance of learning machine language in this day and age.

  • Turning points
    5 min 35 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth talks about the role of turning points in ones life.

  • Learning from a Cab Driver (Part 1)
    5 min 29 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth illuminates us on his insightful experience of conversing with a cab driver. A conversation and story that made him ponder and left a mark on his mind.

  • The Aging Work force
    7 min 12 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth discusses the challenges of an aging work force.

  • The Books I haven't Read
    5 min 42 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth discusses books he hasnt read.

  • The Misinformation Virus
    6 min 56 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth discusses how misinformation is a virus.

  • The Networking Shenanigan
    5 min 11 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth discusses Networking in the light of the Covid 19 outbreak.

  • The Convocation Experience
    4 min 45 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, Host Siddharth discusses the experience of a Convocation.

  • Working from home? A Teacher's perspective
    6 min 4 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh explores how teaching from home to hordes of students is a different kettle of fish.

  • Learning in a socially distanced future
    6 min 39 sec

    This entry is about how you can approach your education and learning in these times especially how do you decide which online courses to go for, and how do you adjust to online learning, which seems to be a bigger and bigger part of learning,

  • Celebrating the new celebrities
    4 min 59 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh explores how needs supersede wants in times of crisis leading us to value doctors etc more, although perhaps temporarily. Also talks of how some celebrities are managing to s

  • Brand building in Turbulent times
    4 min 26 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh looks at clever advertising and marketing with a critical eye, and explores what will be memorable brand building for Covid19 times, and the underlying why behind it all.

  • Not Sporting At All
    4 min 52 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh explores the lack of sports during Covid19 times. The deep impact it has had on sports, sportspeople, sports marketing, and the business of sport. It also presents a

  • Small Business Alert: Go Digital or Go Home!
    4 min 56 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh looks at small businesses and the reason why they arent going digital and why and how they should. These Covid 19 times, dire as they may be, might just be the tipping point fo

  • The New Alpha
    4 min 24 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh explores how the lockdown is changing the way in which we relook at our value system.

  • Catch-22: The Weird Research
    5 min 25 sec

    Academic research is highly prized but only in academic circles. Industry doesnt give a hoot. However, Industry needs research driven insights to make an impact on their business model.

  • Blind Spots
    4 min 41 sec

    On this episode of The Travelling Professors diary, host Siddharth Deshmukh explores why we all have taken to baking, cooking, playing music, singing, doing webinars, and other assorted stuff. Of course social media is a factor,

  • The Execution Problem
    4 min 44 sec

    What this lockdown highlights is why rules are followed, and why they arent. Most rules that arent followed are because of a particular reason. A reason that makes us human, divine, and devilish at the same time.

  • Unlocking
    5 min 17 sec

    As we approach the unlocking of the lockdown, its time that we unlock ourselves as well.

  • The New Abnormal
    6 min 24 sec

    Its actually the new abnormal as we become more individualistic, less tribal, and call a spade a shovel. This diary entry looks at the sense of loss we are experiencing because of a lack of tribal belonging.

  • Succeed with Your LinkedIn Brand
    6 min 33 sec

    Weve seen a surge of activity on LinkedIn most of it not making the impact that the person responsible for it wants it to make.

  • Learning from Animals
    5 min 29 sec

    Theres a lot that animals can teach us if only we observe The strategies, tactics and overall behavior of different kinds of animals can teach us many things that could be useful in our work and lives.

  • Compete or Collaborate?
    6 min 6 sec

    When should I compete When should I work together Are there any theories, benchmarks, rules regarding the same How can I follow them effectively This diary entry explores an answer or two.

  • Smart Risks vs Dumb Risks
    5 min 29 sec

    This diary entry looks at developing an understanding of how the human brain perceives risks and interprets them. Sometimes we interpret well, sometimes we dont. Can we improve our strike rate

  • Don't Do Webinars
    8 min 30 sec

    Just because everyone is doing it dont conduct a webinar. If you still feel compelled to do so, this diary entry helps you rejig your perspective, get your act together, and make it memorable for your listener.

  • The 80/20 Principle
    6 min 45 sec

    This principle can be potentially groundbreaking if only we understand it, and understand how to use it. This diary entry explores how we can do this effectively.

  • Hustling
    6 min 24 sec

    What constitutes a good hustle Should everyone be hustling This diary entry explores on of the more popular words in modern day life and a different take on hustling vs. chilling.

  • Tribute
    7 min 34 sec

    In my travels Ive met a lot of interesting people and Prof Jagdish Sheth is certainly very very high on that list. This diary entry is a snapshot of my experiences with an awesome thinker and human being.

  • Don't Hire Consultants
    6 min 25 sec

    Consultancy is old age, and riddled with issues. Want to know how to get the right kind of outsider help without compromising on trust and ownership A few thoughts on the future of the external consultant.

