Powered By EPIC ON. We spend way too much time discussing minuscule facts, character dynamics, story arcs and unique concepts in the wonderful world of sciencefiction and overall nerd culture. Think you do that too Find us and become one with the geeks And believe it the Force is totally strong with us.
Jishnu Tejas discuss what they feel is probably one of the more underrated shows of last year: Agent Carter and how Hayley Atwells performance as the titular character is one of the best weve seen on screen. With Season 2 having begun in full...
In this first of kind spoiler free episode, Jishnu and Tejas are joined by fellow Geek Fruit member Dinkar as they discuss the brilliant but slightly frustrating premiere that was Deadpool. Almost expectedly the profane and irreverent nature of the...
In our first ever outstation visit, the Geek Fruit team explored the recently held Comic Con Express in Pune. We broke the bank scoring some cool merch, but also got a chance to meet the independent comic publishers of india and speak to them about...
Last year at an undisclosed time the Geek Fruit team went on a black ops mission not to be revealed until now: a clandestine visit to the theme park known as IMAGICA. Did it hold up against their claim as an international standard theme and amusement...
In what is going to be probably the most divisive movie in the year for fans and critics alike, the resident nerds at Geek Fruit, Jishnu Tejas and Dinkar, breakdown what was really going on in the Dawn of Justice. Love it or hate it, BVS marks the...
Jishnu and Tejas talk about the return of the beloved Powerpuff Girls to Cartoon Network. This reboot has new voice talent, updated animation and graphics, but the same infectious charm of the original run that we grew up watching. They also discuss...
Jishnu and Tejas talk to Ceto and Vikas and dive into the wonderful world of Tabletop Board Gaming. If you are someone who has always wanted a 101 on board games and its beautifully nerdy culture then say no more. This episode should have you clued...
On this episode, the nerds focus not on the characters or the stories, but the very vessels that carry them for the process of distribution. But in particular, the internet as a form of distribution. While you may think this is all business models and...
In this episode, Jishnu and Tejas review two movies which have absolutely no reason to be clubbed together Nevertheless they discuss how even Bill Pullman cannot save the travesty that is Independence Day: Resurgence, and how Finding Dory may not be...
Jishnu and Tejas take a look at the ultimate time killer of them all, Pokmon Go. They also take a look at Marvels Contest of Champions and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: This is an IVM Production for more such awesome...
Jishnu and Tejas take a break from doing a movie of the week review to talk about the greatest women in science fiction. From Sigourney Weaver to Zoe Saldana, they talk about how some stories have worked and some have not in the current phase of women...
Tejas, Jishnu and special guest Neha discuss the hotly anticipated final chapter of the acclaimed Wizarding saga, the twopart play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Did it match our expectations Does Harrys unfortunately named son Albus, meet his...
This week Jishnu and Dinkar marathoned through season 1 of Marvels Luke Cage in 72 hours to bring you an hour long analysis of the Bulletproof Heros first stand alone series. They discuss what made their nerd hearts flutter and what killed the...
Jishnu and Dinkar thought that there werent too many movies of interest left to release in 2016. They could not have been more wrong. This week they go through nearly 20 movie trailers slated for release between October and January, 2017. The big...
In this episode, Tejas and Jishnu discuss the relatively lowkey release of Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children. With a starstudded cast and interesting source material, we expected a return to form for Tim Burton, which he only kinda half...
This week Jishnu and Tejas dissect comic con India and the Indian comic book publishing scene with Chariot Comics benevolent overlord Aniruddho Chakroborty, to answer some pertinent questions about the still very nascent industry. We discuss his...
Acclaimed writer and overall paranoid social commentator Charlie Brooker gives us his latest fears of technology via a new series of Black Mirror. After an emotional and depressing slog we got through the six episodes to tell you what worked and what...
This week Dinkar and Tejas talk about Harry Potter prequel Fantastic Beasts, and its immense potential to be a breakthrough franchise. With a very decent first entry into a five installment saga, we breakdown its story and characters as well as its...
Jishnu and Tejas dont think an hour is long enough to discuss Arrival, Denis Villeneuves cerebral science fiction drama but they give it a shot anyway. Whether its the use of the visuals to deliver subtext, or the alien logograms that depict their...
