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Geek Fruit Podcast

U • Fiction • Society & Culture • TV & Film

Powered By EPIC ON. We spend way too much time discussing minuscule facts, character dynamics, story arcs and unique concepts in the wonderful world of sciencefiction and overall nerd culture. Think you do that too Find us and become one with the geeks And believe it the Force is totally strong with us.

  • Ep. 0 - The Origin Story
    49 min 56 sec

    On Episode 0 of Geek Fruit Tejas and Jishnu introduce themselves and talk about their obsession with Star Wars.

  • Ep. 1 The Geek Fruit Menace
    51 min 31 sec

    In the first episode of Geek Fruit Tejas Jishnu take a deep dive into Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Listen to what they loved, what they hated and how they felt about events in the movie.

  • Ep. 2 2016: Age of Franchise
    1 hr 9 min 8 sec

    In this episode Jishnu and Tejas take on the impossible task of discussing every single movie franchise release of this year in super detail. They fail spectacularly but cover enough for you to get a general idea that damn: 2016 is going to be big.

  • Ep. 3 By Grabthar's Hammer Alan Rickman will be avenged
    1 hr 12 min 24 sec

    This week Tejas and Jishnu pay homage to the late Alan Rickman with a little help from fellow Geek Fruit member Dinkar Dwivedi, and further delve into why science fiction keeps getting snubbed every year during award season.

  • Ep. 04 Small Screen Heroes
    1 hr 7 min 1 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas take a break from movies to discuss television and how superhero shows like Flash, Daredevil and Agents of Shield have navigated their respective networks to tell the best stories possible. Also the real question on everyones minds:...

  • Ep. 05 The First Lady Of S.H.I.E.L.D
    1 hr 7 min 10 sec

    Jishnu Tejas discuss what they feel is probably one of the more underrated shows of last year: Agent Carter and how Hayley Atwells performance as the titular character is one of the best weve seen on screen. With Season 2 having begun in full...

  • Ep. 6: Love In The Time Of Multiverse
    56 min 38 sec

    This weeks episode deals with the emotion that eludes most nerds: Love A valentines day special, Jishnu and Tejas discuss their favourite nerdy couples who totally Ross Racheled the hell out of science fiction. And then some.

  • Ep. 07: The Return of Schmuckin Deadpool
    1 hr 13 min 38 sec

    In this first of kind spoiler free episode, Jishnu and Tejas are joined by fellow Geek Fruit member Dinkar as they discuss the brilliant but slightly frustrating premiere that was Deadpool. Almost expectedly the profane and irreverent nature of the...

  • Ep. 08: Recon Mission: Comic Con Express Pune 2016
    1 hr 6 min 39 sec

    In our first ever outstation visit, the Geek Fruit team explored the recently held Comic Con Express in Pune. We broke the bank scoring some cool merch, but also got a chance to meet the independent comic publishers of india and speak to them about...

  • Ep. 09: Recon Mission: IMAGICA
    1 hr 7 min 20 sec

    Last year at an undisclosed time the Geek Fruit team went on a black ops mission not to be revealed until now: a clandestine visit to the theme park known as IMAGICA. Did it hold up against their claim as an international standard theme and amusement...

  • Ep. 10: Mirror is the new Black
    1 hr 5 min

    A fictional series that is far closer to reality than we would like, Black Mirror has been hailed as the modern day Twilight Zone, as well as the dark look into the consequences if we ever werent too careful with our zealous technological...

  • Ep. 11: A XXX Parody
    55 min 42 sec

    This week Tejas and Jishnu boldly go where all men have gone before, despite what your conveniently empty browser history might say. The guys stop for a moment to draw attention to the behemoth that is the world of porn parodies and erotic fan fiction...

  • Ep. 12: A Season In Hell's Kitchen
    1 hr 24 min 31 sec

    In this special episode, break down season2 of Marvels Daredevil made for Netflix. In no particularish order they discuss what worked, what didnt and discus the zany ending to the season and what it means for the rest of the Defenders miniverse.

  • Ep. 13: Geek Fruit v Snyder: Dawn of Outrage
    1 hr 29 min 42 sec

    In what is going to be probably the most divisive movie in the year for fans and critics alike, the resident nerds at Geek Fruit, Jishnu Tejas and Dinkar, breakdown what was really going on in the Dawn of Justice. Love it or hate it, BVS marks the...

  • Ep. 14: Rebel One
    1 hr 17 min 30 sec

    After many episodes far far away from the home of the Star Wars Universe, Jishnu and Tejas return to discuss the incredible season finale of Star Wars Rebels, the animated television show set between episode 3 and 4. A mustwatch for any hardcore fan,...

  • Ep. 15: The Evolution of Man-Cubs
    57 min 35 sec

    We return to our childhood favourites this week as Jishnu and Tejas discuss the live action adaptation of Rudyard Kiplings The Jungle Book made famous by Disney originally in 1967. They talk about facts you really didnt know about one of the most...

  • Ep. 16: Prolonged Exposure to Chemical X
    1 hr 11 min 2 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas talk about the return of the beloved Powerpuff Girls to Cartoon Network. This reboot has new voice talent, updated animation and graphics, but the same infectious charm of the original run that we grew up watching. They also discuss...

  • Ep. 17: This is for my Meeples
    1 hr 3 min 11 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas talk to Ceto and Vikas and dive into the wonderful world of Tabletop Board Gaming. If you are someone who has always wanted a 101 on board games and its beautifully nerdy culture then say no more. This episode should have you clued...

  • Ep. 18: Avengers Disassemble
    1 hr 10 min 19 sec

    MCUs very own Anthony Mackie AKA Sam Wilson AKA Falcon casually gave this movie the title of Avengers 2.5, and damn was he on the money about that one. Filled to the brim with heroes fighting off heroes, the third and seemingly final installment of...

  • Ep. 19: Legend of the Game Show
    1 hr 10 min 51 sec

    This weeks episode of the Geek Fruit Podcast has us throwback to the times of adventure shows. No, not reality shows, not survivor, not idol, just plain good old fashioned adventure game shows, where we can all relax and watch the nameless...

  • Ep. 20: Age of Apocalypse
    1 hr 5 min 25 sec

    On this episode, the nerds break down the third installment of the prequel trilogy XMen: Apocalypse. Whether youre a fan of the series or not, it is impossible to deny the XMens influence on the superhero genre, with the original being one of the...

  • Ep. 21: Han YOLO
    1 hr 10 min 40 sec

    On this episode, the geeks look into the life and times and deaths of nerd legend Harrison Ford Erstwhile roadie and professional carpenter, Fords life has been full of bizarre experiences but his passion for acting has inevitably lead to a galaxy...

  • Ep. 22: Interwebz Killed the TV Star
    1 hr 7 min 57 sec

    On this episode, the nerds focus not on the characters or the stories, but the very vessels that carry them for the process of distribution. But in particular, the internet as a form of distribution. While you may think this is all business models and...

  • Ep. 23: The Fastest Man Alive
    1 hr 1 min 13 sec

    On this episode, Jishnu, Dinkar and Tejas are talking about the Scarlet Speedster of the CW and Colours Infinity variety. If you are mega fans of this iteration, then you know that season 2 was about as explosive as the first. With Zoom as a major...

  • Ep. 24: Turtle Power
    55 min 44 sec

    As millennials growing up in the 90s, a mainstay of our cartoon programming included one seemingly bizarre concept of four anthropomorphic turtles trained by rat sensei. How did this concept turn into one of the largest franchises ever In this...

  • Ep. 25: War Games
    59 min 43 sec

    Video Game movie adaptations have never had much luck at the cinema. Is it truly something that cannot be properly adapted Adding to the evidence is this years Angry Birds and Warcraft: two game based movies that have uncannily similar storylines....

  • Ep. 26: Iron Throne Primaries
    56 min 2 sec

    Long have we now crossed the books from which the recordbreaking hit HBO series Game of Thrones was adapted from. Readers and viewers alike are making their guesses for who will claim the Iron Throne as we hurtle towards the inevitable conclusion. In...

  • Ep. 27: Fish n' Ships: Resurgence
    56 min 55 sec

    In this episode, Jishnu and Tejas review two movies which have absolutely no reason to be clubbed together Nevertheless they discuss how even Bill Pullman cannot save the travesty that is Independence Day: Resurgence, and how Finding Dory may not be...