  • The Art of Timing
    7 min 48 sec

    Get your timing right, and your fortunes explode. Get them wrong, and they implode. A quizzical look on timing, luck and how to be connected to the right timing for the launch of anything your product, your service, your personal brand.

  • How to take on Nepotism
    11 min 11 sec

    To take on Nepotism, we need to understand it deeply first. Why is it so pervasive Is there a good part to it How can I motivate myself to break through

  • The New High of Neuroplasticity
    7 min 26 sec

    Why being neuroplastic is not only possible, but also absolutely essential.

  • Unfair and Ugly
    7 min 35 sec

    The travelling professors take on how the Fair and Lovely change of brand name signifies something deeper for us as consumers and how we can use this for ourselves when we interact with big companies.

  • There's an App for That!
    6 min 14 sec

    When does one have an app A few years ago, almost every little enterprise wanted to have an app of their own. Sometimes, it works, and sometimes building an app is a complete waste of time.

  • The Return of the Office Meeting
    8 min 42 sec

    Can meetings ever not suck Will you ever have a good meeting Why doesnt all the advice on having a good meeting ever work The Traveling Professor explores with a different lens, and provides some different answers.

  • The Social Algorithm Explained
    9 min 2 sec

    Oh, they changed the Insta algorithm again. This lament has been part of many a conversation in parties, get togethers, offices and the like.

  • Back to School
    8 min 51 sec

    Is going to business school or higher education worth it this year should students look for spending a gap year, doing something else What should colleges and universities do

  • The Evaporating Customer
    7 min 50 sec

    What if your entire business model is based around a customer who is only going to be around for a little while, and never going to come back What should you do, and more importantly, not do

  • Learn Digital Marketing the Right Way
    9 min 23 sec

    So many people think about learning digital and start cringing, or feel completely lost as to where to begin.

  • One Sided Relationships on the Net
    6 min 13 sec

    The travelling professor dissects why we all have such parasocial relationships with celebs and influencers, why we are so much into cancel culture, and what both celebs and fans need to do in order to have healthier parasocial relationships.

  • When Digital Eats Physical
    10 min 14 sec

    The lockdowns are having an impact on everything physical and digital is rushing in to replace it. Has this changed our behavior completely, or will these changes be reversed

  • Virtue Signalling
    7 min 57 sec

    What it actually is. Why it happens. Why it always existed. And why its not all bad. The travelling professor investigates.

  • Kill Your Darlings
    8 min 29 sec

    The travelling professor and his colleagues examine, mentor and evaluate close to 50 ideas, over a 6 month period, that want to become businesses every year. And every year,

  • The New Role of Advertising
    7 min 45 sec

    The new, sophisticated, information overloaded consumer wants something else from advertising. The old rules are weakening what is advertisings new role, and is it ready

  • Fashion Forward
    9 min 48 sec

    The similarity between ties and masksThe travelling professors take on how fashion will shape up in times of the pandemic and accompanying recessionary times. Can we predict anything going forward

  • Connected by the Pandemic
    7 min 56 sec

    How human beings have become very similar to each other, and what it means for business going forward. Also, a different take on long held cultural blind spots, and how this pandemic has helped every culture overcome them.

  • It Takes A Family
    8 min 58 sec

    In this podcast, the Travelling Professor talks about how every job is now a family job with inputs coming in thick and fast from everyone we are stuck working how can we make the most of it

  • Go To Market
    8 min 26 sec

    Many people ask the travelling professor how to go to market with their product, platform or service and the prof has no idea how to answer this because its the wrong question. So what then is the right question

  • Priming vs Nudging: What's Better?
    7 min

    The travelling professor explores these two marketing techniques and gives his take on what really works... with a coffee example

  • Reboot
    8 min 10 sec

    The Travelling Professor went through a reboot this year of mind and body. Heres some interesting insights he gleaned from this more than 6 month period.

  • The Marketer of the Future
    8 min 19 sec

    Many students ask the TP what they should prepare for to be a great marketer in their futures. The TP provides a different kind of answer.

  • What is the Ideal Customer?
    7 min 33 sec

    The travelling professor talks of how all customers are not created equal some are better to target than the others. But who an indepth analysis.

  • Teachable Moments
    8 min 36 sec

    Every coach, mentor, boss and teacher may be overdoing trying to give gyan to the other side. Teachable moments are few and far between. How should someone approach a teachable moment Can we create one The travelling professor investigates.

  • Glean From This!
    9 min 3 sec

    The travelling professors latest and greatest sources of knowledge, insights and info oven ready for you Also, a bonus: the travelling professor shares how and when he listens to podcasts for maximum impact,

  • Sunsets For Some
    8 min 26 sec

    The travelling professor explores two industries that are perhaps riding into the sunset retail store chains and advertising and comes up with mixed feelings, but hopeful observations.

