It’s sale season and Suppandi isn’t one to miss out on a good deal. However, when the shop’s assistant tries to get the better of him, Suppandi takes matters into his own hands.
There’s an elephant on the loose and he’s causing havoc. Back at home, Shambu s hungry and his stomach is roaring. So when Shambu is asked to capture this wild elephant on an empty stomach, it really comes as quite a task for our beloved conservationist. Will he succeed or will the hunger pangs get the better of him Watch and find out.
Suppandi has a new job at an emergency call center, although Suppandi sees it more as a launchpad for his acting career Will Suppandis performance be a super hit or will he have to make a trip to the emergency room himself Watch to find out
Shambu has come up against many scary adversaries in his lifetime but they have never been of the paranormal variety When Shambu’s tasked with dealing with a thieving ghost in a haunted castle, it may turn out to be his spookiest adventure yet. Watch to see if Shambu can win this battle of wits, or lose his own in the bargain
Suppandi wants to multiply his money, so he heads to the one place where there is a lot of it The bank Watch as Suppandi opens his first bank account and possibly his last This is one scenario you do not want to miss, we can bank on it
Shambu is sick. Really, really sick However, with a wild bear on the loose, Shambu obviously has to capture it, cold or no cold Can Shambu overcome the odds and his sneezing bouts or will it all be too much Watch to find out… don’t forget to bring your medicine Aachoooo
Suppandi working in a school Shaping the minds of tomorrow Perish the thought This scary scenario becomes a distinct possibility when Suppandi goes back to school to try his luck as a Teachers Assistant, But only if he can clear the interview with the teachers themselves first
Shambu is forced to spend the night in the jungle with a wild animal on the loose and an irritated Shanti for company At this point, Shambu seriously doesnt know whos more dangerous With very little for protection from the double threat, will our intrepid ecowarrior get a good night’s rest Watch to find out
Poor Shambu Even a nice walk through the mountains ends up with him having to save the day. This time, Shambu has to rescue a cat stuck on a dangerous cliff. The problem is while cats have nine lives, Shambu has only the one
Suppandi wants a new phone now and is also super excited to do anything to save the planet. Shambu, on the other end, is getting ready for an adventure he has no clue about. Will Suppandi be able to buy a new phone What will he do to save the planet Will Shambhu’s luck be in his favour once again
Suppandi goes to play football but simply cant wrap his head around the rules. He also isnt aware of the process of posting a letter and ends up making a mess of it. Shambu now needs to hide from his wife to avoid going on a rollercoaster ride. Get on board to enjoy the chaos and madness.
Boneless chilly chicken is set to be prepared and Suppandi has been asked to help. Shambu is camping in the forest with two kids and trying to make them pronounce his name. Ravi and Rahul are on the verge of having another wild imagination. What is going to happen in the lives of these mindblowing characters
Youve heard of Americas Got Talent. Youve seen Indias Got Talent. Now make way for Tinkles Got Talent What youre about to see here is an exclusive behindthescenes look at the show specifically, the scene where Suppandi is about to be discovered Whats Suppandi talent, you ask Well, he does have that uncanny knack for driving people up the walls Watch Suppandi put this special talent of his to use yet again Were cheering for you, Suppandi
Watch Suppandi in this funny video His latest job has him working in an automobile repair shop and hes enjoying himself quite a lot. His latest boss is jovial enough but it shouldnt take too long before he tyres of Suppandis antics. After all, our Suppandi does know how to drive people crazy Tread carefully, Suppandi
It’s the New Year and Suppandi got a brand new resolution to keep. Hes decided to join a gym and become ripped, sixpacks and all Is this the end of the stickthin Suppandi or will our hero pull a muscle in the process Were betting its going to be the trainer pulling his hair out by the end of it Watch Suppandi in this funny video
When Shambu and Shanti discover a nest of baby crows on their terrace, it becomes Shambus responsibility to protect the little critters from malevolent forces of nature, be it the cold or pesky predators Enter Iron Shambu Will Shambus new suit help him in mission Watch to find out.
When Shambu and Shanti discover a nest of baby crows on their terrace, it becomes Shambus responsibility to protect the little critters from malevolent forces of nature, be it the cold or pesky predators Enter Iron Shambu Will Shambus new suit help him in mission Watch to find out.
Shambu better know his scales because he’s about to come face to face with a slippery snake A nefarious snake charmer has hatched up a truly evil plan in order to pick the pockets of the unsuspecting audience. Will Shambu manage to stop the snake charmer or will he let the chance slither through his fingers Watch and find out
In the village of Stickypur, the villager’s crops are constantly under attack by a swarm of rowdy locusts. So they call the one man who they know will deal with the pests Shambu Our portly hero has a cohesive plan to get rid of these pesky insects but will he get stuck in his own trap is the question
Far away from bosses and work, Suppandi is spending his day off at a local fair. However, fate has other plans for our favourite simpleton when he crosses paths with a fortune teller. Will the mysterious mystics predictions come true or will Suppandis luck hold out Watch and find out
13 November 2019
Non Fiction