  • Ep. 28: Pokemon Go Away, I Need to Work
    48 min 39 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas take a look at the ultimate time killer of them all, Pokmon Go. They also take a look at Marvels Contest of Champions and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: This is an IVM Production for more such awesome...

  • Ep. 29: Jim Gordon's Gotham
    59 min 20 sec

    In this episode, Jishnu and Tejas take on the laborious task of finishing the whole second season of Foxs Gothamin in a week, and to their surprise, its not half bad. They discuss Theo Gallavan, Hugo Strange, Riddler and The Penguin and that kid...

  • Ep. 30: Kralling All Trekkies
    47 min 31 sec

    The 13th overall Star Trek Movie has an interesting creative team in Simon Pegg and Justin Lin Fast Furious series behind it. Tejas, Dinkar and Jishnu break down why this very successfully captures the essence of the Star Trek philosophy and...

  • Ep. 31: The Killing Joke
    48 min 46 sec

    Tejas, Jishnu and Dinkar deconstruct the myth and controversy behind the 1988 Eisner awardwinning graphic novel The Killing Joke by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. They also try to make sense of its animated counterpart and its now equally...

  • Ep. 32: Suicide Squad Goals
    43 min 58 sec

    In the hotly anticipated third installment of the DCEU, David Ayer Training Day, Fury directs the story a motley crew of supervillains contracted by the government to undertake a near impossible mission, in exchange for early parole. Does the movie...

  • Ep. 33: The Strangest Thing
    35 min 34 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas finally have the chance to review a brand new show which is not a reboot, sequel, prequel or from a shared universe but in many ways still feels like one. They discuss what they loved and didnt love about Season 1 of Netflixs new...

  • Ep. 34: Queens of the Sci-Fi Age
    43 min 34 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas take a break from doing a movie of the week review to talk about the greatest women in science fiction. From Sigourney Weaver to Zoe Saldana, they talk about how some stories have worked and some have not in the current phase of women...

  • Ep. 35: Harry Potter and the Mid Life Crisis
    50 min

    Tejas, Jishnu and special guest Neha discuss the hotly anticipated final chapter of the acclaimed Wizarding saga, the twopart play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Did it match our expectations Does Harrys unfortunately named son Albus, meet his...

  • Ep. 36: Spidey Sensibilities
    54 min 8 sec

    On this episode, Tejas, Dinkar and special guest Siddhant Mehta discuss a big question for any spidey fan: Whatever happened to the web head From being the coolest superhero to being rebooted twice, is Peter Parker relevant anymore in a world full of...

  • Ep. 37: Delete This Episode!
    52 min 8 sec

    On this episode, Jishnu and Dinkar discuss deleted scenes, bonus features and directors cuts of movies. With alternate cuts and ultimate editions becoming increasingly common in the superhero and scifi world, how do we settle on the definitive...

  • Ep. 38: Space Jokes!
    49 min 16 sec

    This week Jishnu, Tejas and Dinkar talk of all things comedic in the realm of science fiction. Are all scifi comedies self aware parodies of the genre Or are there films that are funny stories that just happen to be set in space or a world of...

  • Ep. 39: How Bulletproof is Luke Cage?
    1 hr 0 min 29 sec

    This week Jishnu and Dinkar marathoned through season 1 of Marvels Luke Cage in 72 hours to bring you an hour long analysis of the Bulletproof Heros first stand alone series. They discuss what made their nerd hearts flutter and what killed the...

  • Ep. 40: What Do You Got Left 2016?
    1 hr 4 min 50 sec

    Jishnu and Dinkar thought that there werent too many movies of interest left to release in 2016. They could not have been more wrong. This week they go through nearly 20 movie trailers slated for release between October and January, 2017. The big...

  • Ep. 41: Tim Burton's Home for Peculiar Movies
    49 min 3 sec

    In this episode, Tejas and Jishnu discuss the relatively lowkey release of Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children. With a starstudded cast and interesting source material, we expected a return to form for Tim Burton, which he only kinda half...

  • Ep. 42: Comic Con and the Chariotverse!
    56 min 25 sec

    This week Jishnu and Tejas dissect comic con India and the Indian comic book publishing scene with Chariot Comics benevolent overlord Aniruddho Chakroborty, to answer some pertinent questions about the still very nascent industry. We discuss his...

  • Ep. 43: Thanks, T. Hanks
    59 min 6 sec

    This week Jishnu and Dinkar discuss the reason behind the existence of the latest Dan BrownRon HowardTom Hanks film Inferno. In a selfless gesture of charity to you listeners they break down the film in an hour to save you from having to sit through...

  • Ep. 44: Doctor CumberStrange
    52 min 51 sec

    The 14th installment to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is no lowkeyAntMan style addition. With an expensive cast and VFX budget, Dr. Strange opens up interesting doors for the Marvel Multiverse, but does he make it that much better Follow Geek...

  • Ep. 45: How technology Will Kill You
    54 min 36 sec

    Acclaimed writer and overall paranoid social commentator Charlie Brooker gives us his latest fears of technology via a new series of Black Mirror. After an emotional and depressing slog we got through the six episodes to tell you what worked and what...

  • Ep. 46: Fantastic Beasts and how to fund them.
    57 min 58 sec

    This week Dinkar and Tejas talk about Harry Potter prequel Fantastic Beasts, and its immense potential to be a breakthrough franchise. With a very decent first entry into a five installment saga, we breakdown its story and characters as well as its...

  • Ep. 47: The Machines are Coming!
    56 min 24 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas take a break from science fiction to discuss the real world. Benefit or assumed threat, AI technology is the future. Along with the much more knowledgeable Amit Doshi, owner of IVM podcasts, we talk about current developments in the...

  • Ep. 48: Arrival and the Story of Your Life
    50 min 59 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas dont think an hour is long enough to discuss Arrival, Denis Villeneuves cerebral science fiction drama but they give it a shot anyway. Whether its the use of the visuals to deliver subtext, or the alien logograms that depict their...

  • Ep. 49: The Daughters of Disney
    58 min 40 sec

    This week Dinkar and Tejas watch and review Moana and rank amongst the previous Disney Princesses adventures, while also marking the evolution from its own stereotypes. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome...

  • Ep. 50: Rogue One, Geek Fruit Fifty
    1 hr 2 min 33 sec

    On the 50th episode of the Geek Fruit Podcast, Jishnu and Dinkar bring it all back to where they began Star Wars. They discuss the first of the SW anthology films, Rogue One, and ask if it works as a standalone movie. They also discuss Fuller House...

  • Ep. 51: 2016 Year in Focus
    1 hr 4 min 35 sec

    Jishnu Dinkar and Tejas wrap up the year by giving their final hot takes on some of the favourite and not so favourite movies of the year. We also time travel to the second episode ever 2016: Age of Franchise and play back our own predictions to...

  • Ep. 52: Sci-Fly Under the Radar
    59 min 49 sec

    Dinkar and Tejas discuss the sci fi movies that deserve way more love than they get, their plots and the reasons they shine outside the spotlight.

  • Ep. 53: Assengers Creed
    57 min 44 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu try and explain the plots of two completely average films to each other. In this case, Assassins Creed and Passengers. Does it help that they have similar letters Nope. The Geek Fruit podcast is also available on iTunes: You can...

  • Ep. 54: Masala Horror with Shamik Dasgupta
    52 min 13 sec

    Dinkar and Jishnu interview comic book author Shamik Dasgupta best known for his works with Speech Bubble Entertainment, Yali Dreams Creations and Virgin Comics just to name a few. The nerds get into a spoilerfree dissection of the themes that run...

  • Ep. 55: Sherlock and Wats On Our Mind About It
    47 min 12 sec

    This week Jishnu and Dinkar have a spoilerfree discussion about the 4th season of BBCs Sherlock, and why it might be losing its charm. Plus, they talk about why shows like Sherlock often either burn out or fade away. The Geek Fruit podcast is also...

  • Ep. 56: Wild Wild Westworld
    58 min 45 sec

    Dinkar, Tejas and Geek Fruit Podcast producer Navin Noronha discuss HBOs hit show Westworld. Whether its the nature of reality or the Bicameral mind, they discuss the all the big hits and revelations as well as the major themes of the complex Sci Fi...