  • Your Best Virtual Friends
    6 min 49 sec

    What friends would you recommend to someone if they are 19 years old, or 29, 39, 49 any age for that matter and what if those friends are virtual How would you go about selecting them The travelling professor recommends..

  • TikTok, Instagram: Imperfect Replacements For Each Other
    6 min 37 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor looks at how Instagram can never replace Tiktok, no matter how hard it tries. And the secret is in the algorithm the sauce that binds everything together.

  • Work From Home - A Question Of Leadership
    7 min 30 sec

    Is WFH going to continue and if it does, would the reason be employee will, cost benefits for companies..... or just leadership The TP investigates.

  • LinkedIn: Networking Platform?
    9 min 20 sec

    The Travelling Professor investigates how Linkedin is shaping up as a platform and how networking and community building seem to be fighting it out there and how influencers are making the most of it or not.

  • Games People Play
    7 min 35 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor analyses Among Us, the latest greatest popular game, and The Escape Room, a physical gaming experience.

  • Cause Led Advertising
    7 min 48 sec

    Does cause led advertising work Where exactly Is this the future of branding The travelling professor investigates with an open mind.

  • The Social Dilemma Unraveled
    8 min 51 sec

    The popular netflix documentary and the travelling professors take on the same. Does tech create a product out of the consumer or a new consumer with new behaviors Some contrarian thoughts.

  • Gen Z and Anime
    7 min 1 sec

    Why is anime such an important Gen Z thing The travelling professor explores the phenomenon, tries to make sense of it and its various uses.

  • Dunbar's Number Revisited
    7 min 48 sec

    Episode 8 had seen the travelling professor explore how we could use Dunbars number for improving personal relationships here, he explores the way in which it can be used for marketing, management and even community management.

  • The Jewel Thief
    7 min 32 sec

    The Tanishq ad everyones upset about, and the traveling professors take on what Tanishq should be doing, to capitalise on the reaction to their ad. A very different sort of suggestion.

  • The Unbearable Passion of Work
    6 min 41 sec

    Are we taking work too seriously Why do we do this Why cant we help ourselves Can we do something about it The traveling professor explores his own obsession with work and scrutinises what passion is all about,

  • Does a "SALE" Work?
    8 min 8 sec

    Its the season of sales aka the festive season. Do these marketing activities really work And why Lets get into the science behind a discount.

  • "I want a Job Abroad"
    11 min

    Can you get a job abroad Especially if you are in marketing, sales or new business development Why is it tough Are there any ways around this The traveling professor investigates.

  • The Peacock Paradigm
    9 min 51 sec

    The travelling professor explores deep seated biological patterns in this diary entry and something called peacocking makes an entry. Every male knows this deeply

  • The Zoom Learning Benefit
    8 min 30 sec

    The travelling prof learned a lot when he saw how his own kids learn online. Led to a crucial insight, about how formal settings like classrooms and offices miss... dont miss this one

  • The Credibility of the Cred Ad
    8 min 23 sec

    The travelling professors analysis of the currently popular CRED ad what works for it and what doesnt.You can reach out to us on social media. Were ivmpodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

  • CADBURY: Vocal For Local!
    6 min 27 sec

    The travelling professors analysis of the currently popular Cadbury celebration Diwali ad and why its a winner.

  • The Return of the Jewel Thief
    6 min

    What does one do if your brand is hijacked by social media commentators and activists The travelling professor, social media commentator himself, offers some guidance.You can reach out to us on social media.

  • Minimum Viable Audience
    7 min 1 sec

    Seth Godins new term is worth exploring, what it means and how it can help many kinds of people in their work success by becoming a primary way to measure things. The travelling professor unravels this.

  • Can Marketing Create Needs?
    6 min 32 sec

    The travelling professors neurotake on needs, wants and desires and a perspective on the perennial question as to what marketing can and cant do

  • The Media Product Concept
    7 min 21 sec

    The travelling professor postulates a new concept hes developed. Instead of succumbing to jargon like every company is a media company, he believes that a lot of companies should create their own media product. And put out some thoughts regarding this.

  • The First Principles Process
    10 min 14 sec

    The travelling professor celebrates his century of diary entries by sharing his strategy for not just podcasting but thinking from first principles. Reviewing the year gone by through the lens of a professor

  • The Death of Digital Marketing
    10 min 15 sec

    The traveling professor had made an observation a few years ago to his students that digital marketing will become so ubiquitous a term in 5 years or so that no one will use the term anymore. Half way through the predicted timeline, where do

  • The Opportunity in Media Disruption
    10 min 8 sec

    Newspapers shutting down,Magazines on their last legs,Movies cut up into series,Podcast companies being acquired.

  • What Should I Know About Meme Marketing?
    8 min 16 sec

    The travelling professors exploratory yet historical take on why memes became a thing. And how/whether marketing should be using this biological phenomenon.

