World's Most Popular Short Stories

U/A 7+ • 2020

World’s Most Popular Short Stories is a collection oftales that are soothing, yet scintillating, motivationaland magical, and a gentle mix of the common andthe special.Handpicked stories by four master craftsmen – Guyde Maupassant, Anton Chekhov, O Henry and Saki– will not only give you a taste of their contemporarysocieties and cultures, but also take you on anadventure of a lifetime. Their extraordinary storiesare a mixture of tragedy and humorous satire,irony and the macabre, in which the stupidities andhypocrisy of conventional society are viciously pilloried.You will meet the common folks who love to spend evenings in the companyof girls, and you will also meet couples from humble origins working hard torepay a debt which was wrongly assumed in the first place. You can run intolove seeking you in some stories, and destiny waiting to change the courseof lives in others. The heady mix of humour, satire and drama makes thesestories an essential cocktail of emotions.

Author: Maupassant, Anton Chekhov, O Henry, Saki



Release Date

04 October 2020


Maupassant, Anton Chekhov, O Henry, Saki