  • Ep. 57: DC After Dark
    45 min 33 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu review the latest addition to the DC animated universe, Justice League Dark. Listen in on how it manages to juggle very grim themes and somehow work in a poop monster. Theres nothing Batman cant do. The Geek Fruit podcast is also...

  • Ep. 58: The Snooze Between Us
    31 min 29 sec

    This week Jishnu and Tejas kill time as they eagerly anticipate The Lego Batman film... by discussing The Space Between Us. The Geek Fruit podcast is also available on iTunes: You can find us on Audioboom: Or generally, just about any app...

  • Ep. 59: The Lego Dark Knight
    49 min 12 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas finally get to discussing the highly anticipated The Lego Batman Movie, and how it compares to previous iterations of both Bat films and The Lego Movie. They also talk about Batmans evolution, the future of the Lego films and much...

  • Ep. 60: Fanboying with Abhijeet Kini
    49 min 49 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu chat with comic author Abhijeet Kini, best known as the creator of Angry Maushi and Fanboys. Apart from continuing the dissection of the Indian comic book industry they look at Kinis ongoing relationship with Tinkle comics from...

  • Ep. 61: Old Man Logan
    57 min 5 sec

    Tejas and Geek Fruit editor Siddhant Mehta and producer Navin Noronha discuss the epic finale to the Wolverine saga. We discuss Hugh Jackmans role in the XMen as well as Patrick Stewart and try to find a future for the the franchise. The Geek Fruit...

  • Ep. 62: Sir Swagneto
    44 min 46 sec

    With all the talk about Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewarts latest outing in the XMen universe Tejas, Dinkar and Jishnu decided to take some time out and look at the life and times of Ian McKellen. Listen in as the three nerds lord over the man, the...

  • Ep. 63: Young Man Legion
    49 min 54 sec

    This week, Tejas and Jishnu discuss the critically acclaimed FX series, Legion, which is based on the character from the XMen universe. How good is it really The geeks find out. The Geek Fruit podcast is also available on iTunes: You can find us on...

  • Ep. 64: Beast Mode
    55 min 11 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu discuss Beauty and the Beast and Kong: Skull Island and figure whether these two films are worth your time. The Geek Fruit podcast is also available on iTunes: You can find us on Audioboom: Or generally, on just about any app you...

  • Ep. 65: Iron Douche
    56 min 50 sec

    Netflixs Iron Fist is being trashed by critics, but is it really that bad Tejas, Dinkar and Geek Fruit editor Siddhant investigate the good, the bad and the frustrating things about this show. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: This is an IVM...

  • Ep. 66: Summer Movie Spectacle 2017
    57 min 10 sec

    Jishnu and Dinkar watched all the movie trailers so you dont have to. On this episode, they give you the lowdown on what movies are coming out this summer and which ones you should care about, all under three minutes per film. Follow Geek Fruit on...

  • Ep. 67: Rebel Revolution
    51 min 42 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas discuss Disney XDs Star Wars Rebels, the animated show set between Star Wars Episodes 3 and 4. They cover the shows recently completed 3rd season, its major arcs, Grand Admiral Thrawn and the mindblowing catharsis the show...

  • Ep. 68: Time Travelogue
    58 min 55 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas discuss the favourite facets of time travel in sci fi and talk about the movies that made them love the genre. They also discuss the current ongoing of a certain galaxy far far away, post the recent Star Wars Celebration event. Follow...

  • Ep. 69: Ex-Kids: Coming of Age
    53 min 40 sec

    In this very special episode Dinkar, Geek Fruit Editor Siddhant and Producer Navin discuss coming of age movies, talk about their favorites, and grow up together as friends. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: This is an IVM Production for more such...

  • Ep. 70: My Neighbour Ghibli
    59 min 44 sec

    The films of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli are cultural touchstones in animation, and cinema in general. Siddhant and Dinkar, with the help of Ghibli superfan Alika, discuss the films and the themes that they often return to. Follow Geek Fruit on...

  • Ep. 71: Geeks of the Galaxy
    1 hr 1 min 6 sec

    Weve been excited about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 for ages, so we pulled out all the stops on this one. Listen to Tejas, Dinkar, Jishnu, Navin, and Siddhant in hologram form air their surprisingly different views on the movie, and the future...

  • Ep. 72: Science. Fiction. Horror.
    52 min 59 sec

    This week, Jishnu and Tejas discuss their picks in the horrorscifi subgenre, after a quick spoilerfree review of Alien: Covenant. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on...

  • Ep. 73: Joss Whedonverse
    43 min 42 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas take an hour to pay tribute to one of the most beloved writer/directors in the nerdverse Joss Whedon, covering some of his greatest works in TV, cinema and even web series. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this...

  • Ep. 74: Jack's Back
    1 hr 1 min 12 sec

    Tejas, Dinkar and Geek Fruit Editor Siddhant do a comprehensive analysis of Samurai Jack, what made the show stand out when it began, and why its Season 5 conclusion makes it one of the greatest endeavours in animation and television theyve ever...

  • Ep. 75: Diana: Warrior Princess
    50 min 48 sec

    Wonder Woman is a win for DC, but its got issues too. Special guests Mae and Navin join Tejas and Dinkar to discuss what they loved and what they could have done without. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other...

  • Ep. 76: Curse of the Franchise
    47 min 26 sec

    Jacks back again But this time, its Jack Sparrow returning for the 5th installment of Pirates. Is it worth it Tejas and Dinkar discuss with special guest Amit Doshi. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other...

  • Ep. 77: Mummy Issues
    45 min 10 sec

    The Mummy returns But why Tejas and Dinkar discuss the roller coaster ride that is the Mummy reboot, taking some detours into Rotten Tomatoes scores and the Dark Universe. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome...

  • Ep. 78: Tale of Graphic India
    47 min 14 sec

    Dinkar and Tejas take a deeper look into Indian comic book company Graphic India. They analyze the companys origin story, as well as discuss their own stories and characters like Devi, Avatarex, Chakra and Grant Morrisons 18 days. Follow Geek Fruit...

  • Ep. 79: Fanboi-ing Ain't Easy
    52 min 31 sec

    Siddhant and Jishnu talk about the upcoming Han Solo films change of director from Lord Miller to Ron Howard, and how sometimes knowing too much about what goes on behind the curtain of the films we love can ruin our viewing experience. Follow...

  • Ep. 80: Spider-Boy
    52 min

    Tejas, Jishnu and Siddhant talk about the latest iteration of SpiderMan, and whether this ones for keeps. Spoiler: he totally is. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on...

  • Ep. 81: Jagga and the Mystery of Disney India
    44 min 22 sec

    Tejas and Dinkar take a break from Hollywood to talk about Jagga Jasoos as well as how Disney India has been faring. Also Shiamak Davar. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on...

  • Ep. 82: For The Love Of American Gods
    50 min 47 sec

    Jishnu and Siddhant are joined by special guest Anuya Jakatdar from Books On Toast to talk about the latest page to screen adaptation in Neil Gaimans American Gods and ask why his most hyped novel might be his weakest work. Follow Geek Fruit on...

  • Ep. 83: The Book was Better
    46 min 30 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas are joined by producer Navin Noronha to discuss how some of their favourite nerdy franchises have fared after being adapted to screen. Spoiler alert for the Twilight saga, Harry Potter series, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,...

  • Ep. 84: Apes in the Time of War
    48 min 28 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu dig into two films that deal with war: Dunkirk and War for the Planet of the Apes. Spoiler alert: Apes is a whole lot better than Dunkirk. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the...

  • Ep. 85: Pirate Bae
    43 min 21 sec

    This week, Jishnu sits down with Siddhant and Navin to discuss how the HBO hacks and the subsequent leake of Game of Thrones affects the fans of the show. In a world of rampant piracy, can you be a genuine nerd and stand by the creators of your...

  • Ep. 86: Who Defends the Defenders?
    1 hr 4 min 20 sec

    Netflixs Marvel heroes come together in The Defenders, and Tejas, Dinkar, Siddhant and Navin come together to discuss it. And much like the Defenders, they dont always see eye to eye. Listen in as they go over the good, the bad and the Iron Fist of...

  • Ep. 87: Haters Gonna Hate?
    52 min 37 sec

    Here at Geek Fruit, were lovers and not fighters. So Tejas, Dinkar and producer Navin take this episode to defend some movies that hold a special place in their hearts, though the world hates them. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen...