  • The Performance Paradox
    7 min 10 sec

    Why cant more companies build bigger brands on the internet Perhaps, its because they are using digital for performance to sell, instead of building brand. But we know through examples like Supreme that the truth is counterintuitive.

  • Your Coconut Tree
    8 min 1 sec

    All of us have our own coconut trees some pet theories that we like to refer to whatever the situation/conversation is some professors, professionals and crashing party bores. All of us some theory or the other. But do we recognise that

  • Planning for Digital Doomsday
    9 min 40 sec

    Googles recent short outage leads the traveling professor to investigate: Can we, today, live our life outside of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft Whats our plan B

  • The Algorithm Generation
    10 min 50 sec

    Generation Z is the first mainly digital native generation that is being controlled by an algorithm that it willingly cocreates. Is the result good or bad Talking to strangers, horse blinders, only their worldviews its a different kettle of fish, and

  • Content: Consistency Vs Quality
    9 min 56 sec

    The travelling professor figures out whats better for your content strategy Do listen as the professor comes up with a few answers

  • Tesla's Gangster PR Move
    8 min 51 sec

    The travelling professor analyses Elon Musk and Teslas decision to do away with their PR department.

  • The Process Resolutions
    8 min 8 sec

    The travelling professor looks into new year resolutions, and how they could be mutated to make them work for you better by making them all about the process.You can reach out to us on social media. Were ivmpodcasts on Twitter, Instagram, and Faceboo

  • The Brand as a Conversation
    6 min 15 sec

    Too many marketers make their campaigns the cornerstone of their branding work, when it should be the ongoing conversation that needs to be centrestage. The travelling professor postulates a new starting point for brands in 2021.

  • Fortune's Misfortune
    8 min 53 sec

    Sourav Ganguly, brand ambassador for Fortune oil, had a heart ailment, resulting in Fortune being trolled on the internet. Whats the correct response in a situation like this from the brand Tune in to this episode, as the travelling professor puts

  • Post Pandemic Predictions
    9 min 57 sec

    Whats the new shiny thing that will grace us in a post pandemic scenario The travelling professor makes 3 radical picks on this question, and talks about the positives of prediction planning.

  • Whatsapp vs Signal
    9 min 41 sec

    The travelling professor analyses a battle royale fought at product, marketing and business levels and makes his observations on how it will play out.You can follow Siddharth Deshmukh on Twitter edgysid and Instagram thetravellingprofessor

  • The Start-up's Dilemma
    7 min 17 sec

    How do you market with a meagre budget, especially when you compete in a market already dominated by big companies The travelling professor offers some suggestions.

  • Placements in the Pandemic
    10 min 10 sec

    As students try to get placed in what is a very tough recruitment year, the travelling professor offers a perspective.

  • The New Orgnanisation's Design
    6 min 1 sec

    We are trying to recreate organisational culture, value systems and rituals through Zoom, and why that sucks. In this episode, the traveling professor discusses a great chance to do something completely different for organisation design.

  • The Gamestop Lessons
    8 min 14 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor takes on something really interesting that happened in the last few days with the Gamestop stock and the repercussions.

  • Customer Experience as a Story
    7 min 8 sec

    Customer experience design is much more than designing the interface or designing the physical experience. In this episode, the travelling professor explains how its about developing a story for your customer.

  • Myntra's Rorschach Test
    7 min 20 sec

    Myntra, a popular Ecommerce company was forced to change its logo after activists filed a complaint stating the logo was offensive to women.

  • The Distributed Presentation
    6 min 57 sec

    When you are making a pitch to a potential client who has its people logging into zoom and you have your own people making the pitch in different locations. What are the pitfalls you want to avoid

  • Hooked, Booked and Cooked
    8 min 20 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor unravels the key principles of bestselling author Nir Eyals book Hooked: How to Build HabitForming Products where he discusses how we often get hooked onto certain experiences and showcases the same with th

  • When Do You Start a Startup?
    7 min 51 sec

    This diary entry explores the concept of time. In this episode, the traveling professor explains how time works to either in your advantage or disadvantage for your start up.

  • Sebamed
    7 min 53 sec

    What is more tempting than a wonderful soap operaIn this episode, the travelling professor looks at a deeper truth, which is about Science vs Celebrities. He also discusses the recent Sebamed controversy.

  • Waterfall vs Agile
    9 min 42 sec

    What is the best project management technique that one can use todayIn this episode, the travelling professor investigates the best way to manage a project. He discusses of Agile Waterfall school techniques. He also gives advice

  • Cut the Pfaff
    8 min 2 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor takes a hard look at student presentations. He examines why the student presentations are the way they are. He also discusses the bad unintended consequences that happen in the future potential solution to this.