On the 50th episode of the Geek Fruit Podcast, Jishnu and Dinkar bring it all back to where they began Star Wars. They discuss the first of the SW anthology films, Rogue One, and ask if it works as a standalone movie. They also discuss Fuller House...
Dinkar and Jishnu interview comic book author Shamik Dasgupta best known for his works with Speech Bubble Entertainment, Yali Dreams Creations and Virgin Comics just to name a few. The nerds get into a spoilerfree dissection of the themes that run...
This week Jishnu and Dinkar have a spoilerfree discussion about the 4th season of BBCs Sherlock, and why it might be losing its charm. Plus, they talk about why shows like Sherlock often either burn out or fade away. The Geek Fruit podcast is also...
Jishnu and Dinkar watched all the movie trailers so you dont have to. On this episode, they give you the lowdown on what movies are coming out this summer and which ones you should care about, all under three minutes per film. Follow Geek Fruit on...
Tejas and Dinkar take a break from Hollywood to talk about Jagga Jasoos as well as how Disney India has been faring. Also Shiamak Davar. Follow Geek Fruit on Facebook: You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcast App on...
Netflixs Marvel heroes come together in The Defenders, and Tejas, Dinkar, Siddhant and Navin come together to discuss it. And much like the Defenders, they dont always see eye to eye. Listen in as they go over the good, the bad and the Iron Fist of...
Dinkar and Jishnu review the first episode of Star Trek Discovery and its counterpart of sorts, Seth MacFarlanes The Orville, and ask if stories of mans never ending explorations in space are getting old and predictable or are more relevant now...
Animation blew up in the 80s, with the rise of toy and comic based shows. Tejas, Dinkar and Navin discuss the big hits of the era He Man, Thundercats, Spiderman, G.I. Joe, and also try to fantasy cast a gritty Captain Planet reboot. Listen to What...
Tejas, Dinkar and Navin sit down to rewind what they consumed in scifi and films over the month of January and give you the lowdown. What are your thoughts on Jumanji, Electric Dreams, Black Mirror Also, listen to them talk about the nerds being...
Does MCU: Wakanda live up to the hype Yes, and then some. Tejas and Dinkar get into Black Panther: The Movie, with some discussion of Black Panther: The Album thrown in. Listen to them talk about why they loved it, with some nitpicks, and wait till...
Can The Simpsons predict the future Can Futurama move you to tears Can Rick and Morty fans just back off please Listen to Tejas and Dinkar address all these questions and more, as we discuss adult animation in part 4 of WACE. You can listen to this...
Were putting a spell on you this episode, as we discuss magic in movies, and also legit real life magicians. Listen in for our definitive ranking of the Harry Potter movies, our opinions on David Blaine, and our astonishing realisation that the real...
On this live episode from our Star Wars celebration on May the 4th, Aakash Mehta joins us to discuss the legacy of the prequels, followed by an animated discussion with Kunal Rao about the merits of The Last Jedi. We also talk about some iterations of...
Jishnu and Tejas have differing stances on the new Jurassic World movie, but both agree that it is at best an average film, which falls short of its big ideas. Is it time for the Dinosaurs to be extinct once more Follow Geek Fruit on social media....
The Incredibles 2 doesnt quite live up to the original, but we did enjoy it. This episode, we discuss the movie, followed by a deep dive into all the Pixar movies with a highly unscientific ranking and analysis system. Follow Geek Fruit on social...
What happened to all the albums Dinkar and Tejas discuss the reason why exclusive movie soundtracks have dwindled in the last decade, when before we had an era of questionably awesome soundtracks that essentially delayed the death knell for emo rock...
The latest installment in the M:I franchise might just be the best yet. Tejas and Dinkar but its actually Jishnu in an MI mask go into the studio to discuss how these movies just keep getting better, and rank their favourite moments from the...
In this weekly dissection of news/notnews, we talk about: Luke, Leia and Lando return in Episode 9 Linda returns in Terminator 6 Topher Grace returns with a reedit of a prequel trilogy Tom Cruise is cool and maybe an alien Listen to our...