  • Ep. 88: Game of Tropes
    41 min 14 sec

    Jishnu Tejas and special guest and GoT expert cause he read the books Aalok Padhye discuss the hotly debated seventh season of Game of Thrones and recall their favourite and least favourite moments from the last 7 episodes. Follow Geek Fruit on...

  • Ep. 89: IT is what IT is
    46 min 41 sec

    Clowns are terrifying, but we ventured out to watch IT anyway, just for you. Listen to Dinkar, Navin and special guest Nick Saraf discuss the movie, the 90s mini series, the book, AND the Hindi TV adaptation Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You...

  • Ep. 90: Death Naught
    47 min 39 sec

    Death Note was already a highly popular manga and anime series, and it has now been adapted into an American movie. Dinkar, Siddhant and Navin take the chance to discuss the appeal of the original series, and how Hollywood misses the point of what...

  • Ep. 91: Bojacking Around
    57 min 8 sec

    Dinkar, Siddhant and special guest Sharanya sit down to talk about the hilarious highs and soul crushing lows of the latest season of our favorite talking horse cartoon. Listen in, neighsayers welcome. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can...

  • Ep. 92: Rediscovering Star Trek, Orville We?
    46 min 54 sec

    Dinkar and Jishnu review the first episode of Star Trek Discovery and its counterpart of sorts, Seth MacFarlanes The Orville, and ask if stories of mans never ending explorations in space are getting old and predictable or are more relevant now...

  • Ep. 93: Tick Tick Boom!
    38 min 49 sec

    Cult superhero parody The Tick has returned, old chums But is it still a parody Dinkar, Siddhant, Navin and guest Josh discuss the new tone and their opinions on the Amazon Prime webseries. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to...

  • Ep. 94: Meet Joe Replicant
    44 min 16 sec

    Tejas, Siddhant and Jishnu try to answer the question laced through Denis Villeneuves Blade Runner 2049: what does it mean to be human. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App...

  • Ep. 95: Theme for John Williams
    43 min 32 sec

    Weve talked directors and actors before on Geek Fruit, but today Jishnu and Dinkar go into the life and career of someone just as important legendary composer John Williams. Listen to them discuss his legacy and their favourite musical moments....

  • Ep. 96: VFX, Why FX
    48 min 5 sec

    Special effects have completely changed movies and TV over the last two decades, so Tejas and Dinkar discuss the history and progress of VFX, why they cant carry a story anymore, and weigh in on the CGI v/s Practical effects debate. Follow Geek Fruit...

  • Ep. 97: Ma Universe, Ma Rulz
    49 min 14 sec

    Fictional universes have been around for a long time, and theres many worlds beyond the MCU, Start Wars and DCEU that we love. So Tejas, Dinkar and Navin take this episode to discuss their favourite universes, the ones theyd like to live in, and the...

  • Ep. 98: Nostalgia Things: Ragnarok
    50 min 19 sec

    Siddhant, Jishnu and Navin dive into Stranger Things Season 2 and Thor: Ragnarok, and ask how long the 80s nostalgia trip will dominate our favourite tent pole films and television shows. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this...

  • Ep. 99: Justice Weak
    49 min 20 sec

    DCs tent pole cinematic event Justice League has come out to a resounding sigh and a shrug from our team. Listen in as Dinkar, Siddhant and Navin discuss their thoughts and play a round of 1 Nice, 1 Bad. Oh, and Jishnu and Tejas are there too....

  • Ep. 100: Geeking Out Live!
    1 hr 50 min 14 sec

    Geek Fruit goes live for its 100th episode spectacular Listen to the gang try to remember their greatest hits, talk about the state of geekdom with Abhijit Kini, and play some games with very hazy rules. Its the weird and rambling journey of the...

  • Ep. 101: We Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts
    46 min 38 sec

    Geek Fruit takes a step out of the sciencefictional into the metaphysical, as Jishnu and Dinkar discuss ghosts in cinema, pop culture, and real life. And also the new U2 album. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and...

  • Ep. 102: Punish 'Em and Then Some
    47 min 59 sec

    In this episode of the Geek Fruit podcast, Sid Navin and Tejas take on the least superhero of all superheroes, The Punisher, which concludes his exceptional story arc that was set up in the second season of Daredevil. Follow Geek Fruit on...

  • Ep. 103: See You Around, 2017
    53 min 6 sec

    Its the end of 2017, so were reflecting on the year that was. Listen to Dinkar, Siddhant and special guest Abbas talk about all the movies and TV of 2017. Yes. ALL OF THEM. Also, watch out for the Guns, Girls and Global Dominations checklist....

  • Ep. 104: The Lastest Jedi
    1 hr 4 min 12 sec

    The Last Jedi takes the Star Wars franchise in brand new directions, and not everyone is a fan. Are they right though Tejas, Dinkar, Navin and Abbas search their feelings to discuss the movie and the fan reactions to it. Follow Geek Fruit on...

  • Ep. 105: What a Cartoon Episode
    52 min 6 sec

    Cartoons were the gateway to geekdom for most of us, so in the first part of a series, Tejas and Dinkar discuss the beginnings of animation, from early Disney and Warner Bros to The Flintstones. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to...

  • Ep. 106: Dear Stan
    41 min 36 sec

    In celebration of his 95th birthday Tejas and Jishnu deep dive into the life and times of Stan Lee. This is not the Stan Lee your mother remembers. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM...

  • Ep. 107: Streamocalpyse 2020
    46 min 51 sec

    In the wake of Disney announcing their acquisition of Fox and their plans to launch a streaming service, the landscape of film and television is on the verge of a major change. Listen to Jishnu and Dinkar discuss the future of original content, and...

  • Ep. 108: What a Cartoon Episode Part 2
    47 min 39 sec

    Animation blew up in the 80s, with the rise of toy and comic based shows. Tejas, Dinkar and Navin discuss the big hits of the era He Man, Thundercats, Spiderman, G.I. Joe, and also try to fantasy cast a gritty Captain Planet reboot. Listen to What...

  • Ep. 109: January Round-Up: Jumanji, Electric Dreams, Black Mirror and Oscars
    52 min 49 sec

    Tejas, Dinkar and Navin sit down to rewind what they consumed in scifi and films over the month of January and give you the lowdown. What are your thoughts on Jumanji, Electric Dreams, Black Mirror Also, listen to them talk about the nerds being...

  • Ep. 110: Love Transcends Space & Time
    42 min 27 sec

    On this Valentines special, Tejas, Jishnu, Navin and Jaanam get together to talk about falling in love with Artificial Intelligence, what romance in the future could look like, and their take on The Man From Earth sequel. They also ship science...

  • Ep. 111: What a Cartoon Episode Part 3
    55 min

    In this episode, Tejas and Dinkar talk about cartoons from the modern era. Take a trip down memory lane as they discuss the cartoons that the 80s and 90s kids grew up watching, and how Cartoon Network formed a big part of our cartoon viewing with...

  • Ep. 112: Black Panther For President
    47 min 36 sec

    Does MCU: Wakanda live up to the hype Yes, and then some. Tejas and Dinkar get into Black Panther: The Movie, with some discussion of Black Panther: The Album thrown in. Listen to them talk about why they loved it, with some nitpicks, and wait till...

  • Ep. 113: Yas Queen Kathleen
    43 min 4 sec

    Kathleen Kennedy, creative overlord of the Star Wars universe has had a greater role in your life than you know. Jishnu and Dinkar get into her storied history as the producer of all your favourite childhood films like E.T, Indiana Jones and Jurassic...

  • Ep. 114: Summer Preview Review
    48 min 36 sec

    From Solo to Skyscraper, Tejas and Jishnu blaze through their hot takes on this summers upcoming big screen releases in 3 minutes or less. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on Android:or iOS:...

  • Ep. 115: What a Cartoon Episode Part 4
    47 min 20 sec

    Can The Simpsons predict the future Can Futurama move you to tears Can Rick and Morty fans just back off please Listen to Tejas and Dinkar address all these questions and more, as we discuss adult animation in part 4 of WACE. You can listen to this...