  • Product vs Service vs Platform
    7 min 42 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor looks at why and how product marketing and selling is different from its sales counterpart. He also discusses why platforms rule over both products and services.

  • Statement of Purpose
    6 min 55 sec

    When you apply for a university seat in MBA/UG under graduate programs, you have to write about your Statement of Purpose SOP. In this episode, the travelling professors discusses on this curious artefact and how you could do it properly.

  • The University Experience
    8 min 13 sec

    Covid has ensured that students have been robbed of the Uni university experience and its quite likely that the next couple of years are impacted as well. In this episode, the traveling professor dissects the University experience, its

  • LinkedIn Polls
    7 min

    In this episode, the travelling professor analyses the sudden glut of polls happening on LinkedIn. He also discusses the good, bad and ugly of the resultant situation.

  • Zomato's Moment of Truth
    9 min 20 sec

    The travelling professors take on what a companys moment of truth should be like when an unsavoury incident happens, like the recent one between the social media influencer and the Zomato delivery person.

  • The Evolving Nature of Search
    11 min 38 sec

    Search has rapidly changed and evolved over the past few years. In this episode, the travelling professor looks at the evolution and wonders how voice search is going to change things yet again.

  • The Unplanned Evolution of Teachers
    9 min 10 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor discusses how the pandemic has changed a lot of professors and teachers into content producers and not educators. The argument goes on and on. Tune in to know why the travelling professor has a

  • Where Have all the TikTokers Gone?
    8 min 22 sec

    In this episode, the traveling professor talks about nothing but TikTok and TikTokers. The travelling professor makes an educated guess as to where the community of users on this platform have gone now, post Tiktok has been banned.

  • Why do SME's Hate Branding so much?
    9 min 48 sec

    Why do small and medium enterprises hate branding so muchIs it the mindsetThe situationA lack of proper understandingOr something else

  • Fans vs Fanatics
    9 min 39 sec

    With IPL coming in, the traveling professor explains of what differentiates a sports fan from any other kind of fan The fan can be a fanatic when it comes to sports.Tune into this episode, as the travelling professor explores jungian archetypes to expl

  • Value vs Growth Hypothesis
    8 min 36 sec

    Most marketers focus only on one, to their peril, and often conflate the two, again to their peril. In this episode, the travelling professor unravels value and growth as interesting building blocks of any marketing plan.

  • The Virus vs the Human Ape
    9 min 39 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor discusses how

  • Apple's Gambit for Privacy
    8 min 32 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor talks mainly about privacy.

  • Shareability
    9 min 8 sec

    The latest TVF webseries and the CRED ad both prove that shareability is a phenomenon

  • The Magic of the Scribbled Canvas
    8 min 19 sec

    Lateral thinking begins with reframing your mind to look at the same reality differently.Are there any hacks into becoming a lateral thinker

  • Sweat in Peace
    9 min 57 sec

    At these hard times, can we look at something with the eyes of hope and positivity when everything around us is so badly negative.

  • Digital is Not a Channel
    8 min 53 sec

    Agencies all over the world have undersold digital for long, claiming that it is only another channel to reach to consumers.

  • Repurposing Content
    9 min 15 sec

    How do you create content from earlier contentIn this episode, the travelling professor looks at whether, how and when to repurpose old content into a new form

  • Thinking by Talking
    8 min 25 sec

    In this episode, the travelling professor identifies the various ways in which we think, and explores how we think through by talking.

  • Covid Innovations
    7 min 50 sec

    In this covid times, there have been many innovations technology and use case driven that have come up.

  • The Upskilling Path
    9 min 2 sec

    The travelling professor explores the path to continuously upskill yourself

  • Career Transitions
    9 min 13 sec

    Whats the kind of content you need to create when you have planned a career transition for yourself

  • NFTs- Fad/Trend?
    8 min 55 sec

    Are NFTs going to lastAre they a fad, like the Pet Rock

  • Summer Training Trails
    7 min 35 sec

    How to make a great summer project

  • Competence vs Confidence
    7 min 40 sec

    The travelling professor explains how people misunderstand competence and confidence.

  • Creative Destruction
    7 min 48 sec

    How Vimeo creatively destroyed itself

  • Smarter with Sid: Season 2 Announcement
    1 min 44 sec

    Season 2 Announcement: The Travelling Professor is on a mission to make smart people more smarter.

  • Have you Considered Adjacent Skills?
    11 min 37 sec

    On the first episode of Smarter with Sid, he reviews David Epsteins book: Range

  • Why should you Keep Things Simple?
    11 min 15 sec

    Do listen, to know how in a complex world, perhaps the system that works best is the one that Keeps it Simple

  • Who's More Genuine? Celebs vs Influencers
    9 min 26 sec

    Should people put money on influencers or celebritiesShould marketers target the influencer or celebs community

  • What's More Deadly? Noise vs Bias
    9 min 52 sec

    Between noise and bias one of them is solvable and one is completely not solvable.

