Green Mobility

U • Nature • Environment • 2021

Staying at home during the corona crisis has meant using less transport, less air pollution, less stress. But how can we make mobility green and sustainable once we are moving again

Director: Sannuta Raghu

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    The invisible threat of noise pollution
    10 December 2022 | 25 min

    Its been described as the new secondhand smoke: Noise is a form of pollution that can cause health problems in people and wildlife. But it’s often overlooked as a pollutant. What can be done to give our ears a break  

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    Pollution 2
    25 min

    प्रदूषण के लिए जिम्मेदार ज़हरीले रसायन और खतरनाक तत्त्व हर और फैले हुए हैं. यहाँ तक की उस हवा में भी जिसमे हम सांस ले रहे हैं. ये हमारी और हमारी धरती की सेहद के लिए बहौत हानिकारक हैं. लेकिन इससे बचने की उपाय भी हमारे पास मौजूद हैं.

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    Landscape in danger
    26 min

    जलवायु परिवर्तन दुनिया भर के कई नाजुक इको सिस्टम के लिए खतरनाक है. अंतरराष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिकों से लेकर स्थानीय गैर सरकारी संगठनों के कार्यकर्ताओं तक, हम ऐसे लोगों से मिलते हैं जो बहुमूल्य संसाधनों को बचाने और खतरे में पड़े लैंडस्केपों की रक्षा करने के लिए काम कर रहे हैं

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    Rethinking Farming
    21 November 2020 | 26 min

    The food we grow comes from the 2.5 billion farmers around the world who brave droughts and floods, depleting arable land, and unequal land distribution. Today, lets look at why the practice of farming today, and of the future needs a serious rethink.

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    Rising Sea Levels
    28 November 2020 | 26 min

    In Mumbai extremely hot summers, and aggressive monsoons and the floods that accompany it bring life to a halt on many occasions. But this coastal metropolis now has another massive problem to deal with Rising Sea Levels. Climate change is making the already vulnerable city, more vulnerable.

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    Power to the People
    28 November 2020 | 26 min

    We’ve often shown you stories of changemakers inspiring the people around them to be the change they want to see in the world. They’ve made a difference for the better to the everyday lives of people, and to the environment. Today on Eco India, we’ll dig deeper into how movements come together, and why big change occurs when the power is in the hands of the people.

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    Food Waste
    21 November 2020 | 26 min

    Every minute, we produce and process huge amounts of food around the planet. And to make sure it reaches you this produce is transported by ships and trucks from one part of the world to the other. But nearly a billion people go hungry every night. Food waste is one of the most important reasons for the hunger in the world.

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    Sustainable Living
    22 November 2020 | 26 min

    The world’s growing population uses more and more resources everyday and our lifestyles are becoming costly for the environment we live in. What does it mean to live sustainably in such a scenario does it mean living a life of lack Well, it’s actually the opposite.

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    22 November 2020 | 26 min

    Textiles how wide and deep their impact is on the environment, and what you can do change that.

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    29 November 2020 | 26 min

    Water is a basic human need but with potable water depleting every day, it is also becoming a part of big business. Bottled water, chemical filters, water purifiers are a part of every jargon in many parts of the world. How can we take care of water better, and use it sustainably so that generations to come don’t lose access to it

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    29 November 2020 | 26 min

    Forests are the lungs of the earth we can’t really afford to live life without healthy forests. But every year, 8.8 million hectares of forests are being destroyed making way for every imaginable human activity from palm oil plantations and soy fields, to roads, to amusement parks, to parking lots.

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    05 December 2020 | 26 min

    The world generates more than two billion tonnes of garbage annually. According to the World Bank, at least 33 of this is notmanaged in an environmentallysafe manner. And these growing piles of garbage not only pose a serious threat to the environment, but endanger human health worldwide.

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    Re-use plants
    05 December 2020 | 26 min

    Plants. And how they can be reused to offset the effects of harmful materials on our

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    06 December 2020 | 26 min

    The forgotten power of traditional knowledge. Take traditional farming practices, for example they promoted biodiversity and defied climate change for hundreds of years.

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    Vulnerable coasts
    06 December 2020 | 26 min

    Some of the most fragile ecosystems around the world are found where the ocean meets the land. And no matter how fast the world manages to curb its carbon emissions, sealevels are going to rise and 300 million people will be at risk of flooding by 2050.

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    COP 25
    12 December 2020 | 26 min

    Many discussions take place at different levels of the society to address exactly this high level meetings and international climate conferences are held every year with representatives from most countries.

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    Early Climate Adapters
    12 December 2020 | 26 min

    Life itself arose from water It is where the essential building blocks were formed over millennia. It took thousands of years for aquatic animals and plants to make the transition onto land.

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    Clean Air
    13 December 2020 | 26 min

    Half of the oxygen on earth is produced by trees. They use energy from sunlight to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water.

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    Man made Oasis
    13 December 2020 | 26 min

    A habitat in the middle of an unliveable place. Whether it is a green lush oasis in the desert or the idea of a human settlement on the cold, dry, red Mars. Humans always try to transform inhospitable lansdcapes into vivid places.

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    Living from the Sea
    19 December 2020 | 26 min

    Our love for the fish on our plate, and other seafood is causing great harm and an imbalance to the marine ecosystem worldwide. How can we preserve our oceans and, even our rivers so that they continue to remain a living space

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    19 December 2020 | 26 min

    Sustainable Consumption can be the solution. But how does that work We show you some examples.

