It is the time when evil asuras Angarasur Prachandasur shapeshift into Dinosaurs. They attack Hulchal Nagri and Akul Nakul with the help of their super powers intellect almost defeating the evil asuras saving the city from chaos.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Akul Nakul stands by this belief firmly, when they help their dear friend Saniya her dad from a greedy builder who is trying to illegally possess their house and tries to extort money from them.
Akul Nakuls Guruji pays them a surprise visit and gets encountered by Daddu. This unplanned meeting between Daddu Guruji is full of drama and fun and how Akul Nakul try to hide their Gurujis true identity.
Akul Nakuls friend Paplu is an Alien, who has transformed himself into a dog so that he can stay with them on Earth. However, one fine day Paplu is unable to transform back into a dog and Alien Research Dept has come to the city to take him away and experiment on him. Akul Nakul gets a tough time saving their dear friend.
Hulchal Nagris Dhakka Bank has got a huge deposit in their bank and the news for the same is all over the city. As suspected, the bank is attacked by Robbers and Akul Nakul with the help of their friends Paplu Saniya defeat the robbers and save the day for Dhakka Bank its employees.
Sania is a Science enthusiast and is Akul Nakul’s best friend. On one of the occasions’, Sania’s experiment of turning water into petrol turns everything upside down. The mafia gang discovers about the same and gets behind her to share the secret. Akul Nakul play smartly to save their friend from distress.
Akul Nakuls helping nature lands them in mayhem when in order to help their dear friend Sania to learn dance, they teleport Asur Manmohini from asur lok to Daddus house. Both of them with their presence of mind help calm down the situation.
It is rightly said that no human is human if they are not kind towards animals/mammals. Akul Nakul being asuras still stand by this thought and with the help of their peer Asur Jalasur, they help the sharks who were bewitched by Kaantasur to attack the people of Hulchal Nagri.
Akul Nakuls best buddy Paplu gets cunningly trapped in a filthy dog house by Kantasur. In order to rescue stray dogs and their dear friend Paplu, they fight the dog house owners diligently and save the day for all.
In an unfortunate accident, Kantasur gets hit on his head and turns into a small kid. Even though Kantasur leaves no stone unturned to make their lives hell, they help Kantasur regain back to his senses.
The morality of Akul Nakul comes to everyone’s light, when evil Asur Kaantasur, tries to defame the good asuras by taking control of the powers of Jalasur who is a good asura, Akul Nakul help Jalasur in gaining back his’ powers and teach Kaantasur a lesson.
Hulchal Nagri is attacked by dacoits who are smuggling old antique statues. Akul and Nakul hunt down the dacoits and save the city from their evil intentions.
Akul and Nakul are asura children and they occasionally land themselves in trouble. On a casual calm day when Akul and Nakul gang is having a gala time, they are caught by Moongi kaka and Daddu while doing magic. The story revolves around the banter which gets created when they call their Guruji to help them but it leads to more chaos.
Hulchal Nagris mint is attacked by robbers who have made the mint employees some school kids hostage. Akul and Nakul sneakily enter the mint and fight the robbers to save the big loot
Akul and Nakul have come to Hulchal Nagri to change the perception of humans toward Asuras. While their stay in the city, apart from helping others Akul and Nakul help each other too. Its the time when Nakul is going through anger management issues and lands into trouble, but Akul helps him to overcome his anger and takes him out of the mess.
Akul and Nakul along with their friends Shanty gang, plan to go on an expedition, where they all land up in a bungalow. Later they know, that the house was a Haunted House but Akul and Nakul with their super powers spill the beans of fake ghosts trying to usurp the bungalow.
On a pretty afternoon Akul and Nakul, Paplu Sania along with Daddu Moongi kaka go on a river ride. Unfortunately, their boat gets hit by a huge rock and they all fall into a Magical Jungle. Akul and Nakul with the help of their super powers quick thinking help escape everyone from the jungle dangers.
Akul and Nakul are the ones’ whom everybody would love to have as their friend. The true meaning of friendship is expressed when they discover that the relatives of Paplu have been brainwashed by Kaantasur and were imposing their decision on him that he should come back to the Alien World. Akul and Nakul fight hard to get their friend back.
The story revolves around the menace created by Daddu Guruji over Aunt Paro being their sister. Akul and Nakul with their magical powers help Aunt Paro meet her brother
Saniya, in her lab, has created a time machine that can teleport anyone to the place they wish to go. But, unfortunately, Akul and Nakul along with Paplu Saniya get teleported to KantaLok, which is a difficult place to come back from. However, Akul and Nakul make sure that they and their friends travel back to Hulchal Nagri safe and sound.
In a sheer line of events, Nakuls leg has been pulled by everyone knowingly or unknowingly on him being a simpleton, which upset him. However, he overcomes his distress and helps Akul Saniya when he gets to know that they are in a mess.
On a trip to a Volcano Site with Shanty Gang, Akul and Nakul help save the village from an erupting volcano.
Kantasur, has come up with an evil plan of defaming the good asuras like Akul and Nakul. However, Akul and Nakul with their magical powers help maintain the good image of Asuras in Hulchal Nagri teach Kntasur gang a lesson.
Irrespective of the fact that Akul and Nakul are asuras with magical powers, they take part in every social activity of their locality like any other kid. This story revolves around several competitions held in their locality and how Akul and Nakul overcome those challenges
Comedy, Kids