  • Is Netflix the New Amazon?
    9 min 46 sec

    Netflix is getting into the Ecommerce business.Will it compete well with Amazon

  • What's the Future of Clubhouse?
    11 min 11 sec

    Clubhouse seems to have made everyone and their uncle a podcaster

  • How Useful is Groupthink?
    10 min 5 sec

    We often think in a group or think as an individual.Which method do you use from the above options and when

  • Why Should you Teach your Parents Technology?
    10 min 33 sec

    did you know teaching your parents can be rewarding too. As you teach and you learn

  • Can We Cut the Content Clutter?
    10 min 45 sec

    On this episode, Sid looks at the current perspective

  • Is Jealousy Good for You?
    10 min 18 sec

    On this episode, Sid looks at the human emotion of jealousy

  • How do you get People to Skip Skipping Ads?
    10 min 49 sec

    On this episode, Sid explores some deep reasons on

  • How do You Conduct a Great Interview?
    10 min 22 sec

    How do you ace being an interviewer

  • Can Influencers Change their Business Model?
    10 min 4 sec

    In this episode, Sid talks about influencer marketing

  • Will a 4 Day Workweek Work?
    10 min 41 sec

    Will a 4 day workweek work across cultures

  • Will Work Change with Horizon Workrooms?
    12 min 31 sec

    During this pandemic, will life change with the horizon workrooms

  • How Should We Manage Our Peers?
    12 min 43 sec

    Do peers really harm your career or they help build your career

  • Why is Netflix Advertising on Youtube?
    8 min 40 sec

    YouTube and Netflix have made about 7 billion in the last quarter

  • How Do You Micromediate?
    10 min 41 sec

    Are you bored with doing meditationWorry not Sid shows a different way of practicing mediation which can help us reduce stress, anxiety and also boosts our memory.

  • How Can the Teacher-Student Relationship be Better?
    13 min 25 sec

    Can a teacher and student ever be friends How can a student get the most out of a teacher How can a teacher engage better

  • How Do You Design a Great Interface?
    8 min 52 sec

    Can an interface like Zoom become better with a different approach

  • Michelin Experience
    9 min 7 sec

    Why is the Michelin star experience consumed as a storyHow is a story weaved into a brand experience at both a conscious and subconscious level

  • Back To Theatres
    8 min 54 sec

    How will the back to theatre experience change

  • Is Advertising the New Content?
    10 min 4 sec

    Recently, a lot of Indians ads have been remade. Latest is the Cadbuary ad.Have advertisers found a hack that helps them to cut the clutter or are they running out of content

  • How Can Listening Help to Make a Better Presentation?
    9 min 49 sec

    Do you know the 102030 rule when making a presentation10 slides, last only for 20 minutes, no fonts smaller than 30.

  • Why is a Mis En Place So Important?
    10 min 18 sec

    Mise en Place: Why is the mise en place an important concept we can all learn fromHow does sequencing and setup help you reach more success

  • How Should an Entrepreneur Build Brand?
    10 min 3 sec

    Does an entrepreneur miss a trick when she/he doesnt build personal brand Is this the best way to stretch a meagre budget and create the right perceptions and demand for their offering

  • What's Next in the Podcast space?
    13 min 9 sec

    According to KPMG, India is the 3rd largest podcast listening market globally. It is expected to be valued at 17.62 crores by 2023.

  • Is a Lecture Still a Relevant Teaching Form?
    10 min 16 sec

    Tune into the episode to know whether lectures are overrated or not.

  • What is a Personal Operating Model?
    9 min 43 sec

    This episode explores how we can build our very own operating model to do justice to our talent and skill.

  • How do you Increase Your Strategic Skills?
    9 min 39 sec

    How do you increase your strategic skillsThere are 3 ways: ideas, people and processes.

  • Why is Cringe Watching a Thing?
    9 min 24 sec

    Tune into this episode as Sid covers cringe watching from 4 different angles:

  • Will Thrift Stores Work in India?
    10 min 21 sec

    Thrift stores are: fad or trend

  • What's Up with Youtube Shorts
    10 min 54 sec

    YouTube has launched YouTube Shorts Fund of 100 million fund to be distributed over 202122 to get in touch with many eligible creators.

  • Who's Ruling Currently- Creators or Influencers?
    9 min 58 sec

    Tune into the episode as Sid tells us the difference between a influencer and a creator, whos ruling and why

  • Why the Cadbury's Ad is the Future?
    10 min 26 sec

    Tune in, as Sid explores how data can be weaved through to a story through AI.He also discusses Aamir Khans CEAT ad, and the FabIndia fiasco.