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    Keep the Valuable
    20 December 2020 | 26 min

    Nutrient rich soil, plentiful sun and water and many weeks or even months of careful work. A lot is needed to grow corn, rice or

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    Education 2
    20 December 2020 | 26 min

    Unspoilt world in the middle of the amazon rainforest

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    26 December 2020 | 26 min

    Forests rich with trees, large swamplands, and the expansive sea bed are all, believe it or not, the biggest repositories of carbon dioxide on our planet.

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    26 December 2020 | 26 min

    Rapid urbanization comes with serious challenges. The demand for jobs, food, housing or education facilities will increase significantly resulting in a growing need to optimise the use of available space in cities and to find ecofriendly construction options.

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    Role Of Women In Society
    27 December 2020 | 26 min

    A special episode of Eco India to mark Womens Day March 8. Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured its stability, progress and longterm development of nations. But their own needs are not always met.

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    Change Through Technology
    27 December 2020 | 26 min

    In many societies, hightech is replacing industrialization as a driver of change. Can it reverse the negative effects of modern living on our planet and help us to a more sustainable way of life Change through technology, our focus this week.

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    Green Economy
    02 January 2021 | 26 min

    Can economic progress happen in harmony with the environment Perhaps they dont have to be enemies after all. This week Eco India looks at green solutions for progress.

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    Value of Environment
    02 January 2021 | 28 min

    The pandemic has changed the world as we know it. Will we be more conscious about our environment and the way we use resources now

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    Wild Animals And Humans
    03 January 2021 | 28 min

    Wild animals and humans: it can be a symbiotic relationship. But during the coronavirus pandemic weve also learned that being close to each other can be dangerous.

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    09 January 2021 | 26 min

    Food is essential to life. Across the globe, people are seeking food security – by both looking to the past to see how our ancestors found the nourishment they needed and finding new solutions for the future.

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    Support The Locals
    09 January 2021 | 26 min

    Support the locals thats the topic of this weeks Eco India. Climate change is threatening apple farmers in India and coal mining is destroying landscapes in Germany. But if the locals get support there is hope too.

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    Every Day Things
    10 January 2021 | 26 min

    Even in our everyday lives, there are many ways we can support sustainability. On the latest edition of Eco India we explore how we can make small changes to our habits that have a big effect on the environment.

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    Safe Haven
    10 January 2021 | 26 min

    All living things need a refuge, where they’re protected from the outside world. Refuges help humans cope with everyday life, and they also help increase biodiversity in the plant and animal kingdoms. Safe havens the topic of this week’s episode.

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    16 January 2021 | 26 min

    Education helps connect us to the world around us and better understand the way it works. This weeks Eco India looks at how education can help us keep moving to a greener future

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    Textile Production
    16 January 2021 | 26 min

    Textile production impacts the environment in many ways – whether its the vast amount of water used to grow cotton, or the chemical pesticides used to protect plants. So how can the textile industry become more sustainable

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    New Beginnings
    17 January 2021 | 26 min

    The motto of this weeks Eco India is new beginnings: new ways of taking care of livestock and earning money with cow dung a restricted military area bursting with new life, and rescued elephants given a second chance.

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    Good Conscience
    17 January 2021 | 26 min

    The motto of this weeks Eco India is good conscience: how we pursue sustainable living as a conscious decision by using solar energy or celebrating in an ecofriendly manner. Also. looking after orangutans in a jungle school.

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    Digital Economy
    20 February 2021 | 26 min

    Apps, virtual reality and the digital economy can bring people and nature back together. Eco India shows initiatives and solutions where technology has a green impact.

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    Climate Change
    20 February 2021 | 26 min

    Climate change and other environmental issues – problems so huge, they almost seem impossible to fix ourselves. But there are things we can do individually to help protect the environment. Eco India explores.

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    Nature Friendly Livelihood
    21 February 2021 | 25 min

    Creating a nature friendly livelihood together the motto of this weeks Eco India: A lot can be achieved in the community inspired by an innovative idea generator. Installing a community composting system or working on the big goal of circular economy.

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    Green Money
    21 February 2021 | 26 min

    Money is what makes the world go round, or so they say. But it is also often behind the destruction of nature and the planets wildlife. What if we could change that Eco India takes a look.

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    Fight For Existence
    27 February 2021 | 26 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Youth for Future
    27 February 2021 | 26 min

    An increasing number of young people are trying to live in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

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    Natural Homes
    28 February 2021 | 26 min

    Our energy needs are shooting up everyday

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    Sustainable Living 2
    12 July 2021 | 26 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Rising Sea Levels 2
    06 March 2021 | 26 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Forests Preservation
    06 March 2021 | 26 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Reducing Carbon Footprint
    07 March 2021 | 25 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Science and Technology
    07 March 2021 | 26 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Animal and Human Coexistence
    12 July 2021 | 26 min

    We all read about Climate Change and applaud when environmental activists make speeches. But how is this situation affecting India Eco India brings the ground reality of Climate Changes impact in our country from droughtstricken villages in Maharashtras Beed to the pollution of Yamuna. Watch people affected in these regions as well as leading environmental scientists, engineers entrepreneurs who are working towards environment and conservation in this series.

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    Saving the Sundarbans
    25 min

    A race is on to save endangered species Our planet sustains life thanks to a delicate balance of nature maintained by all living organisms. But human activity is pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Scientists and volunteers are racing to halt the trend.



Release Date

03 January 2021


Nature, Environment


Sannuta Raghu