This weeks Bulletin is buzzing with news and not news: And the Oscar goes to... desperate lengths to regain its popularity Ruby Rose is bullied off Twitter after being cast as Batwoman. Sigh. Is it okay to watch ahead in a TV series before your...
Were taking a look at the life and career of one of our heroes, JJ Abrams this week. Jishnu and Dinkar talk about Lost, Star Trek, Star Wars and other highlights from JJ like Super 8 and MI:3. They discuss his fondness for lens flares, time jumps and...
Jishnu and Dinkar round up a slow news week with special guests Mickey Mouse and Goofy. The Lady and the Tramp being remade in live action Nicolas Cage goes noir in the Spiderverse Chris Pratt is religious apparently Listen to our latest episode on...
Jishnu and Tejas interrogate Dinkars boss, Flarepath founder and Cool Dad Saurabh Kanwar about being a nerd with kids. Also find out about the super powers that he developed to either score major brownie points with his kids or make sacred pop...
Tejas and Jishnu share the news of Dora The Explorer getting a live action remake starring Micheal Pena Eva Longoria, because of course it is. They also have something to say about Steam games and Star Wars, as one does. Listen to our latest...
Is Luke Cage Season 2 the best Marvel TV show yet Tejas thinks it could be, Dinkar thinks its either the greatest or the worst and he cant tell which. Listen to our heroes discuss the highlights and lowlights of an eventful season, while indulging...
Its another week in geek news and not news with the Bulletin. Were talking: Alec Baldwin is playing Thomas Wayne Alec Baldwin is not playing Thomas Wayne Everyone would do well to listen to Oscar Isaac Listen to our latest episode on Luke Cage...
Which long running Indian quiz show now only exists as an app Which stern quizmaster went on to a career as a game show mogul What is the primary difference between American and British quiz shows Listen to find out, because were talking about...
Its another week in geek news and not news with the bulletin. Were talking: Tejas attends Ubisoft preview for Assassins Creed Henry Cavill as Geralt in Netflixs The Witcher adaptation Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the...
Dinkar and Tejas and special guest and Geek Fruit producer Jaanam dig into WOMEN IN HORROR a unique week in popculture where two films are centered around femalelead scaries. They discuss Stree and The Nun and decide what makes horror scary and why...
On this nonnews edition of the Bulletin we have a treat for you Hear the unedited audio of our chat with Harshvardhan Kapoor, where we discuss: Bhavesh Joshi Superhero as a Netflix series Our favourite sequences Sequel possibilities And a...
In a special gaming episode, Tejas and special guest and closet nerd Hoezaay Jose Covaco discuss Marvels SpiderMan for the PS4 by Insomniac Games. They discuss the story, their favourite missions, side quests and why this iteration of SpiderMan...
A bunch of SpiderMan related news has dropped on the web heh and were all over it like a... spider We discuss: The Into The Spiderverse trailer drops and we have thoughts Tom Hardy thinks the best parts of venom were cut out. He might be right....
Some new developments on old news on todays bulletin: DC has hired Gunn for Suicide Squad 2 The Walking Dead trudges on Greys Anatomy 101, up to 1501 Stop Scott Stapp Suicide: A T.I. Story Listen to our latest episode on Venom here: Listen...
In this weekly dissection of news/notnews, we talk about: Tom Jerry is getting a second life in a live action / mixed reboot Much to Tejas dismay, Netflixs Iron Fist burns out after its second season The CWs Arrowverlses new season starts...
Its another week in geek news and not news with the Bulletin. Were talking: NASA uses SciFi references to name new constellations The Harley Quinn animated series has been announced, and so has the voice of Harley and The Joker King Tchallas...
Leading up to the release of the second installment of the Fantastic Beasts franchise, Dinkar and Jishnu revisit their origin stories of the Potterverse. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this show and...
Theres a couple things stirring in the nerd popculture world, and were here to dissect them for you. This week: The Boba Fett movie is cancelled, but dont boba fret because weve got The Mandalorian Adam Scott is in the Twilight Zone reboot,...
