Sarvagun Sampann

U/A 13+ • Drama • Short Films • 2019

Present at all community gatherings and festivals, Kalyani is loud, brazen, joyful and just simply having fun. This 40yearold spinster is a constant topic of gossip amongst the ladies of the community wondering how she lives a wanderer’s life with no responsibilities. There are rumours, of course, surrounding her marital status and why she remains single is it out of choice Out of circumstance Her existence was merely a warning sign of a what may happen to you if you don’t get married at the right age. The assumption about her miserable life is an extension to the way we handle deviance from anything that is normal. It is either sacred or repulsive. Which one is she

Cast: Khushboo Upadhyay

Director: Heena Dsouza



Release Date

31 December 2019


Drama, Short Films


Heena Dsouza


Khushboo Upadhyay