  • Ep. 116: Yer A Magic Episode, Harry!
    52 min 28 sec

    Were putting a spell on you this episode, as we discuss magic in movies, and also legit real life magicians. Listen in for our definitive ranking of the Harry Potter movies, our opinions on David Blaine, and our astonishing realisation that the real...

  • Ep. 117: Altered Annihilation
    51 min 30 sec

    Netflix dropped the expansive new SciFi show Altered Carbon, and the much talked about SciFi horror movie, Annihilation on us last month. Amit and Jaanam join us to discuss. Warning: Spoilers for Annihilation, and some contrarian opinions You can...

  • Ep. 118: Geek Fruit Bulletin #1
    10 min 29 sec

    Welcome to the Geek Fruit Bulletin Here we discuss the nerd news floating in the ether. This week: Why are Ready Player One screenings getting cancelled in India Were pressing A to START, after all. Should dinosaurs be nasty James...

  • Ep. 119: Keeping up with the Joneses
    38 min 52 sec

    Jishnu and Jaanam dive into the second season of Jessica Jones. Between juggling some exemplary themes and subject matter to struggling with inconsistent story pacing, has the allfemale directed series managed to find one of the most interesting...

  • Ep. 120: Geek Fruit Bulletin #2
    9 min 10 sec

    On the Bulletin, we talk nerdy stuff in the ether This week: Psst. Did you hear what Steven said about Stephen Spielberg and King respectively Do we really care about Amazons LOTR TV show And will we watch it either way Yes. Did Westworld...

  • Ep. 121: Science Minus Fiction
    53 min 10 sec

    Were getting real with our science this week, with Tejas, Dinkar and Jaanam discuss their love for science documentaries and the people who make them. Travel through the Cosmos, journey through the Blue Planet, understand Life, but mostly, just...

  • Ep. 122: Geek Fruit Bulletin #3
    13 min 44 sec

    In our new weekly news/nonnews segment, Tejas and Jaanam discuss why its difficult to say the word Venom when youre a symbiote, James Camerons sulking over the Avengers movies and Blue Planet 2 premiering in India. Tune in to the MCU Marathon...

  • Ep. 123: Nerd Collusion Course
    44 min 43 sec

    Sometimes there are geeks in places you wouldnt expect. On this episode, Tejas, Jishnu and Dinkar discuss unlikely collaborations between nerd realms. Comedians writing comics, musicians making superhero musicals, and Vanilla Ice rapping with Ninja...

  • Ep. 124: Geek Fruit Bulletin #4
    13 min 51 sec

    On todays bulletin, we talk about some little known franchises such as: Avengers, in which we spoil nothing Star Wars, in which we discuss the upcoming new show from Dave Filoni The Simpsons, in which we muse on what the show should do next Get...

  • Ep. 125: Infinity Hour
    59 min 9 sec

    Heres an hour and change of us gushing, goofing and geeking out about the cinematic event of our generation, Marvels Avengers: Infinity War. Enjoy a thorough spoilerific discussion with Navin, Tejas, Jishnu and Dinkar. Listen to this show and other...

  • Ep. 126: Geek Fruit Bulletin #5
    10 min 10 sec

    In this weeks edition of news/nonnews, we discuss: How does AntMan and the Wasp fit into the MCU Pretty well, cause it can change in size. Arrested Development Season 5: Is it an illusion Will Solo: A Star Wars Story give us the Modal Nodes...

  • Ep. 127: Geek Fruit Cantina Live
    1 hr 3 min 52 sec

    On this live episode from our Star Wars celebration on May the 4th, Aakash Mehta joins us to discuss the legacy of the prequels, followed by an animated discussion with Kunal Rao about the merits of The Last Jedi. We also talk about some iterations of...

  • Ep. 128: Geek Fruit: Origins (Special Episode)
    7 min 17 sec

    In this clip from our live Star Wars Day show, the Geek Fruit Cantina, we share the Geek Fruit origin story how it began, and how our love for Star Wars was the key to our start. Listen to our full episode Geek Fruit Cantina Live here:...

  • Ep. 129: Geek Fruit Bulletin #6
    12 min 8 sec

    Were back with our hot takes on the happenings in the nerd ether This week: Marvels Cloak and Dagger, and also how are Marvel TV and movies connected anymore The Case of the Sherlock Holmes 3 Announcement Plus, Dinkar keeps referencing the...

  • Ep. 130: What a Cartoon Episode 5: DC
    54 min 9 sec

    Our feature series on the cartoons of our lives returns, and this time were talking about the greatest version of DC, the animated universe. Tejas and Dinkar discuss the two latest entrants into the DCAU Gotham by Gaslight and Batman Ninja, dive...

  • Ep. 131: Geek Fruit Bulletin #7
    12 min 33 sec

    Whats in the news Whats not in the news We talk about it all on this weeks Bulletin Or at least that was the plan. Jake Gyllenhaal will be Mysterio in Spiderman 2. Will he wear a fishbowl Jishnu Guha takes over to deliver a show stopper of...

  • Ep. 132: New DP
    44 min 21 sec

    Deadpool 2 has a big reputation to live up to after the success of the first movie, but we werent too enthused by it, and the movie just about met our expectations. Listen to us discuss why we think DP2 tries to be too clever for its own good. Also,...

  • Ep. 133: Geek Fruit Bulletin #8
    11 min 38 sec

    On this edition of news/nonnews, Jaanam and Tejas dive into a mini review of Blue Planet that just released in theatres recently. They also turn their gaze toward Andy Serkis new Mowgli trailer and decide whether we needed it or not. Listen to our...

  • Ep. 134: Solo 2: Duo
    46 min 33 sec

    Solo has landed to a relatively muted box office and mixed reactions. Best friends Jishnu and Dinkar discuss why this might be, and search their own feelings about the movie. Follow Geek Fruit on social media. TheyreGeekFruitHQon...

  • Ep. 135: Geek Fruit Bulletin #9
    9 min 33 sec

    There have been some odd happenings in the world of geek this week, and were here to give you our hot takes on: James Marsden is doing a Sonic the Hedgehog movie, but who is more handsome The Magic Order will mash up Neverland and Wonderland, is...

  • Ep. 136: B Joshi Gets An A
    47 min 20 sec

    Bhavesh Joshi Superhero is the Indian superhero movie weve been clamouring for. Tejas, Dinkar and Jaanam discuss why the movie feels fresh and original, what they loved about it, and why everyone should go see it right now But after you listen to...

  • Ep. 137: Geek Fruit Bulletin #10
    10 min 36 sec

    Some things are news, some are not. We discuss it all on The Bulletin This week: Jared Letos standalone Joker movie. Why so... seriously The Addams Family movie is on its way, and were fantasy casting. Hey, whats up with Joss Whedon...

  • Ep. 138: Jurassic World is not enough
    34 min 37 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas have differing stances on the new Jurassic World movie, but both agree that it is at best an average film, which falls short of its big ideas. Is it time for the Dinosaurs to be extinct once more Follow Geek Fruit on social media....

  • Ep. 139: Geek Fruit Bulletin #11
    13 min 38 sec

    Tejas, Jishnu and IVM Likes host Alika discuss the recent mammoth gaming expo E3 and some of the titles that caught their attention. Meanwhile, Jishnu cannot understand the physics of Aquaman. All this and more on this weeks news/notnews Bulletin....

  • Ep. 140: Continue Watching?
    38 min 45 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas do a retread of a topic or a sequel if you will that always has them wondering about the future of popculture franchises. Have we crossed the golden age of scifi and fantasy or are we just getting into it Will movies continue to...

  • Ep. 141: Geek Fruit Bulletin #12
    14 min 47 sec

    Were talking some news and a lot of notnews on this edition of the Bulletin. This week: New Age Content Ninja Turtles A new TMNT movie is in the works. So Long, A Star Wars Story The Star Wars spinoff movies are possibly being put on hold. ...

  • Ep. 142: OST: What's The Score?
    37 min 11 sec

    In celebration of the FIFA World Cup, were talking about scores this week. Only, were talking about film scores and nothing to do with football. In the first of this two part series, Tejas and Dinkar discuss how a great film score elevates the movie...

  • Ep. 143: Bulletin #13
    14 min

    Space is a vacuum, but nerddom is full of happenings This week on the Bulletin, we discuss: Batman is getting married. Why didnt he invite us Quentin Tarantinos Star Trek movie. Will he use Sabotage in the soundtrack Again Sony...