This week on the bulletin: Tejas and Jishnu reflect on Stan Lees passing and legacy Deadpool is now a Pokemon MIB 4 might focus on the British division Listen to our latest episode on scifi inspired music here: Listen to this show and other...
Tejas and Dinkar slowly lose their minds while trying to process just how much they were disappointed by the Fantastic Beasts sequel. FollowGeekFruitHQon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can listen to this show and other awesome shows...
On a special Bulletin, gaming enthusiasts Prashant and Karan join us to talk about their event, Meeplecon the first largescale board game convention in India. Plus, they discuss creating a board game culture in the country, and games to get newbies...
The year is ending, but were looking ahead with our news in this bulletin: Jordan Peeles Us trailer drops, and we cant wait for the movie to get out Adam McKay wants to make a Speed Racer style Silver Surfer movie, and we say yesjas MIB:...
We take a step away from our typical recommendations here and talk about the nonmovieandTVpopculture weve enjoyed over the previous year. There are books, games, and this exciting new medium called podcasts Dive in Listen to our latest episode...
Tejas, Jishnu and Dinkar take a look back at their movie highlights from 2018, and while you might think there are obvious choices, Jishnu makes some truly surprising picks. Then they run through all the big releases and finales we have to look...
News year, notnews me This week were talking: Momoa in Lego Movie 2. Makes sense, the mans abs are like bricks. Holmes and the Rotten Rotten Tomatoes Score If you want to hear us talk about Banderssnatch, hit play We said it once before but it...
Jishnu, Jaanam and Abbas do a spoiler filled breakdown of Black Mirrors stab at choose your own adventure storytelling in Bandersnatch. Whether youve watched just one play through or worked your way through dozens of endings does Bandersnatch...
This week, Jishnu, Jaanam and Abbas are talking: ExPixar CEO John Lasseters move to Skydance Animation and the allegations that lead to his leaving SpiderMan: Into The Spiderverse wins the Golden Globe for best animated feature The Simpsons...
Creating stop motion is slow and painstaking, but listening to us talk about it on this episode is a breeze We go over some classics of the style, such as Wallace and Gromit, and discuss why stop motion appeals to directors with singular visions like...
We breeze through the list of Academy Award nominations and give our hot takes on them all, and the idea of an awards bait movie. Listen to our latest episode on Stop Motion Animation here: Listen to this show and other awesome shows on the...
Tejas and Jishnu deep dive into Pierce Brosnans sevenyear run as James Bond and nitpick at the best set pieces, casino scenes, Bond girls, favourite theme songs and predictions for how the franchise will continue. FollowGeekFruitHQon...
DreamWorks Animation has a long history of releasing animated movies that weve all seen trust us, youll be surprised how many of them you seen but dont really care much about. Tejas and Dinkar discuss their origins, their rivalry with Pixar, and...
Russian Doll is a fresh take on a familiar trope and were here to peel back the many layers of depth that Natasha Lyonne and friends add to a moving and funny story. Plus, the greatest listener mail of all time. FollowGeekFruitHQon...
Jishnu and Tejas extend their chat on Revivals and discuss the incoming news of a Scooby Doo reboot with an interesting cast. They also talk about 2 years of Nintendo Switch and Mark Hamills new show Knightfall, but most importantly they give the...
Jishnu and Tejas talk Aladdin and how were all fine with this new trailer, but reflect on the liveaction Disney films. Tejas also tells us about the twitter account thatll tell you if you can pet a dog in a video game or not and finally a tribute...
Love is bigger than anything in its way, but this scifi anthology series from Tim Miller and David Fincher throws in some post. Jishnu and Dinkar discuss Netflixs Love, Death and Robots and discuss the moments and themes that stick out. Tune in for...
Yup, James Gunn is back from the cold climes he was banished to, and you bet weve got thoughts on it. We expound on his return, what might have changed Disneys stance on the matter, and how public perception has more consequences than actual...
Whats a samurai, and whats a ninja Whats news, and whats notnews Were trying to figure it all out on this weeks bulletin. Dora is a teenager in the movie, and theres a joke about EDM. Checks out. Whats a Nickelodeon type movie anyway A...