  • How Can You Build Personal Soft Power?
    11 min 5 sec

    What do Kpop, Kdramas, Squid Games, bollywood have in common

  • Is Meta a True Blue Holding Company?
    11 min 23 sec

    Is Meta like Alphabet, or Proctor and Gamble, or is something else afoot in the decision to become Meta from Facebook

  • Is Energy Management a Better Way of Time
    9 min 42 sec

    Perhaps, we need a better, more realistic, more satisfying way in which we manage time for achieving our outcomes.

  • Are Taglines Still Relevant?
    10 min 13 sec

    In a world thats ever changing, are taglines a relic of the past Listen to this weeks episode of Smarter With Sid to know more about whether taglines are still relevant or not.

  • Managing Individual Change: Top Down or Bottom Up?
    10 min

    Whenever were trying to make a change work, health, relations what approach works best for change management Find out the answer in this Thursdays episode of Smarter With Sid, and choose for yourself.

  • How do we leverage attention spans?
    9 min 45 sec

    Every marketer needs to understand attention better to traverse the attention economy. Listen to this episode to understand the concept of attention better.

  • How do you Become A great visiting faculty?
    10 min 28 sec

    So we have realized that many people want to teach, but lack the know how on how to proceed, and in a lot of cases. Tune in to this episode to explore more about how to become a great visiting faculty.

  • Platforms or Publishers?
    10 min 14 sec

    Are Social networks like Facebook , Twitter etc just content moderating platforms, or are they true blue publishers Lets dive deep into this debate with our host Siddharth Deshmukh on this weeks episode of Smarter With Sid.

  • Power of brand communication
    9 min 39 sec

    In this weeks episode, we look at the health industry, and examine whether any kind of brand communication can really affect a change that makes people change their attitudes not just towards your brand, but also related to their own unhealthy habits.

  • What is momentary leadership?
    10 min 19 sec

    Do you think that we can also learn a new and similar approach towards leadership at work that takes inspiration from being in the moment Find out more about this phenomenon on this weeks episode of Smarter With Sid, only with your host Siddharth.

  • How can you promote worthy causes?
    10 min 39 sec

    In a world of mindless content consumption, how can we promote people to consume content that has worthwhile social implications without being preachy or irrelevant Find out the answer on this weeks episode with your host Siddharth Deshmukh.

  • How do you introduce a new idea?
    9 min 9 sec

    Are there any tried and tested ways of building trust for some ideas at the workplace with reluctant team members In todays episode of Smarter with Sid, your host Siddharth is here with 3 ways with which you can introduce new ideas.

  • What is the Beginner's mind?
    9 min 50 sec

    Have you heard the word Shoshin It is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning beginners mind. In Sids 200th episode as a podcaster, he will break down the concept of Beginners Mind and explain how you can make the best out of it.

  • The Gorilla in the room
    9 min 28 sec

    When we dont see something obvious because were tricked into seeing things that others want us to see. In this episode, Siddharth will address the Gorilla in the room.

  • Does a fact based approach work?
    9 min 55 sec

    In the 50th episode of Smarter With Sid, youll get your 50th Smart Fact of the day with your host Siddharth and when we thought more about this, we decided to make this special episode celebrating facts and a factfulness based approach.

  • Will the 20's roar again?
    9 min 58 sec

    What is the Roaring 20s Lets take a look at what happened a hundred years ago in the 1920s, where the situation was pretty similar to our 2020s, and see if we can learn and predict from this.

  • Can we look at resolutions differently?
    10 min 47 sec

    In todays episode of Smarter With Sid, your host Siddharth talks about how understanding the difference between objectives and outcomes can be liberating. He also talks about looking at resolutions differently and approach them in a new way.

  • Are checklists any good in a volatile world?
    9 min 53 sec

    Siddharth talks about how you can create an effective checklist that you could potentially stick with. Top management professionals often say that making checklists for their tasks also helps them manage their emotions throughout the day.

  • Will Apple have a Black Swan moment soon?
    10 min 17 sec

    This episode of Smarter with Sid explores how, why and when Blackberry failed, and potential dangers that Apple might face soon, especially with their smartphones. He also talks about how the entire smartphone industry faces the perils of Metaverse.

  • How to get a dream start?
    9 min 20 sec

    Imagine youve got your dream job. But how do you get a dream start at your job In this episode, Siddharth talks about how sussing out the business situation you are in will help you start your new job in the perfect manner what you need to do for it.

  • What can we learn from a stand up comic?
    9 min 48 sec

    So what CAN we learn from stand up comedians Ummm no, its not on how to keep it light and crack jokes. Theres a lot more that goes into making a stand up comedy set and delivering it just right. Check out this episode of Smarter With Sid to know more.

  • When should you have an awareness building campaign?
    8 min 37 sec

    What are the differences between an awareness building campaign and a brand building campaign In this episode of Smarter With Sid, we explore about both of these types of campaigns and the pros and cons of each and also check out why and when they work.