  • Ep. 144: What a Cartoon Episode 6: The Incredible World of Pixar
    59 min 5 sec

    The Incredibles 2 doesnt quite live up to the original, but we did enjoy it. This episode, we discuss the movie, followed by a deep dive into all the Pixar movies with a highly unscientific ranking and analysis system. Follow Geek Fruit on social...

  • Ep. 145: Bulletin #14 (Pixar Shorts)
    19 min 21 sec

    Pixar short films are always fun, and often great. In this companion piece to our Pixar episode, we discuss the best shorts, such as Geris Game, Sanjays Super Team, and Day Night. Listen to our latest episode on Pixar movies here: Listen...

  • Ep. 146: OST: Best Movie Soundtrack Albums
    45 min 38 sec

    What happened to all the albums Dinkar and Tejas discuss the reason why exclusive movie soundtracks have dwindled in the last decade, when before we had an era of questionably awesome soundtracks that essentially delayed the death knell for emo rock...

  • Ep. 147: Bulletin #15
    12 min 8 sec

    On this weeks edition of the bulletin, Jishnu and Tejas enlighten you with some news over notnews. This weeks hot takes include the Rugrats and why a baby cat is not much bigger than a toddler also how Marvel defeats DCs movies even at a...

  • Ep. 148: AntWasp: The Sequel
    44 min 8 sec

    The sequel to Marvels lightest movie is here and is exactly the breath of fresh air that MCU needed after Infinity Wars heroes bit the dust. Jishnu and Tejas discuss why comedy was more important than plot and why AntMan is a more important hero...

  • Ep. 149: Bulletin #16
    13 min 11 sec

    You know what we dont have enough of in the nerd universe MANWOMAN movies. Jishnu and Tejas dedicate this bulletin to movies where men and women have an equal lead role. They also talk about fatherdaughter films and see how they rank. Listen to...

  • Ep. 150: Comic Con 2018
    39 min 17 sec

    This years Comic Con saw the release of a ton of trailers for films and TV shows, both new and old. Tejas and Jishnu give you the greatest hits from this SDCC. Follow Geek Fruit on social media. TheyreGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram...

  • Ep. 151: Bulletin #17
    11 min 37 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas discuss other weirdisms this week on the Bulletin, including Calpurnia, a regular indie band we wouldnt otherwise consider if it werent for frontman and breakout Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard which already sounded like a band...

  • Ep. 152: Mission: Impossible Fall: Outstanding
    59 min 2 sec

    The latest installment in the M:I franchise might just be the best yet. Tejas and Dinkar but its actually Jishnu in an MI mask go into the studio to discuss how these movies just keep getting better, and rank their favourite moments from the...

  • Ep. 153: Bulletin #18: Star Wars 9, Topher Grace's Hobbit
    16 min 21 sec

    In this weekly dissection of news/notnews, we talk about: Luke, Leia and Lando return in Episode 9 Linda returns in Terminator 6 Topher Grace returns with a reedit of a prequel trilogy Tom Cruise is cool and maybe an alien Listen to our...

  • Ep. 154: So Bad, It's Good
    43 min 41 sec

    We all know those movies that are so over the top ridiculously bad that they actually become really fun to watch. Dinkar and Tejas talk about some of their favourite examples of these beautiful disasters. Say hello to a lot of Nicolas Cage. Follow...

  • Ep. 155: Bulletin #19: Hashtag Oscars So Popular
    14 min 26 sec

    This weeks Bulletin is buzzing with news and not news: And the Oscar goes to... desperate lengths to regain its popularity Ruby Rose is bullied off Twitter after being cast as Batwoman. Sigh. Is it okay to watch ahead in a TV series before your...

  • Ep. 156: JJ Abrams and Centipedes
    46 min 42 sec

    Were taking a look at the life and career of one of our heroes, JJ Abrams this week. Jishnu and Dinkar talk about Lost, Star Trek, Star Wars and other highlights from JJ like Super 8 and MI:3. They discuss his fondness for lens flares, time jumps and...

  • Ep. 157: Bulletin #20: Holy Cage, Holy Pratt
    12 min 18 sec

    Jishnu and Dinkar round up a slow news week with special guests Mickey Mouse and Goofy. The Lady and the Tramp being remade in live action Nicolas Cage goes noir in the Spiderverse Chris Pratt is religious apparently Listen to our latest episode on...

  • Ep. 158: How to Get Your Kids into Sci-fi feat. Saurabh Kanwar
    51 min 8 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas interrogate Dinkars boss, Flarepath founder and Cool Dad Saurabh Kanwar about being a nerd with kids. Also find out about the super powers that he developed to either score major brownie points with his kids or make sacred pop...

  • Ep. 159: Bulletin #21: Dora The Explorer, Steam Games
    12 min 56 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu share the news of Dora The Explorer getting a live action remake starring Micheal Pena Eva Longoria, because of course it is. They also have something to say about Steam games and Star Wars, as one does. Listen to our latest...

  • Ep. 160: Luke Cage, Netflix's Hero?
    47 min 36 sec

    Is Luke Cage Season 2 the best Marvel TV show yet Tejas thinks it could be, Dinkar thinks its either the greatest or the worst and he cant tell which. Listen to our heroes discuss the highlights and lowlights of an eventful season, while indulging...

  • Ep. 161: Bulletin #22: Todd Phillips' Joker, Listen to Oscar Isaac
    12 min 14 sec

    Its another week in geek news and not news with the Bulletin. Were talking: Alec Baldwin is playing Thomas Wayne Alec Baldwin is not playing Thomas Wayne Everyone would do well to listen to Oscar Isaac Listen to our latest episode on Luke Cage...

  • Ep. 162: What Is A Quiz Show? (Quarterfinals Edition)
    50 min 41 sec

    Which long running Indian quiz show now only exists as an app Which stern quizmaster went on to a career as a game show mogul What is the primary difference between American and British quiz shows Listen to find out, because were talking about...

  • Ep. 163: Bulletin #23: Ubisoft Opens its Mumbai Office, Assassin's Creed Odyssey
    15 min 28 sec

    Its another week in geek news and not news with the bulletin. Were talking: Tejas attends Ubisoft preview for Assassins Creed Henry Cavill as Geralt in Netflixs The Witcher adaptation Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the...

  • Ep. 164: Ghoulness Gracious
    37 min 18 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu deconstruct Netflix Indias first horror feature in Patrick Grahams Ghoul. Also, Faulad Singh is a funny guy. Follow Geek Fruit on social media. Theyre GeekFruitHQ on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this show...

  • Ep. 165: Bulletin #24: 48 FPS vs. 25 FPS
    8 min 6 sec

    Christopher Nolan is unhappy with how his films look on TV. Do you even give a damn Does Captain Marvels introduction to the MCU pave the way for Nova Listen to our latest episode on Ghoul here: Listen to this show and other awesome shows on...

  • Ep. 166: Where The Strees Have Nunames
    46 min 32 sec

    Dinkar and Tejas and special guest and Geek Fruit producer Jaanam dig into WOMEN IN HORROR a unique week in popculture where two films are centered around femalelead scaries. They discuss Stree and The Nun and decide what makes horror scary and why...

  • Ep. 167: Bulletin #25: Fresh Faces
    13 min 57 sec

    Dinkar and Tejas discuss the newest additions and first looks to the MCU and DC movie franchises including Joaquin Phoenixs take on the Clown Prince of Crime as well as Brie Larsons Captain Marvel trailer. Listen to our latest episode on Women in...

  • Ep. 168: Back To The Franchise: X-Men
    51 min 54 sec

    The original XMen trilogy was far from perfect, but pioneered many tropes that are common in superhero movies to this day. We take a look back at what made the X movies great in the first installment of yet another brand new series Back To The...

  • Ep. 169: Bulletin #26: Harshvardhan Kapoor Talks Bhavesh Joshi
    24 min 28 sec

    On this nonnews edition of the Bulletin we have a treat for you Hear the unedited audio of our chat with Harshvardhan Kapoor, where we discuss: Bhavesh Joshi Superhero as a Netflix series Our favourite sequences Sequel possibilities And a...

  • Ep. 170: Unlocking Spider-Man with Hoezaay
    49 min 35 sec

    In a special gaming episode, Tejas and special guest and closet nerd Hoezaay Jose Covaco discuss Marvels SpiderMan for the PS4 by Insomniac Games. They discuss the story, their favourite missions, side quests and why this iteration of SpiderMan...

  • Ep. 171: Bulletin #27: Spiderthings, Star Warsings
    20 min 53 sec

    A bunch of SpiderMan related news has dropped on the web heh and were all over it like a... spider We discuss: The Into The Spiderverse trailer drops and we have thoughts Tom Hardy thinks the best parts of venom were cut out. He might be right....

  • Ep. 172: I Are Venom
    47 min 21 sec

    The old gang is back Jishnu, Tejas and Dinkar are all in the studio to discuss Venom, a movie that is missing most of the old gang. Like everyone else in the Spiderverse. Were torn about whether its terrible, or so terrible its good. Listen in to...

  • Ep. 173: Bulletin #28: Gunns, Grey and The Walking Dead
    12 min 8 sec

    Some new developments on old news on todays bulletin: DC has hired Gunn for Suicide Squad 2 The Walking Dead trudges on Greys Anatomy 101, up to 1501 Stop Scott Stapp Suicide: A T.I. Story Listen to our latest episode on Venom here: Listen...

  • Ep. 174: Big Willie Style
    48 min 22 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas embark on a hot take fiesta of Will Smiths entire career and give the definitive ranking of all his movies and public endeavours while also debating on whether Hitch is a good movie or not. spoilers it totally is...

  • Ep. 175: Bulletin #29: Tom & Jerry Lives, Iron Fist Does Not
    11 min 37 sec

    In this weekly dissection of news/notnews, we talk about: Tom Jerry is getting a second life in a live action / mixed reboot Much to Tejas dismay, Netflixs Iron Fist burns out after its second season The CWs Arrowverlses new season starts...

  • Ep. 176: The Bad Guys
    50 min 16 sec

    For a special Halloween episode, Jishnu and Tejas discuss the unsung heroes of most of our favourite pop culture movies and TV shows: The Villains From Disney to Marvel to DC, they discuss what makes a good villain tick. Get tickets to our Super...

  • Ep. 177: Bulletin #30: Of Space Stations & Museums
    11 min 41 sec

    Its another week in geek news and not news with the Bulletin. Were talking: NASA uses SciFi references to name new constellations The Harley Quinn animated series has been announced, and so has the voice of Harley and The Joker King Tchallas...

  • Ep. 178: Back to the Franchise: Harry Potter
    50 min 27 sec

    Leading up to the release of the second installment of the Fantastic Beasts franchise, Dinkar and Jishnu revisit their origin stories of the Potterverse. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this show and...

  • Ep. 179: Bulletin #31: The Problem with Fett (and Apu)
    15 min 59 sec

    Theres a couple things stirring in the nerd popculture world, and were here to dissect them for you. This week: The Boba Fett movie is cancelled, but dont boba fret because weve got The Mandalorian Adam Scott is in the Twilight Zone reboot,...

  • Ep. 180: Sci-Fi Hi-Fi Mix Vol. 1
    44 min 20 sec

    Scifi inspired music is a weird and wonderful world. From one off songs from artists youd never suspect, to full blown concept albums, theres a lot to unpack. Jishnu and Dinkar discuss some of their favourites in part 1 of this series, including...

  • Ep. 181: Bulletin #32: Stan The Man, Pokemon and MIB 4
    9 min 42 sec

    This week on the bulletin: Tejas and Jishnu reflect on Stan Lees passing and legacy Deadpool is now a Pokemon MIB 4 might focus on the British division Listen to our latest episode on scifi inspired music here: Listen to this show and other...

  • Ep. 182: Derren Brown
    46 min 36 sec

    Illusionist / Mentalist Derren Brown has been a household name in the UK for over a decade and is now looking to take over the United States by way of a new Netflix special Sacrifice. Tejas and Jishnu scratch the surface of unpacking one of their long...

  • Ep. 183: Bulletin #33: Aai Zouwu
    15 min 41 sec

    On the Bulletin this week are some interesting pieces of news and further explanations of Greys Anatomy canon from Dinkar. Jon Cryer will be playing Lex Luthor on Supergirl. He should never have gotten those hair plugs. Joaquin Phoenixs Joker...

  • Ep. 184: The Crimes of The Crimes of Grindelwald (Spoilercast)
    1 hr 0 min 56 sec

    Tejas and Dinkar slowly lose their minds while trying to process just how much they were disappointed by the Fantastic Beasts sequel. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows...

  • Ep. 185: Bulletin #34: Meeple Kaun
    11 min 58 sec

    On a special Bulletin, gaming enthusiasts Prashant and Karan join us to talk about their event, Meeplecon the first largescale board game convention in India. Plus, they discuss creating a board game culture in the country, and games to get newbies...

  • Ep. 186: Ralph Breaks The Sequel
    49 min 11 sec

    WreckIt Ralph was a surprise favourite when it came out, and the new sequel takes it to a whole new level. Tejas and Dinkar discuss why Ralph Breaks The Internet is perfect for its time, before getting into a larger discussion about Disneys modern...

  • Ep. 187: Bulletin #35 (eagle screech)
    12 min 50 sec

    Were talking some nonnewsy news on this weeks bulletin: Birds of Prey and the discussion of it by one Geek Fruit Will Roald Dahls BFG be a BFD Dinkars comprehensive report on Thugs of Hindostan Listen to our latest episode on Ralph...

  • Ep. 188: Two Point Oh No
    1 hr 1 min 51 sec

    We delve into the phenomenon that is Superstar Rajnis 2.0, and try to figure out if it lives up to the insane hype behind it. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the...

  • Ep. 189: Bulletin #36: Endgame
    16 min 3 sec

    Trailers and announcements as usual on this weeks Bulletin, and also an apology Yup, we never make mistakes here at Geek Fruit, but when we do, we issue a correction. Also on this podcast: Solo missed an Oscar submission deadline. Someones...

  • Ep. 190: Merry Geekmas?
    47 min 41 sec

    Tis the season to be jolly, so Dinkar and Jishnu get into a nostalgic discussion about the Christmas movies theyve enjoyed over the years, and learn a little bit about their friendship along the way. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook,...

  • Ep. 191: Bulletin #37: Sonic Boom
    17 min 28 sec

    Were going worldwide on the bulletin this week, as we discuss: The furry Sonic the Hedgehog is scurry Benicio del Toro will pause dramatically in the Dora movie while kids shout answers at the screen Greetings gumshoe, Carmen Sandiego has been...

  • Ep. 192: Into The Spider-Best
    45 min 47 sec

    The new animated SpiderMan movie might just be the best versions of the character yet. Tejas and Dinkar discuss how putting Miles Morales, Peter Parker, and several other bizzaro versions of Spidey into one dimension hopping adventure sounds...

  • Ep. 193: Bulletin #38: This Is Us (And Others)
    13 min 47 sec

    The year is ending, but were looking ahead with our news in this bulletin: Jordan Peeles Us trailer drops, and we cant wait for the movie to get out Adam McKay wants to make a Speed Racer style Silver Surfer movie, and we say yesjas MIB:...

  • Ep. 194: The Little Momoamaid
    1 hr 1 min 33 sec

    Aquaman finally rises to the surface of the DCEU, and with James Wan at the helm can it actually shed its campy reputation and return to glory Dinkar and Tejas discuss the bizarre choices that make Aquaman a fresh film but with its head just above...

  • Ep. 195: Bulletin #39: How To Enjoy New Things
    18 min 19 sec

    We take a step away from our typical recommendations here and talk about the nonmovieandTVpopculture weve enjoyed over the previous year. There are books, games, and this exciting new medium called podcasts Dive in Listen to our latest episode...

  • Ep. 196: 2018 In The Rearview Mirror, 2019 Is A Go
    1 hr 1 min 1 sec

    Tejas, Jishnu and Dinkar take a look back at their movie highlights from 2018, and while you might think there are obvious choices, Jishnu makes some truly surprising picks. Then they run through all the big releases and finales we have to look...

  • Ep. 197: Bulletin #40: Beasts, Bears, Bandersnatch Galactica
    12 min 30 sec

    News year, notnews me This week were talking: Momoa in Lego Movie 2. Makes sense, the mans abs are like bricks. Holmes and the Rotten Rotten Tomatoes Score If you want to hear us talk about Banderssnatch, hit play We said it once before but it...