  • Is there anything like a left brain and a right brain?
    10 min 36 sec

    Have you also heard that Left brained people are logical right brained people creative This episode of Smarter With Sid explores the theory and reality of this popular concept focuses on how we could use our brains better instead of labelling them.

  • What does being inclusive and politically correct mean?
    11 min 49 sec

    Sometimes, we dont understand the privilege we come from and often miss out on being inclusive of others and being politically correct. But what does being politically correct and being inclusive mean in todays day and age Lets find out.

  • How can we avoid being in a cargo cult?
    9 min 56 sec

    This episode of Smarter with Sid explores the concept of Cargo Cult and answers the question of how correlation is not causation, and how superstition makes processes inefficient. Tune in to find out more.

  • Is the Pomodoro technique any good?
    9 min 56 sec

    So, at some point in our lives, weve all come across the term Pomodoro, but what exactly is it Its a time management technique that comes from the Italian term tomato. Time management.....tomato Want to know the story behind it

  • What is the Monty Hall problem?
    9 min 50 sec

    The Monty Hall problem is more or less like a brain teaser in which you have to test your chances based on probability. It came from the American television game show Lets Make a Deal is named after its original host, Monty Hall. Tune in to know more.

  • Is Facebook's crash a blip?
    11 min 16 sec

    When was the last time you used Facebook Cant remember Well recently, Facebook saw a dip in its daily users. Is Facebooks crash a blip or a sign of things to come What is the hidden underlying reason Lets find out.

  • Wordle's addictive magic
    10 min 32 sec

    After Angry Birds, Pokemon Go and Among Us, the next sensational game on the block is Wordle. Lets try to understand Wordle, the story behind it and and how such a simple idea like this not only went viral, but also got acquired by the New York Times

  • What's wrong with Joe Rogan?
    11 min 22 sec

    As podcast listeners, we have all come across the Joe Rogan controversy. In todays episode of Smarter With Sid, lets find out what happens when an antiestablishment podcasting star finds himself in hot water.

  • Lessons from the IPL auction
    8 min 36 sec

    If you think that IPL auctions are only for the cricket fans, let us show you how you can not only approach it differently, but also get a lot of lessons and learnings from it Well try to understand in what way you can approach an auction.

  • The Path to a SharkTank
    10 min 26 sec

    Shark Tank is finally in India Lets explore the way in which Shark Tank India is rapidly changing the equation and bringing about different aspirations from hundreds and thousands of people across India.

  • Let's find out our social capital
    11 min 11 sec

    So what is social capital Ask yourself this how many friends do you have How many contacts do you have You may not feel so, but all these have equal if not more value than financial capital. The answers to these questions becomes your Social Capital.

  • Lessons from the Tinder Swindler
    10 min 33 sec

    Unless youve been sleeping under a rock, youve heard of the infamous Simon Leviev better known as the Tinder Swindler. Lets understand what we can learn from Simon Leviev and why its important not to lose ourselves completely to the digital world.

  • Why did YouTube stop making original content?
    11 min 41 sec

    We all remember when YouTube was producing some original content and offering it with YouTube premium. But in recent times, their original production has come to a halt. Lets find out why YouTube stopped it if it was a good decision for YouTube or not.

  • A professor's perspective on Women's day
    10 min 5 sec

    Did you know that Womens day started in Soviet Russia In this episode of Smarter With Sid, Sid discusses looking at stories like this surrounding womens day and understand its true importance, from a professors perspective

  • ROI of Branding
    10 min 49 sec

    When we see a billboard advertisement of SBI, we see their logo and recognize the brand. But whats the process of making anyone recognize your company The answer is simple Branding In this episode of Smarter With Sid, lets understand Branding.

  • Stronger : 3 lessons to learn from Kanye West
    10 min 15 sec

    In todays episode, Sid tries to dissect the new Netflix documentary Genius which is about acclaimed rapperproducer Kanye West. Its incredible to know the hustle Kanye went through. So lets see what are the 3 things we can learn from him

  • 3 lessons to learn from YouTuber Mr. Beast
    9 min 32 sec

    Lets see what we can learn from Jimmy Donaldson a.k.a one of the most successful YouTubers Mr Beast. His work is groundbreaking, and needless to say he understands YouTube as a platform like no one else.

  • 3 lessons to learn from Andrew Shulz
    10 min 22 sec

    Can you imagine getting your own Netflix special because of the content you put on your Instagram and YouTube Andrew Schulz, the American comedian, got just that when his Netflix special dropped in 2020.

  • 3 lessons to learn from Lilly Singh
    9 min 39 sec

    Unless youve been living under a rock, you mustve definitely heard of Lilly Singh, better known as iisuperwomanii. Lets try to understand 3 things that we can learn from her and her journey of success.