  • Ep. 198: Bandersnatch: Choose Your Own Episode
    42 min 14 sec

    Jishnu, Jaanam and Abbas do a spoiler filled breakdown of Black Mirrors stab at choose your own adventure storytelling in Bandersnatch. Whether youve watched just one play through or worked your way through dozens of endings does Bandersnatch...

  • Ep. 199: Bulletin #41: Animators Get What They Deserved (Whether They Like It Or Not)
    17 min 32 sec

    This week, Jishnu, Jaanam and Abbas are talking: ExPixar CEO John Lasseters move to Skydance Animation and the allegations that lead to his leaving SpiderMan: Into The Spiderverse wins the Golden Globe for best animated feature The Simpsons...

  • Ep. 200: What A Cartoon Episode 7: Stop! Motion Time
    59 min 35 sec

    Creating stop motion is slow and painstaking, but listening to us talk about it on this episode is a breeze We go over some classics of the style, such as Wallace and Gromit, and discuss why stop motion appeals to directors with singular visions like...

  • Ep. 201: Bulletin #42: And The Oscar Noms Go To
    23 min 55 sec

    We breeze through the list of Academy Award nominations and give our hot takes on them all, and the idea of an awards bait movie. Listen to our latest episode on Stop Motion Animation here: Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the...

  • Ep. 202: Straight Up Action
    57 min 37 sec

    Cool guys dont look at explosions and cooler guys talk about action movies on their podcast Its us. And special guest Abhimanyu. Were the cool guys. We talk straight up action movies from the Stallones and Schwarzeneggers and uh Neesons, and...

  • Ep. 203: Bulletin #43: I Just Cannot Deal
    13 min 52 sec

    Nothing but quality news and notnews for ynerds This week: Is Galaxys Edge the Westworld of the real world Can no director deal with the Gambit movie Because its about cards A new ghostbusters sequel that ignores the previous sequel. Who...

  • Ep. 204: Back To The Franchise: Brosnan's Bond
    1 hr 0 min 10 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu deep dive into Pierce Brosnans sevenyear run as James Bond and nitpick at the best set pieces, casino scenes, Bond girls, favourite theme songs and predictions for how the franchise will continue. FollowGeekFruitHQon...

  • Ep. 205: Bulletin #44: Birds Be Cray
    14 min 18 sec

    This week, Jishnu and Tejas talk about: Aquamans billions of blistering barnacles and dollars at the box office Birds of Preys terrible title and excellent cast Anthony Daniels wraps his work on Episode 9crie Listen to our latest...

  • Ep. 206: Nolan, Bro - Part 1
    53 min 26 sec

    Its Nolan on the horizon, as the gang discusses the mindeffing films of the famous Christopher. We talk about Christopher Nolans beginnings, his first films, and the moment where he became the modern day god of cinema, while also spending some time...

  • Ep. 207: Bat The Last Man
    14 min 28 sec

    We take the scenic route while discussing the geek happenings this week: Im not Batman anymore says Ben Affleck Legion will be leavin Y: The Last Man will be a TV show y/n An extended explanation of the DC Superhero Pets Universe Listen to...

  • Ep. 208: Nolan, Bro - Part 2
    39 min 33 sec

    Listen to Jishnu regale Dinkar with the tale of the time he believes he saw a wild Christopher Nolan grazing outside a Raymonds store in South Bombay. They also talk about Tarantino for some reason. You can listen to this show and other awesome...

  • Ep. 209: Bulletin #46: Face Your Doom
    17 min 4 sec

    We use our weekly news/notnews show to dissect the trailer for DCs Doom Patrol, a show that looks both ridiculous and fun. Also we check in with Gwenyth Paltrow Listen to our latest episode on our favourite movies of 2018 here: Listen to...

  • Ep. 210: What A Cartoon Episode 8: Dreamworks
    1 hr 4 min 7 sec

    DreamWorks Animation has a long history of releasing animated movies that weve all seen trust us, youll be surprised how many of them you seen but dont really care much about. Tejas and Dinkar discuss their origins, their rivalry with Pixar, and...

  • Ep. 211: Bulletin #47 She is the Captain Now
    20 min 41 sec

    Dinkar, Jaanam and Tejas discuss the impending release of Captain Marvel and the politics of hate groups and fan clubs. Also, Dinkar tells animal jokes. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Listen to our latest episode on...

  • Ep. 212: Russian (Russian (Russian Doll) Doll) Doll
    1 hr 9 min 13 sec

    Russian Doll is a fresh take on a familiar trope and were here to peel back the many layers of depth that Natasha Lyonne and friends add to a moving and funny story. Plus, the greatest listener mail of all time. FollowGeekFruitHQon...

  • Ep. 213: Bulletin #48 Happy Name Day IVM
    16 min 21 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu celebrate four years of IVM podcasts by subjecting you to their hot takes on as many of the various IVM podcasts that they could get through. Oh and the number they were looking for is 3537. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook,...

  • Ep. 214: Revival of the Fittest
    49 min 53 sec

    Tejas and Jishnu run through a gamut of TV and film franchises over the years that should or shouldnt have been given a second life, and a third and a fourth. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this...

  • Ep. 215: Bulletin #49: I'm a Sucker for Views
    12 min 36 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas extend their chat on Revivals and discuss the incoming news of a Scooby Doo reboot with an interesting cast. They also talk about 2 years of Nintendo Switch and Mark Hamills new show Knightfall, but most importantly they give the...

  • Ep. 216: The Marvellous Mrs. MCU
    54 min 50 sec

    Tejas, Abbas and Jishnu recap the highs and lows of the Marvel Cinematic Universes 21st and penultimate film before the end of the Phase 3 Captain Marvel. Despite Carol Danvers carrying the mantle of being both the most powerful and the real first...

  • Ep. 217: Bulletin #50: A Lad in the Middle East
    14 min 14 sec

    Jishnu and Tejas talk Aladdin and how were all fine with this new trailer, but reflect on the liveaction Disney films. Tejas also tells us about the twitter account thatll tell you if you can pet a dog in a video game or not and finally a tribute...

  • Ep. 218: Love, Death, Robots AKA Monsters n' F#*!@kin'
    41 min 24 sec

    Love is bigger than anything in its way, but this scifi anthology series from Tim Miller and David Fincher throws in some post. Jishnu and Dinkar discuss Netflixs Love, Death and Robots and discuss the moments and themes that stick out. Tune in for...

  • Ep. 219: Bulletin #51: Happiness Is A Warm Gunn
    13 min 32 sec

    Yup, James Gunn is back from the cold climes he was banished to, and you bet weve got thoughts on it. We expound on his return, what might have changed Disneys stance on the matter, and how public perception has more consequences than actual...

  • Ep. 220: Mard Ko Words Nahi Hota
    59 min 3 sec

    Were at a loss to explain why we have completely opposing views on Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota. Tejas and Dinkar discuss the much talked about movie from director Vasan Bala, and somehow manage to disagree on almost everything. Its an instant classic,...

  • Ep. 221: Bulletin #52: Teenage Mutant Ninja Dora
    13 min 14 sec

    Whats a samurai, and whats a ninja Whats news, and whats notnews Were trying to figure it all out on this weeks bulletin. Dora is a teenager in the movie, and theres a joke about EDM. Checks out. Whats a Nickelodeon type movie anyway A...

  • Ep. 222: Nolan, Bro - Part 3
    45 min 55 sec

    Like a Christopher Nolan film, our series discussing his work goes deeper than you think. This time Tejas and Dinkar bring on producer Zoya to discuss Interstellar and The Dark Knight Trilogy, which spirals like a galaxy in Interstellar out into a...

  • Ep. 223: Bulletin #53 Along Came A Snyder
    14 min 44 sec

    Zack Snyder has a very specific vision of the DC universe, and hes angry at the fans who disagree with him. Does that include us Thats the topic of discussion on this notnews edition of the bulletin. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook,...

  • Ep. 224: This is Us
    46 min 1 sec

    Dinkar and Tejas dive into Jordan Peeles latest thriller Us and decode the multiple threads left by the films layered plot. Dinkar also discovers an eerie connection with the film, as he recounts a tale from his youth....